View Full Version : UCLA showing its Bias. People think they don't have to follow the rules.

03-07-2015, 03:37 AM

Things like this piss me off. People get in positions of power and they think they are above the rules. One of the guys on the board is Jewish so you would think they know better.

Take a look at Hillary and her e-mail fiasco. She thinks she is above the rules. Once these people get in power no one holds them accountable.

Fidel MD
03-07-2015, 12:07 PM
UCLA is my Alma Mater (Undergrad, MBA, Med School)....or was. Most of my family, too.

The last time they asked for a donation, I made it simple enough to understand that they will never get another cent from my family. This is just one more nail in their coffin

03-07-2015, 03:50 PM
Saw that yesterday. Sad state of affairs.

The thing with Hillery she has never really been busted other than some noise for a while then the next story comes along. We Ned somebody that will prosecute her to the end.

03-07-2015, 09:47 PM
We Ned somebody that will prosecute her to the end.

elect me and i will throw all their sorry asses in the klink! have to find a way to get ST down here legally and he can be my second. i'll make LHK13 the Minister of Chicken Affairs. who else wants to run? :)

03-07-2015, 10:18 PM
I think any of us on here would do 110% better than the crap we've put up with the last 100 years.

03-07-2015, 10:43 PM
I want to be a member of the Ethics Department of the US, we keep all G0V agencies and officers under the microscope, the first fuck up and your OUT. If its serious, you go to WORK jail... Yup, sledgehammer and rocks type jail, you will regret ever being there.

Spend money on personal vacations? Bust rocks.

Lie to the public? Bust rocks.

Support a funding that has zero return? Bust rocks.

Deploy the military without full support? Bust rocks.

Violate the constitution? Bust rocks.

Come across the boarder? Bust rocks.

Several departments will be eliminated. Taxes will be cut. Imports will be nearly eliminated. Border security ramped up. Military strengthened but only used for the defense of America (not World Police). Investments in American technology and manufacturing.

In the future when you go to WalMart, instead of finding 5% American made and 95% Chink, you will find the inverse.
TVs, computers, electronics, etc.. AMERICAN.

Unions which protect the lazy and promise high wages will be eliminated, instead wages will be fair, benefits will be earned and health insurance TRULY affordable, based on income. Social Security will still be there to help those that need it, but the standards will be enforced better and mandatory drug test to keep benefits. Accountability on how the money was spent too.. Were not a society that ignores those in need, but you must honestly need it and lead a clean life to get it.

Really drifted off topic, so I yield back...

03-08-2015, 12:03 AM
bust rocks? you say... i say bulletize a couple and the rest will fall in line. :) we have enough folks in prison now to bust rocks, damn sitting around on my dime waiting to die. be a productive citizen of the prison system.

03-08-2015, 05:26 AM
EB never work. Say we take all the congress we wouldn't have enough rocks to go around. What do we do then????

03-08-2015, 09:24 AM
EB never work. Say we take all the congress we wouldn't have enough rocks to go around. What do we do then????

let then sift sand. i have plenty down here.

03-08-2015, 10:59 AM
Polish brass, by hand.

03-08-2015, 04:55 PM
Stamp license plates, laundry service, road crews, hire them out for every single shit job you can think of. Keep them guarded well and tell them if they run they get shot regardless of their crime. I have to work 40+ hours a week, why shouldn't they?

03-09-2015, 11:26 PM
Agreed. I am not some type of abuser... the idea is to PAY for your crime, not be mistreated.

A 50 hour work week would be mandatory (this is the amount of time most Americans have to work just to keep there head above water), sweat will be broke... it will not be fun and it wont be easy. No one will stand over you and beat you with the cat of 9 tails, but you may wish for that option. You get what we get, 15 min brake every 2 hours, a 30 min lunch 1/2 through the work day. Hand wash your laundry (clean uniform to be worn daily), morning PT, etc.. "Similar" to the military lifestyle... you have no choice BUT to go to work. Do your job with a smile and earn easy time. If your a slug or REMF, you get tagged as sick/lame/lazy and catch flack.

I think violating the public's trust is the FIRST issue that needs to be addressed (thinking: private email servers, etc..). Lying, cheating, stealing and violating the Constitution are jail offenses for public workers.

This all sounds like the makings of a fantastic story written by a modern day mad man, Im only thinking out loud.

I miss America.


03-10-2015, 01:28 AM
8. No discussion of politics or religion in the open forum. There are millions of websites available for that. SHTF Ready is focused on preparing for bad events. Threads in the open forum deemed to veer into religious or political territory will be closed.

For the record, this is but one of 3 total threads tonight, and I am not enjoying this. All three have information and ideals within them that I support myself, but I will always put my personal interests aside to maintain order here. If any of you have any questions or complaints, please feel free to pm me.Thanks.