View Full Version : We are going to be alright.

12-04-2016, 04:55 PM
You know there are times when you read things and you think WTF who it this guy and why have I not read about him. Then you realize you have heard about him but he did not stand out but rather blended in with the rest. After reading this article all I can say is the military will now be a better place with this type of leadership.


12-05-2016, 06:54 AM
Two generals or admirals like this man, in each and every major command, in all armed forces, would be phenomenal.

I'm minded of my first battalion commander long ago. E-1 recruit from long ago, jump rated, air assault rated, Pathfinder... then when he made staff sgt, went to OCS and did it all over again, embarrassing ringknockers at every turn. Well read & NEVER EVER did his troops do any thing he didn't do. He ate C-rations and MREs out in the field with em, did PT with em, and was not a bit afraid of dirty hands or adopting an idea or a tactic someone else had that was better. And he took care of his troops too.

Illini Warrior
12-05-2016, 03:32 PM
the guys getting some long needed help is law enforcement - across the board - just another aspect of the former great USA that Obammy devastated ....

the legal screw jobs stop dead after Sessions comes in - it's not going to matter if the state - city - governor - mayor - DA is as liberal as snot - something like Baltimore isn't going to happen again ....

betcha Sessions recalls most of the DOJ lawyers & investigators giving enemas to the PDs across the country ....

12-06-2016, 03:55 PM
I can tell you that my nephew, 8 years active duty in the Marines, with combat time in Granada and Lebanon, thinks Mattis is a great choice. The chatter from his other fellow marines on his Facebook page supports the idea that Trump has made a great choice.

12-06-2016, 06:35 PM
I know several ex Navy guys and a couple of Marines, to a man they think this is the best choice possible. That does not count folks on here.

12-08-2016, 01:02 PM
General John Kelly (USMC) ret., picked for DHS. The general has an impressive history, once again, a warrior to take care of defending the country.

12-08-2016, 01:49 PM
Just saw that this morning. Another strong candidate IMO

12-08-2016, 02:14 PM
So far Trumps picks for his cabinet have been great, I want to see what the JCS (Joint Cheifs of Staff) look like after he is sworn in. We need some true warriors who aren't afraid to speak their piece in these posts. Mattis isn't going to look favorably on some political weenie in those positions, he'll want combat leaders who can instill confidence in their troops.

12-08-2016, 04:38 PM
And that is exactly what is needed in those roles. Not some ass kisser like obummer wanted.

12-15-2016, 01:52 PM
There are some people who are concerned about the number of military people who are be considered by Trump. They say these people have never been career politicians so they will not know how to operate in DC. Hello I thought that was the reason why Trump was elected to get rid the career politicians. It's going to be a good four years, hope it lasts longer......

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-16-2016, 02:00 PM
OK, been "detained elsewhere" again. Quick input here, internet is on AT&T speed right now (exceeded me fair asshole policy) so I have limited capability right now.

Mad Dog, is a great choice, has great phrases, yada, yada, yada. Again, I'll see what happens to my beloved military here in the next year. In the mean time "Lurch" Kerry is over there fuckin shit up in Syria right now and about to get our boys and girls in a world of shit before turnover in DC. Sooooooo, I'll continue to monitor and assess the situation, adjust course as necessary.

Current forecast, fair winds and following seas, squalls are always looming on the horizon................mind your helm.

12-23-2016, 07:58 PM
I served Gen Mattis in a civilian capacity overseas, spent quite a bit of time with him, and can with a honest heart say, our military is better for this pick. Honest, caring, and ferociously brutal when it comes to the fight. Hes that war-dog that will lick the child of a face one moment, and rip the face off of a bad guy the very next, wagging his tail the entire time.

12-25-2016, 01:27 PM
I can't wait till next month, things will get better.