View Full Version : Something cool

10-08-2015, 03:47 AM
Well, it's only 7 years later....... Just got word today that my old unit has received the Valorous Unit Award for our actions in Sadr City 2008.

Mixed feelings, bittersweet emotions. Proud to be a part of history, saddened some of my brothers didn't make it to see this. Almost like the Army finally remembered we had a slugfest there.

Just throwing it out there.

Gonna go have a toast.

10-08-2015, 03:57 AM
cheers, my friend!

10-08-2015, 12:09 PM

It's still amazing how the risks and sacrifices made by our members of the armed forces are minimalized by not only the public, but the govt that sent them to begin with.

10-08-2015, 12:32 PM
Cherry Izzy! Thank you for your service and your sacrifice. Here's to the folks who didn't make it back.
God bless them all.

10-08-2015, 01:02 PM
Raise one for me Izzy. Grunts ; The real deal. Airborne brother.

10-09-2015, 01:31 PM

Fidel MD
10-09-2015, 02:12 PM
Absent companions....

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-10-2015, 05:00 AM
HOO-YAH! Little Brother, looking forward to the next visit and maybe moma will let ya sleep over this time and we can tilt a few.

"Further on up the road"

10-10-2015, 05:34 AM

10-11-2015, 03:36 AM
All too often for the government it is like an after thought, while for those it happened to it was just yesterday.

To the fallen, may God Bless.

10-11-2015, 04:58 AM
I'm at a loss for words, as a civilian. Congratulations is not quite right, I hope you know what I mean. I know you had to do things that congratulations isn't right, and to your brothers that didn't make it home, congratulations doesn't work for them either. I just want you to know you and all your brothers in arms are, to me and my family, true American Heros, and we can never thank you enough. Hopefully one of these days soon, I can give you a toast in person.

10-13-2015, 01:26 AM
Congrats, Izzy and thank you, sir for your service. I will tip one back in your honor.

10-14-2015, 12:46 AM
Glad you you are here.