View Full Version : OMEGA training session

10-24-2015, 10:45 PM
Operation Whiteout. A snow storm is said to strike an area in Colorado. A High School is set up as a gathering point for those in need of aid. (Yes FEMA)

A call goes out to those that can respond to arrive at a near by bldg to set up search and rescue procedure. A portion of the schools roof collapsed due to the 4' snow fall. Your duty is to team up and scout out the undamaged portions of the bldg to locate survivors.

The method is one that is learned through CERT training. This was an actual trial. They moulaged victims and 'placed' them in areas of the school.

I assumed the point of Triage. As the rescue teams returned from their points of inquiry with the injured. I placed, tagged and cared those according to the severity of injuries.

This went on for 3 and 1/2 hrs. Can you say intense and very enlightening.

This type of training/certification is key for the prepping community. I will be applying for membership to OMEGA for further training in the fields of search and rescue. Fields being medical, vertical and cave have my keen interest.

Take a look at the facebook site https://www.facebook.com/OMEGAresponders/photos_stream

10-26-2015, 04:43 AM
Interesting group. I also like the idea of the CERT program. Here on the Left Coast most of the communities feel it is not necessary for this program since nothing will happen around here, you now like so an earthquake. My daughter is attending college out of state and is taking the CERT course through the school, what a concept, a bunch of students who are trained to react to disasters. The training is free to all those who want to attend. This is not a one time thing but ongoing training throughout the year to the community. The instructor told my daughter she was not comfortable teaching some of the subjects. My daughter made a comment she should get her dad to teach them. Well I will be going up there next year to teach some of the subjects. It should be fun.

10-30-2015, 12:52 AM

no offence.... but that is kind of pathetic, especially for a snow area like Colorado.

I typically wouldn't even think of going on my roof to clear snow with four feet. I've had that much blow in on a single snowfall.

The last time I actually cleared my roof was when the snow was threatening my fireplace chimney. it is 16 feet over my roof.

but keep in mind, I am in the bush, a veritable drop zone for snow!

I cannot imagine what kind of construction failed with 4 feet!!!


10-31-2015, 01:57 AM
True Sniper-T but we all know and understand nothing is perfect in this world. It was a very interesting interaction though.

10-31-2015, 07:58 PM
True that. And in retrospect, certain non-heavy snowfall areas may not be beefy enough for 'th big one' but may be more than appropriate for 99%

No disrespect intended

11-02-2015, 12:05 AM
None was ever taken Sniper-T, we live in CO and snow is nasty here at times. The rest of the time it is sunny. :)

11-02-2015, 12:30 AM
.... The instructor told my daughter she was not comfortable teaching some of the subjects. My daughter made a comment she should get her dad to teach them. Well I will be going up there next year to teach some of the subjects. It should be fun.

What subjects?

11-02-2015, 11:10 AM
I will cover their ongoing training regarding, ICS/NIMS/SIMS, Hazardous Materials, WMDs, threat assessment, terrorism. Initially it will be an eight hours of training then we will reevaluate what they need. The school and the town collaborate together on their training. The hold at least one four hour class for the community each month. I like their commitment!