View Full Version : I'm still amazed by the stupidity of Americas youth

05-31-2016, 01:29 AM
I normally don't post any comments on Facebook. But I had to make an exception a few minutes ago. A 20 something black man posted as to why people like Martin Luther King, and Harvey Milk don't get recognized on Memorial Day. What in the hell is being thought in out schools today? They couldn't understand the concept of it being a day to remember out military members who died in the line of duty to their country. They said the civil rights movement was a war...really?

05-31-2016, 01:50 AM
Never underestimate the level of stupidity that a person is capable of.

05-31-2016, 02:39 AM
Stupid is as stupid does bro... You think that is stupid, buckle up for the rest of the ride! Aint life fun in Murica?!?!

05-31-2016, 04:30 AM
Beauty is only skin deep but stupid goes to the bone. Having lived on the Left coast for more than a week and a day I see it all the time. FYI Dear Harvey, now he was a pervert who had a boyfriend who was 13 years old when he was shot. Do you think anyone in San Francisco would prosecute him.........noooooo. As to King when he was shot Jessie Jackson made sure to wipe his blood all over his shirt to make sure he tried to help the already dead messiah......

05-31-2016, 12:02 PM
These are the same people who believe Bengazi was just a tragic accident, and Hilary did nothing wrong concerning her email server.

Illini Warrior
05-31-2016, 12:47 PM
he's just seeing black - not uncommon in the ghetto these days - they won't even talk about those "old white men" that formed this country .... if it's not about some black that "advanced" the black movement - not worth talking about - it's their culture & heritage or nothing .... I'm seriously hoping Trump is able to save the US currency from being transformed into some kind of trip thru slavery ....

05-31-2016, 01:03 PM
Oh stupid is about to hit high gear soon in my book. With the upcoming conventions and Presidential election.
The facebook post is but an indicator of a warning as to how easy it is to propel stupidity to the front lines as cannon fodder to further their agenda.

The question to myself is ; (What's my odds when it does blow?) Not as good as some Ants in better locations due to locale. But if plans don't go quite as planned and we can't make it out I've got some tricks to make sure I take enough stupid people with me to maybe get a nice rating on the chart for Stupid Extermination. :p

I think it's sadly funny in a way but on the other hand the rubber band can only stretch so far before it snaps.

Fidel MD
05-31-2016, 01:56 PM
I normally don't post any comments on Facebook. But I had to make an exception a few minutes ago. A 20 something black man posted as to why people like Martin Luther King, and Harvey Milk don't get recognized on Memorial Day. What in the hell is being thought in out schools today? They couldn't understand the concept of it being a day to remember out military members who died in the line of duty to their country. They said the civil rights movement was a war...really?

Martin Luther King gets his own day - something Presidents Washington and Lincoln do not....

As far as Harvey Milk goes, his only claim to fame was being killed by a deranged democrat.

06-01-2016, 12:06 AM
Enough said...


Illini Warrior
06-01-2016, 12:30 PM
Martin Luther King gets his own day - something Presidents Washington and Lincoln do not....

As far as Harvey Milk goes, his only claim to fame was being killed by a deranged democrat.

Illinois countered the blacks with their insistence of a MLK Day by issuing a Pulaski Day - the great Polish patriot of the Revolutionary War .... the IL schools systems that were all white had an option to skip MLK Day and use the holiday for something else - that came crashing down a few years ago - racist - you honor MLK or else ....

06-01-2016, 12:41 PM
Enough said...


That was just out right sad to see such stupidity in one small place. But then it's country wide and growing everyday.

06-01-2016, 12:51 PM
that video was just sad!

06-01-2016, 05:40 PM