View Full Version : How do I stock up on meds for my pets?

08-19-2016, 02:23 PM
I imagine there are many of you out there in the same position as me. How do I procure medications for my pets to put in their survival kits? Doctors (including my vet) are SOOOO hesitant (as they should be) to provide scripts in advance and both of my little dudes will last only a few weeks without these meds. Would prefer to do this legally, of course.

08-24-2016, 11:35 PM
Dependent upon what it is there are usually easily obtained alternatives

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08-24-2016, 11:35 PM
Can you tell us what you need specifically?

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-25-2016, 05:36 PM
Hmmm? Good one, I know couple of things about pet meds having two little monsters (85 and 75lbs) getting script from the vet and having it filled from wallyworld is a whole lot cheaper. LadyHK gets fish meds off the net for human consumption. Doses are done by weight, if you look at what the vet gives your pet, cross ref them on the net. See how they compare. Meds have name brands, chemical and generic names. By knowing what the vet is giving your pet and cross ref'ing I think you can come up with what is comparable for the critters. Then it comes to weights and doses allergies and what nots. I hope this helps.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-25-2016, 06:11 PM
OK here's an example I had to look this one up before I spoke out and killed someone. Our cat (85 pounder) takes "Felimazole" (brand name) generic is Methimazole. Guess what? It can be substituted for Potassium Iodide.......what's that? OK Nuclear exposure boom boom, we take PI tabs. Keep those in your kits. But it's the cat's thyroid medicine, go figure so in order to keep the cat squared away we could subtitute her meds with the PI if we had to. Or the other way around. I'll have to check the price but I think the Cat's meds might be cheaper than the PI tabs you get on line. Hmmmmmm? Might have just got on to something here Rat............sorry cat might have to save our own asses in this case. :rolleyes:

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-25-2016, 06:24 PM
Follow up, PI tabs for radiation are 130mg tabs, cats tabs are 5mg, 100 in her bottle, guess I'd be eating the whole bottle. Rad kit example link below. Actually that's a pretty damn good price compared to the last time I bought them. Better get them while they're cheap or Iran, North Korea or China or Russia or Stanistan sets of a neuc. This is what I get for helping someone out.....uh, hello ....pay pal....Bueller.... anyone......Bueller?

http://www.ebay.com/itm/iOSAT-Potassium-Iodide-KI-Tablets-130-mg-14-Radiation-Blocking-Survival-Gear-/172050987100?hash=item280f09b85c:g:L0gAAOSwLN5Witd F

08-25-2016, 06:59 PM
I hope this link works, but this may help with dosages and what antibiotic treats what. https://www.dropbox.com/s/dvoydsop0341491/Fish%20Antibiotics.pdf?dl=0

08-27-2016, 04:42 AM
Well this is kinda reversal. Most people are using fish med or whatever to add to their stuff now it is what can I stock for my pet. We I had to put my guy down a couple weeks ago and was looking for what I could give him for pain. When you Google stuff one source says give this and another says no. Well I ended up giving him some of my pain meds and they worked just fine. I have a friend who also has an old dog and they both take a low dose aspirin, the dog is doing much better than he is since then.

Check your local farm Bureau sometimes they may have stuff or the local feed store. Most ranchers give their own shots. Also take a look at all the sources people are putting out to obtain pet meds for themselves. Good luck

08-28-2016, 01:00 AM
Hate to say this but we have a good relationship with our vet. Been with them now with or 6th dog. Well about 20ish years. Have you brought it up with your vet? Have you thought about being blunt? It worked for me (the blunt approach) and it is not like we will be looking for another vet..unless she will not comply...

08-29-2016, 12:04 AM
There are numerous different livestock meds available at the farming stores around here, Penicillin and Tetanus to name a couple. They even offer the needles for your "pets"....