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The Stig
09-29-2016, 12:41 PM
Several years ago I was 215lbs, couldn't run to the neighbors house and back without dying and was a flabby mess.

I remember posting about "if you can't run to the mailbox and back what good will you be in a SHTF event". Yet, sadly, I was one that couldn't.

The low point was getting invited to shoot with some real-deal, legit, 100% verified high speed guys. I shot fine. Physically, I was smoked after 5 minutes of bounding movements. It was so humiliating.

It was the motivation I needed to get my ass, for the first time in my life, in some form of middle-aged shape.

I am happy to report I weighed 170lbs this morning, am doing my first 100mile bike ride this weekend and have obtained some level of physical fitness above "slug".

Lessons learned:

Start small: Don't start out with a crazy program you can't sustain. I literally started out doing a 20 air-squats as a "work out" for the entire day. My first bike ride was literally to the neighbors driveway. I just kept adding little bits here and there. Now I'm working out in some fashion 6 out of 7 days for a reasonable and sustainable amount of time.

Diet is key: Again, start small. I eat out a lot due to my employment. First, I stopped ordering desert. Then appetizers. Then I tried to get more fish and veggie side dishes. Then I cut out all the bread. Then I got off the diet-soda. This process took a long while but the results started being noticeable, especially, when my physical activity increased.

Repetition: 5 sets of 10 pushups is better than 50 straight pushups for building up strength. Same with cardio. Better to go on 3x bike rides during the week than 1 monster one every other week.

Change up what you do: The body responds to different stimuli. So just doing 1 exercise over and over means your body will likely plateau. Plus it gets boring. So change up what exercises you do to stimulate your body to more improvements.

Rest: Be sure you get plenty of rest. That's when your body recovers and grows. You can't run on fumes all the time.

Get advice: I felt like a retard asking really fit people basic n00b questions but man was it helpful. So much good advice and little tips along the way. Plus it increased the size of my network.

Listen to your body: While my goal going forward is overall strength improvements, I'll likely never be a massively strong person. I'm more of a cardio endurance person. Example: went hiking with a 40lbs pack a ways back. The group I was with walked at a faster pace than I do. Instead of trying to keep up and get blown out I walked at my own pace for about the first mile. Once I got warmed up I gradually increased the pace until I passed the main group and hung with the fast walking leader for the next 5+ miles.

I'm the same on bike rides. I need to start slow and gradually increase.

Listen to what your body is telling you.

Not trying to pretend to be an expert on the subject, nor am I saying I'm a ripped god of the gym now. I'm just happy that I can haul a pack 5 miles and not be dead, have a decent tone and have slimmed down (and kept it off). I did an all day shooting class earlier this year and wore plates and full kit the entire day. I looked like a dork, and yes I was tired, but I was effective at the end of the class.

Plus, I feel great.

I believe this is one of the best preps I've made thus far.

09-29-2016, 04:28 PM
Definitely have your head in the right place. Keep it up.

09-29-2016, 04:43 PM
Congrats. I have been on this journey for a few years now. Learn more all the time and get better at it over time. I was 185 and 30% body fat, now I am 150 and 12% body fat. Just a little more body fat to go, then I start hard on my bulking program. 3 years ago I had high blood pressure and was not in good shape. Now, I can keep up with most people half my age, and have been training in martial arts for 3 years. I can fight better, shoot better, and have more stamina than I did 15 years ago.

Fidel MD
09-30-2016, 10:24 PM
Good work.

As you say, diet is the key. You cannot exercise enough to compensate for a bad diet. And what is bad? Pretty much everything the government tells you to eat. Grains, carbs, and diet sweeteners; eating lots of small meals. Funny how the obesity and diabetes (both types) epidemics started pretty much the same time the government started shilling for agriculture.

There are a couple of books I recommend:

The Big Fat Surprise https://www.amazon.com/Big-Fat-Surprise-Butter-Healthy/dp/1451624433/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475273928&sr=8-1&keywords=teicholz


The Obesity Code https://www.amazon.com/Obesity-Code-Unlocking-Secrets-Weight/dp/1771641258/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475273966&sr=8-1&keywords=jason+fung+obesity+code

In short, don't worry about your blood glucose: Worry about your blood insulin. Dont snack. Dont worry about dietary fat: Worry about carbs - including 'healthy' fruit. The sugar in fruit, fructose, is REALLY bad for you: Far worse than glucose or table sugar. And excess blood glucose is converted to FAT, by insulin.

Your body does NOT require ANY external carbohydrates. Your body will produce all the glucose it NEEDS, from fats and proteins. Excess sugar is just bad.

09-30-2016, 10:47 PM
thanks for the post. id like to learn more about your diet, and the science behind it please!

10-01-2016, 12:28 AM
Fidel, When time permits would you mind expanding on your post? I am interested in learning more. I will be checking into the books you mentioned.

Stig/Helo, congrats to you both on your acheivements. Much effort to make that happen.

10-01-2016, 01:34 AM
Any feedback on Sick, fat and nearly dead? this guy is a hard core juicer.

10-01-2016, 03:54 AM
Good work.

As you say, diet is the key. You cannot exercise enough to compensate for a bad diet. And what is bad? Pretty much everything the government tells you to eat. Grains, carbs, and diet sweeteners; eating lots of small meals. Funny how the obesity and diabetes (both types) epidemics started pretty much the same time the government started shilling for agriculture.

There are a couple of books I recommend:

The Big Fat Surprise https://www.amazon.com/Big-Fat-Surprise-Butter-Healthy/dp/1451624433/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475273928&sr=8-1&keywords=teicholz


The Obesity Code https://www.amazon.com/Obesity-Code-Unlocking-Secrets-Weight/dp/1771641258/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475273966&sr=8-1&keywords=jason+fung+obesity+code

In short, don't worry about your blood glucose: Worry about your blood insulin. Dont snack. Dont worry about dietary fat: Worry about carbs - including 'healthy' fruit. The sugar in fruit, fructose, is REALLY bad for you: Far worse than glucose or table sugar. And excess blood glucose is converted to FAT, by insulin.

Your body does NOT require ANY external carbohydrates. Your body will produce all the glucose it NEEDS, from fats and proteins. Excess sugar is just bad.

I am have been keto for about 2 months now, and I have more energy than I ever have, and am sleeping better than ever. Lifting more weight, down 15 lbs.

- - - Updated - - -

Another book is the Art and science of low carb living.

Me and my wife are doing a program called Athletic Keto.

Fidel MD
10-01-2016, 04:21 PM
Fidel, When time permits would you mind expanding on your post? I am interested in learning more. I will be checking into the books you mentioned.

Stig/Helo, congrats to you both on your acheivements. Much effort to make that happen.

Read the two books....I'd start with the Fung book. The Teicholz book will probably piss most people off.

Other good books are by Gary Taubes. https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_ss_c_2_11?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=gary+taubes&sprefix=gary+taubes%2Caps%2C224

But for instance, yesterday my breakfast was a egg and chorizo bowl from McDonalds (I was on the road), without the potato cake. Coffee and cream, no sugar or artificial sweetener. Dinner was roasted chicken and cole slaw with oil and vinegar dressing. No snacks, a few cups of coffee, and water.

Breakfast this morning was bacon and eggs, and coffee. I doubt I will be hungry for lunch, steak and broccoli, maybe a baked potato with butter and sour cream.

I drink perhaps 1.5 to 2 liters of water a day. When others would grab a coke, I grab my water bottle. I am rarely hungry, and can't recall the last time I felt weak from low blood sugar.

That feeling is from your blood glucose level swinging high (from eating carbs) and then bottoming out (because the body produces more insulin than required for the glucose present...it's a slow responding process.

As Fung says, worry about your blood insulin levels - which is quite different than blood glucose: Keep the glucose down by minimizing carbs and the insulin will stay low too.

The biggest problem with the typical western diet is that since at least 1970 the US Government has been telling people to eat carbs - grains, fruit, etc. That breakfast is the most important meal of the day...brought to you by General Mills and Post. And since 1970 the incidence of obesity and Type II diabetes has increased, right along with the consumption of grain products.

Grain products are relatively easy to grow, very easy to store without a lot of wastage, and are easy to transport - they don't require refrigeration at least in the unprocessed state. So, by using bad science and the tyranny of the majority the truth is supressed.

I follow a low-carb diet. This doesn't mean a high protein diet (most people eat WAY more protein daily than they actually need), it means a low-carb diet. Fortunately, the body is a terrific processing machine and even if I ate no carbs, my body would still produce the glucose my brain and muscles need, from protein and fat metabolism.

The things I avoid (at least as a regular food) are bread, crackers, etc. No cereals. I rarely eat cakes or cookies (wow! processed grains with extra table sugar on top!). Fruit - I occasionally will eat berries since they have little sugar in them, but avoid fructose (fruit sugar) no matter if it's from an orange, an apple, or corn syrup. I will indulge every now and then, but not as a regular thing. And by making these sorts of foods treats, I appreciate them even more. I had a piece of pumpkin pie the other day, a favorite of mine: It was GOOD.

FWIW, my LDL (bad cholesterol) was 85 a week ago (pretty darned low, where it should be), my HDL (good cholesterol) is 85 (high, where it should be), and my blood hemoglobin A1C (a measure of long-term blood glucose) is 4.1 which is low normal.

Despite what some medical professionals, and rent-seeking organizations like the American Diabetes Association may claim, the physiology and biology support this sort of diet. Claims that a high-carb diet are healthy havent worked = never mind the biology involved, they just FAIL so trying them even harder don't make any sense.

Now, I'm not advising anyone to radically change their lives, especially if you have diabetes (either type). But avoiding carbs will cause most people to lose weight, and that will help them control their blood insulin by lowering blood glucose.

As far as Type II diabetics, their problem is insulin resistance: The cells in their body don't use insulin normally to move glucose from the blood into the cells, and the glucose then causes problems for the liver, kidneys, etc. The truth of the matter is that I can create insulin resistance in people.....easily, by giving them insulin. Or most of the drugs that type II diabetics normally use (metformin, for example). I can make their bodies more responsive (less resistant) to insulin by reducing their blood glucose (eating fewer carbs). There is one new class of drugs for Type II diabetics (the SGLT-2 drugs) that will actually lower blood insulin, and you will lose weight on them (a little, anyway). If there is a mechanism for replicating Diabetes Type II then that method just might have some relation to it's causes.

This is good news, and bad, for preppers. Most LTS foods are carb-intensive, because they don't require refrigeration to store. OTOH, if you are already drug dependent because of diabetes (either type) your survivability is pretty well hosed anyway. So, getting healthy NOW might be a good choice.

Fidel MD
10-01-2016, 04:31 PM
I am have been keto for about 2 months now, and I have more energy than I ever have, and am sleeping better than ever. Lifting more weight, down 15 lbs.

- - - Updated - - -

Another book is the Art and science of low carb living.

Me and my wife are doing a program called Athletic Keto.

There are a few variants of the sort of diet I follow - Atkins, Paleo, Keto. Most are close to what I think is ideal - Atkins, for example, had the right idea but advocated pretty high protein intake (as a result of his food recommendations). I try and make it simple, which makes it easier for me to follow. The basic premise of what I normally eat is based on two things - it had a face (animal protein) and green (green leafy vegetables, low in sugars).

I will occasionally eat other foods, but not as a regular item.

I even eat at McDonalds, occasionally. No fries, but I will get two McDoubles, and throw the bread away from one and use the meat and condiments on the other one...making a McQuad, I guess. BTW, the bread at McDonalds has a ton of sugar added, and so do their condiments - ketchup, even mustard, are sugar added because kids like it. I'm not saying never eat that stuff, just be aware of it and avoid it most of the time.

I can even eat at a Dennys....A build it myself slam, double eggs, bacon and sausage. No bread. Fills me up for the day. In short if it takes a combine to harvest, I don't eat it.

10-01-2016, 04:39 PM
There are a few variants of the sort of diet I follow - Atkins, Paleo, Keto. Most are close to what I think is ideal - Atkins, for example, had the right idea but advocated pretty high protein intake (as a result of his food recommendations). I try and make it simple, which makes it easier for me to follow. The basic premise of what I normally eat is based on two things - it had a face (animal protein) and green (green leafy vegetables, low in sugars).

I will occasionally eat other foods, but not as a regular item.

I even eat at McDonalds, occasionally. No fries, but I will get two McDoubles, and throw the bread away from one and use the meat and condiments on the other one...making a McQuad, I guess. BTW, the bread at McDonalds has a ton of sugar added, and so do their condiments - ketchup, even mustard, are sugar added because kids like it. I'm not saying never eat that stuff, just be aware of it and avoid it most of the time.

I can even eat at a Dennys....A build it myself slam, double eggs, bacon and sausage. No bread. Fills me up for the day. In short if it takes a combine to harvest, I don't eat it.

On athletic keto I keep my protein at just over 1 per pound. I get about 175 grams of protein each day, and about 130 grams of fat per day. While keeping my total carbs below 35grams. I am getting 2000 total calories per day, but I am not adding in the calories I burned during my workout. Feeling really good.

10-01-2016, 04:53 PM
I started my new lifestyle TODAY partly based on this thread, mostly because im so tired of my ulcerative colitis (a living nightmare) from the last 15 years, its what put me on medical retirement from the Guard.

Its based on the paleo AND SCD (select carbohydrate diet).

Just TODAY, i am already feeling better.

i plan in 1week to start my exercise.

in 1 month, start the quit of tobacco, maybe sooner... (dip, pouches).

as of today, zero starchs, zero sugar, zero processed foods or meats (hot dogs, balonha, etc). zero soft drinks, going with only water an unsweet tea.

taking 1/2 a 200mg caffeen tablet every 4 hours, and will taper back over the mont, so as to keep headaches away in the beginninh.

Wish me luck, i need it! my UC is already measurably better... not good, but better!

im gonna miss bread and pasta!!!


- - - Updated - - -

posted on my cell^^^

10-01-2016, 06:21 PM
Wow... that's a whole lot of major lifestyle changes... All the best buddy!

bon apetit!



10-01-2016, 06:24 PM
You make bad choices. Here is my low carb, NON vegan meal. Spicy buffalo shrimp.

http://i266.photobucket.com/albums/ii247/helomech1973/14479696_10202226200132683_8863034415138935764_n_z psdxdu38ss.jpg (http://s266.photobucket.com/user/helomech1973/media/14479696_10202226200132683_8863034415138935764_n_z psdxdu38ss.jpg.html)

10-01-2016, 09:20 PM
HAHA! Ill take a diet water with that!

I hope to write up the science behind my diet, its 99% geared for UC. In short, "common carbs" and "common sugars" are NOT being broken down in my digestive system, it is simply feeding bad bacteria and fermenting, creating gas and... other undesirable side effects. By taking away the stuff that feeds the bad bacteria ("common carbs" and "common sugars"), it will resolve the condition. I will also loose weight and feel better for a quality diet. (At least, thats the plan, lets see how it pans out in the following months!)

Its 5:13pm EST now, and I just had a B.M., best one Ive had in years... No emergency, no need for a pressure washer! (I know, TMI but anyone else with UC would be happy for me!) I physically feel better than I have in as long as I can remember, so Im motivated to see what the following weeks bring!

Im getting ready to put some beef patties on the grill, Ill top it off with some Montery Jack cheese and enjoy an unsweetened green tea. Im ready to eat now!


10-08-2016, 09:40 PM
Update: Down to 230 this morning, weight seams to be falling off... waiting for a plateau which will eventually happen but... thats okay, the body does like that.

Still no sodas or junk food, started eating some rice and a little bit of bread. Still no pasta or condiments, or SUGAR. I had 1 beer last night. Been eating zero processed foods or meats, I just got paid so I got some veggies to juice (my UC does not like pulp/fiber from raw veggies, but does perfectly fine with juice!!).

Im feeling a *LOT* better, I wake up a lot easier and feel a ton better when I do. I also feel a ton better during the day.

As soon as this weather clears, Ill start my exercise program.

Using some office type program on my phone and made a simple spread sheet to track my progress and keep notes, thats pretty handy.

BTW, the UC is far from cured but its a *LOT* better than a week ago!!

I think in July or August or so, I was 255 trying for 56.. so yeah, my clothes are already starting to feel big! Oh, and Ill be 50 in March. Wow. AARP, here I come!

Thats all for now!

10-09-2016, 01:21 AM
I actually am in better shape since leaving the military than when I was in it. I'm down to 220 from 240 in just a few months. I think its the less stress combined with actually being told I can do things now.

10-12-2016, 05:19 PM
I can’t believe I forgot to go to the gym today...

That’s 7 years in a row now.

10-12-2016, 06:23 PM
Update: Down to 230 this morning, weight seams to be falling off... waiting for a plateau which will eventually happen but... thats okay, the body does like that.

Still no sodas or junk food, started eating some rice and a little bit of bread. Still no pasta or condiments, or SUGAR. I had 1 beer last night. Been eating zero processed foods or meats, I just got paid so I got some veggies to juice (my UC does not like pulp/fiber from raw veggies, but does perfectly fine with juice!!).

Im feeling a *LOT* better, I wake up a lot easier and feel a ton better when I do. I also feel a ton better during the day.

As soon as this weather clears, Ill start my exercise program.

Using some office type program on my phone and made a simple spread sheet to track my progress and keep notes, thats pretty handy.

BTW, the UC is far from cured but its a *LOT* better than a week ago!!

I think in July or August or so, I was 255 trying for 56.. so yeah, my clothes are already starting to feel big! Oh, and Ill be 50 in March. Wow. AARP, here I come!

Thats all for now!

I'm no doctor, far far from it... just got back from wikipedia's article about UC... and the damnedest thing...



One thing about diet of all kinds ... in a SHTF situation, a far more physical lifestyle than before will be the norm. Some of the things so dangerous to a more or less sedentary lifestyle are dangerous in that they aren't being burned off, or so I see it.

I mind the Amish of my boyhood, while not ripped and sixpacked, were strong and robust, and of a very active livelihood. An MD friend of mine told me of the few times that an Amish had an autopsy, even in the elders...his phrase "they had arteries and veins you could drive an HO train set through". Then, too, their diet wasn't up to the gills in complex preservatives, either.

just my 30 mg of silver.


Fidel MD
10-12-2016, 07:10 PM
I'm no doctor, far far from it... just got back from wikipedia's article about UC... and the damnedest thing...



One thing about diet of all kinds ... in a SHTF situation, a far more physical lifestyle than before will be the norm. Some of the things so dangerous to a more or less sedentary lifestyle are dangerous in that they aren't being burned off, or so I see it.

I mind the Amish of my boyhood, while not ripped and sixpacked, were strong and robust, and of a very active livelihood. An MD friend of mine told me of the few times that an Amish had an autopsy, even in the elders...his phrase "they had arteries and veins you could drive an HO train set through". Then, too, their diet wasn't up to the gills in complex preservatives, either.

just my 30 mg of silver.


While a post SHTF lifestyle will be far more physically demanding than most have today, if you're not in good shape when TSHTF, your chances of lasting long enough to get healthy are pretty slim...

10-13-2016, 01:16 AM
I disagree Fidel... While being in shape will be an advantage, obviously, tenacity and determination will surpass the gym monkey. Life skills, and life strength outweigh, gym muscles. imo!

10-13-2016, 02:08 AM
I'd beg to differ, respectfully. A combination of good physical conditioning and mental state would be a balance, rather than a lopsided scale one way or the other.


10-13-2016, 02:37 AM
last year I had a friend of a friend come out to help me cut wood. he was a triathlete, a marathoner, and a gym junkie. he didn't last long. I'm out of shape, and old, but I live outdoors. I helped him sit down to rest. jus' sayin...

10-13-2016, 03:12 AM
I'm trying to get my energy back after being in the hospital bed for 5 days. I got suckered into doing a solar seminar in Cookville, TN tomorrow evening, so I got out today and drove to my solar go to guy, picked up some stuff...enough of that. But for lunch I stopped at KFC, ordered the 3 piece strip lunch. I ate the chicken, ate 1/3 of the mashed taters, passed up on the bisquit and the cookie. I have NEVER not eaten the bisquit. EVER!!! And by the way, did I mention, I just met a lovely, kind woman. Owns her own business, 2 actually.

she owns 2 bakery's damnit.

10-13-2016, 12:27 PM
I'm trying to get my energy back after being in the hospital bed for 5 days. I got suckered into doing a solar seminar in Cookville, TN tomorrow evening, so I got out today and drove to my solar go to guy, picked up some stuff...enough of that. But for lunch I stopped at KFC, ordered the 3 piece strip lunch. I ate the chicken, ate 1/3 of the mashed taters, passed up on the bisquit and the cookie. I have NEVER not eaten the bisquit. EVER!!! And by the way, did I mention, I just met a lovely, kind woman. Owns her own business, 2 actually.

she owns 2 bakery's damnit.

Boy aren't you just the chick magnet.

The Stig
10-15-2016, 01:31 AM
I'd beg to differ, respectfully. A combination of good physical conditioning and mental state would be a balance, rather than a lopsided scale one way or the other.


Tend to agree with you. Being gassed after some exertion, or just some plain old work, limits your options to deal with various bad situations.

I lean too much to cardio and not enough strength work. Need to achieve a better overall balance.

10-15-2016, 03:28 AM
Owns two bakeries that is great. When she checks up on you all you have to do it go to the other bakery. If she were to open a third then you could just play the shell game and she might not catch on. Of course it will probably end up with a coronary.

10-16-2016, 04:27 PM
Yesterday scaled in at 229, first time in 15 years or more its been that low. Once I get to 195 ill evaluate my condition for any new goals.

starting back on weights this week.


10-16-2016, 06:04 PM
My back has finally healed to the point that I can do sit-ups without screaming in pain. I'm excited!

10-16-2016, 06:54 PM
I was 185, now I am 148 and getting close to my 10% body fat goal

Fidel MD
10-16-2016, 10:51 PM
Yesterday scaled in at 229, first time in 15 years or more its been that low. Once I get to 195 ill evaluate my condition for any new goals.

starting back on weights this week.


I recommend the Rippetoe method of weights....

10-16-2016, 11:19 PM
Im researching that now, I tend to do segments of different methods, or variations of methods.

Been using Dogg Crapp for a core for many years with good results. Been building strength and bulk, which is what I want.


Fidel MD
10-16-2016, 11:25 PM
I don't care about bulk...I have enough trouble finding shirts that fit. Just strength.

11-15-2016, 01:54 AM
Good work.

As you say, diet is the key. You cannot exercise enough to compensate for a bad diet. And what is bad? Pretty much everything the government tells you to eat. Grains, carbs, and diet sweeteners; eating lots of small meals. Funny how the obesity and diabetes (both types) epidemics started pretty much the same time the government started shilling for agriculture.

There are a couple of books I recommend:

The Big Fat Surprise https://www.amazon.com/Big-Fat-Surprise-Butter-Healthy/dp/1451624433/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475273928&sr=8-1&keywords=teicholz


The Obesity Code https://www.amazon.com/Obesity-Code-Unlocking-Secrets-Weight/dp/1771641258/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1475273966&sr=8-1&keywords=jason+fung+obesity+code

In short, don't worry about your blood glucose: Worry about your blood insulin. Dont snack. Dont worry about dietary fat: Worry about carbs - including 'healthy' fruit. The sugar in fruit, fructose, is REALLY bad for you: Far worse than glucose or table sugar. And excess blood glucose is converted to FAT, by insulin.

Your body does NOT require ANY external carbohydrates. Your body will produce all the glucose it NEEDS, from fats and proteins. Excess sugar is just bad.

what about oatmeal, quinoa, legumes and brown rice? Any they any good?

11-15-2016, 04:01 AM
I would personally say not even those, and would recommend the book "Eat Meat and Stop Jogging". It lays out a clear, reasoned argument on what to eat, what not to eat, and why.

Welcome to the forum.

Fidel MD
11-15-2016, 04:52 AM
what about oatmeal, quinoa, legumes and brown rice? Any they any good?

Oatmeal,quinoa, and brown rice are all grains, and have relatively high glycemic indexes. Personally I can't handle oatmeal, too much soluble fiber. Legumes (beans) are better but why? Still carbs...

11-16-2016, 02:07 AM
I would personally say not even those, and would recommend the book "Eat Meat and Stop Jogging". It lays out a clear, reasoned argument on what to eat, what not to eat, and why.

Welcome to the forum.

thank you sir.

- - - Updated - - -

Oatmeal,quinoa, and brown rice are all grains, and have relatively high glycemic indexes. Personally I can't handle oatmeal, too much soluble fiber. Legumes (beans) are better but why? Still carbs...

one last question- the books you mentioned (and tunnelrat), does it have info in regards to those who wish to eat once a day? I'll be ordering shortly for my kindle but was curious b4 I made the purchase.

Fidel MD
11-16-2016, 02:54 AM
thank you sir.

- - - Updated - - -

one last question- the books you mentioned (and tunnelrat), does it have info in regards to those who wish to eat once a day? I'll be ordering shortly for my kindle but was curious b4 I made the purchase.

The Obesity Code by Fung is perfectly OK with it...he advocates short (~18 -24 hour or so) fasts, which now that I've tried it isn't so crazy seeming... I will often eat only one meal a day, without signs or symptoms of starvation.

11-16-2016, 07:27 AM
I fast for 16 hours every day. never thought I could do it, but when you are eating good food it isn't hard at all.

11-16-2016, 11:53 AM
From what I've read, it depends on your goals and activity level. What helo has described is called intermittent fasting, and yes, that is discussed. Well, it is in "Live It, Not Diet" anyway.

One of my delivery drivers at work is my age. I got an impression yesterday that he was incredibly ripped. When I asked what his deadlift is, he was around 450, with a pr of 500 before a work related shoulder injury. I am nowhere near that, and will never get near it eating once a day. You have to fuel the machine, just like my other.

Might I ask why you only want to eat once a day?

11-16-2016, 12:34 PM
I somehow missed Fidel's reply before posting my own. After a quick review, it appears The Obesity Code is a comparable study and program to others I have read. I may pick it up after a time to expand my body of reference. Thanks, Fidel.

11-16-2016, 04:25 PM
From what I've read, it depends on your goals and activity level. What helo has described is called intermittent fasting, and yes, that is discussed. Well, it is in "Live It, Not Diet" anyway.

One of my delivery drivers at work is my age. I got an impression yesterday that he was incredibly ripped. When I asked what his deadlift is, he was around 450, with a pr of 500 before a work related shoulder injury. I am nowhere near that, and will never get near it eating once a day. You have to fuel the machine, just like my other.

Might I ask why you only want to eat once a day?

From what I have read it doesn't matter if you eat once a day or not. As long as you get your caloric intake for the day it is irrelevant if it is in one meal or 8 meals. I can see the argument either way on this. I choose to eat 5 times a day. Breakfast is at 12:30, snack at 2:30, lunch at 4:30, snack at 6:30, then supper at 8:30. Each meal is usually between 400 and 600 calories. I get 2100 calories each day.

Fidel MD
11-16-2016, 05:48 PM
As Dr Fung explains in the Obesity Code, it is actually counterproductive and potentially dangerous to eat many small meals a day.

His point is that by constantly taking in food (especially carbohydrates) your body is constantly either in a high-insulin state, or swinging between high and low blood glucose levels. The swinging is bad because it leads to the feelings of weakness and hunger that cause people to not stick to an eating plan, and having high levels of blood insulin causes...insulin insensitivity which is the definition of Diabetes Type II.

Of course, eating snacks will do the same thing. We've probably all seen that commercial for Snickers candy bars saying have a snickers - you'll feel better! They're right, for an hour or two, as you metabolize all that sugar (and it's mostly fructose, too - the worst kind). Then your blood sugar crashes, and you feel bad again.

He actually advocates what he calls small fasts....for instance, eat dinner on Sunday, and don't eat again until lunch or dinner on Monday. When I first read it I thought it was BS, and then I tried it with good results. I'm generally eating only one or two meals a day (often only one) and not feeling any adverse signs or symptoms (and my body fat is decreasing). I do cheat a bit (I suppose), I drink coffee with half and half in it in the mornings. After that, it's water only.

11-16-2016, 06:23 PM
When I say snack I should probably explain. My snacks are always healthy, low car snacks. I eat less than 35 total carbs a day. My meals are eggs and bacon for breakfast, usually 8 ounces of pork, deer, tuna, chicken or rabbit for lunch and supper. I add lots of fat in when ever possible.

Fidel MD
11-16-2016, 09:29 PM
OK, but if you're eating snacks, your blood glucose will rise...it will rise a lot more with carbohydrates, but it will still rise through gluconeogenesis with anything you eat.

So, not eating snacks is probably best.

11-16-2016, 10:56 PM
I get to hungry. The 16 hour fast is fine, but after I eat I stay hungry. What is the downside of my blood glucose rising?I only got a little bit of fat left to loose.

11-16-2016, 11:48 PM
I've been reading a lot on diets and such. One of the most interesting ones I read was fasting for roughly 24-36 hours then eating as much as you can stomach. Supposedly it is based off of the way people ate in really primitive times. They wouldn't be able to find or eat 3 meals a day because food would spoil so quickly. So it was based on only being able to find food occasionally and then eat as much as possible when you did get it.

11-17-2016, 01:22 AM
I've been reading a lot on diets and such. One of the most interesting ones I read was fasting for roughly 24-36 hours then eating as much as you can stomach. Supposedly it is based off of the way people ate in really primitive times. They wouldn't be able to find or eat 3 meals a day because food would spoil so quickly. So it was based on only being able to find food occasionally and then eat as much as possible when you did get it.

Yes, as there was no guarantee for the hunter gatherer types of the day to have much in the way of food in the future. Add to that, primitive times were anything but the relatively sedentary times of today. (As little as 300 years ago, never mind 30,000 years ago, the avg. Joe of that time would be reduced to laughter at the amount of 'work' present day Joe does.) One probably tanked up on the calories as soon as they were made available.

In a SHTF situation, absent a store of food before a viable growing and harvesting cycle gets re-established, survival gets a LOT more labor-intensive. Even moreso if there is the matter of raiders, thieves, or an outright war going on.

11-17-2016, 02:13 AM
Fidel, do you think I should try fasting for longer? Also is working out during a fast effective for the workout? Thanks

Fidel MD
11-17-2016, 02:51 AM
I get to hungry. The 16 hour fast is fine, but after I eat I stay hungry. What is the downside of my blood glucose rising?I only got a little bit of fat left to loose.

The downside of your blood glucose rising is that you will release insulin to either convert it to energy (insulin works by carrying glucose molecules through the cell wall) or if you don't need energy, then convert it to fat. Also, the highs and lows cause hunger, and the effects of not eating (lightheadedness, irritability, etc).

- - - Updated - - -

I've been reading a lot on diets and such. One of the most interesting ones I read was fasting for roughly 24-36 hours then eating as much as you can stomach. Supposedly it is based off of the way people ate in really primitive times. They wouldn't be able to find or eat 3 meals a day because food would spoil so quickly. So it was based on only being able to find food occasionally and then eat as much as possible when you did get it.

I wouldn't go all paleo with that....those folks also died at 25, too weak to run from the saber-tooth or fight off the dire wolves...

- - - Updated - - -

Fidel, do you think I should try fasting for longer? Also is working out during a fast effective for the workout? Thanks

If it is bothering you then no. And working out is working out, the benefits happen when muscle that has been over stressed and damaged is replaced with new, stronger muscle.

11-17-2016, 02:52 AM
The downside of your blood glucose rising is that you will release insulin to either convert it to energy (insulin works by carrying glucose molecules through the cell wall) or if you don't need energy, then convert it to fat. Also, the highs and lows cause hunger, and the effects of not eating (lightheadedness, irritability, etc).

I am still loosing weight, I think my body fat is pretty close to 11%. Hoping to hit 10% soon. I have plenty energy, no light headeness. Maybe some irritability, but not much more than usual. Going to try to eat 2 larger meals tomorrow and see how that goes.

11-17-2016, 10:54 PM
Im hung up at 229.. still a LOT better than the 256 I was encroaching on!

I cant WAIT to get 200! Im sure another 30 would do me a world of good!


11-18-2016, 03:27 AM
Well I managed to only eat twice today. Had a big breakfast at 12:30, and big supper at 20:30. 2064 calories of my 2100 goal. Wasn't to bad, but really doubt I could eat once a day and not be miserable.

Fidel MD
11-18-2016, 04:10 AM
Don't count calories....doesnt matter and is counter productive.

Read Good Calories Bad Calories....

11-18-2016, 12:17 PM
How can that be?

11-18-2016, 01:53 PM
Its more in what you eat than the calorie count. A focus on animal protein, along with certain fats and veggies. I could eat like a pig and still not hit a set calorie count. I just ate when I was hungry, and until I felt full. Usually a few times a day. Full of energy and feeling good.

Fidel MD
11-18-2016, 10:31 PM
What he said. Calorie in, calorie out is a cruel lie. It also depends on how you metabolize food.

Read the book for a complete (non-scientific) explanation.

11-19-2016, 12:00 AM
The one thing that helped me the MOST is dropping soft drinks and sugar, ALL sugar. Then I adjusted to eating a more healthy diet, not perfect... just more healthy. Dropped ALL the junk food and junk snacks.

I ate whenever I was hungry, but it was an apple or something for snacks.

My first 25 lbs (or so?) dropped off like a bad habit and I feel a lot better. Now, to drop the *OTHER* 25 lbs I need to get rid of!!


11-19-2016, 02:23 AM
Its more in what you eat than the calorie count. A focus on animal protein, along with certain fats and veggies. I could eat like a pig and still not hit a set calorie count. I just ate when I was hungry, and until I felt full. Usually a few times a day. Full of energy and feeling good.

I do focus on animal protein and good fats. But if I don't count my calories i will probably eat over 5k a day. I will eat when I get hungry if I don't keep up with it. I almost always feel hungry. For example today was my cheat meal. I ate about 4k calories just for supper, and i am not full.

Fidel MD
11-19-2016, 05:07 AM
The one thing that helped me the MOST is dropping soft drinks and sugar, ALL sugar. Then I adjusted to eating a more healthy diet, not perfect... just more healthy. Dropped ALL the junk food and junk snacks.

I ate whenever I was hungry, but it was an apple or something for snacks.

My first 25 lbs (or so?) dropped off like a bad habit and I feel a lot better. Now, to drop the *OTHER* 25 lbs I need to get rid of!!


Sugar is bad, right?

Of the half-dozen or so different types of dietary sugar, the worst one of all for your body is fructose. The one in 'natural, healthy' fruit.

The body has no feedback mechanism to tell you to quit eating fructose, that you've had enough. It can't be used by the body in cells, it has to be converted to either glycogen or triglycerides (fatty acids), which lead to high cholesterol.

That apple? Fructose. I'm not saying don't eat fruit, but be very, very careful. An apple or an orange isn't necessarily bad for you, but it's not good for you either. And any processed fruit flavored anything (fruit juice, fruit roll-up, fruit filling, etc) is indeed bad for you.

Don't even get me started on high fructose corn syrup. Thanks, ADM and USDA for killing thousands of Americans.

11-19-2016, 01:34 PM
Ive got my sugar notes here somewhere, but the #1 sugars I avoid is table sugar & HFCS sugar.

Fidel MD
11-19-2016, 04:48 PM
Table sugar is a disaccharide (two sugar moieties) made of glucose and dextrose. Fructose is far, far worse.

11-20-2016, 01:11 AM
Fidel, sounds like the notes I made.. (and still looking for)
Why not expand on the information and teach us more? Im trying to live healthy, but Im an idiot...

Having UC, I am also trying to figure out the starch and sugar connection. Im trying to figure out what NOT to eat... have read the SCD book (Select Carbohydrate Diet), but after reading it.. sounds like I cant eat anything!

Can you help? Im miserable (UC).


11-20-2016, 01:54 AM

I may have come onto something...




Id appreciate your feedback... The video pretty much details it in a way I understand, and sounds like the symptoms I experience... about 10 - 12 times a day. Sudden onset of "need to go" (no warning, painful and pressure is over whelming), lots of gas, all liquid. This will stop you in your tracks... mid step! I have to wait for the "wave" to subside before I can get to the loo, otherwise an unpleasant experience ("accident") is 95% probable.

It even wakes me from my sleep, 2 or 3 times a night.

I dont take any meds anymore, what I was on for years pretty much quit working after the first few months, the rest of the time I kept taking them in hopes it would get better again. Im pretty sure (again, Im an idiot) Id have better results with a modified diet.


11-21-2016, 02:30 AM
I do focus on animal protein and good fats. But if I don't count my calories i will probably eat over 5k a day. I will eat when I get hungry if I don't keep up with it. I almost always feel hungry. For example today was my cheat meal. I ate about 4k calories just for supper, and i am not full.

Hey Helo,

How much water do you drink before, during and after meals (or during the day)? I started drinking a gallon a day about a couple of weeks ago: my skin is smoother, the eczema on my calves are nearly gone and I'm rarely hungry.

11-21-2016, 04:01 AM
Hey Helo,

How much water do you drink before, during and after meals (or during the day)? I started drinking a gallon a day about a couple of weeks ago: my skin is smoother, the eczema on my calves are nearly gone and I'm rarely hungry.

I drink at least a gallon and a half of water every day. I also increased my sodium intake to 4500 a day. I can just eat no matter what I do. I love roast beef poboys, and when I eat them I eat a 12 inch, and a 8 inch, plus onion rings and I am still not full. For me to feel full I have to eat a lot of food.

12-23-2016, 02:21 PM
In related news, I quit smoking on December 11. That's 9 days longer than I've made it in previous attempts, and at this point, while I still feel like a cig would be nice here and there, idgaf if I actually smoke one. Does that make any sense? It does to me. It means I am done! D. U. N. done.

Diet is going healthier again as well, but I haven't been stressing the total avoidance of carbs and sugars while going through the nicotine withdrawal. I'll get more strict again in a few days, after Christmas.

12-23-2016, 04:08 PM
Great, keep it up. November 1st mad 6 years I quit smoking.

Fidel MD
12-23-2016, 05:56 PM
Congrats! Take the money you save and buy something nice with it!

12-24-2016, 01:22 AM
I quit for over a year... but then life blew up and I started again... :(

working on it...

12-25-2016, 12:49 AM
I did the same before, T. It happens, so I know you'll drop it again when you want to.

Thanks helo.

Fidel, I'm going to try watching that savings account grow now. I'm way too good at buying myself nice things as it is. Now I need some place to keep them all.