View Full Version : Still alive!

Brownwater Riverrat 13
05-11-2019, 03:30 PM
DETAINED ELSEWHERE! Best explanation, been trying to move to the new place. The Suburban decided she didn't want to make it to 300K miles and dropped #5 cylinder. This happened at the new place. Ordered a new GM crate motor, 2K for that another 1K in new parts, sensors hoses, spider, etc. Did the swap in the new AMB. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO nice to have an actual place to work in.....Murphy showed up numerous times. (I'm trying to keep this short) I only needed help to remove the hood, guide old motor out and new one in. Did all the rest myself. LadyHK now knows the term "Bump it." Half my tools were at the old place so there were some do what you have to with what you got moments. All in all it started first turn of the key. We have comms here via cell phone booster and using an Ipad as a hot spot. More to follow.

05-11-2019, 10:48 PM
Good to hear from you BWRR. Glad you guys are doin well.

05-12-2019, 06:21 AM
Good to know you're doing good. How did the pantry turn out? How's the rest of the house doing? Give lady a hug for me.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
05-12-2019, 02:41 PM
Pantry's full! Bookshelves I built in closet for library, full. Boxes and furniture in house and shop full. Other house almost empty. Need to finish cleaning and punchout list. Frickin rain and mowin now throws another "to-do" on the list as well, only it's acreage, not yards. Hey, I brought it on myself. Got building permits for additions, should be breaking ground for them this month...........I hope. Still need to find a builder to do from the block up. Can't find shit for contractors. SOS, same old shit, stuck on stupid. OK, got to hook the suburban up to the new tool and scan the beast and work the bugs out.

Had dinner with MIL, daughter and SIL. For birthday and mothers day.

05-13-2019, 06:29 PM
Thank you br. We're in a holding pattern right now waiting on the doors and windows.

05-15-2019, 12:13 AM
I want to say its good to know you are doing OK, but that’s not right. But at the same time, can’t say I’m glad to hear your doing poorly, sooooo.......good to hear your not dead. I wish I could help you, but as you know, my list is almost as long as yours. I never know from day to day where I am...Tennessee or Alabama. Domegal 2.0, (aka the mad baker) got a call from her daughter this morning, panicking due to huge graduation orders. Just one of them was for 100 two layer iced sheet cakes. So she took off, and I’m to follow on Friday afternoon after I finish up at my stepmothers house. A festival every Friday night, and a separate one at a farmers market every Saturday morning. When I met her, she felt after closing one bakery, the second might have to close due to low sales. Well, to make a long story short, I was right telling her to hang in there. So....sorry I can’t help ya right now River Rat, I can only blame it on the Trump Organization, and his crazy MAGA group. Everyone seems to have money...go figure that one out.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
05-21-2019, 05:25 PM
OK, my bug in the suburban? The FIRST one, Knock sensor, that was new, It did show 100k ohms BUT no return AC signal, now the other new one sends a signal back. SECOND one, fuel pressure showing 51psi bumps to 54 then falls to 51. Needs to be 60-66psi, new motor starving for fuel, not happy, ruff idle, hesitant acceleration, blah blah. New AC Delco pump supposed to be here today. Drained the 40gal tank, cleaned and prepped ready to go. That pretty much about covers the EVERYTHING IS FRICKEN NEW on the list. Fuel system, check, ignition system, check, cooling system, check, hoses, check, brakes an bearings, check. All the stupid little sensors......yeeah, a couple a times, check.

Well, I coulda took it to GM or bought a new vehicle, right? Keep ya posted y'all!

OH! LadyHK was playin with a snake the other day. She threw every dog toy they had at it, rocks copper pipe and sticks........looked like a day care center. Snake just coiled up shook it's tail and stuck it's tongue out at her. (No it wasn't a rattle snake) TOO FUNNY. I was getting this on the phone by the way. I told her to neutralize the serpent so he doesn't decide to find a way into the cabin. Well I think the critter heard me cause when she came back with the P2000 (hint LadyHK) loaded with snake shot, he was nowhere to be found. Yup, tis the weather for the serpents to be out sunnin themselves. So ye be ware, keep one eye the ground.

05-21-2019, 06:39 PM
Thankfully we do not have the poisonous ones you do, but yeah they're awake at home too.

05-22-2019, 12:42 AM
Wife came home from work the other day, let the dog out, and brought in a couple boxes off the front porch. Went back out to let the dog back in and found a 4' black snake laid out right near the front door. Oh did I mention she HATES SNAKES!!!.
Called me up telling me it was time to move. LOL. It didn't stick around. But I was glad to see it in the area. They are the best mouseers there is. Cat's aren't even close. And they will kill any poisionus snakes around.

05-25-2019, 02:22 PM
Our home is in the foothills of So. Calif. and our exceptionally rainy season this year has brought an abundance of all kinds of critters, including rattlesnakes. While we have not seen any on our property this year, there have been several around the area, so I know they may be here.