View Full Version : "Sanctuary Cities"

12-08-2016, 01:57 PM
Santa Ana, California.

This large city in Orange County, near Disneyland just passed a city council resolution making Santa Ana a sanctuary city for illegal immigrants. Within a week plans call for the city council to make it a city ordinance, i.e. law. Like other cities around the country, it essentially says that they will do NOTHING to enforce immigration law or report to ICE.

There has been some talk of withholding ALL federal funds from state/county/local agencies that do not enforce federal law. A city the size of Santa Ana could face the loss of tens of MILLIONS of dollars from Washington. Think of transportation, housing, schools, etc.

Santa Ana is already a bit of a craphole city. For 15 years I worked in an area that had a Santa Ana address, though it was county territory and not within the city. I spent plenty of time within the city.

What would happen if your city would decide to become a sanctuary city for bank robbers? Here in California bank robbery is not a local or state crime, it is only a federal crime. What would happen if the local law enforcement agencies decided not to deal with bank robbers? What if they would not share information with the feds investigating robbing a local bank?

I fear we are being set up for s--tload of trouble.

Illini Warrior
12-08-2016, 05:07 PM
if the illegals make the seriously wrong decision - to follow CA advise - to ignore the new upcoming FED laws ..... it's going to be one hell of a mess for CA to clean up to get their FED handouts back ....

one of the new laws being mentioned is registration - within something like 6 months - or kerplunk - it's deportation time - no appeal and no recourse .... think about CA deporting all their illegals or ELSE ....

12-08-2016, 05:12 PM
The Trump election was the country saying ENOUGH. Santa Ana residents that can, need to also be saying ENOUGH, with their feet. Sympathy should be extended to those poor law abiding folk who cannot relocate.

The rest reap the crop they sow. How much they are gonna play chicken with the Feds... hard to say. They are presently using their law abiding populace as hostages, so there is little ethical component to their conduct.

Vegas is far too transient a city for "sanctuary" in name. Rather, it is "sanctuary" in nature by virtue of the temporary nature of the place. The only way you"ll wring out much of the illegals in this burg would be with a couple of divisions of troops cordoning the place off and squeezing them out neighborhood by neighborhood, with shoot to kill orders if they run. Thanks, no, not happening.

SOME one of these idiot "sanctuaries" will be the lead for a test of resolve. I have hopes as to the resolution, but as yet no firm data as to how it will all break out.

12-10-2016, 11:59 AM
It appears the People's Republic of California is about to push the envelope by declaring itself a sanctuary state. Nothing like telling the United states citizens that live there that their constitutional rights don't apply to them. My condolences to all ANTS living there.

Illini Warrior
12-10-2016, 01:35 PM
It appears the People's Republic of California is about to push the envelope by declaring itself a sanctuary state. Nothing like telling the United states citizens that live there that their constitutional rights don't apply to them. My condolences to all ANTS living there.

the liberals don't fully comprehend the depth & scope of the illegals program - they think that they can ignore it and then wheel & deal their way out of it ... there can't be sanctuary areas in the country for them to ignore the laws - because they don't stay there - all the freaking illegals came thru one of the sanctuary cities at one time or another .....

the initial program to run down the criminal record illegals will be telling - there's 1,000s of them in Los Angles alone - it's the #1 location for the Cartel ....

12-15-2016, 01:44 PM
The original sanctuary city movement was to protect illegals who were just here to try to work. However since then it covers everyone because they are oppressed, just because they are illegal. Since illegal is such a harsh word we will change it to undocumented so they feel better. What Trump has said is he wants to get rid of all the criminals, who doesn't. So now these cities are going to interpret who they believe are criminals. Since California democrats have a super majority there is absolutely nothing the conservatives can do.

Illini Warrior
12-15-2016, 02:35 PM
The original sanctuary city movement was to protect illegals who were just here to try to work. However since then it covers everyone because they are oppressed, just because they are illegal. Since illegal is such a harsh word we will change it to undocumented so they feel better. What Trump has said is he wants to get rid of all the criminals, who doesn't. So now these cities are going to interpret who they believe are criminals. Since California democrats have a super majority there is absolutely nothing the conservatives can do.

SF has openly declared war on the Feds - they are encouraging the criminals to move within the city borders after they get rooted out of their present holes - got a legal fund started to give them support - should be interesting to see what happens to the crime stats ....

12-16-2016, 12:58 AM
I heard today on the news, if California says they are a sanctuary state then the federal government has to the power to cut other things as well. I missed part of it but I heard Jerry Brown, our governor aka governor moonbeam, say "if the federal government will not allow us to use the satellites then we will launch our own." You know this is typical they are in charge in this state and if they want it they get it. Now with the federal government, Trump, it going to tell them no, so they are just going to ignore the law. If it were the other way around they would really make noise if the conservatives were to do that. I do not care who you are if you don't like it elect people who will change it. If you can't do that then the best you can do is live with it or move out BUT you should not disobey the law......