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View Full Version : Tonight’s Election Results

11-07-2018, 01:56 AM
Hello to all out there in cyberspace. As we all know, tonight’s vote is important to how the country will be ran for the next few years. I hope everyone did go out and vote, no matter who you did vote for. As for Tennessee, we did elect a new Republican Governor, Bill Lee, who is a non-politician, and a business owner in Nashville. We had a nasty Senate race, and elected Marsha Blackburn, a republican who has promised to follow President Trump.
How did your state vote, Republican or Democrat. Is President Trump’s agenda being followed in your state?

Illini Warrior
11-07-2018, 12:37 PM
the mid-terms elections yesterday was a Trump/GOP AFFIRMATION - the DNC has been claiming the last 2 years that 2016 elections of Trump and the GOP was allllll an anomaly - wasn't real - and the 2018 Blue Wave was going to be a major correction >>>> DIDN'T HAPPEN - didn't happen in a BIG way ....

if the new DNC congressional members don't change their tune the DNC will die - Pelosi needs to go - Waters needs to be set down - Schumer ect ect have to change tunes and start to actually do some work ....

I see Prez Trump actually making some deals with the new House that weren't possible with the RINO House ....

11-07-2018, 01:47 PM
We dodged a bullet down here with Gillum, but fortunately DeSantos beat him.
Finally got rid of Bill Nelson too!

11-07-2018, 06:02 PM
the mid-terms elections yesterday was a Trump/GOP AFFIRMATION - the DNC has been claiming the last 2 years that 2016 elections of Trump and the GOP was allllll an anomaly - wasn't real - and the 2018 Blue Wave was going to be a major correction >>>> DIDN'T HAPPEN - didn't happen in a BIG way ....

if the new DNC congressional members don't change their tune the DNC will die - Pelosi needs to go - Waters needs to be set down - Schumer ect ect have to change tunes and start to actually do some work ....

I see Prez Trump actually making some deals with the new House that weren't possible with the RINO House ....

Incorrect. A Pelosi House will waste the next two years trying to undo the good that was done by the two years just past, and trying to impeach Trump. Whether they succeed is still up in the air.

The only AFFIRMATION I see is the awful power of the Hungarian money spigot.The RNC needs to hook up with where the losses were and get started NOW running NOW for 2020, and telling the incumbents that if they get complacent, the RNC will pull funding, manpower and support and get someone in there who'll WIN and SERVE, as is their Constitutional function.

The GOP did not win by losing. THe only crumbs of satisfaction to be had by this resumption of a national nightmare is that they didn't get the Senate, and that there are no riots... but that peace was at a miserable, graveling cost.

If Trump has anything in his pocket, he needs to pull it out NOW, and so does Priebus.

Affirmation... Yes. I affirm we are screwed for the next two years as far as getting anything DONE in the House of Representatives.

And now, sadly, finally, I discard the gentle notions I had about whatever Event.

Bring it.