View Full Version : Is "Starship Troopers" the future of our Military?

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-15-2017, 04:09 PM
So I'm pretty sure everyone has heard the news about the vote in the house about our military's future spending. Here's the deal, the military has a contract, it has a UCMJ Uniform Code Of Military Justice. that has all the rules to get you busted by. The "Machine" was built this way for a reason, to fight wars, to win them in a quick and precise manner with zero to minimal loss of life. Now if you drop a ball bearing into the gears of this fine running machine it is going to get caught in the teeth of this animal and lock things up, parts will get broken. Military was designed to mold young people into the gears of the machine. It was not designed to come in and get your ball bearings cut off and dropped into the machine.

IN short, as my young Senior Chief told me not to many months ago. "It's going fuckin Starship Trooper man, fuckin everyone's gonna shower with everyone over there. Glad I ain't married" "These wives are havin a shit fit. "

What he's saying is that the moral is really being crushed with all this training right now and they are pissed that they have to pay for it. By the way he took his platoon and walked out of training when he asked what was the percentage that he was going to have to deal with a tranny in Specwar...........003%.....nuff said. I hope they put a squash on this.

Anyway good(sarcasm) article to bring you up to speed


Fidel MD
07-16-2017, 01:21 AM
The movie threw that in for gratuitous sex. Which I have no problem with, as long as there is enough of it to balance out the gratuitous violence.

The book didn't need such bullcrap. Yes, the military will go Starship Troopers (book version) and in about 2 centuries.

07-16-2017, 05:20 PM
The original ST (written by a former naval officer) distinctly separated sexes but not service. "Bulkhead 30", I think it was. And in 1959 I don't think gender dysphoria had even gotten out of the grass of social radar.

Showering and bunking across sex lines wasn't the original TROOPER... IIRC that was Haldeman"s THE FOREVER WAR, the first phases of it.

Most modern bullets don't have the gear in the slugs to discern sex or preference; they'll shoot a gay as dead as a straight, a man as dead as a woman. I"m not entirely comfortable with the idea of co-eds in combat units, but if women got the skills and can do EQUALLY as a man, okay.

I mind we had a VERY STRICTLY POLICED female platoon in my 4 platoon Basic company, back in 1981. The PT standards were less for the females than for the men. Ditto almost anything else. When i was at Polk , female barracks were whole seperate buildings and much wasted living quarters cause no males were allowed in the building.


If someone is unhappy with their gender, that is their business. Why the taxpayer needs to foot the bill eludes me. It even more eludes me that the military should need to foot it.

Some of the transgenders are making such stink cause they want their 15 minutes of fame. Jenner and Bono come to mind.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-21-2017, 03:25 PM
Well, the thread was really meant to bring attention to the future of our military and where it's heading. "They" don't want it and "they" don't want to pay for it. They also understand that their paycheck is based on rotating funds, (you pay yourself) your taxed paycheck pays for your paycheck. So it's just a matter of recycled funds, they give you a raise here and take it from there and you achieve no actual increase at all. So "they" are not happy about some POS signing up to get a sex change and be a fuckin sick bay comando for his entire career as a useless no load can't do shit for no one but gets a pay check and his balls moved to his chest and a new snorkel!

The term "Starship Troopers" was a term that "they" used to me in order to get the light bulb to come on. The boys and girls are pissed is what I'm hearing and they want no part of it. There have been way too many "lessons learned" over the past 8 yrs of declining leadership. I just hope the hell they wake up............can't do shit about it from here. so I was just making folks aware of what's going down, that is all.............carry on.

07-21-2017, 09:09 PM
Too many of those "lessons learned" have been paid for in dignity and blood, and not by the learners.

I have to believe that there is some fair sized amount of folks in there that are biding their time until they get people LEADING, who are hard charging and crusty and could give a damn about being pretty about it man-o'warsmen.

Sort of, I guess, the nervewracking wait in days of sail, guns loaded, ready to engage, but having to wait for being in range, knowing that the enemy is in range of your guns, you were in range of his....

The English Prince Harry, on being told that once he graduated Sandhurst (West Point, British version) he would be steered away from combat, said something along the lines of "I did NOT go though this school and this training just so my mates could get shot at while I sat on my ass in the rear."

Spoken like a LEADER, as well as a Prince.

Admiral Jonas Ingraham said it well ninety years ago..."The Navy has no place for good losers! The Navy needs tough sons of bitches who can go out there and win!"

SecDef Mattits may, I think, get some of the overdone p/c crap infesting the Armed Services dialed way back or altogether eliminated.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-22-2017, 02:22 PM
Again, all I can do is sit back watch and wait. SecDef if given free reign to do his job as the soldier "he was" when I was in. I would say the military would be in good hands. But now that ten yrs has passed since I've been in and not following his career as closely as I would have had I been on active duty. I couldn't tell you what the true pulse from the Corps is about him. Haven't talked to any senior NCOs as of late.

Having said that I would expect to see this:

1. Shuffling of senior leadership, restructuring (bush hoggin) of the chain of command in all branches of service.
2. "Review and replace all Basic Training manuals" bring back the disciplined warfighter, defenders of our country.
3. Remove all unnecessary "social training" from all branches of service.
4. Review all Defense contractor budgets, R&D, and dump all waste. If it don't work dump it. Make the contractor come to you with a working unit before funding. Contractors pay for their own R&D. (Black hole money pit)
5. Stop LCS project. Money Pit. It does not do what it was "designed" for, total mission failure. I'm sure there are a few other projects but this one's one of the most expensive that I know of. Refer to #4.
6. Remind the military that "this is an all volunteer service, you don't like it, get the fuck out." "That is after I've finished with you....should've thought of that before you signed."
7. wish in one hand...........see what happens.:confused:

07-22-2017, 05:24 PM
General Mattits has had a rep as a hard charger and never asking his men to do something he had not done himself first. This by itself is a high recommendation.

1. Shuffling of senior leadership, restructuring (bush hoggin) of the chain of command in all branches of service.

You'd just about need to haul in a bush hog or woodchipper.Even senior ranks have sea daddies, regrettably.

2. Review and replace all Basic Training manuals" bring back the disciplined warfighter, defenders of our country.

Damn straight.

3. Remove all unnecessary "social training" from all branches of service.

Which will have the multiple benefits of saving time and resources wasted on such crap, and infuriate the weak little twerps and SJW sympathizers that got this load of crap incorporated into training, into stamping their little pump-wearing foot, crying, getting their panties into a bunch, pouting, and then resigning (To which I say See ya, see ya, so glad I'll never BE ya.)

4. Review all Defense contactor budgets, R&D, and dump all waste. If it don't work dump it. Make the contractor come to you with a working unit before funding. Contractors pay for their own R&D. (Black hole money pit)

Absolutely sound... and again, some of these jokers have tentacles in Congress.

5. Stop LCS project. Money Pit. It does not do what it was "designed" for, total mission failure. I'm sure there are a few other projects but this one's one of the most expensive that I know of. Refer to #4.


6. Remind the military that "this is an all volunteer service, you don't like it, get the fuck out." "That is after I've finished with you....should've thought of that before you signed."

Absolutely agreed. Shoulda read the fine print, pally. And it is spelled MILITARY SERVICE, not JOBS PROGRAM or GANGBANGER TRAINING.

7. wish in one hand...........see what happens.

You know it, Chief. Some might call it cynical... you and I and most of the other ex- and present military here know it is just what is.


07-22-2017, 10:37 PM
Never been in the Mil, from a civilians perspective. Damn straight to everyone of those BWRR. Contractors are a major issue with the deep state shit and needs their hands. Cut off from the trough and be made show their shit performs before getting huge contracts to see if they can make it work.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-23-2017, 01:45 PM
A lot of those contractors are retired military officers working in the "white collar" side while the retired enlisted still work the deck plate level.............granted they are double dippers and are in no hurry what so ever to get the job done. BUT they are more than happy to tell you how great their POS it is!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-26-2017, 01:41 PM
THERE MAY BE HOPE YET! I just heard on the radio this morning that President Trump announced "No transexuals in the military, period".......................this is going to be interesting. But I'm happy as a sailor in a Caribbean port with a "temporarily" broken vessel.

http://i85.photobucket.com/albums/k48/sardog87008/Snoopy_Dancing_by_jessie4508_zpsn3aefb5x.jpg (http://s85.photobucket.com/user/sardog87008/media/Snoopy_Dancing_by_jessie4508_zpsn3aefb5x.jpg.html)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-26-2017, 02:21 PM
Here's a link enjoy


07-27-2017, 03:05 AM
Trump is not perfect. But he damn sure will do a hell of a lot better than the diseased harridan that opposed him. And this is a sample of it. Rough it in, and get the fine work done later, seems to be his strategy.

I've made my view clear regarding the transsexuals earlier. Even a transitioned transsexual is not combat material, owing to the hormones they are stuck with for the rest of their lives. And I do NOT care who pumps the sniper round into some tango at long range, be it James or Jane, as long as the job gets done with minimum fuss.

Recall last January, when two riverine craft were captured by Iranian naval forces... the only one of the sailors that had the presence of mind to activate the emergency beacon was one of the two boats' gunners.. and she apparently got butt-stroked with an AK for her doing her duty.

I'd almost not mind if someone came up with some nice, gritty, no BS, tangible REASON to oppose Trump on this. But the simple facts are that the p/c sjw whiners, who haven't ever had to turn their hands over once in their lives, but that it was filled with taxpayer cash, are rightly dead scared that the trough is gonna be empty for em... and since Trump is the one shutting it off, they'll attack him as best they can.

Not because of anything that would help out the poor salts out there at sea.

No, their motto is ATTACK TRUMP HE IS WRONG ABOUT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!! No matter what... I swear to Rudy, if Trump said the sky was blue, this bunch would flounce and huff and foot stamp and GODDAMIT ITS ORANGE Cause we say so!!!!

I have to admit a sour note of satisfied amusement... in a SHTF scenario, the whiners and lifetime trough feeders will not make it. They'll be sitting on their hands waiting for the gummint to do something.

Apologies for wandering off point in spots.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-27-2017, 01:21 PM
This is just a point I was trying to get across to someone yesterday and they just couldn't get it. Guess you'd have to be there to understand right?

Let me put this as plain as possible. Said "tranny" joins and has become
a "non-deployable liability" due to treatments, therapy and surgery
requirements for the first say 3yrs. This "individual" is a useless tool
and the rest of the military has to take up the slack. So I ask you,
"Who here is willing to do all his combat deployments so he can become a
liability? WHO.........YOU? I didn't think so..........I would,
provided I can kick them out of service. Then I would consider it
Justified. You try serving in a combat zone for someone that decides
they don't want to be there, BTDT. Fine go home and kiss your family and
tell them Senior says "you're welcome" not in my Navy or my military.
Don't have room for cowards or mental cases, this is considered a
pre-existing mental health condition and is therefore not military
material.....................period. Just put it down on your Obama care.......

07-27-2017, 06:23 PM
This is just a point I was trying to get across to someone yesterday and they just couldn't get it. Guess you'd have to be there to understand right?

Let me put this as plain as possible. Said "tranny" joins and has become
a "non-deployable liability" due to treatments, therapy and surgery
requirements for the first say 3yrs. This "individual" is a useless tool
and the rest of the military has to take up the slack. So I ask you,
"Who here is willing to do all his combat deployments so he can become a
liability? WHO.........YOU? I didn't think so..........I would,
provided I can kick them out of service. Then I would consider it
Justified. You try serving in a combat zone for someone that decides
they don't want to be there, BTDT. Fine go home and kiss your family and
tell them Senior says "you're welcome" not in my Navy or my military.
Don't have room for cowards or mental cases, this is considered a
pre-existing mental health condition and is therefore not military
material.....................period. Just put it down on your Obama care.......

10 for 10, Chief.

Service here was under Reagen, and no combat deployments. Didn't mean I was not ready to do my bit when the time came, though. OathKeepers have the right of it.... I put up my hand ON MY OWN... there was no gun at my back, no criminal sentence over my head if I didn't comply.

I think, Chief, that some are wanting that free ride, completely oblivious or uncaring of the notion that it AIN'T free. Some are just doing it for their phiz in the news and 15 minutes of fame. Some trying to prove some point somehow... and THEY get all the airtime and print space and yadda yadda... That grunt in the field, or that worthy salt on the sea, doesn't get the attention, 'cause they are just plain soldiers that do their job and understand "duty", "shipmate" and other stuff that this other bunch couldn't understand with a 500 page manual complete with pictures. And apparently 'plain soldier' isn't high order air time.

Stupid media. If not for those plain soldiers, they wouldn't be around.

The plain soldier notions are NOT YET dead among the American populace. I mind that there is more than a few cases of troops coming back from overseas that get rounds of applause and thank-yous in the airports and docks they disembark into.

Back on point... Original ST was in a time/place where you did service and EARNED your vote. Not all was military. The various services that were noteworthy for citizenship ( As opposed to taxpayer) were onerous at best and sometimes downright lethal at worst. But they showed that the person going through all that was one of those that put their lives in defense and upkeep of the nation.

For all those in here who have gotten all in a huff by my entries, what advice I got for you is this:

Disregard the highly dumbass movie and (scary thought )READ THE BOOK. Not the Cliff's notes... the actual book.


Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-28-2017, 01:32 AM
WAIT............there's a book? Nobody told me there was a book. Hell I been wingin it this whole time!

Seriously, never mattered to me about when or where someone served. A Vet is a Vet, you volunteered for "Military" service. Now for those of who joined up for other reasons other than to think they were never going to go to war. What are you stupid? It's the military, what do you think it does? Or as Webster put it:

Definition of military

1. a : of or relating to soldiers, arms, or war military discipline the country's military needs
b : of or relating to armed forces; especially : of or relating to ground or sometimes ground and air forces as opposed to naval forces military and naval affairs

2. a : performed or made by armed forces military operations
b : supported by armed force a military government

3. a : of or relating to the army the military academy at West Point

It's not about YOU, it's not about your feelings, it's not about getting "Bucky Beaver Badges", it's not about getting a college education and a 20K bonus. It's about protecting this country and the Constitution, and it's God forsaken people. That's the real reason you sign the paper..................the other shit comes later.

Oh I'm supposed to be making a point here somewhere about something. Yeah so in short you need to be an asset not a liability. That's why it used to be you couldn't be married and join the Marines.............NO EXCESS BAGGAGE! WE GIVE YOU ALL THE SHIT YOU CAN CARRY! Anyway we need you engaged and not dysfunctional, you have to put the team before yourself, and so on.............

08-03-2017, 04:46 AM
Back in the good 'ol days, if you were in the minority, that meant the others around you were in the majority. I thought this was simple mathematics, i.e. 1<100. If I were the one, I kept my mouth shut, either out of respect of the other 99, or probably because the other 99 might just kick the shit out of me and my opinions. No matter if it's a case of religion, sexual orientation, preference for cats, or just like Pepsi over Coke...that was my opinion, mine to keep to myself. At what point, where did we loose that, when one persons opinion became more important over everyone else's opinion. This is just another case where the far left has taken over. No one has the right to force their opinion on the majority. If my religion differs with the majority, I need to shut the hell up, or move to where I am more in line with the majority. If you are a transgendered individual, it's not the worlds problem to accept it and fix it for you. Can you serve in the military, I'm gonna say no, due to the 1<100 theory. The other 99 should not be forced to change their world just to make the 1 happy. It's been said best this way, "The good of the many outweighs the good of the few, or the one." Spock

04-27-2018, 12:48 PM
Interesting thread here.

Domeguy and others,

At what point, where did we loose that, when one persons opinion became more important over everyone else's opinion. This is just another case where the far left has taken over.

We began to lose that back when more and more people began to have what I call ..."Mostly a television and movie education in Emotions and not thinking.

What is going on out here is a type of 180 degree Demonic thinking pattern come to seed because people do not think much for themselves but instead are easily emoted....or put another way..Easily controlled by their emotions which have been carefully molded and cultivated by a lifetime of watching television and movies.

Television and Movies tend to do our thinking for us....if we are not aware.

This is also called...."Herding." Being unconsciously "Herded." Made to follow the herd via programming by television and movies...emotions ...not individual thinking.

Case in point here...

No one capable of thinking for themselves .....defines themselves ..by their sexuality and then demands that others make accommodations for their sexuality.

I am not speaking against sexuality here...but against stupidity.

This because a thinking, educated, disciplined person is so much more than sex and sexuality.

Yet we have become so educated into social culture that we are today become stupid....incredibly stupid.

When someone takes a whole group of people and holds them hostage and in bondage via government programs...to their sexuality....against peoples will and over their objections.....this is a type of rape.

For you have a right as an individual and particularly as an American to accept or reject another person for any reason you decide. And in particular..here to accept or reject someone's sexuality.

Anything else is incredibly stupid...yet someone is promoting stupidity in public schools across this land and calling it "Enlightened."

This because a thinking, educated, disciplined person is so much more than sex and sexuality.

Once you break out of the institutional stupidity ..you realize that all these people and groups have to identify themselves and try to hold the rest of the nation and people hostage...is their sexuality...you realize how incredibly stupid this truly is. Yet government openly promotes this kind and caliber of stupidity.

You as an individual thinker have to be educated into stupidity not to get it.

Yet we have here a government and government institutions...ie...public education...promoting just such stupidity...to prevent people from thinking for themselves..and allow these same people to be "Herded."

Group think....1984 by George Orwell if you prefer.

One of the worst things around this kind of nonsense...is that this government is now doing this to our children and grand children in and via public schools.

A good and decent woman put this in perspective for me about what was happening in our public schools concerning rampant, rabid, and runaway sexuality being taught and promoted ...of all kinds. This olde woman was quite prescient in this observation.

What she told me was happening is that Government and for whoever or whomever they are acting ...are stealing the very childhood from our children and grandchildren by bringing them in to adulthood before their time.

What the government and the whorish body politic are doing ...all across this country is cultivating and promoting a controlled, malleable , guaranteed voting base in future generations....raised on this rabid sexuality combined with a television and movie education in emotions and not thinking for themselves. Robots...automatons.

For a number of years now...this government has carefully and skillfully cultivated a number of minority groups identified by their "Victimhood Status."
Women/Feminists, Blacks and other minorities, Illegals...and now also groups by sex and sexuality.

Always the politics of division and Victimhood against the majority of Americans.

Sex and Sexuality to rabid and rampant runaway levels is just another extension of this "Victim Politics" for votes.
This is about votes...votes and power...even if you have to ruin the Military to accomplish this goal ...of votes for power and control.

This is how a whole nation is held hostage and raped ....for political lucre...political capital.

This is one of the main reasons Donald Trump must go...he is a danger to this long term and carefully cultivated system of demonic take over of the American way of life and thinking.

A danger to this carefully cultivated demonic system of making America and Americans take second, third, and fourth place...to these "Victim political and social groups" and on the public purse.
We are to pay for our own demise.

Including holding the public sexually hostage to these groups for votes....ie...socially raped. Including here your children and grandchildren in public schools.

All of these patterns I am describing are part and parcel of what are sometimes called "Deep State" operations to bring out in the open the "Secret War" against America and Americans which has been going on for many many years since WW2...but beginning to come out rapidly into the open with the Obama administration..but planned to continue just as rapidly..if not faster... under a Clinton Administration.

Hope this makes some kind of sense as to what is going on out here and also now affecting our military.

Once you catch on to the "Victim Dictum" in politics and can see the rabidness of the sexuality tied into the Victim Dictum ....you can see it happening in the news over and over and over...for dividing the country ..not uniting it. Dividing the country for votes to keep and maintain power.
And Demonically willing to sacrifice our children and grandchildren to accomplish this goal of power and control.

And now too...our military if they can get away with it....until Donald Trump.

My rampant and sometimes rabid musings,


Not an Ishmaelite

04-28-2018, 04:15 PM
I explained the basics of what I posted above to a fellow at work last night when we had a few moments away from most of the crew.

To my surprise he was able to follow all of it and agreed.

People who have and raise children with great concerns for the future of their children will understand this pattern I am describing quite well. ...and almost immediately.

This particularly when I described what the left and the Deep State are promoting all across this land and particularly through public schools..

That there is something entirely normal about people who identify themselves by their baser appetites....not the content of their character.

This is not a definition of an Educated, disciplined...thinking individual. It is the definition of a base wild undisciplined animal.

He caught it immediately!!

I told him now that he knows the pattern ..take a closer look at the news media, leadership, and also the positions of the left and leftist Democrats...but also to notice the silence of the Republican party on all of this!!
Take a closer look at what they are doing to our children and grandchildren in public schools. Turning them in to wild undisciplined overly emotional "Snowflakes."

It was very interesting to speak with a person who could follow the line of reasoning.


Not an Ishmaelite

04-29-2018, 03:18 AM
OT it is a rare thing that you can talk with a person about things such as this and the light actually come on and things click in their mind as to what has been taking place around them. Glad you were able to flip that switch for someone.

04-29-2018, 03:39 AM
OT it is a rare thing that you can talk with a person about things such as this and the light actually come on and things click in their mind as to what has been taking place around them. Glad you were able to flip that switch for someone.

It is that Backpacker..it is that. It was a rare moment indeed!! And I remember rare moments such as those.

I hope and pray that this individual is, some time down the road, able to spread this line of thought to one or two other people as to the nonsense going on around them...

Once you really analyze it in it's entirety ..what is going on around us....it doesn't make good nonsense.


04-30-2018, 11:07 AM

I caught this on Breitbart News yesterday and quickly realized it was related to this thread...and by this social cause for which someone wants to hold the whole nation hostage and bully them.

On the surface it appears to be a type of "Victimization...the Victim Dictum" but underneath it is something far more ominous.

They are claiming that someone in offices of power wants to put the gay population into concentration camps.

Herein in the title of this article you see clearly the appeal to "The Victim Dictum " to automatically claim public sympathy to their cause by default...by public pre conditioning to the "Victim Dictum" via years of conditioning by talk shows and or the Phil Donahue format.

But think about the concentration camp angle.

I argue that concentration camps is what our public school system is become....programming and reprogramming centers....wherein no dissent is to be tolerated to the programming they are attempting on a captive audience.

A type of concentration programming camp wherein these groups politically and socially hold our children hostage to their sex and sexuality beliefs.

The victims here are our children and grandchildren...who are being held sexually hostage to this type of mental and social rape...by a people and group who have only their sex and sexuality by which to define themselves and attempt to hold the rest of the nation and people bound/hostage, bullied to them.
Talk about stupidity run amok.
These groups are self indulgent children...run amok and willing to infiltrate our public school systems and preach and teach their self indulgent religion to an unsuspecting, uneducated, undisciplined group...;thus victimizing our children and grandchildren...
They are plying their trade in a type of concentration camp and with a captive audience...and with government consent.

Here at this link...


These LGBT groups are attempting to do the same or very similar mind rape that the David Hogg anti gun groups are doing to 2A and on an unthinking, unsuspecting, undisciplined, uneducated overly emotional public.

All the time teaching and preaching "Victimization" in an attempt to hold American and Americans hostage and in bondage and remove from them their property.

It is the same Victimization mind rape...for the purposes of "Herding" America and Americans to their causes.

Be Warned and recognize this mind rape so that the next time you will recognize it immediately ..recognize the pattern and thus where they want to go with this type of "Herding Technique."

Victimization and The Victim Dictum ...against the uneducated, undisciplined, unsuspecting, overly emotional ...can be a very powerful seduction into the control of these groups.....determined to bring about the destruction of the American way of life and thinking.

No thinking American defines themselves by their sex and sexuality and demands that others go along with it...that others not object or dissent.

For thinking people know that an adult , educated, disciplined, thinking person is much much more than sex and sexuality.

And here in this link provided you see the fruits of this kind of stupidity run amok in the hands of Ishmaelites.

My .02,
Not an Ishmaelite

04-30-2018, 03:55 PM
About the LGBT movement and our Military Vote.

Concerning the not so subtle force feeding of the LGBT Movements into the ranks of our Military.

I believe this is necessary for the purpose of controlling the Military vote.

I believe that in future elections .so divided has the nation become......the vote may be close sufficient that the Military vote might be one for the deciding factors in a national election.

Hence someone is starting early to infiltrate public schooling and also the military to swing, seduce and control the Military to make it subject to the leftist voting programs of identity politics.....identifying ones self by one's sexuality..not by ones duty to the military...and one's oath. And by this pattern control the military votes.

This is where I believe someone is trying to take this country...in the future elections.

This is why the Obama Administration made such quick head starts to put their people into key military programs to where the military became not about the Mission Requirements but about social goals....social programs. For they constantly need to promote Ishmaelite programs across this nation. And this pattern continues today.

My random and sometimes rabid .02,


Not an Ishmaelite