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View Full Version : Movie Review:" The Circle"

05-03-2017, 05:04 PM
DH and I saw "The Circle"' yesterday. Really good movie. It's about a company (think Google, AOL etc) that want to control our personal and business lives thru social media. With out saying too much it really is a sobering though on how we all are so interconnected . I know the tech heads have had problems with the technology as presented in the movie but it kinda scared me a bit as to how far a company would go to "rule the world"/ control what we see as the "truth" so to speak. Tom Hanks, Emma Watson star in it. Yes, son1 was the Assistant Director but I still say it was a really good movie. It's based on the book "The Circle" by Dave Eggers. Forgot , this is Bill Paxton's last movie.

05-05-2017, 12:00 AM
I've seen the previews for it, and it certainly interests me... I will see it.

And I agree... there are no bounds too far for big business to surpass in search of the almighty dollar.

Thanks for the review Kat!

05-06-2017, 07:23 PM
I think you'll like it. It really started a discussion with DH about how much we don't know what the internet companies can and possibly are doing right now.