View Full Version : Charlottesville VA

08-12-2017, 07:20 PM

There are Ants in the neighborhood, are there not?


Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-12-2017, 07:42 PM
Eleven Bravo is in that neck-o-the-woods as I recall. He hasn't been tracking as of late. Also this little "skirmish" seems to have fizzled out thanks to LEO. They called it an "unlawful assembly" and then ran all the white folks off. Then they let all the snowcones and BLMs stand around the statue and take over the place. So what happened here?

08-12-2017, 07:57 PM
Apparently the assembly permit was revoked DURING the event, and someone plowed a car thru the whole thing and ran.

Estimates I got were from 2k-6k.

How many were at Lexington and Concord, 240 years ago, before advanced communications and magazine fed weapons?

Maybe I'm jumpy after eight years of BHO, worrying that each numbwit that shot up a place was gonna be the spark that would light up Ear Leader's martial-law pen.

Still trying to prep, still want to get out to TN, but still sure that TIME is far too much at a premium.


08-13-2017, 12:36 AM
I'm several hrs away, and didn't go anywhere near there.
But, from what I've seen, it was getting violent well before start time, and only got worse.
So, they made the unlawful assembly call, and police a guard units went in to disperse them.
After that, on a street not far off, a car plowed into protesters. I've seen several conflicting reports, the car hit them, backed up and hit them again, as many as three cars involved. But, 1 dead and as many as 9 injured, one car for sure with driver in custody.
Still plenty crowded at that point.
Pretty much as said, ran off the whites, left antifa and blm behind.
To gloat, I'm sure.
Sometime in there, a va state police helicopter which was monitoring action from overhead crashed, killing two.
Only heard of one arrest.

This really was a bad deal. Except that the liberals will likely claim a victory, and roll on even harder. While the removal of historical monuments is wrong, and being done for the wrong reasons, the extreme right, white supremacists, merely white haters, do not represent the cause any more than antifa, or blm, represent their cause.
Basically, a complete and total clusterf#*k.
With the death of two troopers, and perhaps an innocent civilian.

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-13-2017, 02:57 PM
Well, It had to be a white kid didn't it? It was bad enough that they broke it up and did it all for all the wrong reasons. Leaving the little wankers to claim victory.

What really bugs me is that they blame it all on the "whities". Now look at it this way, they, both sides, obviously planned for a confrontation. They were "up armored" and ready for a fight. If you look at earlier footage of the rally, there were guys in LBG carrying ARs, I don't think they were on the BLM or the snowcone's side. They seemed to have disappeared into the alleys as the crowds dispersed. Also if you go through the footage as the events progressed it was the blacks who were provoking the whites all the way down the street as they were walking away. Inciting violence as per instructions.........so in the process they the politicians will rewrite history. Incite violence, divide the races and most likely continue obama's agenda and start a war within the US borders one way or another. Meanwhile back in NK, Iran, and Hillary's house.........so, if they keep this shit up......."we are going to remove the two statues in KY" we will see more of this shit. So if you'll excuse me I'll have to go tend to my fields.......by.... my......self!

08-13-2017, 03:46 PM
Honest so help me, I do not get why the left is getting so butt hurt about Confederate statuary at THIS late date.. and most especially Lee. Yes, he owned slaves, Yes he owned Arlington... But everyone seems to forget little things like his public statement that he rejoiced at the death of slavery... and then there's THIS little scene:


One could be excused for a tight in the throat at this.

I hope that all this statuary that's getting pulled out is being bought by some private concern. But where is this gonna stop? Are BLM-Snowflakes going to next raid cemetaries for funereal statuary they don't like?

MLK is looking down on all this and weeping...

08-13-2017, 04:16 PM
The general population is clueless about history and historical figures. Liked the video, and few are aware that Lee was a prime mover in trying to restore the Republic and heals the wounds of the Civil War. Slavery and the Civil War are a part of our national fabric for better and for worse. It is what is is, and nothing done now can change that fact. Most of these protesters don't even know what they are protesting about, let alone what happened over 156 years ago.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-13-2017, 06:08 PM
This is all crap, civil war and slavery is long gone and over with and everyone needs to just get the fuck over it. This is America and we're all AMERICANS.........as I wish in one hand and shit in the other. Now when I trained recruits as Navy Company Commander "DI" you'd be surprised how many stupid looks I got when I had my 88 little idiots sitting in front of me in the compartment and I asked, "what do you get when you mix black and white?" ............Grey you idiots! Haze fuckin Grey! You pour all them colors into that tin can and you get GREY and you get it underway! Then there's the first kid to get a razor cut.....hence the term "bleed by example" ...."what color is he bleeding?, What color do you bleed?" There ain't no deference we are all brothers and sisters here. If YOU make it about color then YOU got a problem with ME. Command can't function, ship can't function, military can't function with it..........but somehow it does. It exists in pockets still I'm sure but I wouldn't allow it........people are just stupid. Whew........glad I went out side when God said "Brains" while the ones heard "rain" I'm rambling. gotta get off this stupid thing!

08-13-2017, 06:56 PM
MLK had it right, and the progressive left just doesn't get it. Most people in America thank God do. Judge a man by his character, not the color of his skin. The left like to tout victim-hood, and white privileged, whatever the hell that is. Like most service vets here, I worked for a living, putting my life on the line so those back home could enjoy there lives whatever they may have been.The only privilege I got was to be in an elite group of less than 1% of the U.S. population that had the guts to keep the wolf from the door and give the rest of the countries population the chance to pursue happiness in their own way. (Off Rant)
Don't ask me what I really think, unless you can stand brutal unfiltered honesty. My brothers and sisters in arms know , and have been there done that, some even have little bits of multi colored cloth to memorialize it.

Illini Warrior
08-15-2017, 03:43 AM
another conservative rally coming up shortly in Boston - no Confederacy - no KKK or NAZIs .... ANTIFA is already lining up the professional protesters to start another riot ....

08-15-2017, 12:05 PM
Boston and the Boston Police won't tolerate things getting as out of control as Charlottesville. They'll seal the area off, and more than likely keep the two groups as far apart as possible. A lot of very narrow streets, and a lot of historic buildings to be protected. Boston learned a lot after the Marathon bombing, and will put that to use.

ANTIFA is just an ultra left hate group with no real agenda. They oppose anything right wing, and destroy property, both private and public because it is there, and this they think is legitimate protest, as opposed to vandalism.

08-15-2017, 12:20 PM
Boston and the Boston Police won't tolerate things getting as out of control as Charlottesville. They'll seal the area off, and more than likely keep the two groups as far apart as possible. A lot of very narrow streets, and a lot of historic buildings to be protected. Boston learned a lot after the Marathon bombing, and will put that to use.

ANTIFA is just an ultra left hate group with no real agenda. They oppose anything right wing, and destroy property, both private and public because it is there, and this they think is legitimate protest, as opposed to vandalism.

A leaner, less ethical version of the Weimar-era SA, with no Ernst Rohm-like public head.

Remember, too, that the Va Governor, a prime Clintonite tool, was sending in the VA National Guard, and probably getting aroused at the violence. Conservative protestors have to have their best foot forward in blue havens like Massachusetts

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-15-2017, 11:44 PM
I remember the Boston mayor also letting the people tear the place up after the little dipshit got his head broke in the back of the paddy wagon. Giving LEO the stand down order as I recall................oh......baltimore.........:c onfused:

08-16-2017, 12:44 AM
Antifa=Left Wing Agitators=Occupy Wall Street and they are supported by George S. This is going to be a long running issue.

08-16-2017, 12:37 PM
The Charlottesville protest, started over the removal of a statue and renaming of a park which honored Robert E Lee. The park and statue have been there for decades. The question is why was this being done, and is it a trend that will continue, and where does it end. Was it because Lee is the best known symbol of the Confederacy next to the "Stars and Bars", or because he inherited slaves, and kept them for a short time? Does the alt left want all such symbols removed for the landscape of America? Does it stop there, or do they wish to continue down that slope removing and vestiges of those who owned slaves? If so then an awful lot of things need to be torn up or renamed. Most of the signers of the Declaration of Independence were slave owners, does it make that document any less important. Should we tear down the Washington Monument, Jefferson Memorial, Mt Vernon, Monticello, rename the capital, and any other structures towns or buildings named after anyone who held slaves. What about those who belonged to or supported the KKK? Should Mt Rushmore, or Stone Mountain be destroyed? Where do we draw the line.

The Taliban, Mao in China, and numerous other totalitarian regiems have done the same thing because they found something offensive.

Our countries history is full of dark incidents that should never of happened. No country is without such events. We learned from it, and trying to erase it will not make it go away. If we don't remember it, we are doomed to repeat it.

It is time we as a people got back to teaching our whole and real history, both good and bad. When doing so, it is also important that we teach the events that happened in the context of the times, and not project our current values on the times we are looking at.

08-16-2017, 05:21 PM
Not offensive... competitive.

Antifa et al doesn't want any reference to any good that those who held slaves did. Or, for that matter, any good by any one other than themselves.

For myself, the best good Antifa could do is to dry up and blow away, and leave us to our lawful occasions without harassment any more.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-16-2017, 06:06 PM
Nope, it's not going to end, I flipped to racheal mad cow (I'm fair and seriously unballasted) last night and watched her do her kkk intro and then she said The President's Dad was arrested at a kkk rally and showed all these "documents"...........aaaaannd at that point I tuned into one of my shows we had recorded. SO, TN is at a stand still...politically...for the moment........but let's see how long that lasts. Had a "few" loud mouths the other day but that's all I've heard locally.

Right now I see a massive division going on on network television. Everyone who "thinks" they are someone is going either left or left. The right is being quiet, but the President is not and "I" think he is doing and saying the right things.....so far, hell I thought he caved the other day and then he came back with flying colors and he's not going to let ANY of it fly across the board. Keep it up Buddy your doing great!

08-16-2017, 09:27 PM
This has been pushed since Saul Alinsky wrote the rules for complete take of our beloved country. Give the Commie Bastards credit. They have patience and a ever evolving plan. We're in the mist of a dumbed down induced propaganda campaign the likes unseen in many generations.

They're marshalling forces of uneducated people to use as cannon fodder as their front line of defense. They believe overwhelming numbers will turn the battle into victory for their 1 world rule. Bonsai didn't work out well in W.W. 2 and it will have even greater casualties than before.
Chaos doesn't win wars ; They who are methodical in their beliefs and desire to be totally a Freeman are those willing to do the unthinkable in order to overcome and annihilate the threat in front of them even unto death so that others may live free. The Left thinks in the next 10 steps where as we look at the whole picture and it's cost.

We know the cost is never too high as long as it's the enemy who has these pains. Our job is not to win ; It's to destroy ; wreak havoc and totally crush the enemy to the point of dust so that they will think hard and long before ever giving thought to ruling over the Quiet ones.
My brothers and sisters ; We can only control that which we have. Our freedom is a birthright given by the powers above. As a wise man once said. ( We have given you a Constitutional Republic if you can keep it )

The powers above gave us the freedom of being free as long as we didn't intrude upon others freedom or ours.
We're at the time of reset and it shall come my brethren ; It shall come. At my age and wife's health all I can say is ( Take your best shot Bitch. )

Just my 2 cents

08-17-2017, 07:39 PM
Why? That one is easy.
We are at war. We don't really see it, as it's not a "hot" war in the classical sense, but it is a war nonetheless.
America is the last bastion of freedom, what little we still have. The string pullers behind the world want us to fall, their greed dictates that all they already have isn't enough, they want the rest. America has always been strong, and for one primary reason; we have been United. It is hard to defeat a United enemy, no matter how little they have, or that they may be few.
So, the war to remove our unity is being waged on multiple fronts. The family unit, the very core, is destroyed by killing the notion of the basic male/female pair, the children reared by those parents with the same code. The community, by making everyone strangers, with racism to make them fight over their skin color, with wealth and religious discrimination, to make them fight over those differences as well.
We now hate each other at almost every level, do not trust one another for almost any excuse.
For, our unity was the one thing that really could make and keep America great, no matter what anyone else did/said.
Our unity was also the one thing that could keep us safe and free.
Yeah, the 2nd is important, but a bunch of strangers with guns is not a formidable enemy, nothing compared to a unified group.

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At least that's my opinion, probably worth about what you paid for it.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-17-2017, 08:45 PM
This has been pushed since Saul Alinsky wrote the rules for complete take of our beloved country. Give the Commie Bastards credit. They have patience and a ever evolving plan. We're in the mist of a dumbed down induced propaganda campaign the likes unseen in many generations.

They're marshalling forces of uneducated people to use as cannon fodder as their front line of defense. They believe overwhelming numbers will turn the battle into victory for their 1 world rule. Bonsai didn't work out well in W.W. 2 and it will have even greater casualties than before.
Chaos doesn't win wars ; They who are methodical in their beliefs and desire to be totally a Freeman are those willing to do the unthinkable in order to overcome and annihilate the threat in front of them even unto death so that others may live free. The Left thinks in the next 10 steps where as we look at the whole picture and it's cost.

We know the cost is never too high as long as it's the enemy who has these pains. Our job is not to win ; It's to destroy ; wreak havoc and totally crush the enemy to the point of dust so that they will think hard and long before ever giving thought to ruling over the Quiet ones.
My brothers and sisters ; We can only control that which we have. Our freedom is a birthright given by the powers above. As a wise man once said. ( We have given you a Constitutional Republic if you can keep it )

The powers above gave us the freedom of being free as long as we didn't intrude upon others freedom or ours.
We're at the time of reset and it shall come my brethren ; It shall come. At my age and wife's health all I can say is ( Take your best shot Bitch. )

Just my 2 cents

You are my Hero, Hoo-Yah! So, I could play keyboard warrior right now but I won't. I just watched my ten minutes of stupidity on the boob tube. Yup.....wait for it. Just keep up your prepping and make sure you have a "great" game plan. Make sure you have either a last stand or a Rendezvous point to meet with others.

Gunfixr, no truer words have been spoken my friend. It's going to get ugly, I just want to be here for it, one last time. Damned if it won't be on home turf.

08-17-2017, 10:32 PM
I' ve been holding my tongue on speaking specifics on this incident, while I did some deep diving so to speak on what actually started the Charlottesville clash. Media talking heads all have an axe to grind with the President and the right, and are basically a mouth piece for the left. There are however some nuggets of truth to be derived, but these come by way of what they are not reporting.

So here is the analysis of what I have gleaned. The city of Charlottesvile was going to remove a civil war statue because it offended people. The statue had been in place for decades, without anyone giving it a second thought. White Supremacists and the KKK applied for and received a permit to march in protest of the removal of the statue. Antifa and others staged a counter protest, but had no permit to do so. Police funneled both groups towards the same location, and when things got physical backed off , sighting safety issues for police personnel. During the protest a misguided young man rammed his car into the crowd killing one and injuring numerous others. Tow state troopers were killed in a helicopter crash which has been linked to the protest. Since then a number of cities have jumped on the band wagon to remove civil war statuary, stating it is offensive. These are the known facts.

What we don;t know is more telling. Who are the people that felt offended, and why was this never reported in the news. How did Antifa know about the rally, and why did they not apply for a permit if they wanted to peacefully counter-protest? Why would police as a law enforcement agency funnel two opposing groups to the same location? The deaths are another matter completely.

Analysis is as follows; This incident and the "spontaneous" response to remove certain civil war monuments is anything but. It was calculated and evoked the response intended. It aggravated the KKK, and White Supremacists. Antifa knew or was told of the protest march and rallied their anarchist forces. The police were willing dupes, who pushed both groups into close proximity, resulting in the riot.

The feigned righteous indignation, and call to remove certain civil war monuments and statuary for the most part has been planned far in advance. There have been no wide spread calls for their removal by the citizenry of any city or town in the U.S.

What was accomplished is a wedge is being driven between more of the citizenry, over a war that ended 152 years ago. This is an effort by the left to further fracture the country, and provoke violence between the common folk. We are looking at the beginnings of what could become the 2nd Civil War. Unfortunately, no matter how this issue is resolved, there will be bitter resentment on both sides.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-18-2017, 06:32 PM
Yup.......and you know here in the quiet little town of Winchester, TN I didn't see a bunch of Confederate flags flying on trucks. I didn't see people with attitudes. The black folks and white folks are all pleasant with each other, life has been and is respectable in the country, so far..... I will say this, we do have young folks that do drive around with "flags" on their trucks quite often. It's no big deal they don't act like idiots they're all respectful......all of them have been so far. But I didn't see the flags come out after this incident.......I liked that. We don't want or need that shit here, we have other problems to worry about.

08-19-2017, 01:39 PM
BRR, I got a good friend who started his military career in special forces in Vietnam, and only ended it about 10yrs ago. Once told me he'd made war on every continent but this one, and like us, I think is concerned he will end up doing it here before it's over.

Yup, this is definitely part of the divide and conquer strategy being used against us. While we see it clearly, the younger generation, growing up believing everything they're told, having been taught in school only to learn what you're told, not how to think for yourself, is fully duped.

It's quiet here, both in the city, and out rural where I'm working on the other place. Some flags you see out there, but, like mentioned, not by assholes. We're in VA, only maybe 4hrs from Charlottesville.

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2017, 07:12 PM
Brother, America is still alive. I'm just not to sure these folks are going to like what happens when they wake her up. A lot of these idiots are just that, "city folk"....."educated city folk", they would never survive an actual confrontation. If they took their shit to the country I don't think it would fair to well.........if they treated country folks they treated that woman in Boston holding the American flag this morning. There would have been a beating.......People don't take to kindly to treating women that way. Don't get me started on the Flag........OK, gotta clean this place up, got company coming, the moon's going to collide with the sun and I gotta be ready for it. Got me a new fire proof umbrella for when the sky starts fallin!

02-20-2018, 02:40 PM
Charlottesville was a made to order event for which certain of leadership coddled and encouraged to happen and when it did ...it got out of hand and those who privily were encouraging it ..had to back off just as fast so that no one would notice it.
It has been allowed to die off in the news ...again so no one would be able to follow the path back to who and what encouraged it...just like all this Russian nonsense going on in the news.
Someone is being protected here...after the set up backfired on them.

Sad as this event at Charlottesville was...one of the good things to happen out of it is that Antifa got the proper coverage towards them to where Americans began to notice what they really are...radical anarchists...domestic terrorists financed by someone and given, up to then, political and media recognition ...all out of proportion to what they really were.

Since then Antifa has had to back off ....they got out of hand...BLM too.

The left has been doing something here in this country for years and years now and working towards a goal....a very subversive goal and rationale and their methods tell of what they are really doing in the manufacturing of "Chaos" to reach their goals.

Dr Martin Luther King...taught that a person should be "Judged by the content of their character...not by the colour of their skin."

What the left is clearly pushing all across this country from public schools...through colleges and into the media and politics ...is...

"By the content of their skin colour ...not by the content of their character"

This represents a 180 degree flip flop of what was taught by Dr Martin Luther King.

For those trained in this and how to spot and or identify this pattern....this is a pattern of "Demonism." A 180 degree flip flop of what came before.

The left has switched from fighting racism to promoting racism to gain power and control over people.

Another way of stating this ...is that the left today is in the occupation of "Manufacturing bad guys " for political power and control over people who cannot or will not think for themselves.

This is , for those trained in it, the doctrine of GFW Hegel....or dialectic...."Thesis, antithesis, synthesis." Or put another way....and for which most would recognize......"Good Cop/Bad Cop."

Except that most of what the left promotes is based on a lie ...once you stop being controlled emotionally and start thinking for yourself....you can usually see it for what it is.

All you have to do is think for yourself and know some history and what they are doing does not make even good nonsense.

The left in this country are the racists...their position depends on manufacturing a bad guy and labeling them as racists...when it is the left itself which is heavily dependent on the chaos they can manufacture by screaming racism.

They are become demonic in their handling and manufacturing racists....bullies too. This also became the fingerprint of BLM...bullies in their quest to manufacture racists....for their cause...the blame game. They are trying to hold a whole entire nation hostage to their brand of racism.

You now even have the NFL in on this and they are willing to hold the rest of America hostage to their brand of racism and the blame game. I am very glad to see Americans voting against the NFL with their remote controllers.

Americans do not want to get up and try to take care of their day ..and before they do they must factor in over the top of their private business...whether someone is black or white...gendered or non gendered...what sex...sexual orientation or other nonsense is popular today. Americans do not want to keep up with all this demonic social justice warrior nonsense...trying to bully them into compliance ...via PC bullying.
Americans want to take care of their business and go home...and so voted back in 2016.
But the left cannot stand the loss of power and control over the bullying of America and we see the fruit of this chaos taking place currently all across this land.

Chaos is the very best the left can do...the manufacturing of chaos...in order to herd America and Americans by bullying....

Sex and Sexuality is another method of the left manufacturing chaos and bad guys....to gain power ...and divide the nation and people.

And educated, knowledgeable, disciplined person knows that a human being is never defined by their sex or sexuality...

A properly educated, knowledgeable, disciplined person defines themselves by their family lineage, their occupation, or some great work they have done and left to posterity...but never their sex or sexuality.

Once you know this history ..you realize how absolutely stupid these people are who are promoting all kinds of sexuality and then using or misusing it to bully and herd the American People for purposes of power, control, and or votes.
Americans are being herded here like cattle based on a lie...manufactured guilt and deception.

I am not speaking here against sexuality..but against stupid...for a educated person is so much more than sex and sexuality.

This people is also demonic in its basic nature...a 180 degree flip flop.....once again.

There is so much of this demonic backwardness going on with the left and now it has even infected the MSM to where they are promoting and becoming the cheerleaders for it.

The irony to me is that they are trying to put this label or onus off on Trump and Company ...when ...for those who know history and the pattern of which I speak...it is they on the left who are the very thing they try to put off on others.

There is a sickness deliberately attempting to infect the whole of America and the MSM as well as public education are in on it ...even leadership....all across this country...to promote demonic principles ..thoughts and ideas as normal...to be preferred over thinking.

If you watch the pattern carefully...the left and how they work is to appeal to groups and sections of people who are highly emotional and easily coerced or seduced over to these emotional templates....or causes. Runaway emotions combined with a tendency towards the blame game...is the index for which to observe.

Racial minorities, women, and certain religions...are easily seduced or deceived into these causes...and easily gravitate towards the blame game. Also young people...high school age and college people...they make some of the best cannon fodder...all emotions and little real thinking going on with them.

Are not some of these emotional train wrecks today called or identified as snowflakes???

You can see his happening over and over and over. Many teachers in our school system have stopped becoming teachers/educators but instead predators....social justice predators.

This business going on now with the nation wide call for gun control and even the getting rid of the 2nd Amendment....now think people...

"Any government or leadership which will not trust it's people with a gun..will never trust it's people with a vote."

This is common sense. They will rig the voting marketplace just like they are working to rig the gun marketplace.

Not one of the pseudo leaders in the main stream media seem want to state this publically on their forums for the benefit of thinking Americans...not one. They are all in on the scam against Americans....including the fabled Fox News. I have for some time now given up on Fox News for the scammers that they are become.

Once again...demonism at work...deception...distraction..obfuscation.

This is how an Ishmaelite works....to put people into bondage....by keeping peoples thoughts away from the bullseye..and on anything else they can control.

Don't worry...there is another Charlottesville coming. The left is going to need another Charlottesville to keep herding America and Americans in their required direction.

My .02,


Not an Ishmaelite.

02-20-2018, 04:16 PM
The second caveat of this backwardness...demonic nature of politics..of education...of the main stream media...and the events being manupulated..is this...

While all of this is going on and clearly from the left...or so we think....what is the Republican party doing with this kind of thinking ..this kind of logic and reasoning..?????

They are doing nothing...absolutely nothing. The so called Republican party cannot possibly be that stupid ...can they?? After all...most of them went to college did they not???

The Republican Party cannot possibly be that ignorant of what is going on out here...can they???

Yet while all of this is going on ..including the recent calls for gun control...they are dominantly silent.

Silence...on one issue promoted by the left after another after another.....Silent!!!

What this tells me is that the Republican Party is in on the Demonic scam going on by a conspiracy of silence. They are not the product advertised...they are not conservatives..but only Pseudo conservatives....only to "Appear" to be conservative for the purpose of getting votes.

The Republicans do not teach their people to think for themselves on these issues but remain silent...on them and so too the pseudo conservative Fox News.

Remember ...these people ...many are college graduates....

The Republican Party's investment in the American People... like the Democrats...is their ignorance....by a conspiracy and operation of silence on their part...not teaching the American People how to think for themselves.

The truth of this is how since the 2016 Election ..both Republicans and Democrats do not like Trump and company for breaking many out of their control template and showing America another way....out of the two party Demonic Bondage in thinking and actions.

Both Republicans and Democrats investment is in Ishmaelite bondage/ignorance....they are both Ishmaelites...

And ignorance can be a type of bondage.

Teach yourself and others how to think and break out of the binders for which someone wants to herd Americans.

The Republicans were mostly silent on what happened at Charlottesville...It was the President who finally spoke up and broke the leftist blame game.

Don't worry...someone is going to manufacture another Charlottesville...soon enough...soon enough!!

My .02,

Not an Ishmaelite.

02-20-2018, 11:46 PM
Good point OT. My take on the repuclicans is this: D vs R, different sides of the same coin. And yes There will be another Charlotsville. Its just a matter of time.