View Full Version : Took my first Vacation after a long time.

09-09-2017, 12:20 AM
My brother who lives in Anchorage got tired of me stating I need to be available for when my clients need my services. (Been saying that for about 19 years now) He set up a brief getaway for me. I left Friday got there at 12:05am Saturday, then went train riding, kayaking and fishing. Flew back Monday. Those 4 days I slept about 6 hours. Wow! I want to pick my stuff up and move there. Here is a public FaceBook link.

https://www.facebook.com/vodin/videos/10209414218612980/?hc_ref=ARSG-HmEjzknTTnGknqbHS2Dn8qCXUy3ohQRFqyR184DqCp7maerLWo XoF8JcD40ydI&pnref=story

09-09-2017, 12:47 AM
Good for you Bud. Everybody needs to take a break at times. 19 years is plenty long enough. Sounds like a fun trip.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-09-2017, 05:45 PM
Glad to see that you finally got some well deserved time off, looks you had a great time brother! Always reminds my a bit of Northwest Montana.

LadyHK has been wanting to go up there for a long time and watches all the "Alaskan" shows. Beautiful country I will say that. "If I was 20yrs younger" she always says. If she was 20yrs younger the mosquitoes would have an even more tasty morsel to feed off of I keep telling her. Either way she and I wouldn't deal with the the cold to well. These old bones don't enjoy that weather to well anymore.