View Full Version : India and Pakistan

02-27-2019, 12:14 AM
I ran across this today while lookin at some news. Haven't caught even a sniff on TV, imagine that. I'm no expert by a long shot, but these two have had wars and many battles over the years. Now both have nucs. If this goes hot, with the advantage India has I could see the Paki's hitting them hard with nucs. I'm sure India would retaliate and if things go bad for the Paki's I could even see China stepping in as well.
IMO it's worth keeping an eye on. What do you folks with more knowledge on all this have to say?
Here's one article.


Here's another.


02-27-2019, 01:44 AM
I've seen this and to be honest son I don't really pay too much attention to it. Yes both have nucs. and could use them. Yet I believe the other nations would rather let them destroy each other than destroy the whole planet. All nations talk shit but total mutual annihilation is a greater safe guard than defending them.

The war would be very short if nucs. are used. The only losers would be the common folks of each country. Sit back watch the show and wait for the clean up crews to arrive. And if I'm wrong then there's little chance that many of us make it out alive. So I do as I usually do ; keep an eye on it but not let it change my life style. If I'm meant to go nuclear then so be it. For as sure as I drew my 1st. breath being born I began my journey to my death. How I die is of no concern to me because I'm going out one way or another.

I guess what I'm saying is watch but don't sweat it. If we can't control it we can only prepare as best we can and go on living as we have.

Just my 2 cents

Run Low Drive On

02-27-2019, 01:56 AM
Oh not sweatin it pops. Just interested in others thoughts on it. If it goes to nucs it'll spread plenty of fallout around the globe. But probably not as much as Fukishima has. It'll be over too quick for that. At least if everyone else stays out of it.

02-27-2019, 02:10 AM
Oh not sweatin it pops. Just interested in others thoughts on it. If it goes to nucs it'll spread plenty of fallout around the globe. But probably not as much as Fukishima has. It'll be over too quick for that. At least if everyone else stays out of it.

Oh I didn't figure you were sweating it. Just an old general term from my Army days. Good question though for other members thoughts.

Run Low Drive On

02-27-2019, 02:26 AM
There goes our tech support call centers

02-27-2019, 02:31 AM
There goes our tech support call centers

Oh well can't understand them anyway. Hopefully they'll find a country that speaks clear enough English so I can understand them .

02-27-2019, 04:18 PM

Illini Warrior
02-27-2019, 07:01 PM
the worst is the fact that both are proxies for Russia and China - and - China and India have had their own border skermishes including heavy artillery exchanges ....

these are the low caliber regional flare ups that can go major & nuke >>>> once that genie comes out - the use of nukes could become prevalent - Israel using a nuke in the upcoming war could become a possibility ....

02-27-2019, 07:39 PM

Better than what I've heard. You're hired. We pay in kitties.

02-27-2019, 08:32 PM
China and India had a flare up just a couple months ago IIRC. It's not been long. And I think it wasn't far from Kashmir. Both sides were moving lots of troops, but it seemed to die off quickly to.
Anything in that are with so many people would get real bad real quick. Not sure how much it spread though. Israel would use nukes anytime they feel there are gonna lose.

02-28-2019, 01:44 AM
Here is another article from story tonight. India had 1 plane, maybe 2 shot down. Massing tanks and arty of their side of the border.


02-28-2019, 03:38 AM
Better than what I've heard. You're hired. We pay in kitties.

Awesome, I work for food!

03-01-2019, 01:18 AM
Heard on the news tonight the Paki's are offering to release the captured pilot as a gesture of goodwill.

03-03-2019, 03:45 AM

03-05-2019, 10:12 PM
I just ran across this article a few minutes ago. It's been quite the last couple of days.


03-11-2019, 02:13 PM
I love the title in the first article about 14,000 bunkers being built. How about we do that on our border to protect out landowners, we can call it low income housing :cool: As for conflict between the two, that has gone off and on for years. At one point I remember reports that if there were ever going to be a nuclear exchange in the world it would be there. That said they would be stupid to have an exchange because both sides would loose. As the old saying goes, "Stupid is and stupid does." BUT it still does not rule out them going to town on each other. I am not loosing sleep over it.

03-12-2019, 12:19 AM
They have a history of flare ups for sure. But since they got nukes, both sides seem to have figured out to start some crap but back down before it gets too bad. Sometime though one of them will go to far and the other one will bust a nukes.