View Full Version : Cascadia

09-17-2015, 02:48 PM
An interesting read...


Makes me happy to be mid continent!

09-17-2015, 07:56 PM
Got to love CO, but the mountains gotta make ya wonder. What is so deep and how can it push up the grounds so high to make the mountains...

09-18-2015, 03:46 AM
If you draw a line down the center of Washington, Oregon and California all the area along the coast is primarily democrat and the Eastern portion is Republican...........see where I am going with this.........

The one thing I know is the estimate for causalities if it is anywhere near what we estimate for the bay area, when it is hit by "the big one", is a load of crap. We figure when the big one comes to the SF Bay Area the low estimate is 35,000 and this would be dwarfed by what they are talking about.

11-05-2015, 06:53 AM
If you draw a line down the center of Washington, Oregon and California all the area along the coast is primarily democrat and the Eastern portion is Republican...........see where I am going with this.........

The one thing I know is the estimate for causalities if it is anywhere near what we estimate for the bay area, when it is hit by "the big one", is a load of crap. We figure when the big one comes to the SF Bay Area the low estimate is 35,000 and this would be dwarfed by what they are talking about.

The Big One will snap the Golden Gate like a dry branch, and at any given time that is what, 5-10K right there. The Bay Area has not lost numbers since Loma Prieta, if anything, it has gotten BIGGER. Something that size will not only completely destroy the Bay, it will total any means of getting any significant relief into the area. Theories abound... The Big One will continue the Bay of California on up through California, The Big One will make a West to East enclosed sound, like the Saint Lawrence, with the terminus at Lake Tahoe, The Big One will set off New Madrid, yadda yadda yadda...

Lowballing projected disaster counts is a way to keep the populace sedate. Look to where the bigshots making these pronouncements live.

11-05-2015, 01:30 PM
You are so much of an alarmist.........I was just hoping it would split everything in half and let us start over again politically now you are making it sound serious.

11-05-2015, 05:00 PM
You are so much of an alarmist.........I was just hoping it would split everything in half and let us start over again politically now you are making it sound serious.

It is my curse.

11-05-2015, 05:04 PM
Or is it a gift?