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02-23-2019, 11:40 PM
I thought it might be nice to have an area to post up your local area weather and keep a running track.

Just today, well last 36 hours, we've had 4.65" of rain here at the house. On the news tonight they were showing some all time records. We've had a months worth of rain just today. So far for the year we are in 2nd place all time for total rainfall since Jan 1. Records go back to the 1870's. More rain coming tonight.

02-24-2019, 12:32 AM
It has been raining here nonstop for months. Getting hard to get in and out of my house. My 2wd F-250 will not make it. Good thing we have the Subaru. Temps have been up and down, one day around 30, the next 70.

02-24-2019, 12:40 AM
Sounds a lot like what we've been having since around thanksgiving. We've already had 25" of rain since Jan 1. Our yearly totals average around 50".

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-24-2019, 02:11 AM
Haven't done the data research but listening to NOAA on the radio, they were talkin another couple of inches our way. This is the worst I have seen it in the 12yrs I lived here. You can't get to the creek behind my place it's a lake now. Just glad both places are on high ground, watch your trees people, they have a tendancy to fall down in this mush. We have some windy days ahead.

02-24-2019, 02:33 AM
Our ground has been mushy thru the fall season and right through the winter. Tons of snow then high temps. then rain. Luckily our house sits atop a raised mound of earth. Water flows to the S.E. side of property sometimes leaving a shallow pond effect. Soil is totally saturated at the moment. Until we get some warmer days in a row I either walk horse shoe driveway or the berm at the back of property line to get to my sheds or man cave / wood shop.

Run Low Drive On

Brownwater Riverrat 13
02-24-2019, 02:41 AM
Belay my last, the bubble burst and it's all going around us now. BP's probably going to get the rest of it.

02-24-2019, 03:05 AM
It stopped raining for a while from around 5 till 8 or so. It's pouring again now. Heard a little thunder earlier. I've saw more water pooled up and run off than we've had in the 25 years we've lived here.
We have one low spot next to our neighbors driveway and a tile that runs under his drive that 12" diameter. We had so much so quick that filled up and went over his driveway and into a pond he has on the other side. His pond topped and was running over into his dads pond on the other side of it. Some wild weather for sure.

02-24-2019, 02:48 PM
Got about 3' of snow now, and after a week of -10/-25C, it feels like Spring... No not really, we've got another 6-8 weeks before it'll start warming up, and we'll definitely hit the deep freeze again.

02-24-2019, 04:39 PM
We ended up with another .96" of rain over night. 5.61" from the whole event in about 48 hours.

Its beautiful today, low 60s. But very gusty winds approching 40 mph at times. The upcoming week is forecast 50s and mostly sunny.

02-24-2019, 04:52 PM
Been having high winds since early morning . 25 to 60 mph. Mostly on the high side . In open area ; the hawk is screaming.It took down part of t.v. tower antenna. Dangling by the t.v. wire. Secured all items that could possibly fly away. Will probably climb tower and cut loose after this passes.

Good thing I remember how to do a good PLF. ( parachute landing fall )

Run Low Drive On

02-24-2019, 06:02 PM
You be careful with climbing the tower Pops. Don't need to be practicing your landings.

02-25-2019, 04:17 PM
No problem the ground will break my fall to a dead stop. :p

02-25-2019, 06:45 PM
Woooo! Blizzard last night and all today. Shot my car through a 5 foot drift. I need a snow mobile

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02-25-2019, 06:47 PM
I'll sell you one... cheap. Motor is slightly vented...

02-25-2019, 08:51 PM
Well it seems that hawk screaming at about 60 - 65 mph gust took down broken part of antenna. Just when I thought I could do my King Kong impression with wife & brother watching from the ground.
Curse ; foiled again !!

Run Low Drive On

02-26-2019, 01:16 AM
and our weather people are stupid... -37C last night... -39C tonight. And that's without the wind...

02-26-2019, 01:22 AM
It was mid 50's here today and sunny. 60's rest of the week and maybe a little rain by Friday.

03-06-2019, 11:54 AM
Woohoo... We've got a tropical heat wave moving through...

Should see highs in the -single digits for most of the week. March is coming in like a lamb.

I'm going to start battening down the hatches for the end of month!

Illini Warrior
03-06-2019, 02:14 PM
-2 degrees the other day - broke a 1890 record - this weekend into the 50s ....

back to some early garden & lawn work .....

03-06-2019, 05:40 PM
Our area has the highest recorded end of February snowfall this year than for the past 40.

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03-06-2019, 11:32 PM
We've had a couple night in the teens/low twenties. Same for tonight. Highs this week in the 30's, 60&70 by the weekend.
Broke an all time record for Feburary rainfall. We had over 13". Average is just over 4". And we are already ahead for March. Don't think it's gonna dry up long enough to plant the garden.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
03-07-2019, 03:48 AM
First it's freezin, then it's rainin, then it's freezin, then it's rainin, then it's freezin, then it's rainin.....did I mention the ice cream?

03-07-2019, 10:08 AM
Oh, oh, oh ICE CREAM

03-07-2019, 01:16 PM
Hit another cold spell this week with snow yesterday and some today. Our clocks are debating whether to spring ahead or wait to see if spring is really coming.

03-07-2019, 05:55 PM
We've got flowers blooming, trees starting to bloom. Bet everything g got bit 2 nights ago.

03-11-2019, 03:09 AM
Snow pack is at 154%, We have had 14 inches more rain over last year and it is raining now. I'm ready for summer

Illini Warrior
03-11-2019, 01:14 PM
got two days of above average temps coming - then it's back to below average >>>> spring is having a hard time peeking thru ....

03-12-2019, 12:12 AM
We've been in the 50 & 60's last few days. Still getting rain every 2 or 3 days, but it has slowed down a little. Still have lots of areas that are underwater. Maybe in the 70's by the weekend.

03-15-2019, 11:59 PM
We got up into the 70's yesterday, then supposed to have storms last night, even had a tornado watch. The storm petered out when it hit the Cumberland Plateu. We ended up with just high winds for a couple days and .20" rain last night and a little thunder. Today back up to the 60's. Cooling down to the 50's over the weekend and 30's for a night or two. Then back to the sixties next week and only one day forecast for 20% chance of rain. If this holds true, I will be starting planting the garden a week from tonight. YEEHAW

03-16-2019, 02:28 AM
Had 1/2 a foot of snow yesterday, +1C today. 30 min drive yesterday took 2+ hours. today, better.
snow yesterday came with a 60 mile an hour north wing.

03-16-2019, 03:01 AM
We were missed by the tornadoes that hit yesterday. 2 confirmed west of us. Lots of wind and rain here last night, blew the cover off the porch swing and it started snowing a little bit this afternoon. Friends are experiencing some flooding in their town south west of us,so far we aren't there (yet) but if it doesn't stop raining (off and on) we might have some problems.

03-16-2019, 04:30 AM
I have some in laws up that way. One family headed to their basement for a storm. Scary times with snow still on the ground.

03-16-2019, 12:45 PM
Tornado came through Nimishillen Township where I live but not near me. It was a stormy night with very high winds.
Tree limbs down but no real damage.

03-16-2019, 02:44 PM
GlD it missed you pops

03-18-2019, 02:22 PM
BP, How's the family here doing? Did they get much damage? Friends up near Grand Rapids say there's stuff all over but they were safe.

03-18-2019, 06:48 PM
They are fine. No damage, but it was close to one of the family and scared them to death.

03-19-2019, 03:30 AM
I don't doubt that. Glad they are okay.

03-22-2019, 02:44 PM
Ole Mother Nature keeps screwing with us. One day it is sunny and the next it is pouring rain. It was dry enough to mow and I am glad I got out and was able to get a bunch done. Now it is raining and will be here for a couple of days then dry two days and rain again for four more. I'm tired of this winter.................bring on spring.

Regarding tornadoes. The come through and destroy your stuff and then bring rain to make sure that anything that survived the wind, it thoroughly soaked just in case you are not miserable enough. I'll stick with earthquakes for now.

05-25-2019, 02:34 PM
Most of the rest of the country would laugh at the amount of total rainfall we have had this year in Kalifornia. While the average rainfall in my area is 23.2 inches we are almost double that. It is quite unusual to see measurable precipitation after May 1, we have been receiving regular showers. More is due in tonight and another "storm" on Monday. Everything is growing well, plants and animals. Snow pack in the Sierras is great. Earlier this week a storm dropped a little over 2 feet at Mammoth Mtn. in the Sierras.

05-25-2019, 04:25 PM
I'd like to get some rain here. We had a VERY wet spring. All time record for Feb. but last few weeks has gotten dry. Plus we are in a stretch of 90 degree weather at least thru middle of next week. I'm already looking forward to fall and winter.

05-28-2019, 06:22 PM
It's finally turning into Summer here.

Got a few plants started, but it is still dipping down to almost freezing during the night, even though it is in the 30's during the day.

05-28-2019, 11:44 PM
Only 30 ST? I'm looking at ranges of 30-70 every day. Lol.

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05-29-2019, 12:03 AM
You two are killing me. Our lows for the past week have been in the upper 60's. Highs have been in the low to mid 90's. No rain in nearly 2 weeks. After having a very wet spring, we are getting close to nearly drought conditions.
I'm looking forward to fall rolling around.

05-29-2019, 01:04 AM
BP you're killing me. And by that I mean stop bragging. Lol.

I'm already tired of our short growing season and it's barely even started.

However we planted corn in the smallest amount ever. I may end up pollinating it by hand. No idea how else I can ensure we get a good harvest.

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05-29-2019, 03:58 PM
Only 30 ST? I'm looking at ranges of 30-70 every day. Lol.

Sorry, I forgot I was talking to a Yankee...
86F +

05-29-2019, 10:27 PM
Sorry GM, but I'd trade you the 90's anytime. I just hate the heat.
I actually got you mixed up with somebody else, forgot where you're at. I've seen some of your temps lately. It has been cool up there.
Sniper you're seem more variable.

05-30-2019, 02:12 AM
bp.. break camp. Move North... there's an 80 acre chuck for sale down the road a ways... and a ten. Many additional options nearby!


Bring a parka for winter...


05-30-2019, 05:16 AM
Was wondering how you're doing up there, gm. Thought by now the winter woollies were put away by now but I guess Mother Nature has other plans, right? Nothing much here both DH and I are down with colds, me first then him.Birthday wasn't too bad, got to go out for dinner. One son called to wish me Happy Birthday and to let us know their puppy has arrived. Friend of theirs dog had an unexpected litter. Puppy is sooo cute.I got a lot of birthday greetings from friends and my family. Told DH that he should text the oldest and remind him Mom's birthday has past LOL. Thank you for the greetings from this family. Contractor called, our windows and door will be here Friday or Monday, so DH has been trying to get the trim for the casings stained. He also let us know one of his guys passed away this year, cancer. So he's been short handed. He's been having trouble finding good people to work with. Just wish the rain would stop around here so things can dry out for a bit. DH has most of the plants in the pots but he's been dealing with his cold so we're both moving slow around here. Hope all had a good Memorial and Thank you all for your service and sacrifices. We are going to grand nephews memorial end of June, we're hoping my birthday present shows up soon, DH and I are getting our passports. Did all the paperwork , just waiting on the bureaucrats to process. Otherwise we'll have to go the long way around. Stopping to spend the night with cousin in NY. She says we'll be shelling peas as they should be ready then.Told her "bring it on". Last week we dodged a bullet as the frost/freeze didn't get to us so Apple trees should be good to go this fall. Just hope I can keep up with them, LOL. Well it's time for me to toddle off to bed, meds are kicking in. Stay safe

05-30-2019, 11:52 PM
Good to hear from you Kat. Glad you had a good birthday. Hope the colds go away quickly.

05-31-2019, 02:05 AM
Kat, these are the only dry says we have had in weeks. I got my gardening started. Just waiting to see the green now!

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06-02-2019, 06:50 PM
That's good news gm. Windows are half done due to the rain. DH just got the plants(veggies) in the boxes today. Hopefully they'll do ok and keep growing AND there's more rain coming next week. Just hope the guys can get the windows done before the rains come again. DH got the plastic screens off the back deck so Ms Chloe is VERY happy to spend the day in the nice breeze.

06-03-2019, 12:09 AM
We've had more than a week in the 90's. Yesterday and today upper 80's but it felt better. Tomorrow up 70's is forecast. Hopefully get some rain soon to. We got .5" Early Friday mrning. First rain in nearly 2 weeks. We could use another inch or two over the next week.

06-07-2019, 11:08 PM
Yesterday I recorded .30" of rain, this morning another .21". Came in from work tonight and had another 1"+ waiting. We've had 2 rounds of thunderstorms roll thru since then. Forecast was for between 3-6 inches by the time rain stops on Tuesday. Temps are upper 70's to low 80's.
I'll need to do some serious mowing on the yard and weeding in the gardens once this is done.

06-09-2019, 12:19 AM
Recorded 1.47" this morning. Had a couple light showers since then, but not much.

06-10-2019, 02:17 AM
Got an inch in about 30 minutes today with 60mph winds. Snapped some of my bush beans off at the ground, but everything else seems ok other than the 40lbs or so of plums that fell off the trees. I threw out 4 5 gallon buckets of fallen plums from the one earlier this week already. Sigh.

06-11-2019, 12:23 AM
Bad weather right before harvest sucks. Sorry to hear that.

Since Thursday morning I have had 3.19" of rain. But not much wind or anything. Just north of here maybe 30-40 miles had almost 9" of rain in 3 days. About 6 of it within 3 hour. Massive flooding, roads washed out, some homes washed away. Luckily no deaths.

06-11-2019, 07:14 PM
Sump has been going off every 5-10 minutes due to the rain we've gotten. Today is the first day since Wednesday the guys could come back and finish the windows. They look so good. Thought we were going to lose the vertical blinds in the bay but the framing fits YEAH!!. CB is coming back next week with another guy to do the 'fake" french door and kitchen window, it's gonna take 3 of them to handle the removal and installation, heavy and awkward. So it should be finished by next Friday. We're going to have to touch up the paint in the bedrooms as the new window trim is narrower than the old and I'm thinking we just might change the color in the one bedroom,son 2 did it when we moved in, 18 yrs ago.It was his bedroom before he got married and moved out. It might be time to change the color LOL.

06-20-2019, 04:50 PM
Well windows got done and look really great. The company sent the wrong size door frame for the "french" door so have to wait till the frame comes in. We have a 4 1/2 inch width frame, they sent a 6" width. Plus when they took the wrapping off of it the other day I noticed the hinges and sill plate are not the bronze color they're supposed to be, on top of the one window being delivered with a huge crack in one of the outer panes. DH said not going to bother about the hinges and sill plate as it will be too much hassle to re order a new door set up. It will at least match the hinges of the deal of a front door we got. Yeah CB (contractor) is hacked off right now, his assistant said he really blasted the company for the screw ups. CB has done business with this company for quite awhile now and this is the first time he's had problems with them. Getting ready to go to grand nephews memorial next week,still no passports DH is getting worried as he REALLY wanted to be going thru Canada and celebrating Canada Day on the way home. Oh yeah Happy Canada Day Sniper and Mrs Sniper, hope you have a good day.

06-24-2019, 06:54 AM
been stable here, nice weather with the odd rain. enough to keep everything green and minimize the amount of time watering. Overall, can't complain.

06-24-2019, 12:20 PM
Rain just keeps coming here, making it very hard to get my sons cabin built.

06-24-2019, 09:20 PM
It's STILL raining here, we're about 4-6 ? inches over what we usually get. Farmers are hoping the next couple of weeks it will dry up enough for them. according to the weather man we should be in the sun and NO rain for the week and into next. DH's classmate runs the family tater/veggie farm and is getting worried they won't have any growing season. On the other hand, it's going to be great weather traveling Friday though. If DH is correct we'll be chasing the rain all the way to VT for the Celebration of Life (memorial service). Passports arrived last Friday Yeah!! So we'll be going thru Canada, cuts about 2-3 hours off our trip. Hope for those who need rain, they get it and for those "drowning" it dries up fast enough to be able to plant.

06-24-2019, 10:13 PM
We had a very dry spell. But out of the past month we've had 3 or 4 weeks with some rain most every day. Our next 4-5 are looking dry and upper 80's. I don't have an exact count , but over the past month we have to be over 6" of rain.