View Full Version : Izzy's Icemageddon Journal

02-23-2015, 08:18 PM
Day 1
Saturday 21 Feb

We got about 6-8 inches of snow last week. No big deal. Road crews did a fantastic job of keeping everything clear. Friday morning, I made sure that everyone had prescriptions filled and that the vehicles were topped off.

Then came 3AM Saturday morning. My wife and I awoke to fierce wind and rain. I instantly remembered that the forecast had calked for ice on top of the snow. Yipee.

I got myself out of bed and made sure all the cold weather gear I had set out the day before was all accounted for. I knew that as soon as the freezing rain began to accumulate, the power was going to go down.

That happened at 5AM.
House temp: 74F

I knew that the internal house temp would steadily fall. Out came the sleep systems.

Breakfast consisted of eggs, oatmeal, and other various perishable foods I could prep with my single burner backpacking stove.


The trees began to fall.
My entertainment for the rest of the morning pretty much consisted of watching days and days of chainsaw work fall from the sky.

Lunch was more perishable goods from the fridge.

By this time, I had a good 1/4 in to 1/2 in of ice on top of the snow. Watching my poor dog try to navigate the ice for potty break was semi-amusing.

Dinner: more stuff that I thought would go bad.

More to follow.....

02-23-2015, 10:16 PM
Great write up Izzy. How about some more details on the gear. And how about some pics!

02-23-2015, 11:00 PM
Day 2
Sunday 22 Feb.
Part 1

The house is cold. Down to 48 F.
While this temp is certainly manageable, I know that it's not going to get any warmer in here, especially with outside temps in the high 20's and low 30's. Time to start considering alternate plans.

Breakfast consisted of the last of the fresh eggs. We eat a lot if eggs here, so I had about 4 dozen that needed to be eaten after the lights went off. More oatmeal and hot tea were served. The kids like fruit, so they gobbled up the remaining fresh strawberries, blueberries, and apples. Lillian is lactose intolerant, so we don't keep regular milk on hand. As consequence, we helped her chug the last half gallon of almond milk.

After breakfast was cleaned up, I decided to scout for possible egress routes. My primary bug out plan has always been to link up with RiverRat, about 3 hours south. Secondary option is to make it to my dad's place, 2 hours southeast.

Yesterday, I had removed the lawn mower battery and used it to set up my HAM radio station. Prior to leaving the house, I managed to get some road information from some of the HAM guys in those directions. According to them, my potential egress would be a coin flip at best.

Unfortunately, I don't own a 4WD anything, so I had to take that into consideration. I decided to do some recon on my own. I managed to get my car out of the driveway (still not sure how I managed that), and headed south on the only real road out of here. Right off the bat, my second turn on what would be my route to RiverRat was closed. Totally impassable, with sheriff's roadblocks ensuring nobody tried. So instead of turning, I continued southbound toward the interstate.

The main road on my route was mainly clear, save for a few ice spots, road debris, and power crews working their asses off. Snapped power poles are everywhere. Downed trees are still a hazard, with many still threatening to fall on passing cars.

I made it into Crossville, the next largest population center, and onramp to the interstate. I stopped to fill up the car, and managed to speak to a state trooper. I was informed that while the interstate is technically open, in his opinion it would be suicide to attempt to get down the mountain in either direction. Advise duly noted. Primary and secondary egress plans are now shot. Time to reevaluate. I returned home.

02-23-2015, 11:19 PM
no 4x4... next best thing is a set of tire chains. too late now, I would suspect, but something to consider?!?

No alternate heat source? propane, kerosene, anything?

If you have an empty 20# propane bottle, and some time, you can hacksaw the top off, and sitting by a cracked open window to allow smoke out, it would make a makeshift barrel woodstove! Cover a 6X6' area with tinfoil if that's all ya got, for sparks. any kind of screen/grill on top would help too. even your bbq grills criss-crossed!

stay safe my friend... stay warm!

02-23-2015, 11:36 PM
Day 2
22 Feb
Part 2

Along my drive, my wife called. My in-laws live about 10 minutes away, and have been snowed in since early last week, when the snow began. The ice further complicated their issue. After depleting their firewood supply and their food, they took their chances. They managed to find 2 generators over 2 hours away. They were on their way to get them, and drop one at my place.

After the initial shock of them actually finding one, my mental checklist once again started. My primary concern is fuel. I normally keep 15-20 gallons on hand. I wanted to make sure all were topped off, and maybe get an extra gas can or two while in town.

I returned home, filled up my lawn mower, the intent of which was to use as a fuel reserve. I loaded my 3 cans into the car to go fill them up. Since the house was cold, I piled everyone into the car for an outing. After an iffy egress from the driveway, myself, my wife, both kids, and the dog were on our way into town.

The sheer amount of destruction on the trip continued to astound me. It literally looks like a tornado came through and took everything but the houses. Whoever pissed off Queen Elsa needs to go make a human sacrifice to appease her.

Once in town, I wanted to see if I could locate any extra fuel can, just to put my mind at ease. First stop was Lowe's. No joy. Folks were fighting over stuff, so I just turned right back around. Tractor supply was the same was, just not at fist fight stage yet. I looked at Walmart, but decided that I might end up shooting somebody If I went in there. Screw it. I'll make due.

Passing a local Mexican restaurant and noticing the lights were on, we made the snap decision to stop and eat. Inside was nice, warm, and reeked of genuine south of the border goodness. I ordered chimichangas, not that anyone cares. The power went out as we were waiting on our food. Dammit. With the lights off, We munched our chips and salsa, and magically, our food appeared. Glad I brought cash.

After eating we stopped so I could top off the jerry cans. When we got home, not knowing if a generator would actually show, I made other arrangements. I filled two 5 gallon buckets with snow and placed them inside my deep freezer. The idea was to turn it into a makeshift refrigerator. My main concern was not necessarily food, but keeping my daughter's refrigerated heart medication cold. I dug out extra cold weather gear, just in case.

Around dusk, my-inlaws showed up with a generator. By george, they'd actually done it. Myself and my father in law set it up out back. You must understand that my wife's parents are older (in their 60's), and are not the prepping type. They have had no real way to cook, especially after depleting their firewood. I made my father in law a thermos of fresh coffee, and since my MIL has Crohn's and can't do caffeine, a thermos of hot decaf tea. I gave them my 2 burner Coleman stove and 4 bottles of propane.

After they left, I hooked up our electric space heaters, topped off the generator, and arranged sleeping arrangements in the living room.

Stand by for Part 3

02-23-2015, 11:50 PM
pics Izzy... pics!

you're killin' us!
Awesome job though!

02-23-2015, 11:59 PM
Day 2
22 Feb
Part 3

After putting the kids to bed, I decided to replenish the fuel I had just put into the generator. And also, my wife requested a candy bar.

Again, I miraculously made it out of the driveway. I had heard tales of power up an running in our little town, as opposed to the hour drive I took earlier today. I decided to check it out, so I turned my car north. I had not ventured up this way, and was unsure of what the roads were like, but screw it. It will be an adventure. I had a full tank of unleaded, my dog Recce, and my Sig. Nothing to fear.

Ice damage was very extensive this way too, but I made it into town.
Of course, they had restored power to Walmart. Gotta have Walmart..... Effin' Walmart.....

Screw it. I was curious, so I decided to go in. Almost nobody was out by now. Just a few folks getting tobacco products. The store looked like the pics you see when a hurricane is coming at Florida. I really think people were buying anything they could get their hands on. The entire store was a mess. I talked to the poor loss prevention guy, who had been busy dealing with people stealing absolutely everything including TVs and other high end electronics. Just goes to show....

After grabbing the requisite candy bar, Recce and I headed to the gas station. No gas. Ok cool. The only other gas station in town was running, so we stopped there.
I got out of the car, got my tanks out, and started filling up.

I stopped pumping and stood up quickly as I heard somebody running in my direction. A scraggly dude was making a bee line towards me, and my spidey sense went off. He was yelling "Hey man, let me get one or two of those cans!" I bladed myself to him and positioned myself to the rear of my car. I unholstered my Sig, and held it at my side, out of his view. Recce positioned herself in front of me, hair raised, giving me her best feral bark.

I'm not sure if he saw my gun, or all he could see was Recce, but he stopped really fast.

"Sir, you need to step back and walk away. You cannot have these."

He quickly turned and retreated. Recce pulled guard as I finished filling, and we returned home.

02-24-2015, 12:00 AM
I'm working on pics T. I'll get some up soon..

02-24-2015, 12:18 AM
yep, good write up. glad your semi prepared. what about ol' dude wanting gas cans? he just left? be careful. sounds like it could get 'stoopid' up there, sort of like before and after a hurricane here. it's kills me to hear about folks stealing tv's and such... LOL they do it here too, knowing they have no power. i guess they could sell it?

02-24-2015, 12:23 AM
Actually, we were pretty prepared. We could have weathered this with just our preps, no problem. But there's only so much im gonna put the kids through.

02-24-2015, 12:24 AM
The whole generator thing...... That just kinda happened. Its been on my list for a long time, but money was tight. So no, I wasnt prepped to deal with a generator. Just about everything else though, we are good.

This isnt a typical scenario for us down here, so it caught me a might off guard.

02-24-2015, 12:25 AM
Theres more to the story, obviously, since that was yesterday. This is today. It gets better

02-24-2015, 12:39 AM
understood. it's like here, we/i can only be prepped for things in the norm. this weather you guys are having isn't normal. i grew up in Indiana and nothing like this happened.

02-24-2015, 12:44 AM
you're not putting the kids through anything... You're having an adventure. make it a fun life lesson!

It's always the unexpected in life, that challenge our preparedness. It's easy to plan for the expected... It's a challenge to plan for that... AND the unexpected together!

All of you down in this ice storm shit, if you cannot justify tire chains... look into tire studs. fraction of the cost, install and un-install with a drill, and go anywhere. I got buckets full of them, for my quad, sled, truck and wife's car!


next time you're at wally's look for these:


chafing pot fuel. no one thinks of them, and they generate stupid amounts of heat. set up a secure place with three pots down in a tripod, with one of these in the center. place your heaviest cast iron pot on top and it will heat up and generate more heat than any flam alone. plus you can cook with them.
they come in 2, 4, 6 and 8 hour varieties. Once live hits normal, you can get them at any restaurant supply place for 1/2 wally price!

02-24-2015, 12:55 AM
He said it gets better. I'm waiting to hear how many shots he took v. how many wins the dog made ;)

02-24-2015, 12:56 AM
Good write up Izzy! So sorry things have went down hill so quickly.

Several comments about the weather not being normal, this is only the third time I remember having ice and it has never been this bad. We have lots of evergreen trees in this area. The ice just builds up and keeps building. The evergreens are not what I would call a strong tree, so at some point limbs and trunks just snap and take down anything in their path.

One thing that stands out, the dog has been a huge plus. Also good call on putting the buckets of snow in the freezer.

02-24-2015, 02:42 AM
Day 3
23 Feb

I awoke around 4AM to a ruckus out back. Knowing that the back patio was mostly ice and that I would break my spine going out the back door, I grabbed my pistol and headed out the front. So did Recce.

For those of you that don't know, Recce is my almost 2 year old Dutch Shepherd. She is right at 52 pounds of solid, lightning fast muscle. She is my search and rescue dog, as well as my PTSD service dog, in addition to being the family's giant furry baby. She is highly protective and very high drive. In training, don't have a tug toy around. She is exceptionally agile and hits like a freight train.

Needless to say, she's much faster than I am, especially when my big ass is trying to navigate fallen timber, ice, and snow.

She made it out back first. I'm still in the front yard.

That's when I heard it. The long scream that sounded like someone was losing some genitalia. That was followed by lots of profanity. Without thinking about it, I yelled "Aus!", giving her the signal to release. Dude took off through the woods. There was a pretty decent blood trail, so she really got a hold of him. I called the Sheriff on his personal cell to let him know. He farms the lot next to me, so I keep an eye on that for him. He told me to give him a call back if I need a meatwagon. Roger that.

I go back in the house and don't miss a beat getting some sleep.

I started breakfast at 0900. I'm feeling lazy, so I just decided to do Mountain House scrambled eggs with bacon.

By now, we've fallen into a routine...... Fix food, eat food, perform kitchen sanitization, personal hygiene, top of generator, repeat the whole process. Before lunch, I go into town to replenish the fuel we've used. I want to keep the fuel in the mower and my other car in reserve.

My FIL has to go to work since he's been out for over a week now. He and my MIL managed to secure a hotel room for a few days a few towns over. We decided that my wife and kids will stay at the hotel with my mother in law. This gives them the chance to get warm, take baths, etc.

I've opted to stay at the house, to keep an eye on the water pipes and prevent any further attempted shenanigans. My father in law will be doing the same, returning to their residence.

They came by to pick up my family, and knowing the heating situation at their place, I augmented him with extra propane bottles for the stove I gave him, a spare military sleep system, and one of my Level 7 army "puffy suits". He will sweat his balls of in that suit, so needless to say, they are good and warm. They are made from the same stuff the sleeping bag is with primaloft insulation. At least I know he won't freeze.

Later this afternoon, Bacpacker and his awesome wife did me a solid, swinging by to check on me. They brought with them some extra gas cans to augment my own, extra fuel cans for the backpacking stove that I've been cooking with, and a chain and padlock for the generator. While I'm confident my supplies may have been adequate, having extra really gives some peace of mind.

Before he left, BP was gracious enough to pull out the chainsaw and help me remove debris and downed branches from the driveway and around the house. My gratitude cannot be expressed.

After they left, I used the chain to secure the generator to my grill and patio table. I then cleared all the snow, leaving only the ice on the back patio. It's like a skating rink now. I cleared and salted only a small path from the door to the generator, so I wouldn't die refilling it tonight. Let's see some asshat try to get it now.....

I made myself a pot of hot water for tea, then I pulled out some boneless ribs from the freezer and threw them in a pot on the backpacking stove. Seasoned them with a pack of dry ranch dip. They're quite tasty.

I pulled a few out for me, then gave the rest to Recce. She's earned it today. We enjoyed our meal in the livingroom in front of a heater.

02-24-2015, 02:42 AM
I think you guys are up to speed now.

02-24-2015, 02:49 AM
That guy may be back, turds like that don't learn lessons very fast, and he'll have it out for you if he does return. I feel sorry for him.

02-24-2015, 02:55 AM
According to the power company, it looks like several more days before we are up and running. My in laws will not have power for at least another week.

02-24-2015, 02:59 AM
So far I've learned a few things from this localized SHTF situation.

The biggest lesson so far is rate of consumption. We stock up fuel, but don't have a true idea of how much we will consume. Taking care of a family of 4, I now have a very good idea on our fuel consumption rate. This includes cooking and sanitation. You are going to use a lot of fuel heating water for beverages, cooking, and washing dishes.

02-24-2015, 03:00 AM
Upon further reflection, I shouldn't have given Recce the release command.

02-24-2015, 03:23 AM

The perp was apprehended this morning after receiving 39 stitches and 2 units of blood.

My dog almost had a confirmed kill. Lol.

02-24-2015, 05:10 AM
Great write up. Regarding your pup she should get a steak since you called her away from dinner. 20-20 hindsight it is good she did not get a kill because of the potential fallout which could have occurred. That said I would say you would be able to tell who the crook is by his limp.

Couple of things: What type of generator and what was the volume of fuel per day? What will you do differently in the future and how are you going to prepare for the next storm?

02-24-2015, 05:13 AM
man, wished i was closer. sounds like fun, well in my own twisted mind. :) glad to hear it's all working out for you guys. with the in-laws and the motel stay. the visit from some nice Ant Family members didn't hurt.

02-24-2015, 05:42 AM
I was right! Recce ftmfw! Outstanding!

02-24-2015, 05:44 AM
More to say tomorrow.

02-24-2015, 11:13 AM
Robsdak, generator is a Generac 7500E.
Currently consumes about .5 Gal/ hr

02-24-2015, 02:52 PM
It sounds to me like good experience came from a trying situation. Nobody you know or love ended up in serious danger, you had the bases covered, learned, and neutralized two threats.

Congrats on the gennie too btw

02-24-2015, 02:55 PM
Its not over yet. Today is day 4.

02-24-2015, 03:07 PM
True. But, I have faith in your abilities bro.

On a bright note, maybe you'll have a few less spiders and snakes this spring

02-24-2015, 06:58 PM
nice genset. not looking forward to day 4, but waiting on the report. you know what i mean. :) so ol' boy Reece got, what was he up too? trying to break and enter, stealing food, gas, genset, peeping Tom, Fred or whatever his name is?

02-24-2015, 07:01 PM

On a bright note, maybe you'll have a few less spiders and snakes this spring

I think the song lyrics are "Ladders and Snakes"...

as in...
Ladders and snakes
Ladders give
Snakes take
Rich man poor man
Beggar man thief
You ain't got a hope in hell
That's my belief


02-24-2015, 07:21 PM
nice genset. not looking forward to day 4, but waiting on the report. you know what i mean. :) so ol' boy Reece got, what was he up too? trying to break and enter, stealing food, gas, genset, peeping Tom, Fred or whatever his name is?

Trying to steal the generator. No doubt he would've taken the gas as well

02-25-2015, 12:27 AM
Or worse... What if your family was home and it was your wife who heard the noise and went out the back door to see? Or one of the munchkins?

Great thinking on your part to go out the front, and even better to let the dog lead. KUDOS my friend! Way to use the noodle!

02-25-2015, 12:33 AM
Day 3
23 Feb


Later this afternoon, Bacpacker and his awesome wife did me a solid, swinging by to check on me. They brought with them some extra gas cans to augment my own, extra fuel cans for the backpacking stove that I've been cooking with, and a chain and padlock for the generator. While I'm confident my supplies may have been adequate, having extra really gives some peace of mind.

Before he left, BP was gracious enough to pull out the chainsaw and help me remove debris and downed branches from the driveway and around the house. My gratitude cannot be expressed.

And this is what the call tree, the family aspect of this site becomes evident!

BP, you are a knight and a scholar!

If I could I would elevate you from LORD to MARQUIS of the chicken coop! Truly a noble deed!

I would also knight Recce!

02-25-2015, 01:57 AM
Trying to steal the generator. No doubt he would've taken the gas as well

it kills me too think that some tard is going to try and steal a RUNNING genset... LOL and the Darwin Award goes too............ it was running? right?

02-25-2015, 04:05 AM
it kills me too think that some tard is going to try and steal a RUNNING genset... LOL and the Darwin Award goes too............ it was running? right?

Yes. It was running.

Meth is one hell of a drug.

02-25-2015, 07:39 AM
Yes. It was running.

Meth is one hell of a drug.

yes it is... i have seen some of the damage it does first hand. it makes people stupid. on a good note, at least you didn't have too shoot him... better have Reece tested, 'stoopid' is transmittable, at least down here. :p

02-26-2015, 01:15 AM
Great writeup Iz, and a good reminder for us to keep up on things.

Stay safe and warm out there, I hope you get your power back on soon... on the other hand I do enjoy reading your real world stories, hehe.

02-26-2015, 01:35 AM
My genny is chained and locked... a real pisser for anyone looking for a quick score.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-26-2015, 02:49 AM
Just to let you all know I'm stealing his thunder. Izzy has power now and the family is back at the homestead. He is having his second hot shower of the day and will be turning in for the evening for a long winter's nap. We currently have four inches of snow that has accumulated since around 5 this afternoon. Still snowing.........his started about the time we had about two here. So we'll see how this pans out. More to follow!

02-28-2015, 10:34 PM
Glad you got the power on .Hope everybody is ok

03-01-2015, 04:43 AM
Sorry guys, I've not forgotten. I need to give you the rundown of the last day or two. I've been busy running relief missions with my Civil Air Patrol squadron ever since my power came back on.

There are still folks in the area without power, and to date this storm has claimed at least 30 lives.

03-01-2015, 05:06 AM
Izzy, be safe.

03-01-2015, 05:44 AM
Wow!... that's nuts! Take care of business Izzy!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
03-01-2015, 03:19 PM
Sorry guys, I've not forgotten. I need to give you the rundown of the last day or two. I've been busy running relief missions with my Civil Air Patrol squadron ever since my power came back on.

There are still folks in the area without power, and to date this storm has claimed at least 30 lives.

I want you all to know how proud I am of my "adopted son" he's like the Energizer Bunny. Well really, if he was Recce would have ate him by now. But this warrior is one all should emulate from, take notes people. Boy's got more fruit salad on his chest than the Wal-Mart produce section.........because he earned it the hard way, walks with a port list (Navy speak)he does.

Bet you didn't know he has an airplane...........