View Full Version : Standing on principle

12-03-2016, 01:51 AM
As we all know, many cities have gone on notice since the election of Donald J Trump that they will not cooperate with ICE. These sanctuary cities are spread out acrossed the country. Most of us have not really given it much thought. I have been driving for UBER and LYFT to supplement my retirement, but no longer, as Philadelphia and the surrounding areas are sanctuary areas. For me this is a personal decision based on my principles that we are a nation of laws, and I will not contribute to the economies of areas that provide sanctuary fir illegals. For those of you that are of a similar mind set, and for those of you just wondering, I have provided a link to sanctuary cities and areas in the U.S.


12-03-2016, 01:58 AM
As we all know, many cities have gone on notice since the election of Donald J Trump that they will not cooperate with ICE. These sanctuary cities are spread out acrossed the country. Most of us have not really given it much thought. I have been driving for UBER and LYFT to supplement my retirement, but no longer, as Philadelphia and the surrounding areas are sanctuary areas. For me this is a personal decision based on my principles that we are a nation of laws, and I will not contribute to the economies of areas that provide sanctuary fir illegals. For those of you that are of a similar mind set, and for those of you just wondering, I have provided a link to sanctuary cities and areas in the U.S.


These cities can lose federal LE funding if they don't comply 100%. They can't afford that. They're actually trying to re-write the rules to make it a forfeiture of ALL federal funding if they don't enforce the law.

12-03-2016, 02:15 AM
I'm of the opinion that they should forfeit all federal funding until they comply with the law. If they don't like it challenge it in court. The same thing should happen to the college's that are now declaring themselves sanctuary campuses, this includes aid to students. sure it is unfair to some people, but we don't get the choice of what laws to obey.

12-03-2016, 01:46 PM
Sanctuary cities, states, whatever... should never have allowed to exist. Its a liberal thing that feels good, but has zero logic... all the while draining the resources (services and money) of the host. Like cancer, it will eventually kill from within.

If you are not here legally, you dont get shit... except a ride back to the boarder.

I have zero issues with anyone that comes here by way of process and are lawful, so long as they behave (some naturally born Americans I wish we could deport, but where to? ha ha). Follow the rules, follow the laws, be productive... or your back to the border.

Again, some 'Muricans need to be shipped off to Canada, since they love that country so much... drifters, slackers and leaches.


Illini Warrior
12-03-2016, 04:22 PM
the FED funding loss won't even come into play - when the nationwide hunt & purge begins - the sancuary cities will be fair game for ICE, US Marshals, FBI and Homeland just like any other part of the country .... they'll be using FED warrants for FED crimes - if some mayor or police chief wants to buck a FED crime task force - welcome to the party - they'll get arrested right along with the illegals ....

12-04-2016, 05:05 PM
Recently problems with the sanctuary cities came to light with the murder of Kate Steinie who was killed by an illegal alien. Locals, liberals, were trying to figure out how this could have happened. It will die down shortly and be forgotten by the news. About five to seven years ago another person was killed by an illegal alien with a felony record who had just been released by police in San Francisco. During this time there was some up roar but it died down and nothing was done. Now it has happened again and nothing is being done. I see the removal of federal funding as being the only way of dealing with these cities. I like was has been said about deportations, get the gang bangers and felons out of here.