View Full Version : Hurricane Harvey

08-24-2017, 04:10 PM
Texas is about to be dealt a major blow by Hurricane Harvey. For all ants along the Texas and Alabama coast, make sure you are ready, and head the evac warnings. Predictions are for up to 25" of rain along with strong winds and storm surge. If you have relatives in the area, urge them to heed the warnings, property can be replaced, lives can't. We will hold you all in our prayers.

08-24-2017, 06:40 PM
Batten down the hatches Helo... Time to test some preps...

Illini Warrior
08-24-2017, 08:13 PM
all kinds of reports of shortages already of the staples ... if you wait later than tonite's after work it could be too late ....

08-25-2017, 02:32 AM
all kinds of reports of shortages already of the staples ... if you wait later than tonite's after work it could be too late ....

Houston is already running out of gas in the I-10 corridor. Lots more traffic than usual with the evac, and everybody filled up at once. Not to mention the refineries are shuttered.

08-25-2017, 05:48 AM
Houston is already running out of gas in the I-10 corridor. Lots more traffic than usual with the evac, and everybody filled up at once. Not to mention the refineries are shuttered.

And THAT's gonna domino-effect thru the rest of the country. Been telling my customers to tank all the way up fast and if they got a can fill that up too, while it's cheap and available.

There are a BUNCH of refineries in Harveys stormtrack. Gonna play the very devil with the Labor Day vacation crowd too.

08-25-2017, 10:02 PM
Batten down the hatches Helo... Time to test some preps...

However, if you are anywhere close to storm surge is predicted, get the hell out. No preps will get you through that!

08-27-2017, 01:34 PM
Pictures of the devastation are pretty bad, Houston is un-navigable due to road flooding. 2 lives lost so far, over 1000 high water rescues. The storm is expected to last at least another day or two, with high winds and more rain. This storm is no joke. Prayers go out to those affected.

08-27-2017, 07:31 PM
Last we heard from my wife's cousin in Corpus Christie, no floodings, very high winds and heavy rain. Electricity has been out for some time.

08-29-2017, 11:12 PM
Wish all to be safe in Texas and all having safe outcomes.

08-30-2017, 04:35 AM
The two evil kinfolk of such flooding are gonna start popping up. Typhoid and looters... who, I understand from someone with waders on the ground in Houston, are attacking first responders. Responders are now going in armed.

Gee, wonder why the media ain't talking about this?

Frankly, Abbott should declare martial law, and interfering with first responders a crime, to be treated as shoot on sight, no warning shot.

09-19-2017, 04:33 AM
WARNING: This could be a downer, so if you are easily bummed out, stop reading and go to another thread.

So FEMA is stretched thin right now in Houston from Harvey and Irma took on most of Florida. Irma hit Florida with a vengence and now it appears others are going to hit the southeastern portion of th ecountry. Now let us ponder what will happen if we have two or even three more major hurricanes hit our right flank? People are going to wonder why the government is not taking care of them. Take a few hundred thousand people in the streets with nothing to lose because storms already took everything, mix in a few radical groups and we could be in for some very exciting times.

Stay ready folks! Can you survive several weeks without leaving your dwelling place? How much gas/propane do you have to power your generators or grills?

Are you ready to defend your property if the need arise? It is one thing to think about it quite another to do it. I would venture to say that the majority of us have not seen combat and many may freeze in the face of a mob.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-19-2017, 03:40 PM
There's and "Echo, echo, echo" on this thread. You are on target and tracking brother, there's more to come. PR down south is going to get slammed again, is that little "storm" makes it through the straights and into the gulf it could fire back up again and do some more cleansing in the southern states.

I'm with ya!

09-19-2017, 11:06 PM
I'm with you. This Maria spun up pretty quick from CAT1 to CAT5 in less than 24 hours. The islands are getting slammed, and we all need to be concerned. This storm isn't going away soon, unless dry air and upper level steering currents push it out to sea. > It could track up the east coast, or travel into the Gulf and then smack that area again. Winds are at 175mph and pressure has deepened to 909mB. That is one strong storm. Puerto Rico is going to get hit hard. I see the track going morewestward after it hits PR and Dominica. If you are on the east coast keep an eye on this one.
Jose will influence the NE from Mass to the Canadian Maritime s Don't see it making landfall.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-21-2017, 02:09 PM
Guess we should've been a couple of "AG's" Areographers Mate "weather guessers" in our prior careers eh? They never could get their shit straight when I was in....until we actually had one TAD on the SWIFT that actually knew his shit and he taught me how to use NOAA's site to it's full potential.

Looking at it this morning it looks pretty healthy but it has a nice pressure wall coming in from the gulf slowing it's westerly movement. They always did have nice surf on the NW side of PR.......this sucker is very healthy.


09-21-2017, 03:28 PM
Slowing its westerly movement, is going to give it time to rebuild, unless it encounters some wind shear at the upper levels. I'm keeping an eye on its pressure and track. It sure as hell tore up Puerto Rico. The possible track has it making two turns, one to the NE for the next few days, followed by a turn to the WNW bringing it closer to the coast on Monday near NJ.

The AG's of today have a lot of tools at their disposal. No more just relying on looking at cloud formations, and reading a barometer, and getting data from bouys placed around the ocean.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-21-2017, 05:35 PM
Looks like Maria just started losing her eye. 1235 CST

09-22-2017, 11:51 AM
Central pressure is up to 959mB, winds125making it now a CAT3. Still plenty of power. Maria is encountering some wind shear. It should gradually turn more northward, putting it in cooler water. The east coast will still see some impact, mostly rougher surf.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-23-2017, 02:39 PM
Yup, she's looking pretty solid now her eye has opened again and headed due north.

HARVEY UPDATE: Talked to my "Surf Punk" buddy down in FL last night. He has a sister in TX that was broken into (vehicle, front yard) the night before. They took everything they could, tried to get into the others but they were locked. She forgot to lock that one.....there is still more "animals" at large and this is not over yet. He said that there are more incidents of "thefts" that are not being reported (like I'm surprised) in the FL and TX areas. Take a hard look at Puerto Rico, it was already a shit hole (my opinion) now they have nothing. I think that little island is going to come unglued very shortly. We already waived their debt, they can't support themselves, we'll have to bail them out again and they don't do shit for our country except put a drain on our economy. Keep an eye on this turd in the punch bowl.........

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-24-2017, 03:53 AM
OH, on the lighter side of all this. My high school "Surf Punk" buddy's son. If you're a baseball fan you might have heard about the winning streak of the Cleveland Indians maybe? Well, he's one of their pitchers, Nick Goody, can't tell you how happy he was to see his son playing ball again, one very proud papa of a now Hall of Famer. He's a great kid too! He was picked up as a rookie by the Yankees and was traded to the Indians, pretty cool. He's got his dad's chubby cheeks........the one's on his face.