View Full Version : North Korea

04-02-2016, 12:50 AM
Just found this story. Wanted to see if anyone else has heard of this or something different.


04-02-2016, 05:57 PM
That's not good!

04-02-2016, 11:45 PM
I have tons of questions. None of which I expect any answers to.

1. Who is giving these reports on the missiles and are they reliable?

2. If the KN-14 is shorter than the KN-08 then where has the additional length been removed and what was it used for in the 08 vs the 14?

3. If these are one step closer to North Korea being a Nuclear power then what is the UN doing about it, especially with China being so close and one of their main trade partners?

4. At what point did we know that these were being built and when can we expect reliable reports on their effective ranges and payload capacity?

04-03-2016, 12:56 AM
Well you guys are going to be safe but I guess I need to start digging.............

04-03-2016, 01:57 AM
I have no idea if these are accurate or not. Not having time to research further I'm not sure of any of this. However I wouldn't be surprised if it is the case.
My bet is that either China, Iran, or Pakistan, or some combination of them all has supplied NK with the technology for both the missles and nukes. NK doesn't have the production capability or the overall knowledge to do this type work from Design on to manufacturing. And the UN is being the UN and doing nothing about it.
From the article it sounded like the missle was changed from a three stage to two stage, most likely to carry a warhead in either a single head or MIRV. Makes me wonder what that would do to the range. seems to me that would shorten rather the lengthen the distance to target.
My guess is the only thing we know is gained by satellites. I seriously doubt we have anyone on the ground there.

04-03-2016, 03:50 AM
ok, guys... i read the article and, well... better things to worry about. now before you start booing me, listen. we can't be the only ones on the planet that want/have/need the capability of killing all in sight. really? just because they have them, does not mean they 'will' use them. it's a political game we play. we all know this. now, i am more worried about the douche-bags here on American Soil being allowed to continue, until some dumb-ass in one of the many AlPhAbEt Agencies starts doing their jobs and locking them up.

Illini Warrior
04-03-2016, 02:30 PM
much more worried about N Korea's announcement that it's going to be another starving year for the country - millions died the last time the gooberment made this same announcement .... Korean Spring?

these nutz aren't going down like the commie countries in Europe - they'll commit suicide by launching a do or die attack ....