View Full Version : Who does the shopping?

12-21-2015, 05:50 PM
Okay so I figured I would get a jump on things, I went out and bought all the gifts before Thanksgiving. Everything is wrapped even my wife's stocking stuffers.

0700 hours this morning I was sitting down beginning to get on the computer when the wife comes in. "Well, that's what I mean!" INCOMING........ 'What do you mean dear?" "I go out shopping in the rain for the kids and you stay home." Well so much for doing computer work. Ok, she figured it would not take long.............. Well we get to the store and I ask her what she wants me to look for and she says to to stay with her. Now I'm confused if I do not get to have an opinion and I most assuredly am not allowed to comment on colors, (with good reason) why am I there? I told her I figured I we would split the work and be done in half the time, noooooooooooooo. Now I am making assumptions again. I just love shopping for my nephews from my wife's side of the family. Their parents don't have two nickles to rub together but they can still afford to go on vacations to Hawaii and buy expensive toys. When my wife asked what they needed, not only did they say specifically but what store we could buy their overpriced expensive gifts. Well that didn't happen, we have a limit and stick to it. If they want expensive gifts they can get them from mom and dad.

So we get the shopping done and are leaving the store when we pass the shoe department, well we didn't get passed it. Another 1/2 hour looking at ONE pair of shoes, $60 later we walk out. My question is what is it about shoes. My wife has several friends who have a thing about shoes, kinda like heroin. One of her friends belongs to a club which sends her two pairs of shoes per month, WTF, that is 24 pairs a year and she never throws the suckers out. Breath, breath, breath. Ok so we made it out of the store and are going home........ making more assumptions again. We get to go to the sewing store, oh boy. Well I do not know how much was spent and probably better that way bu we finely made it home.

So I was a good boy, I went along and kept my mouth shut. Just happy I could be of service to ya all. As far as I know we are done now, so not more shopping, at least until tomorrow.

Merry Christmas.

12-21-2015, 09:44 PM
My wife and I have an outstanding agreement. For every pair of shoes she buys, I get to buy a gun... and vice-versa. no questions asked!

I plan on starting... and finishing my shopping tomorrow!

12-21-2015, 10:09 PM
T you got a much better deal than me. It cost me a diamond for a gun.

We finished our shopping last week.

12-21-2015, 10:12 PM
Sssshhhhh! Keep that quiet!

Mrs. Sniper may be around!


12-21-2015, 11:53 PM
Yeah I screwed up years ago! On the other hand she tells me regularly to buy ammo if I need it. Of course I always do.

12-21-2015, 11:56 PM
ammo is like shoe laces... buy as needed!

12-22-2015, 12:07 AM
Nope...buy all the time. That way its never needed. :)

12-22-2015, 12:18 AM
... same as shoe laces...

12-22-2015, 02:44 AM
We start shopping in January for Christmas. We've finished my son's birthday shopping already. Boy decided he wants walkie talkies, and I don't buy fisher price, so the 5 year old kid is getting a set of midland 2-ways for Christmas. I still have a little to do for wife, she had me drop her and boy off at the gun store on Saturday when we were out running around, so who knows what I'm getting from him.

12-22-2015, 03:24 AM
My wife and I have an outstanding agreement. For every pair of shoes she buys, I get to buy a gun... and vice-versa. no questions asked!

I plan on starting... and finishing my shopping tomorrow!

If I had that agreement she would have to get a bunch more shoes.........

12-22-2015, 06:26 PM
yeah, well... I don't look at her shoes too often... and she doesn't have keys to my safes.

12-23-2015, 12:21 AM
yeah, well... I don't look at her shoes too often... and she doesn't have keys to my safes.

My buddy and I were standing in his gun room one day looking at his madsen when his wife popped in to tell us something... She says "oh hey, I didn't know you had TWO AR-15s!" He says, "oh yeah, I have TWO, EXACTLY TWO, AR-15s, as he slowly pushed the safe door shut with his heel. There are at least a dozen in there. Lol

12-24-2015, 01:03 PM
Some things are best left unsaid........

12-24-2015, 02:26 PM
My wife and I have an outstanding agreement. For every pair of shoes she buys, I get to buy a gun... and vice-versa. no questions asked!

I plan on starting... and finishing my shopping tomorrow!

One of my younger friends has an agreement with his wife. Every time she buys a new pair of shoes, she gets to model them for him for a half hour, for a week.

JUST her and the shoes.

Living room in the cooler weather, on the patio for the warmer weather.

12-24-2015, 02:54 PM
Best answer yet

Caveman Survival
12-24-2015, 03:30 PM
When we did Christmas shopping it was usually me who did it all. I would start in August and be done by September. The last few years though we have opted to home make all our gifts. I've learned how to knit, shored up my woodworking, bushcraft and primitive skills, she becoming professional at baking. We both can and dehydrate. We put in more time than when we shopped, but we feel a hell of a lot more rewarded everytime we finish a project.

12-28-2015, 02:03 PM
We both do, mostly. I get her gifts, but sometimes she will bring something home and tell me to wrap it for her for Christmas, from me. She will get for me and the kids, friends, etc. Sometimes we do that together, it just depends. After being together for 25yrs, secrecy takes a back seat to getting what you want often. There's usually a few surprises snuck in with the known things. The shopping usually happens within a month ahead, except if she drops hints on something I have to get online, I'll do that earlier.

My mom was the best. My parents never even owned a computer, my dad had one at work, I don't know that my mother had ever been online. Anyway, she bought all year, and sometimes years in advance, and then stash it around the house. One year, she forgot where most of it was. As she passed away on Dec 4, 11yrs ago, and dad last July, as we now clean out the house, we found a whole slew of what was obviously Christmas gifts my mom had purchased. A bunch of stuff for the kids, a decade younger than they are now.

I cannot fool my wife on guns. That 25yr thing of watching me fool with mine and everyone else's, plus she has some of her own, it just doesn't work. However, she mostly doesn't care, so long as the important stuff is taken care of.
She is in management in a shoe store. However, she is not seriously in love with shoes. The discount is nice, and I don't have to shop for shoes/boots. I just tell her what I need, and then try them on when she brings them home.