View Full Version : I feel like I crawled out of a cave

11-21-2015, 04:18 PM
Yes, dear colony, I feel revitalized. Moving day came, and I am settling into a new routine, and it includes high speed internet again! oh, and free time!

Anyone wanna take bets on how much more talkative I might become? lol

11-21-2015, 06:12 PM
Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

MTR is back!


11-21-2015, 06:59 PM
Welcome home friend, we missed your interaction!


11-21-2015, 08:33 PM
Glad things have smoothed out for you. As far as you talking. A bunch...well?

11-21-2015, 09:48 PM
What's this high speed internet you speak of...we have no such thing in my lands. Must be the devils work.

11-21-2015, 11:15 PM
Its a thing of beauty and amazement. Even my phone runs faster! Lol.

11-22-2015, 12:52 AM
apparently it is subjective... you are as inconspicuous as before...

11-22-2015, 01:25 AM
Well, um, my inner geek may have taken over today, and internet gaming may (or may not) have taken precedence to being vocal here ;)

11-22-2015, 05:22 AM
Sooooooo busted!

11-22-2015, 01:36 PM
I'll make up for it.

11-22-2015, 08:17 PM
HIGH SPEED internet???? Is there really such a thing?? The only thing to go fast around here is our bandwidth being used up

11-22-2015, 09:56 PM
Well, um, my inner geek may have taken over today, and internet gaming may (or may not) have taken precedence to being vocal here ;)

trying to level up your level 93 sword of enchantment?

11-22-2015, 11:50 PM
No. My level 85 Dwarf Warrior :D

11-23-2015, 04:17 AM
No. My level 85 Dwarf Warrior :D

OMG...WHAT A NERD. Dwarfs are so last year, everyone knows half elves are where it's at.

11-23-2015, 01:33 PM
You know I think I will just stick with comic books...................low tech it good.

11-25-2015, 07:07 AM
MTR is back... Great... there goes the neighborhood!

Welcome back man!

11-25-2015, 08:09 PM
Comic books are cool, but I prefer kicking ass with my own super hero

And dwarves cannot be last years thing, unless I was ahead of the times. I made it 7 years ago!

ETA: And Stormy, lol! I'm going to be too busy cleaning the forum up and reorganizing the 18 different topics dumped in GD to cause any trouble. Rest easy bud ;)

11-25-2015, 09:02 PM
I loose too much time when I get involved with games on the interuptnet.

11-26-2015, 02:44 AM
This may not be the place for this, but speaking of gaming, I found an interesting game on the Xbox1. I think it is called "The Long Dark". It is still in its testing phase, and while our satellite internet doesn't use our data from 2-8 am, I downloaded the trial version. It is a first person game that involves all aspects of survival, (while not having to fight zombies) in the real world. You first chose 1 of 3 modes, 1 very mild, to 3, all out do what ever is necessary, i.e. Killing animals for food, and who knows what else. It is a world in where you as a bush pilot have crash landed due to some kind of earth magnetic problem, and you must survive with only what you have, and what you find in the icy world of our northern sister country of Canada. What I liked about the test version, which I could only play for 60 minutes, is everything you do has a consequence. If you find a empty cardboard box, in other games, you just pick it up. No big deal. In this game, your temperate is monitored, your calorie intake us monitored, and to pick up the cardboard box and tear it into pieces to use as kindling for a fire requires you to agree to spend the time and burn the calories to do so. This makes your temperature go down, and you burn the calories..,was it worth it, only time will tell, as the temperature is dropping an it is getting darker by the minute. I spent the 60 minutes stuck in a concrete building, trying to find my way out in the dark, because I couldn't find out how to light the lantern I found in a locker, and had to keep lighting my dwindling supply of matches. This seems to be a very detailed, prepper oriented, game of survival. No zombies, no killer clowns in monster trucks, just trying to make it until the next day. Right now it is for sale on the Xbox site for $19.99, and they tell you the game may possibly change, or it may even never get finished, but this far into development, I would say it will get finished. But they tell you if you are happy with it as is, go ahead and buy it. I think I will, and I look forward to seeing our northern brothers around the next bend, ready to help a frozen Tennessee brother out, and to not stick a knife in his back. Now back to our regularly schedule Pokiemon tournament sponsidered my Mitunnelrat.

11-26-2015, 04:30 AM
Happy to see you back mtr!! how was the snow up there? We got 8-10" down by me

Caveman Survival
11-26-2015, 05:43 AM
Domeguy... That is one game I'm gonna haftA check out!!!

11-27-2015, 07:55 PM
Here is a bit more about it.

11-27-2015, 08:42 PM
6-8" here, Kat. Not so bad. And it's game does sound awesome