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View Full Version : Sandstone and Sackrete....

06-18-2015, 11:19 AM
Does anyone have insight on the compatibility of these two items, or, better still, any handling quirks of either?

The crater wall out here is mostly sandstone and there's enough abraded and eroded holes in the cliff facings out here for a variety of locations for me to make into a BOL.

06-18-2015, 11:32 AM
Sandstone is easy to work with, as is Sackrete. But the one we probably need to hear from regarding their compatilility is Grumpy, our resident concrete guru.

06-18-2015, 03:30 PM
Depending upon what you want to do will determine how you can use it. Digging holes in the sandstone and then filling them with concrete and rebar will give you anchor points. It can be done on the ground or the walls or for that matter the ceiling. Don't be intimidated with the concrete it is easy to work with. Most people are used to a real wet surrey. Used dryer you can mold and form it to what ever you want. Use a grinder you can polish it and it will make a nice counter top that will rival granite. If you were to used the sandstone to make a kinda plaster or you get a matching color then it would blend in better.

06-28-2015, 08:28 PM
My thought was to be using the native rock to close off one of these sandstone caves, using the sackrete as a mortar . Over time, go at one of the interior walls with hammer and chisel and expand the cave from the inside, with care, then taking the resulting minings outside, and making further expansions on the outside.

07-03-2015, 01:25 AM
hammer and chisel?? How about a rockdrill, and a spade bit breaker... drill a grid work of holes, split them with the spade, you'll create a whackload of 'bricks', that you can use as walls or outside 'ramparts. you'll also accomplish much more... much quicker than with a hammer/chisel. A battery powered 'multi-tool', would be an awesome addition to your kit!

07-03-2015, 02:03 PM
hammer and chisel?? How about a rockdrill, and a spade bit breaker... drill a grid work of holes, split them with the spade, you'll create a whackload of 'bricks', that you can use as walls or outside 'ramparts. you'll also accomplish much more... much quicker than with a hammer/chisel. A battery powered 'multi-tool', would be an awesome addition to your kit!

Indeed. Do you have imagery, or, better still, a recommendation of manufacturer, for these items?

Chuckle... I'd had thoughts of drilling holes and sticking in the business end of a old fashioned manual hydraulic PortaPower (precursor to the Jaws of Life) and ratcheting away. Must be careful, though, cave-in is not my idea on how to finish.

07-03-2015, 02:14 PM
I hear ya! Cave in and not a good day are two phrases that go well together!

07-03-2015, 04:21 PM
here's a sweet gas powered one:


and an electric:


And then of course this bad boy:


From here: