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Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-04-2018, 02:47 PM
Hey ants,
I/we are still alive and kick'n, can't believe I've been at this since November. Since last visit here the outside of the cabin is now done, I sanded down all the walls inside and we applied 2 coats of "Symphony", good shit. I demoed the kitchen and can now take all those cabinets out to the shop to clear the house so it can be ready to sand the floors. I cleared land for "agricultural maintenance building", poured slab and built the building. It's now finally ready to start framing the "shop" portion. But I am currently detained here at the present house because I have loggers working the property.

Lessons learned so far? Yeah, a shit load, like which people I will never hire again, nor recommend. Everyone has to be babysitted PERIOD, if you don't pay attention they will cut corners, fuck shit up and never say a word. You can't count on anyone, communication sucks. I could go on and on but I have the day off for once so now I can go weedwack and mow here, yeah!

We decided we were going to hire people to do the work this time in order to save time so we can get moved in quicker. "So I won't have to do all the work" it just doesn't work out that way. Wah, wah, wah......get over it your not dead yet. So we are still plugging along, yes, I have pictures but I still need a site that I can use to post them.
I guess that's it for now, sorry folks but it's been a blur.
Be safe,

Peace, love and no underwear!

08-04-2018, 05:56 PM
The Man has gone commando!! Saves on laundry work.
Would love to see pictures. Especially you doing dozer work along with your other projects.

1-Built wife a mud room out of open side porch.
2- Small deck on north side
3- Small deck on south side w/ fenced in dog run area.
4- Just finished 8' deep x 16' 6" front porch w/ decking boards w/ white vinyl railings and hand rails.
5- Cleared out wife's 10' x 20' shed with her help and will be insulating ; wiring it up and paneling so she'll have her own woman's cave.
6- Still planting various flowers ; bushes and such as per her request.

But at the end of the day a couple brews and a 2 or 3 finger glass of Evan Williams and I'm good to go for whatever she has up her sleeve .

08-05-2018, 12:12 AM
Lol, I hear ya both. Just moved myself one week ago. To the place I've been renovating almost 1 1/2yrs, about 80% by myself.
We will be homesteading here. But, first, it's get the last of what we want from the old place, clean out what we didn't want, do some repair work there, and sell it.
Then, try to get here finished (out of boxes), finish the shop so I can make a few $, and start on homesteading.

It's so quiet, I was thinking the other night of calling the sherriffs office and asking if they'd come hammering down the road a few times, lights and sirens, so I'd feel at home.
I haven't heard a shot fired in anger in over a week.

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08-05-2018, 07:10 PM
Good to hear things are progressing BWRR.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-05-2018, 11:33 PM
Still need a picture site, "Gunfixr", Eagle" no fair dudes didn't know this was going to be a competition. Congrats on moving in, I know how that is, more to follow. DG and the little lady were over today, yup mines bigger than his, Ha! I kill me! Keep workin boys we have a long way to go, at least out kids will enjoy the places when we're dead.

08-06-2018, 01:34 AM
Still need a picture site, "Gunfixr", Eagle" no fair dudes didn't know this was going to be a competition. Congrats on moving in, I know how that is, more to follow. DG and the little lady were over today, yup mines bigger than his, Ha! I kill me! Keep workin boys we have a long way to go, at least out kids will enjoy the places when we're dead.

NO ; NO and NO again !!
R.R. you know better Chief ; This isn't a competition among us. It's a statement as to what our wives A.K.A. (Bosses ) expect of men like us that have those abilities most men don't have. Little do they know what goes on in our man caves.
Shit they probably bugged the damn place ; counter measures ; deploy immediately !! You have the tougher job than I my brother. Mine is what I call cosmetic work . So simple a caveman could do it.

Hope you find people trust worthy enough to do the work . Have same problem up here. Gypsies quit pulling into my horse shoe driveway with the cheap discount for left over blacktop. Do ya think it was because of my hat and duo 9 m.m. auto's open carry on said property ? I was friendly ; really I was.

08-08-2018, 04:33 AM
Wasn't a competition here. Bought the place in Feb '16.
Didn't really get started on it until early '17, after the place I worked went out of business. Spent almost 1 1/2yrs doing a near total Reno, the vast majority myself, alone. It's been my job, basically.
Once the old place sells, I'll set up the shop, and work from home. Garden, chickens, etc sometime in there. Gonna set up a range, with short and longer berms.

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-08-2018, 01:03 PM
Yeah, I know it's not a competition. Gunfxr, been tracking your progress over the year. Eagle, way to go brother, I'm sure you enjoyed the time off.:o

Seriously, old folks get it done, the young folks don't seem to have any work ethics. I see people come and go with the subs that we hired. Their main complaint "nobody wants to work" I could give two shits about their problem. "I" am your problem when you have to work for me.

On the lighter side, I just got back the two ten foot Cherry logs. The lumber mill was nice enough to slice it up for me, 3 4x4's, one 2x4 and the rest is all 1" boards ranging from 4 to 10" wide. I'm thinking about slicing up a couple of Black Walnuts as well. This will increase the variety of wood we'll have to play with to make stuff. I just have to get it stacked and spaced so it can dry out. We looked at it this way, they wanted to give $60 for the logs, screw that, I ended up with a trailer full of ruff sawn boards that would cost over a grand I'm sure. I know we'll use to build something.

I'm happy to see/hear that everyone is making progress. So we'll just keep plugin along and make life better and easier, at least for us and our families. At's what we do, right?

08-08-2018, 07:48 PM
Yep ; enjoyed down time. Evans helps those old bones aches and pains. ;) Beer quenches the thirst.
Youngins' spend too much time in and on electronics and know nothing of manual labor and power or manual tools.
A lot that I've met stand around until told what to do even though they've been told their job description and duties before hand.If I have to tell you or baby sit your ass you and whatever you brought to job leaves immediately .If you run into a problem is one thing if you've never encountered it before . The rest is bullshit to my old ass. Just watching them tells you if they're milking or faking it.

Critical thinking for some of them is like a messed up wet dream. And most of them probably don't know what that is.
That's some sweet lumber there R.R. You'll have a good time figuring out how to use it. Maybe make Lady K a nice custom cutting board with some. Keep us dialed in on your adventures. And give that dozer a squeeze from me. ;)

08-09-2018, 04:58 AM
Yeah, my wife works management in retail. Can't find young people to work, and always complaining about how "it's not fair".
Both of the kids, one 26, the other 20, have almost no critical thinking skills. School teaches kids just enough to do what they're told, not enough to be independent. Sucks, because they are both quite intelligent.
Otherwise, just tryin' to get through. Not much rest for the weary or wicked, it seems.

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-10-2018, 01:29 PM
Sent 5 Black walnut logs to the mill and it should be done today. Thinking about taking one of the Box Elders for milling. Supposed to be some pretty wood. Today it finally rained......still, so I'm shifting gears. Taking a load to the mill and see how it plays from there. Busy busy

OK I know I've asked before but I sure could use a pic posting site, Bueler.....bueler? Anyone, Bueler?

08-11-2018, 03:20 PM

photobucket now has a picture in the dictionary next to the word UNTRUSTWORTHY, thanks to their shenanigans. To be fair, I expect imgur to also go to a pay service, but they will at least have p-b's bad example to not follow, and will likely give far more lead time warning.

08-12-2018, 03:47 PM
I pretty much have stopped posting pics if I cannot download directly to the forum/site, after the pb fiasco.
I just don't have the motivation to repost 500 pics to another site, not to mention the same thing happening again.

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2018, 02:55 PM
let's try this first. this is what "was" back when we first got the place. If this works I'll post some more.

https://s25.postimg.cc/rols9ajpr/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/9lspi2nuz/)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2018, 03:10 PM
Annd here's a little progress with my dozer. I needed to clear out a place for the new "Agricultural Maintenance Building" as I is told by the taxman, "it's not a shop, you call it a shop again and I'll tax ya on it" uuuh, roger out!

https://s25.postimg.cc/5pfdm4d67/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/wn9anuxt7/)

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, the dozer works fine.

https://s25.postimg.cc/md6voni8f/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/jj3qb7g23/)

- - - Updated - - -

Here's what the cabin used to look like. Taken after we cut down all the trees around it. Sugar maple for smokin!

https://s25.postimg.cc/b0ua6vh9b/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/igtjso4yj/)

- - - Updated - - -

OK, speeding up here a bit, land cleared and ready to put a slab down.

https://s25.postimg.cc/7h8ch4rf3/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/se4klspfv/)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2018, 03:20 PM
And now I have a slab of concrete, taken the day it was poured.

https://s25.postimg.cc/jvv4hivsv/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/626rsh37f/)

- - - Updated - - -

Now it's takin shape........40x60x16 in case you were wondering.

https://s25.postimg.cc/xcs30f8pb/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/csn91xsy3/)

08-19-2018, 03:44 PM
Great pics big guy. Like the cabin ; can't wait to see the transformation . Now that's a work shop !!
I see you've pretty well mastered the dozer. Fine work cutting up hill it looks like. If you leveled the majority of shop site with dozer you're well on your way . Just remember level in the seat always. ;)

I'd almost be tempted to raise the roof and walls on the front right side for more head space and less roof to deal with.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2018, 05:20 PM
What I'm going to do is lower the ceiling in the "workshop" area, basically splitting the difference. I'll have a 90" overhead instead of a 96", hey I'm 69", so if your a Kodiak you might want to bow your head. The shop is done as far as the builder goes. The light panels seem to be doing their job. Here's another view from halfway down the driveway. I have to admit, I did call my neighbor over cause his Tonka Toys are bigger and faster than mine.

https://s25.postimg.cc/r5gozukjj/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/68kgv6mij/)

https://s25.postimg.cc/dojqh22j3/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/image/dbscavk97/)

08-19-2018, 05:28 PM
Sorry R.R. ; I was talking about the cabin roof. But I do agree with your plan for shop.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-19-2018, 05:44 PM
No problem, LadyHK is in charge of the cabin. Going to do a walk out basement, for her craftroom, a 20' addition out the back and a new mudroom on the side facing away from the "AMB". Next task is me clearing everything out of the cabin so the floor guys can get in there and sand the floors. Now I can actually move stuff out now that the AMB is done. Going to repurpose all the cabinets from the kitchen. What ever she has left over I'll use in the AMB...........IF! I'll get the cabin pics up soon, they have to be downloaded from the camera and then uploaded......you know the drill.

08-19-2018, 08:19 PM
Damn wish I lived closer. Just the thought of a total rehab is something wife and I live for.
Taking a rough property and turning it into a place that you can relax and enjoy is something most people will never experience .
Anybody can have a house built. But when you do as you're doing it's becomes a home that you built with you & Lady K's own hands. It's like knowing ever nook and cranny of my Dozer and your ship. Something most people have no knowledge of.

I have no doubt that you 2 will enjoy your retreat & shooting range till the cows come home . :cool: Carry on Chief.

Run Low Drive On

08-20-2018, 02:20 AM
All I can say is I buy land in the county, he buys a bigger piece of property. I build a metal building, he builds a bigger building. I cut dow a tree or two, he cuts down half a damn forrest. Seems to me someone is “over compensating” for something...just sayin.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-20-2018, 12:16 PM
Wait till I build my distilling "plant"

08-20-2018, 01:05 PM
All I can say is I buy land in the county, he buys a bigger piece of property. I build a metal building, he builds a bigger building. I cut dow a tree or two, he cuts down half a damn forrest. Seems to me someone is “over compensating” for something...just sayin

Brownwater Riverrat 13
Wait till I build my distilling "plant"

Yes sir!! ; Looks as though we got ourselves a competition now. Yep this is gonna be a good thread. Love it when a plan comes together. :cool:
Really though ; you both have different talents which will lead to you bought having awesome places if you intertwine them.

Run Low Drive On

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-20-2018, 05:25 PM
No actually there's a plan amidst. All I can say about it is smoking meat is a difficult process, so we're getting matching bib overalls to look inconspicuous. The mind must be in the right state in order smoke the meats.......it's a difficult process. Also works for studying for your Ham Exam...........uh. you figure it out.

08-20-2018, 10:42 PM
HRO has up to date HAM flashcards for all three of the present active classes. They worked for me getting my General. Fastest delivery would be ordering out of their Atlanta store.

Keep SOME trees up for antenna mounting.

Herewith links:

Technician class


General class


Extra class


It got to a point where I was seeing the damn cards in my sleep... but I 96%ed the test.


08-21-2018, 01:46 AM
Sounds like them 2 will be breaking out the dumptrucks to piss over before long! LOL
Seriously congrats to you both on making progress.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-03-2018, 04:04 PM
Regarding the "HAM" post from Kese.

Or you could just go to eham.net, look in the left hand column under "resources" , click on "Ham Exams" and follow the instructions. All questions will be on your exam, just which of the 35 is the question. Take the exam, they score you and show you what you got right and wrong. You can take exam as many times as you want. Keep taking them till you're passing everyone and you're on your way. Izzy, Domeguy and I studied these and made the grade and then some. They don't give you your scores at Hamfest. They just say if we called your name, you passed. We passed...........Best part is it's free, I recommend buying the books though because you might want to look up and understand what these questions are all about. Also you can have the tech books for future use (reference).

Thanks for putting this up but I think you could have started a new thread with this one so it gets the individual attention it deserves. Then we can build on it with ref. material.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-29-2018, 04:36 PM
OK here's the inside, before and almost afters, currently staining the floor. More to follow on that also here's the "beginning" of my solar power.

https://i.postimg.cc/gJh3m12g/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/S2ynGT89)

https://i.postimg.cc/kXgDykPL/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/PN0tXVxM)

https://i.postimg.cc/hPZvZpSv/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/HV5TV081)

https://i.postimg.cc/FHfRM3RZ/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/68XtR7C2)

https://i.postimg.cc/43V3dGpH/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/NyGtJWJQ)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-29-2018, 04:50 PM
one more!

https://i.postimg.cc/QtDdKzq4/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/4K8grBqV)

09-29-2018, 10:18 PM
Awesome!! So when's the open house LOL??? Hows ladyhk and the chickies?.

09-30-2018, 03:39 AM
That's looking good BWRR. Very nice!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
09-30-2018, 04:20 AM
Awesome!! So when's the open house LOL??? Hows ladyhk and the chickies?.

Well the house is very "open" right now, and LadyHK's butt's a bit sore from all the staining. She has now decided to let me help now with the floors. Son as we're done with that comes the kitchen. She hasn't seen the chickens in three days. But we are moving right along, hell the dogs haven't even been there yet! So much to do I feel like I'm in a pinball machine, I keep gettin flipped off, HA! I kill me!

09-30-2018, 04:23 PM
Well It will be over soon and the two of you will take a much deserved rest, for a little while.;)

10-01-2018, 01:18 AM
River Rat will never be done. He will be forever building something. He and I have wive's who share the same 1st. names if I'm not mistaken. Women with this name never let their men rest from building or remodeling.
They think the Winchester curse works. ( Google it ) They believe that by keeping us hopping and jumping from one project to another keeps us younger longer to complete their designs.

Of course they love us till death do we part only if we finished last said project before checking out.
Now R.R. you don't have to thank me ; I'm just trying to help you out explaining your circumstance that you do out of total devotion and love.
Or maybe the fear of wrath. Nah L.K.loves ya.

Run Low Drive On

10-01-2018, 03:35 AM

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-06-2018, 07:05 PM
River Rat will never be done. He will be forever building something. He and I have wive's who share the same 1st. names if I'm not mistaken. Women with this name never let their men rest from building or remodeling.
They think the Winchester curse works. ( Google it ) They believe that by keeping us hopping and jumping from one project to another keeps us younger longer to complete their designs.

Of course they love us till death do we part only if we finished last said project before checking out.
Now R.R. you don't have to thank me ; I'm just trying to help you out explaining your circumstance that you do out of total devotion and love.
Or maybe the fear of wrath. Nah L.K.loves ya.

Run Low Drive On

Now that's believable...........by the way, she's workin her little ass off. The floors are done and look way better than I thought they would. As in all remodels and fabrication, we do it together, the only thing we can't do together is TILE! Nope, now there's an argument waiting to happen. I just do as I'm told, "cut it this way".........but we can do it all together. We've done two so far and didn't kill each other. Just the tile man, just the tile......

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-06-2018, 07:12 PM
OK, here's a couple of pics from the "AMB", this is all the wood I'll be drying out this year, stacked all nice an shit. Cherry, black walnut and box elder. The other is the shelves I bought, I got 8 sets for $1369.95 from the following site. (https://www.garage-organization.com/Category/Garage-Shelves.aspx) I did a lot of shopping and bought some from Costco years ago. @ $200+ each.............Needless to say I am very satisfied with the product.

https://i.postimg.cc/TwDDnX7W/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/N9QFwZwg)

https://i.postimg.cc/Hxy5TqF3/image.jpg (https://postimg.cc/XGnX8zjy)

10-06-2018, 08:57 PM
Now that's believable...........by the way, she's workin her little ass off. The floors are done and look way better than I thought they would. As in all remodels and fabrication, we do it together, the only thing we can't do together is TILE! Nope, now there's an argument waiting to happen. I just do as I'm told, "cut it this way".........but we can do it all together. We've done two so far and didn't kill each other. Just the tile man, just the tile......

Yea my little Goddess is the same ; right in there helping . Our's is material used. If I disagree I explain pros and cons and wait for her to do the touchy feel routine . Tile ;vinyl ; carpet is our BIG ones.

10-08-2018, 02:25 AM
Okay I'm jealous your project looks very nice and it is something that I dream about putting something similar on my property up north. Unfortunately medical issues interfered with the start of the project. Soooooo maybe next year, I can only hope. I hope you and Lady will be happy in you endeavor.

10-08-2018, 03:32 AM
BR, looking good. can't wait for the finished pics. Am still trying to get lady the pix of the pantry shelves we had put up. DH is still trying to find them on the PC. Totally forgot to show you when we got together.He had them on his phone, then downloaded them to PC when we got home.Kids school didn't have Grandparents day this year otherwise we could have met up again, closer to where you are now.

10-09-2018, 01:20 AM
Went back through your pictures and Lady HK did one hell of a job on those floors. Total night and day. I like the contrast between walls and floors. The lady has talent. Looking forward to seeing more of her work.
That wood is a dream come true for projects. Well 8 sets of shelving might be enough for you ammo and reload supplies. Where are you going to put tools and such ?

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-09-2018, 04:32 AM
Look closely behind the shelves...........

10-09-2018, 12:18 PM
Got it Chief. Was studying shelves and missed the room . All that white blends in ; even door behind shelves tends to blend . Was looking too hard at shelving. Nice set up Chief.

Run Low Drive On

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-09-2018, 01:10 PM
That would be the tool room. 8x10 (inside measurement) solid walls and ceiling. Will start framing someday soon. Had to rearrange plumbing and electrical for kitchen yesterday, more today. Have to get ready for the kitchen install.

10-09-2018, 01:14 PM
That would be the tool room. 8x10 (inside measurement) solid walls and ceiling. Will start framing someday soon. Had to rearrange plumbing and electrical for kitchen yesterday, more today. Have to get ready for the kitchen install.

If Lady HK does as she did with the floors her kitchen should be awesome.

Run Low Drive On

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-10-2018, 03:49 AM
Well It will be over soon and the two of you will take a much deserved rest, for a little while.;)

I meant to comment on this earlier "Kat", I think it's going to take another year til we get to a point to take any time off.
Biggest issue we've had is people don't seem to want to work. Then when they get hired, they really like to procrastinate. I feel WE get more accomplished when we do it ourselves. I have only a few "contractors" as they like to call themselves, that I would ever recommend. We thought it would be easier to hire someone else to do the work.......nope. But we will get it done and then I guess we'll have to schedule another "grip n grin" for the colony.

10-13-2018, 03:42 AM
You both got my number, any time ya needs a "vent" session, I'm all ears.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
10-14-2018, 06:00 PM
OK, replumbed the kitchen, removed dead end wiring. Ran a new wire for the range hood (all day job) under the upstairs floor, thru a joist and fished it back through. Add a few cuss words and some blood and "WA-LA!" She has power. I have to wait now till we put the island in and then I can figure out a place to drop the wire for the overhead lights. The wire is already there, I had to jump a wire to the other overhead lights in the kitchen. Reason, there was ONE light right next to the others that was on a switch by itself, stupid! The breaker panel is labeled however none of it matches up. (breaker for "microwave" ends up being to the floor receptacles, go figure) I used a radio and plugged it into the areas I was working to find out what breaker was what. Follow the noise when you're workin by yourself, panel's in the basement. Saved me a lot of time running back and forth. I had to go through the whole house and flip all the receptacles in all the rooms. Why? Because she said so! They were put in by a commercial electrician so by the common man's standards they were upside down(ground up) so I flipped them all and ran into all sorts of stupidity in the process. Now they are done correctly and I don't have to worry about the place catching fire. OR I could have hired someone to do it.......he, he, yeah right. 3 days work but it's done. Next I'll be doing something that ends up being another PRI-1......I have a bunch of those. Need to get the "sub pen" done so I can bring over my two 1000lb propane tanks. BUT that involves my tractor that's over at our current home. Can't move that till I get one last project done, but I won't get into that one. That's it for now.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-02-2018, 02:28 PM
Wow, lookin at the date on the pic I'm still behind the power curve. Since this pic I've sown a little grass around these things, had the gas lines installed with new regulators. New black pie for the house. Tanks got filled Thursday and found a leak Friday! Got lucky on the leak, o-ring. Guys showed up Friday to hook up the gas to the heat pump. Well, the heat pump don't work now, short cycling, bad valve, do it on Monday. Need to heat the damn house! Cabinets for kitchen was a goat fuck. Still waiting on a few before I can install ALL of them. So I'm sittin here with a clusterfuck for a few more days. And that leaves fixin stuff at the old place. Either way, it's gotta get done. Carry on smartly.:rolleyes:

https://i.postimg.cc/50ywMk1G/33.jpg (https://postimg.cc/VrySqgJB)

https://i.postimg.cc/VN2mgd7h/34.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nsKyccfK)imghost (https://postimages.org/)

12-04-2018, 12:20 AM
I love those walls on the interior.

12-04-2018, 11:49 AM
Ahhh, the joys of home work/renovation.

It is looking good, though. Keep your chin up.

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Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-29-2019, 04:40 PM
OK, time for some updated pics. Here's the island that LadyHK designed. She took some of the old cabinets and repurposed (paint, glazed, sealed,etc.) them. Then I did the grunt work (electrical, central vac, uh yeah really) and put it all together. Cabinets are almost done waiting on THIRD set of panels. First set, wrong size. Second set, all scratched up on both sides. Also are pics of the pantry which used to be the laundry room. We gutted that and built new shelves to suit her needs. Lastly doing a little Tonka Toy work with my drainage issues with the driveway. Installed 40' of 12" pipe going toward shop. ripped out a 4" piece of useless PVC that was under the driveway and replaced with a 12" then used the 4" PVC as a french drain for the front of the shop's down spout.

https://i.postimg.cc/3NSv6rPn/38.jpg (https://postimg.cc/n9mr9xVD)

https://i.postimg.cc/QN4Kjtyq/41.jpg (https://postimg.cc/WtZ1n2jD)

https://i.postimg.cc/C5BhhFRv/43.jpg (https://postimg.cc/bSPcLfHb)

https://i.postimg.cc/3rVrLDqz/44.jpg (https://postimg.cc/QVgrCVhq)

https://i.postimg.cc/tC6q84QJ/45.jpg (https://postimg.cc/w76YmHBY)

01-29-2019, 04:52 PM
Sweet kitchen.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-29-2019, 05:00 PM
Now the blue line marked on this one is where I laid the last 20' pipe. Problem is the fill dirt I used turned to mud the more I paced it. Then I ran outta "crush an run" Sooooo, it rained and snowed last night, it's goin to turn to shit if I don't get some more rock and quick. ime to talk to the neighbor and get an emmergency load. So far to date I have had 1 load of 1 and 1/2", 2 loads of 3/4", 6 loads of "crush and run"............a little over $3K.

https://i.postimg.cc/CxVh0pSN/47.jpg (https://postimg.cc/VdDQ9TSr)

01-29-2019, 09:10 PM
Very nice. Love it.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-30-2019, 01:39 AM
Noticed the typo.....the more I "packed" it. Either way it turned to shit. Got a load of 1 and a 1/2" being delivered tomorrow. Yee-haw!

01-30-2019, 08:10 AM
This is a nice piece of land you have there, with some pretty buildings.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-01-2019, 01:27 AM
Then I really noticed the post.....my spelling sucks.

02-19-2019, 12:58 AM
How's things going over there with all the rain we've been having? I assume you've been getting as much as we have the last few weeks.

02-19-2019, 12:27 PM
Beautiful place.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-22-2019, 01:38 AM
Ok, made it back, rainin like hell since your post. Been channeling water. The pipes I buried are working good, so far just a littlev tweekin. Built a nice little stone culvert with all the rocks I've been growing this year to channel the water next to the drive and go into the pipe. Turned out purdy good for a squid. Pics will follow when I get my data back, long story. Back to work folks!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
03-04-2019, 02:57 PM
OK, so the front did well, to the right I flooded the pasture and made a nice stream. to the left of the incoming driveway the 12" can keep up with the over flow....barely. It crested the road, and the rain stopped and it it went right back down so I think I'll be good there. In front there you can see some of the stone work I did. That worked out great. Guess I'll end up doing a bit more later. Now as for the back coming out of the holler behind the barn. I think I have a bit of work to do but has shown me the path to follow. Pay no attention to the date stamps. I didn't change it when I changed batteries that day.

https://i.postimg.cc/bw4vyXFn/42.jpg (https://postimg.cc/9Dt2bk2X)

https://i.postimg.cc/y8rzBFxr/41.jpg (https://postimg.cc/TKmsJ5rr)

https://i.postimg.cc/8CBBMbvZ/38.jpg (https://postimg.cc/Lq51MLNP)

03-04-2019, 05:15 PM
Good to hear the water is going where you want it to for the most part. Plus it looks damn nice.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-16-2019, 01:06 PM
Here's what's been keeping my attention. Started additions, breaking ground, when we got to the bottom we hit rock. a solid slab of rock that covered the whole thing. He went through three jack hammers, killed two till he finally got through the last corner. We'll be pouring the cells today. Been fighting the rain as well. Everything he pulled out of the hole I pushed out with the dozer, there's more to spread out but won't be done till he's done with the concrete work. So this is the "brief" summary for these pics, enjoy.
https://i.postimg.cc/VNcSgFbQ/44.jpg (https://postimg.cc/0zc22Dfc)

https://i.postimg.cc/1tV3ZnFc/45.jpg (https://postimg.cc/XG3bfvQp)

https://i.postimg.cc/L8hd7dLj/46.jpg (https://postimg.cc/5XckYRPt)

https://i.postimg.cc/NMKkq4bJ/47.jpg (https://postimg.cc/S2pMccBC)gasoline station near my location (https://gasstation-nearme.com/)

https://i.postimg.cc/3rp2XWqv/48.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nMFsZVpF)

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-16-2019, 01:17 PM
I'll load some more later today. Have to get ready for mud. There's also the new GM crate motor I had to swap/replace in the UAV (Urban Assault Vehicle) Suburban......then I had to replace the transmission, did that last Friday. Took 6hrs, got a Jasper, in and out on the lift with the help of my Marine buddy, we worked well together, it was a cussing symphony. Fuckin Murphy just won't leave me alone, lest we forget the torn maniscus, but I'll save that for another time, I'm still workin, got it drained and a shot an send me on my way till I'm ready to get it fixed, Hoo-Yah.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-17-2019, 03:49 PM
And here's some more, got rained out yesterday. Panzer wants to know "ARE WE DONE YET!"

https://i.postimg.cc/vHYD4BwM/49.jpg (https://postimg.cc/hhYKwKG3)

https://i.postimg.cc/prSZKdHs/50.jpg (https://postimg.cc/5QwLVbjz)

https://i.postimg.cc/j5dQ9fq8/51.jpg (https://postimg.cc/94K7wr7T)

https://i.postimg.cc/mhx9b1RW/52.jpg (https://postimg.cc/jnX2c5LM)

https://i.postimg.cc/3xGT44Tb/53.jpg (https://postimg.cc/nXn5NLMv)

- - - Updated - - -

By the way, this here space is going to be LadyHK's "craft room/stained glass studio"

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-17-2019, 05:59 PM
OK, and here we are as of today, this is a real mud room and here's what we are doing "ruff sketch" mud room on the front and 20feet out the back and tie into the existing roof.

https://i.postimg.cc/J4SWCG4x/54.jpg (https://postimg.cc/CzC2jM8n)

https://i.postimg.cc/fTt6CDj9/55.jpg (https://postimg.cc/HVmZsGNY)

https://i.postimg.cc/QMX4235S/56.jpg (https://postimg.cc/dhxjCg5T)distance to nearest gas station (https://gasstation-nearme.com/)

07-19-2019, 12:54 PM
Looking good

07-21-2019, 11:55 PM
Doing a great job. Nice and tight lines.

07-22-2019, 03:54 AM
I haven’t been over there since you finished the kitchen, but I can honestly say; Sir, you have done a damn good job. You have taken a average home and are making it into a work of art. I know all of the hours you have put into it, and it sure does show it.

07-22-2019, 04:29 AM
BRR Looks so good. I know lady will be so happy in her space.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
08-01-2019, 04:17 AM
One bite at a time. Still dealing with the other house. That's still a pri-1 right now.