View Full Version : Pics from karate camp

07-25-2015, 04:41 PM
Our dojo.
http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/karate/summer%20camp_zpsbxjzbeij.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/karate/summer%20camp_zpsbxjzbeij.jpg.html)

http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/karate/11800029_10153490788840489_1927355558815211126_nde _zps0kmnhnma.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/karate/11800029_10153490788840489_1927355558815211126_nde _zps0kmnhnma.jpg.html)

http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/karate/11781619_10153490790000489_6701314604872214618_n_z ps78qzph9t.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/karate/11781619_10153490790000489_6701314604872214618_n_z ps78qzph9t.jpg.html)

07-25-2015, 04:47 PM
Pistol disarmament training.

http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/karate/11800390_10153490789875489_1535287355535441066_n_z ps5bf0ei8r.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/karate/11800390_10153490789875489_1535287355535441066_n_z ps5bf0ei8r.jpg.html)

Bow training.

http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/karate/11218948_10153486258735489_8244725898920234538_n_z psl3cpncfy.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/karate/11218948_10153486258735489_8244725898920234538_n_z psl3cpncfy.jpg.html)

Knife fighting and knife disarmament training.

http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/karate/11753274_10153486255200489_8168535414222487958_n_z psorogg0tj.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/karate/11753274_10153486255200489_8168535414222487958_n_z psorogg0tj.jpg.html)

07-25-2015, 06:03 PM
Not impressed. I see no blood or ambulance stretchers.

But on the serious side, cool!

07-25-2015, 06:16 PM
LMAO, there was some blood. We also did kama, Nunchaku, tonfa, and sai training.

07-26-2015, 12:18 AM
Ordered all me and my wifes weapons today. Got us each a sai, kama, tonfa, wooden Nunchaku, and padded Nunchaku. We already have the bow.

07-26-2015, 03:55 AM
Sai training.

http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/karate/11193272_10153488622190489_3242001681398879942_n_z psnfe7vwcd.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/karate/11193272_10153488622190489_3242001681398879942_n_z psnfe7vwcd.jpg.html)

07-26-2015, 04:23 AM
I'd say even the littlest one in the front row would have me on the ground and crying like a little girl in less than 5 seconds.

07-31-2015, 01:57 AM
Helo, you are the man! I trained for many years and brought all three of my kids up in martial arts. I love ALL styles. I started in 1972 in Atlanta, Ga. in Korean Tang Soo Do Mo duk kwan. I'm telling my age, but that was back when you had to drive 50 miles to train and there were only two studios in the entire city of Atlanta. Also, there were no pads and glove when sparring. After years of training and competing, and two Black Belts later in two different styles, I opened by first Dojang (Dojo) and had two going at one time. :) My youngest son who is now 28 and a new daddy continues to date and has his Black Belt in Chinese Kenpo and is awesome with weapons to include the bo staff and katana. Plus he does all the stunts and flipping for the Hollywood stuff he does. While going through 5 years of college down in West Palm Beach, he trained in Ninjitsu and after 6 years received his Black Belt there.

You're doing a good thing for you and your family!!

07-31-2015, 03:17 AM
Cool, we are taking Shorin Ryu, and also Haganah. We have to drive 45 minutes to this dojo. There is one a lot closer, but it is not to the level of this one. Our sensei has been teaching for 40 years and is the guy that introduced shorin ryu to the U.S.

I am just beginning, got a ways to go to get my black belt. Next belt is green, then 3 stripes in green, then brown, and 3 stripes in brown, then black.

07-31-2015, 03:36 AM
We might start sword training one of these days.

07-31-2015, 03:55 PM
Helo I have a daughter who does Muay Thai which teaches sticks and knives. Most people look at it as just kick boxing but it is much more if your instructor is well rounded. The one thing it does not do is teach ground fighting, like judo. So she is going to be taking Gracie jiu jitsu this winter. I figure we send our kids off to college they need to be as well rounded as possible. Alas she is still too young and were she lives is not collusive to guns. When that time comes I have some she will move up, until that time she will be training at home.

07-31-2015, 04:06 PM
We do some ground training, but not a lot. We are supposed to start doing more ground work.

07-31-2015, 04:22 PM
The biggest thing is not finding yourself on the ground. That is what she has been taught because you are so much behind the power curve. However sometimes it happens and you want to know how to either gain by it or get out of it.

07-31-2015, 04:44 PM
Exactly. The goal is to get the other person on the ground. We practice a lot of throws. It is much easier to kick someone in the face if they are on the ground.

08-02-2015, 06:37 PM
Like I said, I've trained in Korean, Japanese, and American style martial arts for 40 years. I have respect for all of them. It has evolved greatly since I first started back in the 70s in the old Korean style that I was in. Krav Maga, MMA, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu just to name a few are good especially for ground training. And in all honesty, most of the time you can end up on the ground or fighting in close quarters.

All are good when training for the right reasons. Knowing martial arts well does not guarantee anything, but definitely gives you the advantage. Plus it's great mental and physical training as well as quality family time. :)