View Full Version : Are you ready for a medium SHTF event?

06-12-2019, 05:56 AM
Ok, what’s a medium SHTF event... well, a light event would be power out in your McMansion and surrounding community for a couple of days. Maybe a storm, maybe a transformer blew at the substation. So, no latte in the morning, maybe have to grill out to save some food in the freezer...no big deal.

Now, what’s a big SHTF, well, complete government shutdown, roving hordes of thugs, military showing up at your door to take all your guns and stored food, a super volcano, EMP, Hillary being elected President, Nuclear War, you get the picture.

But for a medium SHTF, what would that be? Maybe something where martial law is being inforced. A dawn to dusk curfew, with orders to shoot. No trucks delivering to Walmart. No retirement, SSI, Welfare, checks, bankers closed. Not any government assistance of any kind...local, state, or federal. No municipal water supply or electricity. It’s just you, maybe you have a family, a community, a larger system already in place.........and this goes on at least 6 months to no longer than 1 year.

Now here is my question...answer honestly, on a scale of 1-10, 1 being you die within 3 days, 10 being you will still be sipping your two olive martini by the pool after 1 year, where do you think you will fit. You can give your number only if you want if you don’t want to give away any secrets, or you can show us on mapquest where your bunker is. It’s up to you. I’ll go first.

I give myself along with my wife an 8.

My strength is we have a yrs supply of food, an plenty of water with several artisan springs within 1/4 mile of the house. Plenty of weapons and ammo, first aide supplies, lots of wild game in area, wood stove to cook and heat, natural cooling from thermal chimney, bicycles with trailers for transportation, HAM radio, surrounded in the woods, very few know I’m up here, plenty of solar toys, not a full system, but enough to run my refrigerator/freezer and some indoor lights, Friends nearby. Others I may have forgotten.

Weakness...well, Ive never actually killed an animal for food. I know in theory how to gut and process a deer, but I’ve never done it. I don’t have a garden, but I could start one, plus I’ve got a lot of freeze dried food, MREs,#10 cans of food, that is if no one takes them...which leads me to the point, I can’t defend my castle by myself. I can put out boobie traps, make kill zones, but I would still probably lose in the end. I can’t fix a serious wound or infection, med skills are limited. Maybe more things I’m forgetting.

So, I’m basically planning on being the grey man, hunkering down and waiting for the all clear and hope for the best!


Illini Warrior
06-12-2019, 10:00 PM
problem - you can't classify and judge SHTFs initially >>> except for regional natural disasters <<< because SHTFs combine and build on each other - a "medium" initially can go into an almost impossible TEOTWAWKI ...

listen to the BS gooberment reports or assume yourself what a termination date will be for a lite/medium/serious SHTF >>> find yourself falling short with your supplies ...

best overall policy is to assume the worst - gooo hard into your self sufficiency plan - ration & conserve - watch for those telltale signs of other tangent SHTFs glumming on and kicking out that predicted termination date ...

just another reason you can't and shouldn't think charity and start sharing - quite the bitch to have a year's worth - share half because initially it looks 3 months >>> only to see a US domestic SHTF go international because someone wanted to take advantage of he US absence ...

06-13-2019, 12:08 AM
Good question Domey. And a good response by Illi.
For me I would give us a solid 7. Food, check. Water, check. Defense, check. Neighbors to work with, check. Medical supplies, fair shape, skills, not as much as I need. I'm sure there is more I'm forgetting

06-13-2019, 10:15 AM
To be a pessimist I would give myself a 5.

We haven't gotten a years supply of good built up, our garden is just starting but we have no livestock.

Water is fine, especially at our house.

I do not have enough able bodied people around me of the same mindset. So anyone I took in to help with defense would be a solid burden.

Medical, we should be fine. Without boasting I feel it's safe to assume I'm better set than 90% of common houses.

Heat, I can move and repipe the wood stove in the workshop to the house.

Sent from my S41 using Tapatalk

Illini Warrior
06-13-2019, 11:32 AM
the problem I see all the time is prepper's perspective that their prep ends with xxxxxx amount of supplies - need to look at those supplies as a fill-in & back-up until their self-sufficiency kicks in entirely ...

06-13-2019, 07:29 PM
problem - you can't classify and judge SHTFs initially >>> except for regional natural disasters <<< because SHTFs combine and build on each other - a "medium" initially can go into an almost impossible TEOTWAWKI ...

listen to the BS gooberment reports or assume yourself what a termination date will be for a lite/medium/serious SHTF >>> find yourself falling short with your supplies ...

best overall policy is to assume the worst - gooo hard into your self sufficiency plan - ration & conserve - watch for those telltale signs of other tangent SHTFs glumming on and kicking out that predicted termination date ...

just another reason you can't and shouldn't think charity and start sharing - quite the bitch to have a year's worth - share half because initially it looks 3 months >>> only to see a US domestic SHTF go international because someone wanted to take advantage of he US absence ...

While all of this is true, what I was meaning could you make it for just one year with what you have on hand?

06-14-2019, 12:36 AM
the problem I see all the time is prepper's perspective that their prep ends with xxxxxx amount of supplies - need to look at those supplies as a fill-in & back-up until their self-sufficiency kicks in entirely ...

I agree there shouldn't be a big let up. There is always something that needs to be done, filled, whatever. But I also think skills are at least as important as stuff.

06-16-2019, 10:44 AM

6 if i can get the damned land....scarce 5-10 acres out here and when they are, ~$5

i'll keep kicking, have no doubt. i consider this my best approximation

06-18-2019, 01:28 PM
I say 7 for us. We have a years supply of canned chicken, plus our live flock that produces chicks constantly. They free range, so egg production will drop if no supplement feed, but should be plenty. We have a pond and a way to purify the water. More ammo and guns than I need. We already kill and process almost all our meat anyways at this point. We have antibiotics on hand and have planted many medicinal plants and trees. Unless the wild pigs are hunted to extinction we should get a chance to get one here and there.

06-24-2019, 07:13 AM
I'm gonna think on this for a bit before I answer...

06-25-2019, 05:33 AM
Tried to post earlier , it may show up a few times Sorry in advance. I sat and thought hard an long. I would say I'm a solid 4. Not where I wanted to be but life happened and keeps happening. Food and medical acquisition doing good, though I need to up the water. Been watching a few U Tube vids. Came across a guy who made 100 hour candles. Used what he called a pint jam jar with the lid,a 6" candle and solid Shortening, NOT LARD, he was specific about it.Once he got it made, he lit it and put it out in his playhouse to see how long it would stay lit. Darn thing went over 100 hours, think he said he got 120 hrs from it. Looks like I have a project for Gifts for the family. Getting the knitting out, need to get blankets,etc made.Working with the VERY limited budget, still trying to figure out how to do solar for the house. I swear every time I think I'm doing good on putting aside money, something else goes wrong. HEY,pray that I win the lottery or at least enough money to do the solar and wind I want LOL

07-08-2019, 12:25 AM
Ok, so I too have been thinking hard about this, and have come up with two answers, the second of which, terrifies me!!!

Scenario 1:
I am at home at the time, and all is good. I would say a decent 8.5
I have the firepower and skills to defend against the onslaught of sheeple pouring out from the city, who may decide to venture down my gravel road looking for easy pickings... but I lack the manpower to defend it 24/7. I have a core group of neighbours that will join in, but we would still be run ragged. I also lack the resources to maintain guard at night. almost all 'night vision' everything is illegal in Canada. The plus side to this is I live in a really dark corner, so anyone traversing, would need flashlights.

I am well set with food, both on hand and for growing/preserving in the future; with or without power.

Water, I have plenty (150,000 gallons w/in 20 feet of my house; and the means to purify that amount a dozen times over. I also have the means to channel alll rainwater that hits my house to refill. Winter... snow/ice melts to make water.

Fuel... I can bump this up, but have the means to both heat my home, and cook for eons, using firewood, which I have in abundance.

Scenario 2:
At best maybe a 0.5!
I am travelling a lot for work, so if I am not in downtown Toronto, I am here... in Mexico City, 15 minutes North of Downtown.

As a non spanish speaking gringo, in a crisis situation... Not good. I would do a midnight raid of the kitchen/pantries of the hotel, and stockpile as much as I could in my room, and I have scoped out the maintenance shop so I could steal enough supplies to fortify... at least for a while, while I waited until the masses killed each other off.

That said, I am still a gringo roughly 2500 miles from home, and needing to pass through some mighty dangerous territory, both in Mexico and in the USA.

Given this, why do I say 0.5, instead of 0.0???


07-08-2019, 04:43 AM
That said, I am still a gringo roughly 2500 miles from home, and needing to pass through some mighty dangerous territory, both in Mexico and in the USA.

Given this, why do I say 0.5, instead of 0.0???


Make it to Latexo, Texas on your way by and I got your back.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-08-2019, 02:25 PM
And if your route happens to take you through TN. Well we got ya covered here as well brother!

Now what do I give us? Maybe an 8. I have pretty much everything covered, except Murphy. Therefore there will never be a Level 10. I've had too many things go wrong in my career and life to say anything with absolute confidence. Can we make it a year, yes, in theory. Would we? Hell who knows but we'll give it a run for the money. Joining forces and a united front, no one can never really go it alone when the shit goes down. I can't cover 360 degrees, someone's gotta have my six! That's why we have dogs too.

07-08-2019, 03:51 PM
Make it to Latexo, Texas on your way by and I got your back.

Thanks Brother! I am thinking the best plan for egress would be to make it to the coast, say NE from MC, and from there beg, borrow or steal a sail boat. Not sure about sailing all the way up to Canada alone, but a jaunt up the gulf would certainly be doable!

BWRR, not sure if Tennessee would be on the path, but if it is, I appreciate the offer!


07-09-2019, 04:27 AM
Well IF the path comes by mid Michigan, you're welcome to stay with us. OR if you can make to GA, I'd make sure Son 1 would put ya up.

07-09-2019, 11:53 AM
If your headin the other side of Tn from BWRR, you are always welcome at our place.

07-09-2019, 05:14 PM
Gotta love the camaraderie and support on this site!

07-10-2019, 05:12 PM
[QUOTE=Brownwater Riverrat 13;96308]And if your route happens to take you through TN. Well we got ya covered here as well brother!

Now just wait a cotton pickin minute here pilgrim. The word on the street has it that dogs of the feline persuasion have a perculuar habit of disappearing up in the northern parts of that foreign country called Canada. As my sources in the lower country on the other side of the wall tell me that certain hooligans have come across the border just to lick their fingers while dining on BBQ, (dare I say it) Puss Puss. Now, Brother (yes, that is my nobile trusted friends name) still goes out to patrol the perimeter of our estate everyday, rain or shine, heat or cold, at the ripe age of 16. Dedication like that goes without saying, a more trusted member of my team there has never been. We each have each others back. So I for one say for your own safety, you might want to consider taking a wide, very wide infact, detour around Lynchburg TN, unless you wanted to know what it’s like to face Brothers Claws of death up close and personal...just sayin.

07-10-2019, 05:49 PM
Mmmmm, dog would be a nice change from cat... haven't had that it a while now.

Here brother, here brother...
have a nice juicy steak, brother...
good boy, now just be steady...


Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-17-2019, 07:02 PM
"sailing" is navigable up the Mississppi and it's tributaries to get you through to the great lakes regions. Now as far as getting through the Mississippi Delta and all it's indigenous critters, ah local folks if they let ya pass. Rivers are tuff, only two ways to travel, up stream and down, they'll get you either way. BTDT. But I'm sure if your flying the Canadian flag they'll let ya pass..............just don't fly the one from where ya just came from. He, he.

- - - Updated - - -

Mmmmm, dog would be a nice change from cat... haven't had that it a while now.

Here brother, here brother...
have a nice juicy steak, brother...
good boy, now just be steady...


Great, just posted a pic of Panzer's fat ass on my thread...........guess Sniper will be measuring him for the smoker.

05-12-2020, 06:06 PM
So to bring life back to a stale thread, are we experiencing a "medium" shtf event right now? That is how I would classify it. However, I am more concerned about the possible rebound of C-19 in the fall that will coincide with the start of the annual flu season.

With all the research taking place on the C-19 virus and attempts to find a vaccine, I wonder what is happening as the experts prepare for the annual flu.

Then, just for fun, what happens in late summer or early fall when we see couple of bad tornadoes or hurricanes or perhaps a major earthquake in a highly populated area?

Brownwater Riverrat 13
05-12-2020, 11:39 PM
"This is a test", "Of the Emergency Broadcast System", "Test Sat", "Y'all are suckers, doomed cause you fell for this bullshit and you let us control your lives." Well, we haven't recovered yet, and we won't. They won't let us, for as long as possible they will hold on to control. There's a storm coming, mark my words. I honestly don't think one will be prepared for this one.

05-13-2020, 12:08 AM
I heard just today that there is a tropical storm brewing in the Atlantic. Thats all we need. The economy could take back off if states will release the folks to go. Here in Tennessee we are getting started in most areas, just slowly. Other places are holding back as long as possible. NY, Michigan, and Cali come to mind right off. My in-laws live in Mi and sounds like the pot is about ready to boil if things don't open up soon.
Hold on kiddos, it's gonna get real.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
05-15-2020, 03:48 PM
All I'm saying is do your diligence, be humble about your preps. Brush up on your skills, this is will be a "Murphy" we will totally won't know how to play this thing. BUT! We'll be sustainable, for the most "us". Problem is right now there isn't a damn thing we can do about it. We just have to basically watch and wait. OK, I need to get some stuff done today before I think about this too much.

06-03-2020, 03:51 PM
Just a quick check-in from So. California. While the rioting and looting is about 15-25 miles from us we are just fine. The only effect was a county wide curfew that went out on Monday and Tuesday. Wife and I went to Costco and they had to shut down early, they were just closing at 4:30 pm My daughter went to the local Walmart yesterday, Tuesday, at 3:45 and it was closed and the doors barricaded at 3:45p.m.

06-03-2020, 06:30 PM
I noticed on Fox News, and I didn’t catch what city the video was from, but several of the protesters signs were made on cardboard from a brand new flat screen tv box....just sayin.

- - - Updated - - -

I heard just today that there is a tropical storm brewing in the Atlantic. Thats all we need. The economy could take back off if states will release the folks to go. Here in Tennessee we are getting started in most areas, just slowly. Other places are holding back as long as possible. NY, Michigan, and Cali come to mind right off. My in-laws live in Mi and sounds like the pot is about ready to boil if things don't open up soon.
Hold on kiddos, it's gonna get real.

It would seem that somehow, you are able to predict the future, as you said...it’s gonna get real...and it has.

06-03-2020, 11:26 PM
I get lucky sometimes.

06-05-2020, 04:41 AM
On an unrelated, but at the same related time a SHTF subject, a Nashville judge has ruled today to instate mail in ballots for the November Presidential election for the state of a Tennessee. I say it’s a possible SHTF situation because in my opinion it will open up a HUGE chance for voter fraud. They say it’s because of the Covid virus, but it came from a Democratic County chancellor who states it will “place undue hardships if not done.” The state will likely appeal it.

06-05-2020, 11:34 PM
The state BETTER appeal it. This is total bullshit.

06-06-2020, 05:40 PM
Don’t beat around the bush Backpacker...tell us how you really feel!


Nashville judge on Thursday ruled the state of Tennessee must give any registered voter the option to cast a ballot by mail, paving the way for widespread mail-in voting in light of the coronavirus pandemic.

Previously, Tennessee has limited the use of absentee ballots and mail-in voting to those who are actively sick, disabled, traveling or elderly. The risk of being exposed to coronavirus was not considered justification to submit a vote by mail.

Davidson County Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle on Thursday ordered the state government to abandon this restriction and no longer require a specific excuse for why a resident could not vote in person.

State attorneys had argued this was infeasible, despite the fact that most states offer less restrictive and more expansive use of absentee ballots. In her order, Lyle wrote “the evidence does not support” the state’s claim that it is “impossible” to provide expanded access to voting by mail.

“In this time of the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic and its contagion in gatherings of people, almost all states – both Republican and Democrat – are providing their citizens the health protection of a voting by mail option,” Lyle wrote. “This includes southern states such as Alabama, South Carolina and Arkansas, and Tennessee‘s neighboring state of Kentucky and nearby West Virginia. The governors, state officials and legislators in those states have spearheaded efforts to expand access to voting by mail to protect the health of their citizens during the pandemic.”

Per Lyle’s order, the state is no longer permitted to enforce its current requirement that residents provide an “excuse” as to why they cannot vote in person. The state is also mandated to provide any eligible voter who applies to vote by mail in order to avoid coronavirus with an absentee ballot. The state must also post on their websites notifications that those who do not wish to vote in person because of coronavirus are eligible to request an absentee ballot and cast their vote by mail.

The order does not require the state to automatically mail absentee ballots to all registered voters, as is done in some states. Voters must still ask for an absentee ballot so they can vote by mail.

In a written statement issued after the ruling, the American Civil Liberties Union of Tennessee called the decision a “major victory for voting rights.” The ACLU represented Ben Lay, a Nashville resident who was one of the plaintiffs whfiled a lawsuit challenging the state’s existing rules restriction voting by mail.

“I am very grateful that I will now be able to vote safely," Lay said in the ACLU statement. "Though I am disabled and my wife and I both have health conditions that compromise our immune systems, we were barred from voting by mail before. Thanks to the court, I can now exercise my right to vote without putting my health or the health of my wife at risk."

The Tennessee Secretary of State disagrees with Lyle's ruling and expects Attorney General Herbert Slatery III to appeal, said Julia Bruck, a spokeswoman for Secretary of State Tre Hargett. Slatery criticized the ruling in a statement but didn't address plans to appeal.

“It is yet another court decision replacing legislation passed by the people’s elected officials with its own judgment, largely ignoring the practicalities of implementing such a decision, and doing so in the midst of a pandemic and budget crisis," Slatery said.

Mail-in voting has become a political focal point as the United States grapples with a deadly coronavirus pandemic that will likely stretch through the presidential election in November. Voters who mail in their ballots will be able to avoid polling places that may be ripe for exposure to the virus on Election Day.

Five states already handle all voting by mail. Most states permit residents to vote by mail on request, although some require a reason to accept a ballot by mail. Tennessee is one of a dwindling number of states that doesn’t consider the coronavirus pandemic a justification to vote by mail.

Gov. Bill Lee has said he does not believe mail-in voting for all is “necessary in our state.”

This unwillingness to expand mail-in voting during the pandemic has led to lawsuits in both state and federal court. The ruling on Thursday came from two lawsuit in state court filed by a total of nine voters in Shelby, Davidson and Rutherford counties.

In her order, Lyle said neighboring states had exhibited a “can-do attitude” when it came to mail-in voting while Tennessee’s position was “unapologetic.” The state’s “failure to adapt” had placed a “severe burden on those who are highly susceptible to coronavirus and at least a moderate burden on all other voters.

“Thus, the State‘s restrictive interpretation and application of Tennessee‘s voting by mail law … during the unique circumstances of the pandemic, constitutes an unreasonable burden on the fundamental right to vote guaranteed by the Tennessee Constitution.”

06-06-2020, 10:44 PM
This means I get to vote twice...once for myself, and once for my 84 yr. old step-mother who doesn’t want to vote, and wouldn’t know the difference. So if I could do that, who is going to stop the rest of the rabble? And a drunk, junkie, or homeless person would sell theirs for a fix, a drink, or a burger.

08-15-2020, 07:35 PM
As my wife and I analyzed how we came through this trial run of SHTF we decided we need to make a few adjustments to our food supplies. What actually surprised both of us was that we did not come close to using 1/2 of our stock, though we did have a few trips to stores for a few things, some fresh fruit, veggies, meat.

I know most of you want to see this "house arrest" shit ended as much as I do.

08-15-2020, 11:53 PM
As my wife and I analyzed how we came through this trial run of SHTF we decided we need to make a few adjustments to our food supplies. What actually surprised both of us was that we did not come close to using 1/2 of our stock, though we did have a few trips to stores for a few things, some fresh fruit, veggies, meat.

I know most of you want to see this "house arrest" shit ended as much as I do.

House arrest ?
Here in Ohio we move about like we did before the scary virus . I haven't worn a mask 99.9% of the time . If a business says everyone who enters must I do because it's their right . So I get my shit that's on my list and evacuate the store . If I see anybody not wearing one my comes off faster than a speeding bullet .

There are only a very very few who have asked me why I don't wear a mask and I say they're useless. Most people wear the little blue mask . When I was asked a couple of times why I don't wear one my reply was as follows .

Do you know that the micron size of the virus is smaller than the weaving in your mask ? They usually say no and I reply maybe you should Google it and you'll see that you're being lead like a sheep . Plus the majority of mask out there are just as bad .

The common cold and Flu are corona virus ; this is just a different strain . If your immune system is healthy you may get it and never know it .
But hey I'm just a 70 year old who has lived through Polio and all the others in my time . This is just a plan to herd the sheep .

Back when I was knee high to a bullfrog I was told by my elders that only the strong survive . Didn't understand till I became an adult and realized that only I could control my future . Independence and critical thinking were the only 2 tools I needed and it enabled me to see and think clearly .

Am I out of line or crazy ? Maybe but we in Ohio for the most part don't play stupid political scare games . And this is just what this is in my opinion . Your mileage may vary .
Good luck in your part of the country brother . Hope you and yours come out on the good side .

Run Low Drive On

08-24-2020, 08:52 PM
I use the term HOUSE ARREST because that is what our democrap governor would like to see. So many businesses are closed down, entertainment venues closed, churches closed, schools closed. Yep, it is BS. However bad I think we may have it, the people in Hawaii are way worse off.

On the bright side, some schools in Orange County, California just may be allowed to open their doors to students in the next 2 weeks. Of course the local school boards have the final say and if they are controlled by those who think this truly is life/death situation pandemic, well, all bets are off.

08-24-2020, 09:10 PM
I use the term HOUSE ARREST because that is what our democrap governor would like to see. So many businesses are closed down, entertainment venues closed, churches closed, schools closed. Yep, it is BS. However bad I think we may have it, the people in Hawaii are way worse off.

On the bright side, some schools in Orange County, California just may be allowed to open their doors to students in the next 2 weeks. Of course the local school boards have the final say and if they are controlled by those who think this truly is life/death situation pandemic, well, all bets are off.

I understand ; they thought about that here but I think they knew it wouldn't work . And that's with a so called republican governor . He tried different things but nothing like other states .

I can only imagine what you have to go through with a Democratic held state . Just what I read or see on the news makes me glad I don't live there like my brother in law who lives in Long Beach and L.A.

09-08-2020, 03:07 AM
So our latest chapter in "2020 the Year from Hell" is currently unfolding around us. We have been experiencing several days of temperatures in excess of 112. Not huge problem in and of itself. Oh wait! You are reading a post from a California member. This is the state that passed laws requiring 30% of electricity to be produced by "renewable" means by 2030. So we have not built generating plants, we have closed plants all to show you folks what the "Green New Deal" will do. I mean, show you how the Green New Deal will rape you.

As I write this there are, just in Los Angeles County there are 487` outages with 23,831 homes impacted. Why? because we do not have the infrastructure in place due to a certain political party that has control in this state. The effect on us has been to drive us to take food to our daughters home a few miles away and hang out there until later in the evening, when we can open up the house.

We just got notification that we should have electricity by 1730 hours on 9/8.

What has this shown regarding SHTF? My wife is on board for a generator!

09-09-2020, 12:16 AM
They could build so called green power generation everywhere and it still wouldn't produce near enough to cover the need. The really bad part of Green Power the libs never mention is how much resources it takes to produce the generation systems. So much so that a single wind turbine or solar system will never produce enough energy to even balance out the energy require to produce it. Not to mention their lifespan is very short compared to a normal coal or nat gas plant, not to mention how little they produce in comparison.

09-13-2020, 03:42 PM

In response to a ruling by the state Supreme Court, Tennessee's Secretary of State has created a new absentee ballot application, this time not mentioning COVID-19 while offering a $1,000 reward for reports of voter fraud.

Earlier this month, the state Supreme Court overturned a lower court's ruling that let all eligible voters cast an absentee ballot due to COVID-19. In its ruling, the court ordered the state to issue "appropriate guidance" to voters informing those with underlying health conditions or who are caretakers that they can cast absentee ballots.

In the days since, Tennessee Secretary of State Tre Hargett's office has changed the absentee ballot application to what it deems reflective of the court's ruling.

The updated application, however, is silent on COVID-19 while encouraging voters to report suspected cases of voter fraud.
.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........

My wife and I will be down at our County Building voting in person...virus be damned!

09-14-2020, 11:56 PM
And i will be over at C D Stamps casting mine... and then maybe staying outside the electioneering line and making comments about one of the poll watchers.

Mail-in is a farce.

10-05-2020, 03:57 PM
What the heck can go wrong with mail in ballots? A friend who owns a couple of rental units went to one of her empty units to begin to do some work to get it ready to put back on the market. Interesting that in the mail were 4 applications for people who had never been occupants there. So, someone had used the address to get extra ballots. No possible fraud?

Here in the People's Republik of Kalyfornya, you can register without any face to face contact. No chance of fraud is there? Our cat is almost 18, perhaps Tigger could register?