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01-18-2016, 05:08 AM
Ok guys, it's been out for several months now. Somehow I missed it, and did not hear about it until BWRR suggested reading it. And after reading it, I'm mixed with emotions. Can this happen, hell yes it can. We have these SOB yelling to us this is exactly what they want to do. Is every Muslim involved, I truly don't know. I went to a meeting several weeks ago, which unbeknown to me had this agenda as the very topic. What do we do with the influx of a group of people coming into this country, when it is a proven fact others of the same race and religion are our SWORN ENEMY who are trying to do this very same thing to America. I may be late to the party, but if you had told me what was going to happen on 9/11, I would have told you that you were crazy, and to crawl back into your bunker. I for one used to think the people who were "survivalist" in the 80' were complete nut jobs. I now see the light, and I was wrong. But for years, I have been predicting something like this. 9/11 caused a lot of damage and death, but it also cost quite a bit of pocket change to them. When 1 person with a gun and a lot of full magazines can kill X amount of people in the middle of Times Square, it is quite cost effective to them, and them multiply this by 10's or 100's, or 1000's, and I think puts more fear into the public than a full blown 9/11 type of attack, because it could happen in the middle of nowhere. I have been saying for years if you take 2 people in a NY taxi, one driving and one shooting off and on, they would get lost into a sea of taxis, and maybe never get caught. Ok, I still haven't spilled the beans about the book yet, bit I feel now is the time for us all to openly talk about it. Because they are out there trying to do this very kind of thing right now.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-18-2016, 01:00 PM
I see you got the book, now would be a good time to put your comments about "Groups" as well. I'm sure you might have a few after sitting in on that meeting. Granted after 14 weeks of trying to get these people off the ground level of radio comms. You got to put faces to voices and then you got to see how well these folks are 'organized' or try to get organized. However the one guest speaker was a wealth of intell. He did shed some light on our "training camps" in the state. Granted it's a dim bulb........it ain't purdy that's for sure.

01-18-2016, 10:58 PM
Clicking out... I havent read yet...

01-18-2016, 11:14 PM
That was a hard book to finish. Should it take place with the way the muzzies are spread out, very likely it could well happen.

01-19-2016, 03:24 AM
Clicking out... I havent read yet...

What part of "spoiler alert...do not read" did you not understand??? You definitely should put it on the top of your list, as this type of scenario is going on today, maybe not in this country, but other country's right now! But if you are not reading this thread, you will not know this. But SERIOUSLY people, this is happening right now. This is why every citizen who is able to legally carry a gun, be trained and possibly deputized, to be able to act at a moments notice. Everything in the book is only a crazy radicals whim away from happening. I would stake my life on the notion there sleeper cells here now just waiting for the coded message. Then they will strike...but where and how we don't know. The rape of the school girl happens every day in the Middle East I'm sure. They don't care about women or girls at all. This could possibly soon be your daughter being raped and killed. How can we prepare for the coming war they have told us is coming? They tell us they WANT to do this to Americans. Are all Muslem people in this country terrorists as some groups tell us, I don't think so...but how do we know. Hitler kept telling us he was all for peace at all cost even as he ran over Europe killing thousands.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-19-2016, 12:21 PM
Kinda gotcha by the boo-boo didn't it? You're all on target and tracking. Stick with that mindset. Continue your preps around that as your "MURPHY" cause it can and will. Hell...it is!

01-19-2016, 03:56 PM
Which writer? I found a few different ones...

01-19-2016, 04:52 PM
Same as one second after. William ...something with an ...Fo...can't recall the rest of it.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-19-2016, 05:11 PM
William R. Forstchen

01-21-2016, 04:10 PM
It is a short interesting book which some of us have wondered when it would happen. People think okay it's over but when you see the big picture and can get the government to over react then they have won.

BTW Domeguy regarding your comments regarding survivalist in the 1980's being nut jobs well you were right butttttttt weeee are still here!!!

01-21-2016, 06:21 PM
And don't plan on going anywhere.

01-21-2016, 09:02 PM
It is a short interesting book which some of us have wondered when it would happen. People think okay it's over but when you see the big picture and can get the government to over react then they have won.

There is a body of people whose thought, once they perused this, would, in part, very much be of the Westboro Baptist mindset, although they mostly are atheists, or, at best, very egotistic agnostics. That being, of course that "America deserved this..."

The other part, being, of course... "...so let us take over and rule things properly."

If the regime let BHO read this, he would be pissed that someone tumbled onto his recurring fascist/socialist wet dream.

The author is now a DHS/TSA/alphabet soup POI, bet on it.

To the gummint, this is not over-reacting. This is a Raulism of the highest order.

Forget the "temporary" in CH. 14. Nothing so permanent as a nationally "temporary" problem.

All those EO's and declarations uttered at once would have one sure result:

There would be a civil war.

The several states that would scream Constitutional violations would then be treated as hostile territory.

Vegas would be dead in a week. Far too much after dark goings-on to stand a curfew, and too many unions out here that would be instant finks.

I have it out of the cloud and in my kindle at the moment. Any one know a .mobi - to - .rtf converter program?