View Full Version : The littlest injury can take you out.

03-25-2015, 05:41 AM
Of all the things I have done to my feet in my lifetime. I had a car run over my foot, stubbed my toe countless of times, and kicked stuff that I shouldn't have kicked; I break one of my toes by tripping on a dog toy. (Don't ask. The stars were align just right to make that magic happen) One little break and now my normal walking pace has slowed to a snails pace and don't get me started on how long it takes me to get up and down stairs.

Check your surroundings people! Prepare for anything even the stupidest thing. When SHTF does happen, it won't be the lead poisoning from a bullet I fear will get me, I think it will be something stupid like a splinter that gets infected and causes my heart to stop that will be my demise.

End Tramadol induced rant.

03-25-2015, 10:11 AM
I agree with you 100% on thin matter. Without antibiotics , soaps, medicinal creams, the world would come to a stop

03-25-2015, 02:08 PM
or proper medical knowledge.

03-25-2015, 09:54 PM
I plan for this eventuality by letting the young ones toss legos and such about, so I am ALWAYS stubbing my toes on them, this way I can acclimatize myself to it!

03-25-2015, 10:24 PM
There is nothing quite as painful as stepping on a lego in the middle of the night.

03-25-2015, 10:48 PM
There is nothing quite as painful as stepping on a lego in the middle of the night.

I don't know about that. Stepping on a scorpion at night sucks pretty bad.

03-25-2015, 11:26 PM
Your tremadol rant doesnt mesh with my whiskey read... Ill come back to it when my buzz is gone.


03-26-2015, 12:34 AM
I don't know about that. Stepping on a scorpion at night sucks pretty bad.


03-26-2015, 01:53 AM
suck it up buttercup! poop occurs! If you're going to sit down and cry over a hangnail, maybe we should start divy-ing up your gear now...

03-26-2015, 03:18 AM
There is nothing quite as painful as stepping on a lego in the middle of the night.

The only thing worse is to then as while trying to step off the small toy as quickly as possible, the other foot steps if fresh, warm dog crap. Been there, done that, hope not to again.

03-26-2015, 04:05 AM
So then, we all let the pets and children boobytrap our yards post-shtf to keep the "undesirables" out?

03-26-2015, 04:54 AM
So then, we all let the pets and children boobytrap our yards post-shtf to keep the "undesirables" out? Sounds like a plan. They may kill us quickly but at least we know they will die a slow painful death.

03-26-2015, 11:33 PM
I stand by my earlier post... now, it is easy to whine and cry about a superficial injury like a broken toe. But if shtf, I would hope that you man up, or woman up. tape it tight to the next piggy over and keep on keeping on. I posted a thread a couple years ago where I crushed my foot with a slab of limestone... life went on, with a limp... never missed a day of work, never missed my chores.

bottom line, set the bone(s), treat infection (if necessary), and suck it up!


03-27-2015, 12:50 AM
Gotta do what you gotta do. O.TOH, injuries aren't the only thing to take a body out. What do you do with a severe stomach bug, stuff comin outta both ends? Not only can you not do much during this, but it can dehydrate you rapidly which will debilitate you

03-27-2015, 01:05 AM
I don't know about that. Stepping on a scorpion at night sucks pretty bad.

I'd assume kicking a 40 pound box of 18 inch tile and breaking your toe into a 90 degree angle from the joint is a close second...

Edit: don't ask how I know this...

03-27-2015, 01:31 AM
suck it up buttercup! poop occurs! If you're going to sit down and cry over a hangnail, maybe we should start divy-ing up your gear now...

i call dibs on all his Maxpedition stuff and .22 rds....:p

04-08-2015, 07:12 PM
+1 for trying to maintain good hygiene and wound care of small little OWIES when SHTF. When an earthquake takes down buildings and lots of rubble is around, folks will have lots of scrapes and cuts. Don't let them get infected. A bad stomach bug and dehydration can occur in a short time.

Good reasons to keep a tube of anti biotic cream and anti-diarrhea tablets around at all times! I work about an hours drive, sometimes up to 2 hours in ugly traffic, from home. Now you know why I keep those in my car and work locations.

04-17-2015, 05:56 AM
I just saw in the store powdered Gatorade, wonder if that could be something to store and still be good if one would need that in the future. It supposedly has all the electrolytes and stuff that liquid Gatorade has in it. I have the old fashioned packets of Kool-Aid vac-packed for the kids in the food storage. I figure if tshtf pop/soda won't be available and this might take the place of pop/soda and make the stored water taste better for the little ones.

04-17-2015, 05:15 PM
I just saw in the store powdered Gatorade, wonder if that could be something to store and still be good if one would need that in the future. It supposedly has all the electrolytes and stuff that liquid Gatorade has in it. I have the old fashioned packets of Kool-Aid vac-packed for the kids in the food storage. I figure if tshtf pop/soda won't be available and this might take the place of pop/soda and make the stored water taste better for the little ones.
I have plans to store a good amount of Gatorade powder. I would just store it like rice. Cool dark dry place.

04-17-2015, 06:32 PM
I too have the powdered Gatoraide stored. Never let any moisture near it. It seems to take it like a sponge and make a rock. It is very effective in powder form. I usually mix it a little strong. Maybe cut the water by 20%.

04-17-2015, 11:42 PM
My wife loves different varieties of hot tea. Tastes just as awesome to me as a cold tea. Also have recipes on how to carbonate liquids. And a root beer recipe that can be made as well. So flavors and bubbles wont be lost. :)

04-24-2015, 02:47 AM
Sounds like I should get some of the powdered Gatorade and add that to the stores. the local grocery here runs sales on it every once in awhile. Maybe vac-pac the canister to keep moisture out of it?

04-24-2015, 01:23 PM
I must have got bite by spiders while weeding my garden on Tuesday. My middle finger, and thumb. Swole up bad, and the spot sturned black. Luckily for me the doc gave me some antibiotics. I also filled the prescription for pain pills, but those go into shtf storage. This is why I keep lots of antibiotics on hand, if the shtf I will be glad I got them.

04-29-2015, 08:03 PM
Just cut it off and grow a new one, its faster.

Powdered Gatorade is great for electrolyte replacement. It's also nice for the kids to take the monotony of water. However I have found as my kids have gotten older they prefer water.

05-02-2015, 01:31 AM
be careful with gaterade, and the ilk. those things are also crazy high in potassium, and there are a plethora of incidences of kids getting potassium poisoning, during sporting events. most rec sporting around here has banned Gatorade from games until a junior level (late teens)

Although... knowing this, I stock powder as well. day to day I drink water, but if I go out cutting wood for the day, I'll add gaterade! plan for caloric replacement vs, caloric expenditure!

05-02-2015, 01:44 AM
Same here T. I only use it when working outside or hiking and sweating profusely.