View Full Version : Presidential election vote recount?

11-28-2016, 01:49 PM
If this post should be in another forum, please excuse my mistake and mods move it with my blessing.

So the Green Party candidate, Jll Stein, is calling for a recount of the votes in several states. Interesting that she has raised more money for a recount than she did for here campaign.

President elect Trump says that a recount will show that there was fraud and he will end up winning the popular vote.

In about 3 weeks the Electoral College will meet and make the final election of the next President. What do you think will happen if the EC selects someone other than Trump?

11-28-2016, 02:20 PM
The EC will not throw the election the other way. As for the recount, you could see it was coming. Pennsylvania is the hardest nut to crack, as Jill Stein has already lost the ability to recount votes in certain districts, and has some very tough criteria to meet in order to get the recount done there. Michigan is easier, but the total won't change much. If I recall correctly, she is claiming outside interference from a foreign government, so has the wrong people looking into her claim.

Illini Warrior
11-28-2016, 08:24 PM
the whole purpose is run the deadlines past their normal dates and throw Trump's inauguration into chaos ... there's a set December meeting date for the Electoral College vote - if the recounts aren't done - VERY good chance they won't - those state EC votes can't be included .... it would be up to Congress to allow the EC votes in later to give the necessary majority ....

looking like more backdoor maneuvering to keep Obammy in office past January ....

NO WAYYYYYY is there any possibility of Hellery winning or the recount discounting Trump - all total BS - Trump is ahead 60k-80k in the recount states - MI has been already certified a Trump win

11-29-2016, 08:59 PM
Dunno whatinhell is supposed to happen next. Allegedly, PA's recall window closed midnight 11/28/2106, local midnight. Wisconsin is allowing the recount but told Stein to pound sand about it being a handcount.

The laws needed tightening up after 2000. I've never been a fan of the no-paper-trail situation, and not at all uncomfortable with old school paper ballots.

ZeroHedge and others have been floating things like Stein ( a de-facto Rodham agent ) trying to get the three states she is trying to recall invalidated by incomplete recount, and therefore losing their representation in the Electoral College. Problem with that is, it also changes the critical threshold, with Rodham again on the losing end.

My own thought is that the electors themselves are going to be under attack... A plain brown envelope with their loved ones' pictures, and a block lettered " We know where they are. YOU need to know how to vote. " on Rodham-watermarked stationary...

12-01-2016, 05:17 PM
Dunno whatinhell is supposed to happen next. Allegedly, PA's recall window closed midnight 11/28/2106, local midnight. Wisconsin is allowing the recount but told Stein to pound sand about it being a handcount.

The laws needed tightening up after 2000. I've never been a fan of the no-paper-trail situation, and not at all uncomfortable with old school paper ballots.

ZeroHedge and others have been floating things like Stein ( a de-facto Rodham agent ) trying to get the three states she is trying to recall invalidated by incomplete recount, and therefore losing their representation in the Electoral College. Problem with that is, it also changes the critical threshold, with Rodham again on the losing end.

My own thought is that the electors themselves are going to be under attack... A plain brown envelope with their loved ones' pictures, and a block lettered " We know where they are. YOU need to know how to vote. " on Rodham-watermarked stationary...

Gee ; You know where I am? Okay. I guess I'll be your Huckleberry. I just as my loved one's vote our beliefs and that's how it's supposed to be. Now if you're saying what I think and that my family and loved ones could be at risk because of their voting then you had better think again pilgrim. If I was an electoral college voter and you brought this up I'd take it as a act of intimidation of my family's safety and well being.

Now with that being said ; Do you really believe you can put the fear of death in me ? Been there ;done that.
You may play games with the retards who need a safe space but I have always enjoyed a life & death challenge. So bring on your best beast of fear just so I can see their faces when they figure out that they have totally fucked up. :p

But then again this is just me . But I really do like the story line of retards intimidating folks like us.

Just my 2 cents

12-02-2016, 03:41 AM
If this post should be in another forum, please excuse my mistake and mods move it with my blessing.

So the Green Party candidate, Jll Stein, is calling for a recount of the votes in several states. Interesting that she has raised more money for a recount than she did for here campaign.

President elect Trump says that a recount will show that there was fraud and he will end up winning the popular vote.

In about 3 weeks the Electoral College will meet and make the final election of the next President. What do you think will happen if the EC selects someone other than Trump?
Sorry I need to correct you they are not claiming fraud only problems with voting machines and maybe the final count. If they were to investigate the fraud which may or may not occurred, it did, then we would be talking about dead people voting. Now obviously if dead people were to vote, that would be illegal and they would have to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Now then again if there were people who were voting for someone else then this could be construed to be voter fraud, kinda like the guy in San Jose, who had 85 different mail in ballots sent to his home. Now I want you to understand a good democrat like him would never do anything illegal and for that reason he is not going to be prosecuted. Besides he said it must have been a mistake anyways. You know I wonder if they returned all those ballots to him so his friends could vote….

12-02-2016, 02:49 PM
I'm with eagle on this one, bring it on. If they surround us , we have them exactly where we want them. This is all an attempt to de-legitamize the Trump presidency. Jill Stein is just a shill for the Clinton campaign, she knows damn well she siphoned off votes that may have gone to Clinton. Hillary conceded because she knew she couldn't really challenge the results, her zombie followers however can't comprehend how she could have possibly lost.

12-03-2016, 12:31 AM
Here is a story the lamestream media isn't reporting much about, and the DOJ isn't acting on. https://www.conservativereview.com/commentary/2016/11/threatening-electors-violates-federal-law-so-why-isnt-loretta-lynch-doing-anything-about-it

Looks like if you are a conservative/republican or Trump voter you get no protection from this government.

Threatening electors violates federal law. So why isn’t Loretta Lynch doing anything about it?

By: Hans von Spakovsky, Jennifer Matthes | November 29, 2016
Harassment in the workplace.

John Gomez | Shutterstock

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Before Donald Trump’s stunning victory on November 8, liberals called for acceptance of election results. But since the election didn’t go as they’d planned, some have taken to harassing and intimidating electors in an attempt to change the election results. Some of these threats may violate federal law, yet the Justice Department acts strangely uninterested in investigating.

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Following the election, a coalition of liberal activist groups launched #NotMyPresident Alliance, an organization dedicated to fighting the inauguration of President-elect Trump. As part of that effort, #NotMyPresident distributed personal contact information — including telephone numbers and addresses — of electors in states that voted Republican.

According to Buzzfeed, Maddie Deming, a strategist for the group, said they wanted to put electors in the spotlight and “to hold them accountable for their decision.” Whatever the intent, the initiative has produced a deluge of threats.

Electors across the country report receiving not only a flood of emails and phone calls to change their vote to Hillary Clinton but death threats as well. Alex Kim, a Texas Republican elector, reported that he and other electors had “receiv[ed] thousands of emails a day” urging them to vote for Clinton, including threats of harm and death. Arizona’s electors have reported harassment as well.

Michael Banerian, a Michigan GOP elector, received some of the most extreme threats according to The Detroit News. One email, Banerian said, talked about “shoving a gun in my mouth and blowing my brains out.” Another told him to “do society a favor and throw yourself in front of a bus.”

In Georgia and Idaho, the threats have been so extreme that the secretaries of state both released statements calling for the harassment to end. But the federal law enforcement agency that should be acting to stop these threats — the U.S. Department of Justice — has not done a thing.

Section 11b of the Voting Rights Act (52 U.S.C. §10307) makes it a crime for anyone to “intimidate, threaten, or coerce, or attempt to intimidate, threaten, or coerce any person for voting or attempting to vote.” While this has been applied in the past to ordinary, everyday voters in federal elections, the language does not limit it only to such voters. Electors who are casting their votes for president and vice president are also protected by Section 11b since the Electoral College is an essential part of the federal voting process. This is supported by Section 14(c) of the VRA, which says that “voting” includes “all action necessary to make a vote effective in any primary, special, or general election.” Obviously, the votes cast by Americans on Nov. 8 will not be effective if the electors they chose are intimidated from casting their votes in the Electoral College.

Federal law (3 U.S.C. §7) requires electors to cast their votes on the first Monday after the second Wednesday of December, which this year is Dec. 19. These are recorded as “certificates of vote,” signed, sealed, and delivered by December 28 to the president of the Senate and the archivist of the United States (3 U.S.C. §11). Congress is required to meet on Jan. 6, 2017 in joint session to count the Electoral College votes (3 U.S.C. §15).

The Dec. 19 deadline for the electors to cast their votes is less than three weeks away, which makes it essential that the Justice Department act immediately — and very publicly — to deter and stop these threats and this intimidation. Yet the website of the Justice Department’s Office of Public Affairs contains no announcement of an investigation into these threats. Moreover, we can be pretty certain that if investigators had actually contacted any of the threatened electors, it would have been reported in the press by now. The obvious conclusion is that the Justice Department has done nothing to enforce Section 11b against those who have tried to intimidate and who have threatened electors with bodily harm if they vote for Donald Trump.

The U.S. Justice Department, which is charged with protecting all voters, should act to quash this outrage immediately.

Unfortunately, that’s not surprising. After nearly eight years of operation, the Obama administration has yet to file a single Section 11b case. Indeed, shortly after Mr. Obama entered the Oval Office, his Justice Department essentially dismissed almost all of a pending, high-profile Section 11b case concerning voter intimidation by the New Black Panther Party in Philadelphia. Under Attorney General Eric Holder, the Civil Rights Division had the open-and-shut case dismissed because its “progressive” new leaders did not believe the Voting Rights Act should be used against black defendants to protect white voters. This radical position ignores the fact that the law is race-neutral and protects all voters.

Seriously, if Hillary Clinton had won and Donald Trump supporters were threatening Clinton electors with bodily injury, does anyone doubt that the Justice Department would have acted immediately to enforce Section 11b?

Making threats and attempting to intimidate electors is as anti-democratic as it gets. The U.S. Justice Department, which is charged with protecting all voters, should act to quash this outrage immediately. Failure to do so will just be further evidence that this Justice Department does not believe in equal protection under the law.

12-04-2016, 03:16 PM
A mild comment. Intimidating electors is undemocratic, to be sure. But it is absolutely acceptable under the doctrines of those groups that do not call it wrong if it forwards the ideals of the group. Statists, communists, Wahabist Islam... charming bunch.

I'd not be a bit surprised, in the days to come, that all 538 electors get 9x12 envelopes full of pictures of their loved ones, and a block lettered instruction sheet:



said sheet on HRC capaign imprinted stationary.

12-04-2016, 05:31 PM
A mild comment. Intimidating electors is undemocratic, to be sure. But it is absolutely acceptable under the doctrines of those groups that do not call it wrong if it forwards the ideals of the group. Statists, communists, Wahabist Islam... charming bunch.

I'd not be a bit surprised, in the days to come, that all 538 electors get 9x12 envelopes full of pictures of their loved ones, and a block lettered instruction sheet:



said sheet on HRC capaign imprinted stationary.

My answer :
Yep I know how to vote. I will not change it no matter the threat to me or family.
What you have ask yourself is ; Do you really want to go down that dark road with me ?
I won't give up my duty as a citizen or as a chosen electorate. To do so would be betray my principles and my countrymen.

So do as you will but remember your actions shall have results you didn't count on.

Illini Warrior
12-04-2016, 09:38 PM
if you heard the latest - the recount is totally dead in PA - the WI recount is faltering ....

new possible criminal investigation in Nevada - signs of a huge organized voter fraud there - a mail check on the voters showed that over 50% didn't even exist - fraudulent addresses - long time dead still making votes ....

12-05-2016, 01:46 AM
Jill Stein herself may soon be under investigation. The cost of these recounts are approximately $1M each. She has raised $6M for the effort, and is claiming she doesn't have the money for the $1M bond Pennsylvania has requested. People arewondering where the money went.

12-06-2016, 03:50 PM
I read online (so take that for what it is) that in the Wisconsin "recount" Hillary had lost 25 votes and Trump gained 11 votes. Interesting.

Illini Warrior
12-06-2016, 05:57 PM
latest on the MI recount - the MI Republicans are trying for an emergency injunction against the recount start ....

could be DEAD no matter what happens in court - good part of Detroit can't be recounted - "the books" from the election have disappeared ....

12-08-2016, 07:19 AM
My answer :
Yep I know how to vote. I will not change it no matter the threat to me or family.
What you have ask yourself is ; Do you really want to go down that dark road with me ?
I won't give up my duty as a citizen or as a chosen electorate. To do so would be betray my principles and my countrymen.

So do as you will but remember your actions shall have results you didn't count on.

Hey, I'm with you.

I simply point out this as a likely tactic by this bunch. They are without scruple, ethic or principal, beyond the twin doctrines that "might makes right" and "all is fair/just/legal that furthers our aims".

12-08-2016, 11:40 AM
Hey, I'm with you.

I simply point out this as a likely tactic by this bunch. They are without scruple, ethic or principal, beyond the twin doctrines that "might makes right" and "all is fair/just/legal that furthers our aims".

Thanks Kesephist. I'll put up our scruples; ethics and principals against theirs any day of the week. I've never gambled but this is one time I may break my own rule and bet the odds. ;)

12-08-2016, 12:18 PM
The MI recount is dead. Judge who approved the recount has changed his mind and halted the recount, stating Stein has no evidence of fraud only speculation. PA may be next as Stein wants taxpayers to foot the bill for the recount, As an aside, Allegheny County which is heavily democratic ,showed a two vote gain for Hillary when all votes were recounted.
Still waiting to see if an investigation is launched into where the money Stein raised for the recount went.