View Full Version : Bombs, bombs and more bombs

09-18-2016, 11:07 AM
A pipe bomb exploded in Seaside Heights, NJ before a charity run Saturday, Two bombs were discovered in NYC between 23rd and 27th Street in the Chelsea area, one of which went off wounding 29. Authorities are searching for clues as to who placed the devices, why and if they are all related.

Illini Warrior
09-18-2016, 01:36 PM
a 3rd unexploded cooker bomb has been found .....

I'm putting $$$$$ down on a ZERO count of the word "terrorism" or "terrorist" never ever being mentioned by a White House controlled source ....

09-19-2016, 11:18 AM
5 more pipe bombs found in Elizabeth, NJ last night, near train station. One exploded while being moved. The other 4 are on their way to FBI lab for analysis. A group of Afghani men have been taken into custody.
In typical fashion and to no ones surprise, the Mayor of New York refuses to call the NYC bombing a terrorist act.

The one intact bomb in NYC, and the pipe bombs in Elizabeth, NJ, were discovered and called in by civilians.

09-19-2016, 12:02 PM
I had missed the report for the last 5. Thanks for heads up.

09-19-2016, 12:11 PM
I have to say between the police shootings, bombs and bombings, knife attacks, etc, it is getting much more violent in rural America. Couple this with the elections coming up in a little over 50 days, and its aftermath, and it is going to be very uncertain times for a long while here. We have to long been lulled into this false sense of security. No one, and no place is safe. Keep your eyes open, and your head on a swivel. There is most likely a lot more to come in the near future.

Illini Warrior
09-19-2016, 01:10 PM
5 more pipe bombs found in Elizabeth, NJ last night, near train station. One exploded while being moved. The other 4 are on their way to FBI lab for analysis. A group of Afghani men have been taken into custody.
In typical fashion and to no ones surprise, the Mayor of New York refuses to call the NYC bombing a terrorist act.

The one intact bomb in NYC, and the pipe bombs in Elizabeth, NJ, were discovered and called in by civilians.

I haven't seen any official word on their ethnic/religion/nationality - kind of obvious from the 1st explosion ....

I'm betting on a mix of imports and turned domestic terrorists - probably related to each other - looooong time records of activity of terrorist type activity - watch them but don't dare do anything .....

Pour it on Trump - keep hitting Obammy & Clinton on their open door policy - How much vetting did these guys have?

09-19-2016, 02:11 PM
Just heard on the radio that authorities are searching for a naturalized citizen of Afghan descent in connection with the Chelsea area bombs.

09-19-2016, 04:27 PM
Suspect in custody!


09-20-2016, 04:50 AM
the issue I see is the crooks initiated the devices using cell phones. This is far more serious than the kids with lit fuse on a pipe bomb. Glad he is in custody. One cop shot in the hand the other was very luck with a bullet stopped by his vest in the chest. Oh ya the shit head took one in the arm. To bad he did not end up like the mall stabber. Just goes to show you no where is totally safe. Always be careful when you are out and about.