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View Full Version : Lights Out by Ted Koppel

11-05-2015, 02:36 PM
I just finished reading the book and thought I would give you a short review. The book is broken down into three separate parts. The first two cover the potential cyber-attack on the US. The third portion covers those people who prepare for the worst. I have to admit I had not read anything about the book only that it covered a cyberattack on the USA. There are so many novels and short stories about various scenarios I did not realize this was a nonfiction book. The book really only should have been two sections with the first two portions, A Cyberattack and A Nation Unprepared as one and the third section Surviving the Aftermath as another.

Section one “A Cyberattack” describes just what a potential attack would be and the ramifications. Koppel interviews the top people in the field as to their opinions. This alone would make a pretty good short book. It educates the reader on what was then and what it now. There are far too many people who are living in the then. The one thing he covers well is it’s really the best way for anyone to attack the United States……..and survive.

Section two, “A Nation Unprepared” is an understatement. If you want to learn just what is being done to protect the US just ask the person next to you. Why because most people will say they do not have a clue. Well after talking with many of the people who should be in the know you realize they do not have a clue either. It is amazing how many people who are in important positions to deal with this issue assume there are plans to deal with it but have no clue who has those plans. It was interesting to hear one person say if there was a cyberattack targeted at New York City and it became unlivable he would just move everyone out. Several million people, not a chance. Several years ago there were press articles about it there were a major incident (fill in yours) , the government would move the population of San Francisco to outlying areas. You might take that into consideration when you are planning. This section also talks about those transformers we have been told about and what the plans are for them.

Section three “Surviving the Aftermath”, is really just a bunch of interviews with various preppers. The thing I like about this section it talks with people from all over the county. It does give some solutions.

So do I recommend it, yes? I hope since he is a recognized name it would get more people to see the light and maybe prepare more.

11-05-2015, 07:42 PM
Recognized MSM name, no less. I muse how he was able to get something HELPFUL out to the populace he, as a member of the media, necessarily held in contempt.

Perhaps he blew through his fortune and had to have a new revenue stream? Or sincerely had a change of heart? Or perhaps the thing is a piece of disinformation?

I don't know, I've not read it. I'll probably go through it myself, and then relegate it to the Black Shelf.

There sits the infamous books. DAS KAPITAL, MEIN KAMPF, MY LIFE, THE AUDACITY OF HOPE, HARD CHOICES, 101 WAYS TO WIN AT BLACKJACK... your get the idea.
