View Full Version : Shingles

11-25-2015, 12:11 AM
I went to see my PCP two weeks ago for a rash on my neck. I called at the last minute on a Thursday and he was not available. Had to see a Nurse Practitioner at his office instead. No problem.
The rash was about 1” x 2” and had hard lumps about the size of a pea in it. Very itchy and felt like a bad sunburn. It is on the right side, a couple of inches from my larynx. So, the NP looks at it and says it cant be shingles (I thought it was) because there are no blisters and it is a little small. She says its contact dermatitis. She wrote me a prescription for some cream to put on it. She says if its not better in a week, call her.
The next Tuesday I saw my Neurology Oncologist. Showed it to him and he was a little more concerned about what he saw and made an appointment for me to to see the Oncology Dermatologist and my regular Oncologist. That appointment was this last Monday. Dermo Doc and a resident checked me out. Said it was not Shingles. But, since I am a high risk patient for other infections (I had a bone marrow transplant little over a year ago) they decided that It would be a good idea to do a biopsy on one of the lumps. No problem. Worst part was the lidocaine that they numbed me up with. I got one stitch.
The said they would call in a few days to a week whenever the result came in.
Now there are all kinds of possibilities as to what this area could be. Best case would be contact dermatitis. Worst case would be a relapse of my lymphoma:(.
Got a call a little while ago. Guess what? I have shingles and couldn't be happier. Doc said that they had never seen a case of shingles that presented itself like this. Just my luck. Got some antivirals to take for a week and then I have a checkup and get my stitch out.
In other news, Neurologist upped my nortriptyline to 100mg/day to see if I can better handle the neuropathy in my feet. It is going OK, I guess. Still get dizzy when I first stand up.

11-25-2015, 12:23 AM
Damn, dude... you shoulda went with tin roofing!

I hope they caught it in time... that's some nasty shit!

11-25-2015, 01:48 AM
Glad to hear its nothing worse. Shingles is pretty crappy though.

11-25-2015, 02:01 AM
I just finished up a week of some Valacyclivir (antibiotic/antiviral). Friggin pills were as big as a 230gr 45acp slug! 2X a day.
I already take enough pills to make up a meal. I'm down to 12 pills a day...some taste like hell too.
Anyway neck is still pretty sore but better.

11-25-2015, 02:32 AM
My wife has had shingles a few times, tells me it's some nasty stuff. Sorry to hear that.

11-25-2015, 09:39 PM
12 pills a day that is a full days rations. Here is to hoping it is just the dermatitis

11-25-2015, 09:44 PM
I tried that nortriptyline last month. They took me off of it because it gave me extreme nightmares.

11-25-2015, 11:32 PM
1st time I ever heard someone being HAPPY they had shingles, but... given the options though, I can see the elation!


12-02-2015, 02:18 AM
I'm over a month into this and it is finally starting to subside. Shingles is the debil!
I have some ketamine/amytriptilyne topical that I was given for the neuropathy in my legs (from chemo). That stuff takes the itch and burn out real well. Insurance wont cover that though. It was about $450 for 200ml! I try to save it for REAL pain emergencies.
Doc said I would probably see re-occurances in the future. Well sh!t.

12-11-2015, 06:02 AM
crap dude... when it rains it storms.

glad to see you're staying up beat.
thoughts and prayers!