View Full Version : The Real Crash

02-29-2016, 10:56 AM
Interesting listen...


02-29-2016, 02:15 PM
Yes it was. Did you subscribe? I will be buying the book.

02-29-2016, 02:16 PM
I didn't yet, but am considering buying the book as well.

02-29-2016, 02:18 PM
We will have to compare notes.

02-29-2016, 02:22 PM
Thank you for this post Sniper-T. It really makes one open their eyes.

02-29-2016, 07:06 PM
Someone has defined Case TICKERTAPE for me. A lot less initial physical damage than the EMP/CME versions of Case STATIC, a lot fewer tanks in the streets than Case OUTLAW, and much more abrupt and less insidious than Case HAM ROD.

( I do not know if the post I made concerning these cases got deleted or I forgot to save them properly. Here they are.

Case OUTLAW - declaration of martial law by the Obama regime
Case TICKERTAPE - catastrophic high speed devaluation of the $
Case STATIC - loss of the national power grid by EMP device, cosmic electomagnetic event, or internet action
Case HAM ROD - continuation of the socialist regime under Hilary Rodham)

Schiff has enough ripples in the precious metals community, I can pretty well suss out what is in the above touted book. It seems to fly in the face of the quote ""You never get rich peddling gloom." by William Lindsay Gresham.

I've no problem with whatever GRQ scheme Schiff is promoting in the face of a disaster that would make paper wealth worthless... if someone wants to sit on that pile of paper too long to where it reverts to its value (zero)... let them. If it is possible to blitz in, blitz out, and use the funds generated to prepare, then it's valuable, IMO.

Schiff stands, I think, about 50/50 being hailed as a hero or being Mussolini'ed.

In candor, if people haven't, at this late date, figured out that SHTF is in the closely foreseeable future, the above-mentioned book will stand a chance of snapping em out of their malaise, cause them to drop their lattes, choke on their extra virgin Belgian endive, and get a clue.

The whole notion says to me, "This is your YELLOW alert."

03-01-2016, 12:28 AM
Pretty descriptive. He was dead on back in 06-08.

Trade paper today while price ratio is as good as it will be. Ammo, weapons, PM's.

I think I am gonna try and get this book.