View Full Version : Well...slow test of preps

08-15-2015, 06:20 PM
About 9am this morning got a text from DW saying that the entire town of Colville, WA is without power.
In 20 years of living in town this is a first.
pretty much everything shut down because of this.
latest word is this may last 3 to 4 days.
Might get interesting quickly.
she started scrambling to get various things then I reminded her of the on hand supplies.
biggest issue is she didn't fill the car after a trip yesterday and is almost out.
will get a stern reminder about not below half tank tonight when I get home from work.

Illini Warrior
08-15-2015, 09:20 PM
About 9am this morning got a text from DW saying that the entire town of Colville, WA is without power.
In 20 years of living in town this is a first.
pretty much everything shut down because of this.
latest word is this may last 3 to 4 days.
Might get interesting quickly.
she started scrambling to get various things then I reminded her of the on hand supplies.
biggest issue is she didn't fill the car after a trip yesterday and is almost out.
will get a stern reminder about not below half tank tonight when I get home from work.

even a couple of 5 gallon cans can get you out of a jam ..... and there shouldn't be any problem if you rotate them out them out in the late spring and late fall ....

08-15-2015, 09:51 PM
Yeah, I have some in the shop, but better if I dig it out myself

08-15-2015, 11:13 PM
Pri-G gas in multiple cans, rotated as needed, kept topped off... vehicle gas tank never less than 1/2. Generator exercised weekly for at least 5 min. Propane on hand to cook with, and for lanterns. Solar panels charging small 12v system for a few scattered LED lights.

I always LOVE it when the power goes out, daddy gets to play with his toys!


08-16-2015, 08:28 PM
Yep, a teaching moment on the vehicle tank.
She had made a 300 mile round trip the day before and just figured on filling up after a nights sleep.
Don't think that will happen again.

Fortunately power was restored by yesterday afternoon. I / we were ready, she just forgot about some of it.

10-19-2015, 01:37 PM
On occasion it is too late to fill up when we return home following a trip. However, I keep enough stored fuel for the cars to fill both when close to empty. I use Stabil in my 5 gallon cans and rotate them about every 6 months or so. I would like to tell you I am on a regularly scheduled rotation but that is not so. I decided yesterday not to buy any more propane bottles. Now if I can find some for free, I will add them. I have 2 attached to units and 5 in storage. If my storage shed ever catches on fire, it will be one heck of a show!

10-20-2015, 04:13 AM
Look at the pretty lights...oooooooohhhhhhhh, aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, oooooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

12-10-2015, 03:08 PM
It is interesting that in my suburban town in Los Angeles County, all of the grocery stores have closed, leaving us without a grocery store for a distance of what? OMG it is about 5 miles! You should hear some people talk about the problem! It is not a problem, it is an inconvenience. Yes, I was sort of ticked when I realized that I did not have one ingredient for something I was making and it was going to take me 25 - 30 minutes to start/complete the trip. Simple solution, I substituted.

I wonder what people are going to do when all the shelves of the stores are bare for a week or two? Not wanting to be considered a "nut-case, doomsday prepper" I simply urge folks to follow the typical government suggestion of having enough food and water on hand for 3 days. Heck, it was the process of getting our "earthquake kit" for 3 days together that got me started on this road. OMG! Maybe I am a "nut-case doomsday prepper!" Naw, I only have one can of nuts in our preps, not a case.

12-10-2015, 03:16 PM
LOL... yep, your a 'nut case' for sure... : ) try being down here when a hurricane hits. OMG! you would think it's the end of the world... people go stupid crazy! since the recent move to the woods, i don't really seem to miss my neighbors. LMAO!!!

12-10-2015, 03:18 PM
^sounds like country life. Monday to Sat, from 9-7 I am 20 minutes from limited groceries (country store fare), outside of that it is a 45 minute drive to the closest store in the city.

Plan ahead, and stockpile.

12-10-2015, 03:26 PM
oh, i am well stocked and have planned ahead. just picked up an additional 10 gal. of fuel last night. closest store is 15 min away, grocery store is 16 min away. LOL