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04-10-2015, 02:38 AM
I get home from work today to have my wife tell me that the consensus worker stopped by. She said they asked the typical how many in your household questions. What I found disturbing was that she told me the worker asked questions about how many in the household had medical issues. Not if there was special needs people but actual "does anybody in the household have difficulty focusing and accomplishing tasks" kind of questions. Sounded to me like TBI/PTSD questions. Just very odd in my book. (I know my tinfoil hat is crinkling.) I wonder how long it will be before these stooges are asking how many firearms are in the household?

04-10-2015, 03:39 AM
"Medical issues?....why yes... we have violent explosive diarrhea syndrome......." then just look at them with a blank stare.

04-10-2015, 10:40 PM
Or, the option I take... say nothing and shut the door. If there there in 5 min, call the police about tress passers. Ive never had to call, they typically leave right away... Unlike Jahova's Witnesses, there a little more persistent. :-)


04-10-2015, 11:49 PM
Actually the trick with Jehova's Witness is to answer the door in your underwear, reeking of alcohol and have a loud movie with violent noises as the background. Soon as I opened the door they were gone. Didn't figure out who they were till my neighbors complained about them the next day.

04-11-2015, 12:41 AM
If census comes to my door the answer to persons is 3. No other question has to do with census ; have a good day if you leave now.
If you persist and my P.T.S.D. kicks in then I'm looking to you reimbursing for any damage I do to my medical condition and or surroundings. :eek:

04-11-2015, 01:39 AM
Yeah I need to talk with the Mrs. on how to handle these guys the next time....

04-11-2015, 01:55 AM
One and only time a census guy came out to my house was about 2 years ago. I heard my dogs barking so I went outside with the AR and jumped on my 4 wheeler and chased him down. He stopped and said in a freaked out voice I only have one question how many people live here. I told him and he left as fast as he could.

04-11-2015, 02:04 AM
Good reading:

I was incorrect in saying "shut the door" instead, give them the number of people living in your house. That information is ALL they are empowered by law or constitution to request. Period.

There is a section on the page that you can copy and paste and give them. You can write on it with a sharpie the number in your household (number in household is: five). Hand them the print out, say NOTHING and shut the door. DONE. Your legal and constitutional obligation has been satisfied! Now, dont you feel like a good servant of the G0V?? :-)


04-12-2015, 01:35 AM
a little aside... Years ago, I was out visiting my mom at her place, we drank coffee and chatted, and then had to split ways. I went to the bathroom, and she went off into the basement to do her ironing. As she headed down, she called out asking me to lock the door behind me.

I did my business and pulled on my shoes and just as I opened the door there were two LDS's standing there, about to knock.

Naturally, I invited them in, seated them at the kitchen table with an explanation that my mom and me were just discussing God. I dug through the cupboard and pulled out her 12 cup coffee maker, and loaded it up. as they kept trying to go into their spiel, I interrupted until the coffee was ready, and then I served them. Then I went downstairs and told my mom that she had company.... I think it is someone from work... and as she shut down he laundry... I bolted for the door!

She called me late that night, screaming mad, but my laughter won her over. The LDS duo, didn't leave until that entire pot of coffee was gone, and my mom was fit to be tied!!


she cursed me for this one almost to her dying day.

Still makes me smile!