View Full Version : France..Macron...increased fuel taxes and Ishmaelite bondage..Carbon Taxes run amok

11-27-2018, 05:29 PM
Heard something very interesting while taking care of business about town the other day while listening to El Rushbo on the AM Radio.

The Riots taking place in France due to the gas taxes...are not being thoroughly covered here in America for what they really are ...and how Trump and Company went against the grain on this.

The sudden rise in fuel taxes in France causing these riots and protests are due to Climate Change Carbon Taxes being enforced by the French government in accord with the Paris Climate accords for which Donald Trump pulled America out as soon as he took the oath of office.

What these Climate Change Carbon Taxes are doing to Frenchmen is raising costs for fuel in a nation where the costs are already very high all across Europe.

Any nation whose government signed on to these Paris Accords...will be levying these taxes upon their people and thus lowering the standard of living for all their citizens.

This is a form of Bondage...involuntary servitude....loss of freedom and liberty.

I am so grateful that Donald Trump won...for surely had HIllary and company won they would have placed us heavily in this Paris Climate Change accords including and especially this Carbon Tax....and not to an American Government ..but to a foreign entity....

The Carbon Tax is a shakedown....it is bondage..involuntary servitude to whoever or whomever receives this tax.

Our phony/Fake media is trying to hide and conceal this angle by avoiding speaking of the Carbon Tax and only referring to it as a fuel tax...increased fuel taxes..but not linking it to a Carbon Tax. Our phony media is in on dumbing us down.

This way ...when next the left and their pimps ...try another "Feel Good" program....we will be to dumb to make the connection with a Carbon Tax nor involuntary servitude...bondage behind this tax...the lowering of our standard of living.

We are never to be given enough information nor Truth to make this connection until this scam is passed into law.

Donald Trump and company had enough foresight to see this Carbon Tax for the "Shakedown" that it is.

Thank goodness for Trump and Company.

For now we can continue to enjoy our liberties and freedoms and the fruits of our labor.

Be warned when the left gets into office..for Climate Change and Carbon Taxes will be their bailiwick...even if hey have to put it into place via a stealth and lying/deceiving media...

Climate Change is going to be Ishmaelite involuntary servitude and bondage via increased taxes..robbing us of the ability to make our own economic, social, and political decisions.

This Carbon Tax to which the French leadership has volunteered their nation and people...has built into it increases for the coming years...this too is not being told...by our fake, phony media....who are supposed to be looking out for us.

My non Ishmaelite .02,

Illini Warrior
11-27-2018, 08:31 PM
what killed it for citizen Trump - before even becoming prez - was the whole Obammy agenda to kill off the US self supply of fuel ...

closing down coal mines, restrict oil drilling, refuse oil pipelines, kill off all major electric power plants, and then the economy killing emissions standards ....

and to make the Paris BS work >>>>> $$$$$$$$$$$ - and lots of it ....

just watch what comes up in the House - all kinds of manuevering to bring back Obammy's "ecology" measures ....

11-29-2018, 03:43 AM
Which will get shut down in a 53-47 Senate, with the backup of DJT's veto stamp. (poor susy and linda no longer rino special snowflakes, to be able to hold the party up.)

RHL3 has been on about carbon tax being a put-up job and shakedown for years. DJT's trade agreement with Mexico and Canada wll complicate any carbon tax attempt.

12-03-2018, 01:55 AM
I am so glad our President caught on to them and their "Shakedown " via the carbon tax.

The Carbon Tax is an economic shakedown..a subsidy just like Al and Jesse shook down the whole country for years using and misusing race to hold the whole nation hostage and in bondage to their brand of racism....and at the same time attaching themselves to the public purse.

Carbon Tax..run Amok is the same pattern of operation..a economic shakedown for certain people and groups...holding nations and people economically hostage and in bondage to them.....Ishmaelites run amok.


Not an Ishmaelite.

Illini Warrior
12-03-2018, 01:16 PM
the French protesters posted a pic on the evening after that day of rioting - military snipers ringing that riot area of Paris >>>> no mention of them being posted during the daytime rioting - but I'm guessing they spent the day on duty ....