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View Full Version : MY Bull Dozier

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-23-2017, 02:59 PM
I know I stalled my thread on the Dozier months back, but I have to give you and update. I did get her up and running, made adjustments to the steering brakes, re-did all the wiring and installed several new gauges and a new alternator. BUT there were some things that this guy just couldn't do. I don't have big ass tools for big ass jobs like that BOLT for the bell housing (it's the center point that holds up the whole motor and transmission on this thing)that I could not get back in without removing VERY LARGE PARTS! So I can't/couldn't wait any longer and had to call in the Big Guns. They picked it up a couple of weeks ago and got started on it Tuesday, then I had them give it once over. They said "I" did a great job on everything "I" did, and it's solid, works great, puurrrrs like a Kitten, Yipee! Sooooo, I had them do some other things, new hydraulic lines, total grease job, tracks and rollers, etc. Made some new friends who did some extras as well and taught me some finer points/tricks of this machine. I was asked, "Do you want to sell it?" NO! They said it was in damn good shape for her age and I was going to get a lot time out of it. "You sure you don't want to sell it?" Nooooo, So I am very happy with this report.

The great news is she is coming home TODAY! I'll tel ya about the bill later..................:cool:

Thought you'd like to hear this Eagle......

09-23-2017, 03:32 PM
That is great news. Well other than the bill.

09-23-2017, 07:16 PM
Ditto Congrats!!

09-23-2017, 09:39 PM
HELL YEA Chief !!! I've been wondering what she was going through. But then I knew your plate was full and multi- tasking like a true Boatswain in charge. Glad that bad rama jama is up and running. You did right fine having them update her so she can power through the task you'll put her through.

Now come the land trials of putting that dozer to task. Ask her (HOW FAR) and if she answers (ALL THE WAY) you'll be golden. Yep fondle her ; ride her hard ; clean her up and put her to bed.
That's all ; Carry on

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-24-2017, 03:34 AM
Drum roll..........$1265 but they only charged me 8hrs labor at $80 an hour. I saw three guys working on it over the course of four days, the owner making new hydro lines, the one guy doing the mechanics, the other replacing the lines and fluids. Hmmmm? So I figure I came out pretty good. $4 a mile at 38 miles round trip for pick and deliver, the rest is in parts. I haven't had a chance to put her through the paces yet, just rolled her off the trailer and parked it out back. Had to finish up the lawn, shave the head and face, wash & haul ass to Al to the cave and see DG get married in the cave. Now that was precious, we all had a great time. I did not take pictures mine (camera) is down but I'm sure he will be posting them soon. Turns out she's moving into the dome and selling the bakery.............I might end up putting on some weight myself! Damn busy day, just got settled in, time for a well deserved bowl of ice cream.......more to follow, BWRR out!

09-24-2017, 12:28 PM
Not a bad price from what you stated they did. The terrain will never be the same now. Glad Dome Guy found a good mate and may they grow strong together. You never know she could open a bakery near you. ;)

09-25-2017, 03:37 PM
Are you talking about a bulldozer ??

09-25-2017, 05:53 PM
yes he is. it just appears that he is a little dozier...

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-25-2017, 07:12 PM
It's a John Deer 450B just big enough to wreck most people's lives.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-01-2017, 12:34 AM
I ran the dozer Friday afternoon....i "tore up" the road heading down to the creek. With a bit of back and forth, forward and reverse, scrape a little this way and that I soon got the hang of it. Hey, I'm no "Eagle" here ya know. I got pretty much what I needed done up on the top and then headed for the creek..........There's a big rock bar formed in the creek causing erosion towards our property so into the water I went. He, he, he....no more rock bar, creek is nice and level and we can now cross the creek with the 4-wheelers and harass the hunters! Just in time to set up the steel plates across the holler, stinga-dinga-ding! So I should have the long range/gun range set up soon to test out the AR-10 and see how it performs after all that braggin I was doing before:cool:

Overall the dozer performed great, I'm happy, I went down there this morning on the 4-wheeler and it looks like I need to do a bit more work on the road. Different perspective from that height. Oh, well, more practice........

10-01-2017, 03:15 AM
Glad it's up and running. Had a wonderful time meeting up with you and lady. DH heard there was going to be some kind of protest up near you Hope you didn't have any trouble.

10-01-2017, 12:30 PM
I ran the dozer Friday afternoon....i "tore up" the road heading down to the creek. With a bit of back and forth, forward and reverse, scrape a little this way and that I soon got the hang of it. Hey, I'm no "Eagle" here ya know. I got pretty much what I needed done up on the top and then headed for the creek..........There's a big rock bar formed in the creek causing erosion towards our property so into the water I went. He, he, he....no more rock bar, creek is nice and level and we can now cross the creek with the 4-wheelers and harass the hunters! Just in time to set up the steel plates across the holler, stinga-dinga-ding! So I should have the long range/gun range set up soon to test out the AR-10 and see how it performs after all that braggin I was doing before:cool:

Overall the dozer performed great, I'm happy, I went down there this morning on the 4-wheeler and it looks like I need to do a bit more work on the road. Different perspective from that height. Oh, well, more practice........

After 44 years of not fondling the controls of one you might have done better than me . You can sit stationary with her running and practice light touches on blade control to see how far and fast the hydraulics lift blade when only small adjustments are needed to the cut. Remember always ; as long as you'r sitting up straight you're cutting level.
If you're leaning forward push blade down to bring back your level. If you're leaning backwards pull blade up till level because your cut is too deep. I bet all of us ants would love to see a video of your dozer technique as you redesign the property. :) You got this brother.

Hell you could even pull up to a tree with a hunter in a tree stand with blade raised up against the trunk and ask why he's on your property as you gently bump the tree trunk. Just saying. :p

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-01-2017, 04:18 PM
And this is what "Mentorship" (I guess I made a new word cause my "speak and spell" wouldn't correct it) is all about......I'm going to print this, laminate it and hang it form my dozer somewhere handy. Thank ya Brother!

10-01-2017, 07:06 PM
It occurs, Chief, that you could end up getting a fair amount of folks after your dozer not for its blade but its brute force... stump pulling, for instance, and building leveling, and post snowstorm ditch extractions. There are probably other applications past my imagination.

I wonder how much space and $ would be needed to get those other tools you mentioned, to where you could be self-contained fixing your dozer?

10-01-2017, 07:57 PM
And this is what "Mentorship" (I guess I made a new word cause my "speak and spell" wouldn't correct it) is all about......I'm going to print this, laminate it and hang it form my dozer somewhere handy. Thank ya Brother!

You're welcome.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-02-2017, 02:40 PM
It occurs, Chief, that you could end up getting a fair amount of folks after your dozer not for its blade but its brute force... stump pulling, for instance, and building leveling, and post snowstorm ditch extractions. There are probably other applications past my imagination.

I wonder how much space and $ would be needed to get those other tools you mentioned, to where you could be self-contained fixing your dozer?

4-wheeler, tractor, rifle, all these can be had around here for various prices. It's Tennessee, after this morning's events in your town it could cause more political BS but I don't think it would affect us much over here. Oh steel plates can be had, I'll oan ya the one in my head, he, he, he......slightly used. I think the steel plate with "holes" in it at the end of your driveway with a little note "I can hit you from here" is always a good deterrent for would be ass holes.

10-04-2017, 02:44 PM
4-wheeler, tractor, rifle, all these can be had around here for various prices. It's Tennessee, after this morning's events in your town it could cause more political BS but I don't think it would affect us much over here. Oh steel plates can be had, I'll oan ya the one in my head, he, he, he......slightly used. I think the steel plate with "holes" in it at the end of your driveway with a little note "I can hit you from here" is always a good deterrent for would be ass holes.

I misspoke. I was referring to the tools needed for you to be able to fix the dozer without having to go to outside sources. Are there anything particularly massive? (I mind a crescent wrench used in the Army to remove main gun barrels... eight feet long and 400 lb.)

As to the post-massacre fallout...to blistering hell with the politicos on both sides trying to make hay of such carnage. They are less than vultures, inasmuch as vultures act true to their nature, and the pols are trying to front as though they are not using the dead to their own aims, when anyone with eyes to see or nose to smell can tell that they most certainly are.

148 days.... and damn to hell anything in my way this time.

mrrph.. babbling at ungodly early hour and no coffee... I humbly ask the pardon of the assembled.


Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-04-2017, 04:18 PM
As if I don't go off in giberish, I get the picture. The thing I could not do was release the 4 bolts the hold the entire weight (in the middle) of the engine and transmission....but first you have to remove the pans underneath that cover the engine and tranny, those are at least 1/4" steel and long and akward. Oh, somehow raise the dozer..... you know so you can get underneath, take out the bolts and have these massive pans of steel fall onto you tummy/head/extremity of a sort. Then jack up the (bell housing area) to support the weight while you remove/loosen the big ass bolts and replace with new one's. For you see, this all started with one......broken.....bolt. The new one didn't line up to go back in.........well fuck me Mr. Murphy.....again.

As far as replacing the tracks and drive gears and maaaybe some other things I think I could get by on my own. But not having a shop...coming soon. It does have a tendency to make some things difficult. So I had to bite the bullet on this one. There's one thing about me though, if I had to figure this thing out on my own. I would have done it. I'd have fixed it one way or another.

10-05-2017, 12:38 AM
A thought... instead of raising the dozer, lower the floor... in a manner of speaking...
