View Full Version : Milwaukee Riots

08-15-2016, 12:17 PM
Yet another police shooting of a black man, yet another riot, and this time the facts are clearly evident from the officer's body camera.


One person shot in Milwaukee during second night of unrest

Published August 15, 2016
Associated Press

MILWAUKEE – Police said an 18-year-old man was shot and seriously injured at a Milwaukee protest on Sunday and officers used an armored vehicle to retrieve the man and take him to a hospital, as tense skirmishes erupted for a second night following Saturday's police shooting of a black man.

Some two dozen officers in riot gear confronted about 150 people who blocked an intersection near the fatal shooting Saturday afternoon, and more arrived. Police moved in to try to disperse the crowd and warned of arrests after protesters threw bottles and rocks at police and shots were fired.

Earlier Sunday, police Chief Edward Flynn said the man whose death touched off Saturday night's rioting was shot after he turned toward an officer with a gun in his hand.

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker put the National Guard on standby for any repeat of violence. Protests were peaceful most of Sunday evening before the confrontation after 11 p.m.

Flynn cautioned that the shooting was still under investigation and authorities were awaiting autopsy results, but that based on the silent video from the unidentified officer's body camera, he "certainly appeared to be within lawful bounds."

At the same news conference, Mayor Tom Barrett said a still image pulled from the footage clearly showed a gun in 23-year-old Sylville K. Smith's hand as he fled a traffic stop Saturday.

"I want our community to know that," Barrett said. But he also called for understanding for Smith's family.

"A young man lost his life yesterday afternoon," the mayor said. "And no matter what the circumstances are, his family has to be hurting."

Flynn declined to identify the officer who shot Smith but said he is black. The police chief said he wasn't sure what prompted the stop but described Smith's car as "behaving suspiciously."

After watching the officer's body camera footage, Flynn said the entire episode took about 25 seconds, from the start of the traffic stop until shots were fired. He said Smith ran "a few dozen feet" and turned toward the officer while holding a gun.

"It was in his hand. He was raising up with it," the chief said. He said the officer had told Smith to drop the gun and he did not do so. It was unclear how many rounds the officer fired. Smith was hit in the chest and arm, Flynn said.

Walker activated Wisconsin's National Guard, and 125 Guard members reported to local armories to prepare for further instructions. Flynn said they would not be deployed unless the chief decided to do so. Flynn said 150 department officers specially trained in managing big protests had also been mobilized.

The facts no longer make a difference. If the suspect is black, protest, loot and riot.

08-15-2016, 01:37 PM
More stupid people doing stupid things.

08-15-2016, 04:14 PM
Proves it's not about the cause, but the mayhem.

Illini Warrior
08-15-2016, 07:14 PM
no mention of the racist chanting? ... no mention of the racist beatings of white motorists? .... no mention of the racist comments of burning & looting the suburbs? ....

was this CNN - the Clinton Network News filtered?

08-15-2016, 10:30 PM
no mention of the racist chanting? ... no mention of the racist beatings of white motorists? .... no mention of the racist comments of burning & looting the suburbs? ....

was this CNN - the Clinton Network News filtered?

Where is George Zimmerman when you need him?

08-16-2016, 02:01 AM
It has already been shown that the facts do not matter. I may be wrong as to the event, but I believe it was in Furgison, MO. The media, (I was most likely watching Fox News) was interviewing the local black leaders the day before the facts were to be released about the shooting of a black male. The two leaders on television publicly stated no matter what the facts showed, the black male was innocent and the riots would be happening. The stated then the facts do not matter. As a black individual, they would always be in the right, and the whites in charge, would always be wrong. The facts would never matter. EVER

As an after thought, it now seems a new kind of race riot is In the works. The black population is no longer fighting for equality. I'm not really sure what they are fighting for. But I'm wondering, sense the population of some cities and states are very heavily black or white, those battles are all but over. I am curious where the other ethnic groups will stand, fight on one side or stand by and watch?

08-16-2016, 02:25 AM
I can't believe the police would shoot another unarmed black guy with a gun..........uh well maybe it was unloaded..........how did the cop know it wasn't............did the poor wayward child shoot it...........that must have been a backfire. Why, because he was really turning around his life this time, didn't you see his picture, just the young man you would want your daughter to take out because he was a little short of funds at the moment. We are now seeing the creation of a new protected class.

Tin foil alert, it is a plan to nationalize the police in major cities one department at a time right after each of the cities burn down......

08-16-2016, 12:25 PM
What is exactly their plan. And the rioters are too stupid to figure out it will be much worse then.

Illini Warrior
08-17-2016, 02:57 AM
luv the "outside agitators" excuse again .... the locals start in almost immediately with the rioting & looting after the shooting - yet the Milwk mayor and PD chief are blaming everything on a couple of black commies that came north from Chicago the next day ...

how do they expect to begin to solve a problem when they won't even face it? ....

- - - Updated - - -

Where is George Zimmerman when you need him?

they keep stopping cars and assaulting white drivers/passengers - somebody is going to empty their 15 rounds into the crowd ....

08-17-2016, 03:17 AM
luv the "outside agitators" excuse again .... the locals start in almost immediately with the rioting & looting after the shooting - yet the Milwk mayor and PD chief are blaming everything on a couple of black commies that came north from Chicago the next day ...

how do they expect to begin to solve a problem when they won't even face it? ....

- - - Updated - - -

they keep stopping cars and assaulting white drivers/passengers - somebody is going to empty their 15 rounds into the crowd ....

There's a reason I carry 6 17 round mags in my EDC bag. I'm building a 10.5" AR pistol for a truck gun for this reason. I'm more concerned with the possibility of followers of the religion of peace blocking a highway and going car to car shooting people, or mass shooter type situation, but I'm not gonna be Reginald Denny either.

Illini Warrior
08-17-2016, 01:06 PM
There's a reason I carry 6 17 round mags in my EDC bag. I'm building a 10.5" AR pistol for a truck gun for this reason. I'm more concerned with the possibility of followers of the religion of peace blocking a highway and going car to car shooting people, or mass shooter type situation, but I'm not gonna be Reginald Denny either.

you think only a radical muslim is thinking of this tactic? .... give a SHTF a few days to wipe out & burn the retail and those people will be looking for the next eazy pickings - they see the city "rich" packed up and sitting on the expressways to leave the city - cops are in the retail areas placating the big box store corporations - the neighborhood walks down a xway ramp and the fun starts ....

08-17-2016, 06:23 PM
no mention of the racist chanting? ... no mention of the racist beatings of white motorists? .... no mention of the racist comments of burning & looting the suburbs? ....

was this CNN - the Clinton Network News filtered?

They never made it out to the suburbs, apparently the rioters had half a brain to realize that folks in the suburbs shoot back. So they decided to just stay in their neighborhoods and burn that part down

Illini Warrior
08-17-2016, 09:14 PM
They never made it out to the suburbs, apparently the rioters had half a brain to realize that folks in the suburbs shoot back. So they decided to just stay in their neighborhoods and burn that part down

they wanted to take the bus out to West Allis but destroyed the bus stops instead - bad planning ....

08-17-2016, 11:19 PM
Dont chimp out. Yo.

08-18-2016, 01:49 AM
Still cat napping like I've done for about 46 sun rotations. Bring your sweet booty to Arc Demon Eagle.
Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha. If I'm gonna go to the Great Spirit I'm taking as many Retards as I can.


08-18-2016, 07:41 PM
. I'm more concerned with the possibility of followers of the religion of peace blocking a highway and going car to car shooting people, or mass shooter type situation, but I'm not gonna be Reginald Denny either.

DAY OF WRATH mentioned something similar. A tactic that won't much happen in the South, seeing as soon as the first few get shot, word will go out via CB and cell, and all them what have gun racks will be dismounting from their vehicles and using them.

08-18-2016, 08:25 PM
DAY OF WRATH mentioned something similar. A tactic that won't much happen in the South, seeing as soon as the first few get shot, word will go out via CB and cell, and all them what have gun racks will be dismounting from their vehicles and using them.

Man, I'd like to think that is the case, but I just think everyone is so wrapped up in day to day and getting the kids to soccer practice. I would respond if I saw that going down, but I don't know about everybody else.

Grumpy Old Man
08-19-2016, 12:24 AM
Problem: Cat V Chimp out. Solution: 25mm chaingun.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2016, 01:27 AM
I have been out of CONTN (continent of tennessee) for the last week, spent some time with the family in Reno, NV.............here's the SITREP. Last time I was out there was in 2011 since then I have seen an explosion in middle eastern and illegals. Now the other immigrants are the homeless being bused in from California and I just got an email today from little bro that they are getting a bunch of syrians in. The good thing is they are easier to find in Nevada than they are in Tennessee. We have trees and bushes!

Things I did when I was there:
1. Set up a Dillon 650 reloading machine for the two brothers (I don't like the machine, I think it sucks, ask me later why, I have a list)
2. Bought about 110 oz. of silver up in Virginia City. Shipped overnight back to the house, USPS was late and I got all my money back (free shipping)
3. Spent time with me Ma on her birthday!
4. Checked out Tesla's property...........interesting right down the road they are building a 1 million sqft. building as a data storage facility????????????????????????? Raises some questions don't it? Don't know who it belongs to though.
5. Checked up on the family cabin in the mountains (off grid) Mom beat us to it and took my advice, damn that woman. Things are looking good, needs to be filled up with goodies though.
6. Saw my first piece of wild game.............yup, it took like ten trips before I actually saw something worth shooting for meat. Antelope............kinda small but it will make a turd.
7. Confirmed that I will still never move out to Nevada...................
But all in all I got to see the family and most important me Ma! I made it back in one piece and nothing happened while I was gone, mission was a success.

08-19-2016, 02:03 AM
how do they expect to begin to solve a problem when they won't even face it? ....

they keep stopping cars and assaulting white drivers/passengers - somebody is going to empty their 15 rounds into the crowd ....

No, they won't face the problem head on, because the majority of young black men's deaths are caused by other young black men. "The truth...you can't handle the truth"

And if I am ever stopped at an illegal road block, and I feel my life is in danger by being pulled out of my car by a menacing crowd, I will do exactly that. I will start shooting at the closest one to me until I am out of bullets, no matter what the color of their skin is.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2016, 02:07 AM
OK but back on the subject matter at hand. It's been 5 yrs since I've been out of my environment (left the farm). Looking at Reno I think their shit's toast. The freeways are a constant clusterfuck, drivers are worse than New orleans, ok maybe close. If the SHTF no one would get out because of the McCarron beltway back up. "Golden Tittie Shields" are popping up everywhere and the Californicaters are moving in and changing their old way of life. Personally I think my family is FUBAR and I told them so. They don't listen......hence me putting together the reloading machine, they've had it for 2yrs now. IN that time they bought 3K of primers, no brass, 200 .30 cal bullets and 8lbs of the wrong powder. Not that I haven't been feeding them all the data over the last three years.

OH and I saw my first Cougar when I was there too! I was taking me Ma to Birthday dinner, coming up the escalator in the Atlantis casino....... when right there on the platform in front of us with a beautiful spotted coat stood this middle aged cat. A thing of beauty in the inner city, I didn't know they could use a cell phone. Then I asked me Ma......."MOM, is that a real Cougar?" She about knocked the shit out of me and off the escalator! My cheek's still swollen...................

08-19-2016, 03:46 AM
There was so much slang in your post BWRR that I thought you started speaking in tongues. Lol

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

08-19-2016, 04:07 PM
Brownwater Riverrat:"OK but back on the subject matter at hand. It's been 5 yrs since I've been out of my environment (left the farm). Looking at Reno I think their shit's toast. The freeways are a constant clusterfuck, drivers are worse than New orleans, ok maybe close. If the SHTF no one would get out because of the McCarron beltway back up. "Golden Tittie Shields" are popping up everywhere and the Californicaters are moving in and changing their old way of life. Personally I think my family is FUBAR and I told them so. They don't listen......hence me putting together the reloading machine, they've had it for 2yrs now. IN that time they bought 3K of primers, no brass, 200 .30 cal bullets and 8lbs of the wrong powder. Not that I haven't been feeding them all the data over the last three years."

Vegas will burn in a SHTF. Which is why, lately, the Cumberland Basin area is looking so attractive from where I sit.

BWRR, can you shoot me a pic of the type of silver you picked up in Virginia City?

I don't know for reloading, but I do know that 200 bullets is the matter of, at most, two weeks' work by a novice, thumbfingered wretch like me. in candor, I would have offered them 60% of list price for the lot, machine, materials and all, sold off what you didn't want or need, and kept the rest.

The best purchase for them right now is a monthly 10 gallon drum of Head & Shoulders, for all that scalp grit from having their head in the sand.


08-22-2016, 09:01 PM
BR there are just too many people in Reno and it is too easy to get there. However there is a lot of area around which is wide open. The big problem is water that is why I would not consider it. Where there is water out there people know about it unless you are truly remote. For me even out here on the Left Coast far north there are places which I believe are safe. Do I like CA no but it is where I have all my family and stuff. There is a large loosely affiliated group who I have known for over 20 years who in a pinch would be banning together. The more I talk to people around me the more I find most of the people I have associated with who think the same way. I find we have at least five fallback locations we could go to which are secure. That said it would have to be a complete breakdown. At this time I am not willing to go against our current government so for that reason I prefer to just stay low and out of sight. As for local unrest it is something if it were to happen here it would be dealt with.