View Full Version : East Coast Heads Up

10-04-2016, 02:12 AM
For all you Ants on or near the East Coast, Keep your heads up and eyes open.


There is a lot of info out there right now, but after it crosses Cuba they forecasters don't really have a clue what Mathew is gonna do. The latest I heard is that it may start working its way west. that will bring Florida and south eastern Ga more into play for more than just heavy rain. Earlier it looked more like the SC/NC line might take the brunt. Hopefully it turns out to sea.

10-04-2016, 02:43 PM
Okay they say in some areas in its path can expect up to 24 to 40 inches of rain. I am trying to figure out how someone in a flood zone can prepare for something like that? You guys be careful and try to stay dry. Good luck

It rained here yesterday, the first time in 140 days and we got .09 inches of rain, not even enough to water the lawn.

10-04-2016, 05:08 PM
Sandbag all your low doors and windows. Thats all I can say.

10-05-2016, 12:02 AM
Genny has been down for a year, reckon Ill ride this out with coleman lanterns... what sux, is not having the fridge, I hate loosing ANY food.


10-05-2016, 12:57 PM
Current track for Hurricane Matthew has it going up the east coast of Florida and then heading out to sea. Looks to be strengthening so looks like a Cat3/4 storm. I have relatives in St. Augustine, and they are heeding the warnings, which is something I would advise anyone in the path to do. Stuff can be easily replaced, life is not as easy. Mt prayers arewith those of you in the forecast path.

10-05-2016, 09:29 PM
I have a cuz that lives near Jacksonville. They are bugging out today. Way too close for comfort. This one is big enough to cause massive destruction. No way I would try and ride this one out.

10-05-2016, 10:20 PM
I just checked the NOAA warning for the Florida/SE Georgia area. They are predicting extreme damage. My daughter lives in saint Augustine, she has prepped for this, but since she is a nurse, has already been put on notice that she will be working. No evac for her or her 2 kids.

10-06-2016, 10:30 AM
Yep, going to be a bumpy ride for us here. Keep us in your prayers fellow ants.

10-06-2016, 11:37 AM
This storm is looking worse and worse for folks in Florida. The track now shows the eye may skirt Daytona Beach, The storm will be producing hurricane force winds along areas of the Florida coast for 24 hours along a 200 mile swath centered around Daytona. If it tracks a bit more westerly hurricane force winds will be felt inland as far as Orlando. Mandatory evacs have already been put in place east of US1A. Most grocery stores and a lot of gas stations and hardware/Home improvement stores have run out of essentials.
Will be contacting my daughter later today to see what is going on.
If you are in the storms path, contact friends and relatives and tell them your plans. Keep them updated and keep your cell charged. If you are evacuating and haven't gassed up, you probably can't at this point. Storm impact is expected to be at its strongest starting about 10PM tonight and continue through the weekend. Stay safe. My prayers are with you.

10-06-2016, 08:01 PM
New projections have this thing as a strong C4 possibly a C5 prior to taking the coast. In terms of hurricanes it's the Florida worst case scenario actively happening. I Lnow a few of our members over there. Let's hope they are ready for this monster.

10-06-2016, 10:01 PM
Just heard from my daughter. She is now in the Gainesville area. She was under mandatory evacuation. The NOAA storm surge prediction app shows flooding inland past I-95 from south of Daytona Beach going North past Jacksonville. Storm looks like it is strengthening. I am currently watching reports from 4 different stations in Florida, reports are not good. This storm is going to cause a lot of damage. Stay safe those of you Ants in the Florida-Georgia, South Carolina area.

10-07-2016, 01:16 AM
My cousin left Jacksonville and headed to other family on the panhandle.

My prayers are out for all the folks involved.

10-07-2016, 05:30 AM
My elderly (stubborn) uncle and aunt are about 1/2 mile from the coast, I called them to see if they were on their way out but Uncle isn't leaving, my aunt said they have the shutters up and enough water, food, gas and are going to hunker down and ride it out at the house. Please pray for them. I am really really worried about them. I just hope their son is there with his kids to help them. Haven't been able to contact him as of yet, I keep trying, though.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-07-2016, 05:51 PM
Well I just talked to my "darling little daughter" yesterday, guess where she's at? St. Augustine for a dance competition! "Oh, by the way dad......I'm at Publix shopping for some......" You can guess how the rest of the conversation went. Well they are staying at a hotel that is a shelter, forget what it's called but that's where the competition is being held. Yup, they are going to continue with the competition.......WTF? It seems I was just having a similar conversation a little while back, shot up gay night club, little terrorist action, blah, blah, blah. What is it with this kid? So they are hunkering down, as I sit here with my thumb up my ass...........again. That EOD boyfriend of hers better show some "hoo-yah" over the next few days.

OK, so I gave her a list over the phone and she was way ahead of me, except for a couple of things of course. But here's the thing that ticked me off...again.
1. No "BOB", the one I picked, packed, and parceled sits collecting dust at her home in "Fairy Land, FL"
2. No piece, she has her permit and so does "diver dan" and yet they drive all around the state for competitions......you get the picture.

OK, so I sit and wait..............fuckin dancers. OH, but she's now NITROX certified, mixed gas diver, "hoo-yah" might come in handy with the storm surge........Kid's going to drive me nuts!

It's gotta be in her DNA......

10-07-2016, 11:59 PM
Take a DEEP breath BR . Will pray for you and the daughter. Hope all is well otherwise.

10-08-2016, 12:42 AM
my kid drives me nuts quite often, so we have something in common!!

Lil'Bravo reminds me of the saying: youth is wasted on the young.


10-08-2016, 01:18 AM
Just heard from a friend in Savannah. They decided to ride it out. He said it's getting rough, but so far no major issues. Just high wind gust.
Hope all the folks that stayed back hold up ok and they have enough supplies to last till power and supplies come back.

10-08-2016, 06:16 AM
Member posted the URL, thx!


The outer band is starting to hit, moderate rain and 6 mph wind. By morning this should start to get interesting.
I doubt we will see anything significant, but... still lots of rain and wind!


10-08-2016, 01:56 PM
Hunker down and good luck

10-08-2016, 02:25 PM
Just heard from my buddy in Savannah. They lost power around 3. Exits from neighborhood flooded, but other than sticks and limbs in the yard they came thru good.

Cousin is heading back to Jacksonville to see how there place faired.

Sister lives in mid SC. They are getting heavy rain and are e,pectin significant flooding in some areas. They are on high ground and should be fine.

10-08-2016, 09:16 PM
Wind here is about 8mph, sky looks dark, light rain... from the radar, it looks like its not hitting us, but Ive been expecting the outer band to be over head by now! Will have to wait and see. Were not in the clear yet.

Looks like FL and SC are in the clear now, NC is getting hammered, parts of E VA. SWVA, not so much right yet...


10-09-2016, 01:17 AM
South Carolina just lost a few piers. Wooden ones, not concrete but still.

10-09-2016, 05:04 AM
my kid drives me nuts quite often, so we have something in common!!

Lil'Bravo reminds me of the saying: youth is wasted on the young.


Any of us with kids, particularly those of young adult age and up have the same thing in common!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-09-2016, 02:54 PM
Well, I did get to talk to her yesterday right around the time it was passing by. Got a better perspective on her location and who they were with. Turns out she's right near I-95 (that's far enough inland) right there in the "retired golfers community" with all the LEOs they have a Op center set up there. So I guess they're GTG. (started this yesterday) Anyway now I'm just waiting on "madame butterfly" to call me and let me know they are "GTG" and on their way back to the homestead.

10-09-2016, 06:22 PM
all clear, stand down.


10-10-2016, 01:35 AM
My daughter's home in St Augustine is 4 miles from the beach. Post hurricane survey revealed she will need to remove 1 tree which is leaning towards the house. No other issues. The southern tier of the east coast was lucky in that the hurricane remained out at sea as long as it did. However, there was still more then enough damage and life lost due to wind and water damage. There will be plenty of "lessons learned" from this storm.The evacuations were well warranted, had the storm run just 10 miles closer to the coast, we'd be looking at a whole new dynamic.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-10-2016, 02:49 AM
GTG, and on their way back was told she'd call when she got home...............yeeeah. This kid.

10-10-2016, 04:25 PM
Call, call???? Don't hold your breath my daughter went back to college two weeks ago and said she would call when she got there. Must of been a long trip because she has not called yet............

Illini Warrior
10-12-2016, 02:19 PM
good read - posting today at SurvivalBlog from a Storm Matthew prepper - kind of an "after action" report - great relevance for all kinds of SHTFs besides hurricanes ....


Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-12-2016, 06:44 PM
OK, "madame Butterfly" has landed. Kid finally called, she's GTG, said she had a blast. Well isn't that just great! (sarcasm) She said the power flickered twice, once during the competition and another time during dinner. Competition over and then they came home. Most of the judges bailed on them, but they continued on.........well hey, at least they had fun. Everyone had fun and made it home safe and has a whole list of "what ifs" now. Lessons were learned. Dad happy, daughter........well daughter still daughter.

So is the life of a parent, then there are those that are parents and don't give two shits about their offspring.
AND WE PAY FOR IT! Save it for another day, "Here's to the parents, damn few left!"