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06-10-2015, 05:15 PM
I was at a meeting, it was going to be a table top on anthrax but at the time Ebola was the buzz word, so we went into infection control. We also covered some about a recent earthquake.

We had a guest speaker who started off by saying "Sheldon Cooper was right you should have your slippers next to your bed." WTF? He told us the reason is to protect your feet, no kidding. He related a story about after the Napa Earthquake over 800 people were treated for lacerated feet mainly due to glass. The local hospitals were overwhelmed and quickly ran out of suture kits. They put out an emergency request to out of area hospitals for more kits. This got me to thinking one it might be a good idea to have some more substantial slippers for one and maybe pick up a couple of extra suture kits. I also did a note to self to check to make sure I annually check my supplies to keep current on topical antibiotics for wounds as well as other meds.

Just thought I would pass this on, I thought it was interesting start to a talk.:cool:

06-11-2015, 02:40 AM
Decent shoes readily accessible would be a must. Especially if the house is burning and you've gotta cross burning carpet, or get to a child's room.

06-11-2015, 02:50 AM
I never get out of bed without some form shoe.

06-11-2015, 04:24 AM
My Mom was always yelling put something on your feet when we were young. Have to tell a story on myself. Son 1's apartment bldg "caught" on fire, it was set deliberately but they couldn't prove who actually did it. he was home sleeping after he was through with his job at the time. He was camera man 12am-8am shift at local TV station. So when firemen came to haul him out of his apt. he stopped to pull on his socks. As his station was covering the fire,of course they had to interview him and there he was dressed in his boxers and a pair of sox on his feet. I asked him why he didn't grab his shoes, he said he couldn't find them but all he heard was me saying (in his head) was PUT SOMETHING ON YOUR FEET before you go outside. Sometimes when I hear myself , I hear my mom talking.

06-11-2015, 11:33 AM
This gives me pause. I rarely wear shoes when Im at home, when getting out of bed in particular. Probably need to stick a pair under the bed for emergencies at least.

06-11-2015, 02:41 PM
Katrina both my kids lately have said they have caught themselves saying things my wife and I told them. They cringe they are becoming us, I thinks it is great, my wife just shakes her head.

06-12-2015, 12:21 AM
For all the walls, chair legs, doors, cabinets, TV stands, floor mates... that I have kicked, stubbed my toes or lacerated my foot I have still yet to grow a brain to wear shoes in the house. Got boots in the SUV and keys are on the night stand but no shoes close to the bed. I must work on this..

06-12-2015, 02:35 AM
Step on a scorpion and you will wear shoes from now on.

06-12-2015, 02:38 AM
I'll agree with that one helo!

06-13-2015, 06:15 AM
Isn't it a hoot, that SOMETHING we've said to them is probably what our parents said to us ;) LOL. It's almost as good as the oldest, saying to us one day when he was in school, "I wish I had listened to you". I think it was about an elective class, we had suggested he do one but he wanted to do another. Turned out he was totally bored with the class he picked but had to finish it, said it was the longest 4 weeks he had spent in school. One of the top rules we had and still have is you FINISH what you start,don't care how long it takes you, but you finish it.

06-14-2015, 02:21 AM
We say the same thing, you start it you finish it. You don't like the sport okay but you made a commitment to the team and you will finish the season like your life depends upon it. My kids are always giving me a bad time about my "issims" and then they start using them, then their friends start giving them a bad time. I love it..

You know it is funny because my son would have graduated sooner if he had listened to us. He later had to eat his words and admit we were right, that was nice.....

06-14-2015, 02:48 AM
I do like I used to do in the field, sleep with my boots on.

J/K, but I do have boots and slippers by the bed.


06-15-2015, 11:51 AM
I am barefoot 99% of the time that I am home, both inside and out in Spring, summer and fall. If I just need to run out to the garage or the truck for something, I rarely put shoes on for that either (yeah, barefoot). I do always have a pair of boots in the garage, and another in the truck, so I'm not really worried about getting locked out or anything. I just hate socks and shoes.

If something happens that blows out all the glass in my house, I think even getting out of bed is going to be an adventure in itself... as it, and me in it will be covered with glass. Assuming that I can fling the sheets onto the floor, and remove the glass element from my bed, then it is simply a step over the windowsill and I'll be on the roof., follow that down and I can drop to the ground easy enough. boots in truck or garage, or right inside front door... good to go.

08-05-2015, 02:06 PM
Living in earthquake territory in So. Cal we are always thinking about a major shake. While I am often without shoes inside, I do have sandals right by the bed so that I can get something on the feet if THE BIG ONE hits us.