View Full Version : Liars and Fakes.

12-23-2016, 06:38 PM
From time to time, I get letters/emails from families looking to network within the prepping community in our area, and I always take the time to sit down and write a letter in return and tell them about our local community, as well as our online presence (here). It seems as of late that there have been multitudes of emails of a obviously fake nature that is starting to trend. Does anyone else get this type of stuff? Here is a copy of the latest email that I received today. Among the glaring discrepancies is the obvious mis-alignment of the dates. Read on and tell me your take on it.

Hello there, to whom it may concern;
On Dec 22, 2016 my recent pregnant wife had passed away unexpected. And so, I have absolutely no reason to stay in this country (USA) especially with all of the Major problems our country is facing. Not to mention, depending upon how terrible the world is going to crumble with the upcoming fall/destruction of the American Dollar not just as our own currency but, with the inevitable loss of being the world's reserve currency. And of course losing the petro dollar, will all go hand in hand. And seeing as Americans have never faced the utter devistation of any kind of modern invasion. They have absolutely no idea how much this is going to be probably the biggest problem the world has ever had to endure. So I am looking to bug out now A.S.A.P. tomorrow if possible.

I have many things to teach others, as I have devoted my life since I was four and a half years old to the study and understanding of all Martial arts, the unification of the mind, and a student of War. Having served as a special forces tactical operations. I can provide defense, knowing what and how to handle any enemy incursion and having not just myself, but my entire community live threw such events. I have no issues with laying down my life to defend my home, family, and community!! (Which to me is a big family all dependent on one another. I also have good knowledge of horticulture and have an entire indoor growing system in case of a disaster recovery beyond that of our comprehensive analysis. Although I do not know what your country fire arms laws are, I have many I could bring if okay with the community?? (FOR THE RECORD, I DO NOT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH LEAVING THEM ALL BEHIND. as I have seen half a decade of constant war, and taken so many lives under a complete fabrication told me and brainwashed by my Leaders all those years!!!) I do have much survival knowledge to possibly add to the welfare of the community. Along with an aray of other seemingly useless knowledge and wisdom, that I am sure sooner or later will become valuable. PLEASE I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE YOU BELIEVE THAT ALL I AM IS SOME COMMANDO KILLER. I just have a good feeling that as most off grid living people's that would be the most lacking skills of peaceful people who want only to live off the land and have no enemies... but as you know from history that Reguardless of our belief the war chief of the next door village will care less or worse look at us to target, rape , pillage, enslave and do so with a smile laughing at the greatest quality our community could have. (That unity of brotherhood and being one big peaceful family. But to a comander of an enemy armed force. It would only be considered a week ness. So in closing again to reinstall it I am looking for a peaceful 2nd half of my life, a place to live just to live and nothing more. And pray that God will forgive my past sins, and indiscretions...

So I restate the purpose of this email, which is to inquire about a permanent position to live out the remainder of my life especially now that I have lost my wife, and unborn child merely 3 days ago. My name is David, and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Until then have a great day! ! Ttys David, :-)

P.S. I also was born a drummer /percussionist, and have been a teacher most of my life. While I have many more things to list, I would prefer to speak with you about this e-mail in a more controlled setting. (As this is not an encrypted email address I'm sure you understand. Please contact me back here at

and if possible leave a phone number that I can call you or text you. For ease of communication much less increased speed, as time is of the essence and is the 1 commodity I am not capable of doing anything about. ... I am looking forwardto hearing from you soon. Until then have a great day! ! Ttys David :-)

12-23-2016, 10:17 PM

12-23-2016, 10:52 PM
I've seen some BS emails before, but this one takes the cake. This guy portends to be everything.

12-24-2016, 02:54 AM
Stormy, why haven't you answered my emails? Lol

12-24-2016, 01:36 PM
This guy is total Bad Ass !!! If he was on Alone 3 he'd outlast the others and not even break a sweat.
Now that I got my complete upper from Texas Precision Tactical and when I get it operational I'm sighting it in for 5,000 yards :rolleyes: . I don't want him up close cause he scares the bejeebers out of me. :eek:

Seriously though ; This guy has a reality problem.

12-25-2016, 01:17 PM
What's wrong, he wants to leave I say he would be a good candidate to Syria. I just wish there was some way to fry their connection so they couldn't put out crap like that. I always wonder how many people out there actually believe the e-mails they get and are fleeced by these guys. I would say their biggest victims would be the elderly are all alone.

12-29-2016, 10:42 PM
This guy is total Bad Ass !!! If he was on Alone 3 he'd outlast the others and not even break a sweat.
Now that I got my complete upper from Texas Precision Tactical and when I get it operational I'm sighting it in for 5,000 yards :rolleyes: . I don't want him up close cause he scares the bejeebers out of me. :eek:

Seriously though ; This guy has a reality problem.

Hey, wanted to apologize BTW, got caught up in the holidays and totally screwed the pooch. Will try to get that stuff in the mail asap!

12-29-2016, 11:41 PM
No apology needed Storm. You're a busy man with many irons in the fire.
I was living large with your notes from Alaska. Is that damn polar bear in the Anchorage airport ? You do what you have to do in your daily life for in this instance you're the giver and I am thankful for what you want to do.

Your family life and work life are far more important than what we chatted about. Take care of you & yours first.
Everything else is secondary brother.