View Full Version : Specific Disaster in Mind?

03-14-2015, 08:45 PM
As everyone knows on here, prepping can take in mind general preparedness for small things or large events, it can also be adapted to only be used sporadically or be your entire lifestyle. Everything mostly centers around what you are preparing for specifically and what you think the long term effect will be.

So that's my question to the members here, in 4 parts.

1. do you prepare in small scale or plan to live it forever?

2. what are you preparing for the most (ie. financial collapse, nuclear war, rapture, civil war, winter ice storms,)

3. what are the most specific things that you think set you apart from others and their preps? (more emphasis on food, weapons, long term survival, underground living)

4. why are you preparing for your chosen event? (ie. justification based on facts, beliefs, old gypsy woman said so)

As I'm the original I'll go first,

1. With my mobile life every 3-4 years I prepare small scale based on where I am located at the time with plans to sustain myself for as long as possible. At least 2 weeks without any help whatsoever.

2. At the moment water and food shortages due to remoteness are my greatest concern though I am concerned with a financial collapse and civil war in the long run.

3. Because I'm mobile and have a weight limit moving I must base my concerns on where I am currently and where I will be next. I try to make do with what I have and educate myself more about exactly what I can do with what I have and my surroundings, rather than trying to buy things to fill the void everywhere I go.

4. The reason I am concerned with food and water shortages is because both have only one way in and out of my current location and any "terrorist activity, natural disaster or IDIOT" could potentially doom almost 80,000 people depending on where the event happens.

MODS!! I in no way intend this to become a point of contest about personal beliefs, religious, or political, and any movement in that direction please feel free to remove.

03-14-2015, 09:31 PM
Good post. If everyone can keep it real for their situation, there is no need for removal. IMO. 'm going to think on this for a bit and come back to answer...

well thought out post!

03-14-2015, 09:45 PM
1> I only plan on the short term. This is so I have time to analysis my future needs and respond appropriately.
2> Expecting something to occur with me personally. Flood, Fire, Tornado, Financial Collapse all of these will affect me. So what ever occurs it will affect my family.
3> Knowledge is what places you in the survival game. It relies on how you analyze the issues and respond. Nothing else matters.
4> I don't have a belief of an after life. I will remain alive or.. die trying :)

03-14-2015, 10:28 PM
1. do you prepare in small scale or plan to live it forever?

i really wouldn't say 'forever', but for as long as i needed too. i have/am planning on 3-5 yrs. due to health.

2. what are you preparing for the most (ie. financial collapse, nuclear war, rapture, civil war, winter ice storms,)

here it's more natural happenings ie, hurricanes, extremes in the weather and flooding. financial collapse and civil war is always a thought in the back of my mind. (due to the fall of the Government) it's not going to happen in my life time, but none the less it a thought. no real need to prepare for Nukes around here as i am close enough to several Military Bases that if war was declared and they where deployed, i am a Krispy Kritter.

3. what are the most specific things that you think set you apart from others and their preps? (more emphasis on food, weapons, long term survival, underground living)

my specific Skill Set is a start. i have experience in several different areas, from gardening, building/construction, medical (again not a Doctor/Nurse) farming/farm animals, hunting/fishing/trapping, mechanics, mechanical things, there is a lot more. i have a background in small caliber weapons, .22-.30 cal. knowing my surrounding area well. a word of advice that i got from a Boy Scout Leader that has always stuck with me 'you need me, more than i need you'. his point being, make yourself an asset to others.

4. why are you preparing for your chosen event? (ie. justification based on facts, beliefs, old gypsy woman said so)

the weather is unpredictable, we all know that. when it hits here, it ALWAYS hits hard. i can see and read the writing on the wall as far as the rest of the worlds problems finding their to the way US of A in time.

03-14-2015, 11:17 PM
1. This may not be a fair answer, but I plan for both, so I guess it's mostly long term. My long term goal would be to have 20-30 yrs of food, ammo, medicine, etc. put back somewhere. I have a home that is not paid for, but in worst case scenario that won't matter. I have all the water I need from the many local springs, plenty of land to grow on, I am planning long term power form solar panels and solar hot water, etc. I know this not practical, but it is my goal. I may look into hydroponics and fish in the future.

2. My biggest fear would be global terrorism, as it would seem there are so many evil people doing their best every day to destroy this great country of ours in ANY WAY THEY CAN. Until 9/11, I did not think this was possible, but they have shown this to be true. I plan also for a large solar flare that has a good chance of taking down our electrical grid. Governmental collapse, along with global financial collapse is also high on my list.

3. I don't feel anything sets me apart from any of the others that have the same belief about out country being under attack and falling, no matter how. If the question is why I should be brought into a group and not turned away, my wife is a nurse with an extensive medical background, and in short term for me, I have a background of maintenance and a solar background, but in long term, my body is wearing out quickly, and without my daily medicines, I don't know how much longer I could make it without walking into the woods with one bullet in my pistol.

4. And as to why I am preparing for any of these events, I am a human being. It is in our DNA to try to survive, no matter what the cost. It is the same in the animal kingdom. The survival of the fittest. A new male lion after fighting and wining the rights to take over a lion pride will kill all of the young male cubs that are not his, and then will breed with females. He will do his best to ensure his DNA and bloodline will continue on. It will be at that time the same for the human race, survival of the fittest. I know also at that time, I will not be the fittest. I also do not believe in a hereafter of eternal bliss, or eternal damnation either. I feel I am here for the moment, and due to up bringing, I will do my best to help myself and others at a time of need. But I also know, others were not brought up as I was, and will feel it is their right to take and do as they please. I have had my fights, and have passed on my DNA, and now I feel it is my time to rest in the sun. When I look at my grandson, I have a fear as to what the future will hold for him. Perhaps every parent from the beginning of time has looked down upon their children and had the same thoughts. Perhaps, that to is in our DNA. But for me, it has never felt so real and felt so close as it does upon these times now.

03-15-2015, 12:56 AM
I may amend this later, but here goes.

1. do you prepare in small scale or plan to live it forever?
Both to some degree. Short term for certain, but I look at that as just livin life. Deal with what comes along as it hits ( medical issues, jobs, storms, whatever). Long term, I do to some degree, but my crystal ball aint up to snuff so who knows???

2. what are you preparing for the most (ie. financial collapse, nuclear war, rapture, civil war, winter ice storms,)
Financial collapse, or even severe depression is high on my list, EMP/CME and terrorism/civil war are next in line.

3. what are the most specific things that you think set you apart from others and their preps? (more emphasis on food, weapons, long term survival, underground living)
Food production is probably my best asset, followed by good mechanical skills. Pretty quick learner and can understand how things work easily in most cases, thinking outside the box. Decent to good outdoor skills.

4. why are you preparing for your chosen event? (ie. justification based on facts, beliefs, old gypsy woman said so)
I see a long term downhill slide taking place (since early in the 1900's, but rapidly increasing since the 1990's). The global financial situation is in the crapper and getting worse every year. I fail to see this ever getting better. Just in this country, we are so far in debt and no one is trying to regain control. This is on the Federal, state, county, and individual plates. Most folks live week to week.

EMP/CME: between the countries gaining or already having nukes and our own Sun, I think this is a matter of time whether next year or 1000.

Really good thread. interesting to see where everyone is going with it.

03-15-2015, 03:56 AM
We live in a decent sized city, which is butted up to another decent sized city.
Even now, they are in the news daily for crime, so I think that gives the picture.
The primary real threat here, besides the crime, is weather. Hurricanes in the summer, and northeasters, which are basically a winter hurricane.
I do feel that at some point our financial system will collapse, as it has been run in an unsustainable manner for some time. As it has been managed to keep propped up way beyond when it should have collapsed already, I could not guess when it will finally happen.
We are so close to a major nuclear target that should a nuclear exchange happen, our location would be in a crater, so no preps in that direction have been taken.
Because of the local environment, there is no way to self sustain indefinitely.We would have to relocate at some point, to an as yet unknown location. Probably wherever we could convince the locals we were worth taking in. We do have useful skills, so that shouldn't be too difficult.
So, our preps is semi-long term, several months. Time for pretty much any natural disaster to be worked through, or if the financial collapse came, time for the initial upheaval to work its way out and allow us to leave with relative safety.
So, preps is food, water, weapons, medical, repair/maintenance of shelter, heat, travel, some barter, things like that. We do have some things in other areas, but they are lower priority at this time.
There may be a chance to move out to a more rural setting in the near future, I don't know for sure at this time. It could be a bug out location, or as close as we would ever be able to get. In that case, our preps and priorities would be adjusted.

Illini Warrior
03-15-2015, 03:39 PM
common fault I see with preppers - especially the newbies - they fail to recognize the almost certainty of inter-connecting SHTF events .... and I see it here .... take a serious SHTF like a US financial collapse - it would have a cascading effect around the world .... we have a half dozen war conflict situations being held back by the US - the weaken and almost totally dysfunctional US - no US at all and the dictators and terrorist leaders would be marching ....

if you are only prepping for 3 days for natural disaster and OK with it - that's your biz .... but if you are thinking about the more serious SHTFs - think VERY long term - think self sufficiency - a recovery may never come in your lifetime ....

03-15-2015, 05:54 PM
Your exactly right Illini.

03-15-2015, 08:04 PM
I plan the best I can with the $$ I have.

As long as Ive been a dog in this fight, Ive come to realize... more $$ = longer plans.

If your going for a few weeks, it takes less money than to plan for years...

Being that I think the BIGGER shtf problems will last a good duration (year or more?) I tend to plan on shorter term problems, though I do have concerns for *ALL* problems that last *ALL* durations, I just cant get "there from here" at this time...

If I hit the lotto, you will never hear from me again, Ill be too busy inventorying my preps, far from a dug out location in the side of a mountain. :-)


03-15-2015, 08:50 PM
The point of me making this was it is something I have wondered about each of you for a long time. Each of you responds a certain way to the questions posed here based on your own point of views and your needs.

I think that seeing what each person prepares for might help us create even more specifically like minded groups as far as discussions. I haven't seen any posts on here that a person has responded with how they are prepping and how that effects the responses they give.

03-15-2015, 08:57 PM
Band Aids

(Realistically, the list is longer, but you get the jest...)

Bottom line I think, we all have similar objectives, some in varying quantities, some in varying priorities, but I feel pretty sure... everyone here would bust a cap if you tried to take there box of MREs, push come to shove.


03-16-2015, 07:06 PM
1. do you prepare in small scale or plan to live it forever?

1) My preparing is more of a lifestyle. I am set up with my raised beds, aquaponics system, rabbits, chickens, ducks, and wild game. I am working on solar power. I have 2 wells on my property plus a 1 acre pond that is 14 feet deep. I am not mobile at all. I am staying where I am and fighting to the death. I have no desire to run.

2. what are you preparing for the most (ie. financial collapse, nuclear war, rapture, civil war, winter ice storms,)

Mostly financial collapse. I also don't like to rely on outside sources for my essentials. We don't buy any meat, and very little vegetables. Once I get my goats we won't need to buy milk either. My milk now comes from a friend that has cows.

3. what are the most specific things that you think set you apart from others and their preps? (more emphasis on food, weapons, long term survival, underground living)

I am fairly close to being self sustained. I will always buy stuff when available, but I feel I can make a decent living with no more outside supplies if needed. It would not be fun, but it can be done.

4. why are you preparing for your chosen event? (ie. justification based on facts, beliefs, old gypsy woman said so)

I just like the lifestyle, and don't like to have to rely on others for anything I need.

03-16-2015, 09:05 PM
Sadly I live in a desert. Better known as Colorado. Water is on the short in this area so once your supply is used up more will be difficult to obtain. We have canned food and I run Aquaponic systems in our basement. And soon will begin farming Tilapia and Catfish but again water is the key ingredient for survival.


Just need to squeeze in another couple of 150 gallon stock tanks down there for the females and fry.

03-16-2015, 09:30 PM
Vodin, have you looked at a solar collector? They are installing them on large scale in 3rd world country arid regions. I have been really impressed at the output of them. No idea what the rough cost would be for startup but even a middle sized one would produce enough to easily sustain a family of 7 or 8 full sized adults.

Rainwater catchment system is an obvious thing. When it rains though is it torrential downpour?

03-17-2015, 12:15 AM
I think Helo hit the nail on the head for me. "Self sustained, and don't like to have to rely on others for anything I need.

That is what I'm working toward, not sure I'll ever make it, but that is my goal.

03-17-2015, 03:08 AM
I am located in the general area of Los Angeles, more specifically near Psadena. Our home is in the foothills in a fire zone and indeed I have gone through a firestorm and managed to survive.

My first steps in prepping were to be ready to get by for three to four days after a major earthquake. We all begin somehere.

What I see as a real SHTF situation follows:

There have been a couple of hurricanes along the southeastern part of the country and FEMA is stretched to the breaking point. We have the large earthquake in California that drops several of the bridges and overpasses on the major freeways and access points to the area. Many water mains and gas lines are broken by the quake. Stores quickly run out of supplies and the shelves are bare. A few places have some stock but prices are rising FAST. All of the various government checks are not delivered and even those that are can not be cashed as the banks can not operate without electricity. Supplies can not be brought in by air as most major runways have been damaged.

Groups of thugs begin to roam with the intent of taking basic supplies from the "wealthy." The government can not get in to help (do they ever really help?). If I intend to eat and drink, I better have supplies on hand. I need a way to protect my family and our supplies.

Bug out you may say? On what roads? Remember, we have no warning of those little ground shakers. It will not be possible. If stuff really were to get horribly ugly I might be able to get from my home over the mountains to the desert and then make way to our little vacation play in the mountains.

03-17-2015, 12:53 PM

Yes I have researched this technology extensively. I am collecting the fabric needed to create one of these devices. Just on a smaller scale. I have been testing with locations. times and different types of weather.


And in Colorado the moisture in the air is owned before it touches the ground.

03-17-2015, 01:47 PM
Just checkin Vodin. There is a guy across the island that uses them to water his plants. He can AFFORD it. So much stupid use of money down here.

03-17-2015, 03:28 PM

Basically all you need to collect the morning mist, fog and moisture is Polyethylene plastic (PE Plastic) In layman terms you know the bags that are a net structure that contain grocery items. Potatoes, Garlic etc. Then build a pixie stick frame and place it in a 5 gallon bucket and drape the bag over that. Allow the wind to blow through the bag to collect the moisture and it then falls into the bucket.


Well at least that is what I am doing. I build small scale setups and record the data that provide results. It is difficult and taxing but it provides a challenge for me. Everything I use to build these are from free materials. Once I get a reliable setup I will be happy to pass it along.

03-17-2015, 04:43 PM
I too am looking at both the long term and short term events. I look at prepping as a way of life thanks in part to my upbringing. My mom and grandpa talked to me a lot about the depression. Then there was WWII, Korea, etc. I grew up during the Cold War so I was acclimatized the fact we might be fried at any moment. I read everything I could about preparing for whatever, thank you Mel Tappan. I was blessed to have a family who had access to very rural land, lots of land. During my high school summers I worked on a 14,000 acre cattle for two years and was educated about hunting and to the woods. College came and then my career, I continued to prepare, there were some ups and downs but I continued. During a recent inventory I came across some canned freeze dried food which is about 35+ years old (it get tried this summer). It was so easy to prep being single, then the wife came along and kids. Kids are like puppies you get attached to them and they do some bad stuff. When they get big you can’t give them away, which was good for me. Although my better half tolerates my prepping I think the kids too will be preppers. I have passed along as much as I can and we now learn together. When we are together we are a team with mom tagging along picking up the pieces.

I have gone through the Cold War period to Survivalist period and now we are in the Prepper period, nothing has changed except the name. Living on the Left coast may suck but the weather is good. That said even the lowest moron is aware we have earthquakes and should prepare for the “Big One”. Buttttttttttttt they have better things to do……. So first things first I prepare for the potential of an earthquake. During the 1906 earthquake San Francisco was destroyed more by fire than the quake. Where I live the town was a parking lot, no fire. I do not keep all my eggs in the same basket.

A while back I came across an interesting article about something called the “Carrington Effect”. Then I started studying more and more which in turn lead to the EMPs and I got more concerned. Last year we missed getting hit by a major CME which even the government geeks admitted we would have been FUBARed if it had not missed. A life without electricity would be devastating so I’m trying to prepare but it is a daunting task, but not insurmountable.

Also the financial collapse is a small potential, I look at more toward deep recessions. I figured this last “Great Recession” was a big test. During it everyone was afraid of using the “D” word. Well I think when it is dissected they will see it was similar to the Great Depression. History will repeat itself in this area and I am prepared. We are secure but it could always be better.

Lastly, fire is a big thing. At home here I am not worried we have a great defensible space around the property. Although the other place we have fire is a definite concern. It is in a heavily wooded area which is prone to forest fires. We had one last year and it burned about 40 square miles last year the ridge over. Although I can’t really protect the buildings in trees the next place we build will be out in a meadow which will be more defensible. The nice thing about being at the end of the road is no one comes down here. The bad thing in a fire there is only one way out. So we will be making a place where we can retreat to in case of fire.

I used to commercially reload and sell guns, so I have a few and I am set in that area. We garden and I am looking to expanding to making it more of a farm than a garden. I have ranched in the past and I am not interested in horses but it is always in the back of my mind I should have some. I would love to have carriages. I would like to try draft horses to plow but I’m too old to start. Working the ranch I learned to make custom shoes for the horses. I am looking at increasing my Ferrer skills to blacksmithing skills. Having grown up with both my parents being doctors and being an EMT I have pretty good medical skills. Probably my best skill is being able to teach others………….except my kids. I send them to someone else for that……..

Why am I preparing for such and such event? I like to read about history, not repeat it.

03-18-2015, 05:12 PM
I thought I did answer what I was preparing for. No, I did not provide a specific list.
Is that what you seek?

03-18-2015, 09:10 PM
Gunfixr, nothing in my posts was directed at anyone specifically. I am just saying what comes to mind as I read. Or were you referring to someone else's post?

03-18-2015, 11:16 PM
You said no one answered your question, and I thought I had. Or, perhaps I misunderstood it, in which case maybe I didn't.
I listed what our "expected emergencies" were, and the areas in which we were preparing, accordingly.
It's not a huge deal or anything, just thought I had answered, is all.

03-19-2015, 01:33 AM
I meant on the other posts. lol. My apologies, I was unclear on that one. I simply meant that most of us don't reply with what we are specifically planning for when we respond to questions and such on here. That was why I created this thread to remove any confusion about each person's point of view.

Such as the ideal budget SHTF weapon. I asked what you would be primarily using it for but didn't ask what your SHTF scenario in mind would be. I now think that was a large error on my part. For me, there is no hunting down here and everything is close range. Therefore I chose a pistol caliber carbine for personal defense. Others who live in different areas were less concerned with defense and more concerned with hunting versatility.

We may have each responded and justified it by saying we were focusing on specifics but if we each knew what the other persons concerns were, we might be more able to see things from their point of view.

03-20-2015, 03:09 AM
Oh, it's all good, no apology required. If I had missed it, I would try again.

I don't think I saw the SHTF gun thread.

But then, I have a few, for different purposes.

03-20-2015, 02:18 PM
I was just giving a for instance on if you were limited on time and only had a certain amount of money in your pocket, what gun would you snag and as much ammo for under a set amount. I think it was 800. Then you had to justify it.

ST went with a 12ga for all around hunting and such, I went with Hi-point 45cal carbine, there were a few others too. Then we got off on a tangent about 22 magnums.

03-21-2015, 12:58 AM
Ahh, i missed that one.

My internet time is intermittent anymore.

03-22-2015, 08:04 PM
1. do you prepare in small scale or plan to live it forever?
We plan for short term to long term events.
2. what are you preparing for the most (ie. financial collapse, nuclear war, rapture, civil war, winter ice storms,)
Because we live in hurricane land, we prepare for short term outages and damage (up to 7 to 14 days). So, we don't really worry about storms because we can leave town and go inland to a safe location.....been through it several times. The reason we prep for long term is because my biggest fear is a terrorist attack with a small nuke on the New York financial district or many small scale attacks on big cities across the U.S. at once. Or an attack on our grid (EMP by nuke) or cyber attacks. This would cause a chain reaction and have a disastrous affect across the country causing a financial and a society collapse which would last long term. And like someone already said, we are human and survival instincts are in us. I'm getting older now with 3 grandchildren and a new one on the way, and the event could outlast me, so I want my kids and grandkids to have a chance. I'm not an expert, just doing the best I can. If it's the Rapture, then there's a way to get ready for that and it doesn't matter about preps.
3. what are the most specific things that you think set you apart from others and their preps? (more emphasis on food, weapons, long term survival, underground living) Like I said, I'm no expert, I learn from you all every time I get on here. I don't think anything sets me and Songbird apart from any of you, but we are way ahead of the general population. I grew up on a small farm in Georgia raising our own meats (pork, beef, chicken) and raising our own veggies (large gardens). I hated it back then, but my parents taught me how to be self sufficient for the most part and many of this generation thinks that food grows at Publix, Kroger, or Piggly Wiggly....they have no clue of how to be self sufficient. I learned to shoot as a boy and grew up hunting, fishing, and fighting.
4. why are you preparing for your chosen event? (ie. justification based on facts, beliefs, old gypsy woman said so)
Why not prepare for any event? We don't want a fire or hurricane to destroy our home, but we buy insurance just in case. The world is in more danger now than anytime in history. I just don't see how we can continue at this pace without a SHTF event and I believe will happen in my lifetime. I hope not, but we prep anyway.

03-23-2015, 01:59 PM
Willie it is interesting how your priorities change as you get older. It was always me when I was younger and then the wife and then the children. Just about all my priorities are now my two kids. Getting them educated as much as possible to prepare them for anything. When I say education I mean not only academic but in prepping for whatever they decide is important to them and their future families. It is just like those who pass on their wealth, we have a different type of wealth we are passing on..........