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View Full Version : Calling any kneeless ants out there.

07-08-2019, 11:12 PM
So, has any one out here in Antville had a knee replacement within the last year or two. I’ve got some questions about it if you don’t mind. You can PM me or if you wish, you could respond here if you wish.

07-09-2019, 12:51 AM
My mother in law had hers done last year, does that count?

easy peasy. couple hour surgery, woke her shortly after that, she was walking the corridors an hour later. as soon as she could climb up and down 3 stairs she went home (next day)

07-09-2019, 02:20 AM
Yep, that counts. It looks like I’ll be getting one within a week or two. Not worried abit about the surgery, mainly wondering about how long it takes until normal activities can be resumed.
I was doing something really stupid and dangerous, I was making up the bed, one knee moved, the other one didn’t, baddy bing, bad da boom, now I’m screwed. Doc says the bottom of my femur has died due to lack of blood supply. Didn’t know that was a thing. Been using a cane for 7 weeks now, and I got shit to do. Doc has been saying “ well, either it will get better, or it will get worse, set me in a month”. I’ve gone around him and have been making deals with his nurse to get him to see me earlier. So I go Wednesday am to see if he will schedule the surgery, or I’ll go somewhere else. Looks like my entire summer has gone in the crapper. Well, maybe next year.

07-09-2019, 11:57 AM
Damn Domey that sucks.
Wife had the lack of blood thing in her knee after a car wreck. Luckily it was only a small area and Dr was able to trim the bone up.

07-09-2019, 12:27 PM
If you are diligent in your exercises and doing what the doc tells you, you'll be amazed at how fast this will heal (or should), you'll be active and productive before you know it

07-10-2019, 05:17 PM
Doin some hackin and cuttin on the 22nd. Should be up cuttin grass, workin in the wood shop, grating the driveway with the John Deere by noon on the 23.

07-10-2019, 11:00 PM
Good luck Domey. I'll keep you in my prayers. Don't forget the most important thing. Do everything the PT's have you do. They will guide you back.

07-11-2019, 01:50 AM
I thank you, and I’m looking forward to it. This limping around for 1 & 1/2 months with a gimpy leg
is driving me nuts. The doc asked me this morning when I wanted to schedule it, I told him before lunch. And I promise I will be good, do what the PT’s say, plus I’ve got an ace up my sleeve. I can run some of granny’s rheumatism medicine, that will keep the blood a pumpin.

07-11-2019, 12:08 PM
Dome, Had mine done 2013 full replacement. It depends on what the doc does and how well you take to the surgery. Went home 3 days after surgery but spent about 1/2-1 month flat on my keister with a machine bending the knee 24/7. See if they have the one that uses distilled water and runs icy water thru the hose semi self contained,(keeps the swelling down, you'll need it) just have to keep it filled with DISTILLED water, the old type, ya have to constantly put ice in for the water to get cold. Second time around,(long story will PM details if ya want) I had that one, man was it a pain to use AND DO ALL THE STUFF THE PT PERSON SAYS TO DO when you get to PT. I'm about 2 years out from second surgery and have full range of motion but you'll definitely feel the difference. Oh yeah Unless they've changed the detectors in some places, just prepare to be patted down. I still set them off even though mine is titanium. Carry your knee replacement card with you. The bigger airports are fine walk through no problems, smaller ones I set the thing off. But then I'm part Borg now so fun times.

07-11-2019, 03:03 PM
Dome, just a though . What ever you do DO NOT over do it once you're up and around and watch the pain meds, (you WILL need them at least for awhile), they can cause anxiety and sleep trouble. Well at least they did for me. Doc had to cut back the strength after about 2 weeks. then I was fine.

07-14-2019, 02:22 AM
Dome, just a though . What ever you do DO NOT over do it once you're up and around and watch the pain meds, (you WILL need them at least for awhile), they can cause anxiety and sleep trouble. Well at least they did for me. Doc had to cut back the strength after about 2 weeks. then I was fine.

But...if I don’t over do it...they might take away my man card. It kinda what we have to do. I’m already on probation from that last incident...I wasn’t crying at the end of Titanic...I just got some popcorn salt in my eye.

07-14-2019, 03:59 AM
HA HA HA. But I am serious, be careful, the tendons and muscles have to have time to adhere to the metal and STAY stuck. WEAR the compression stockings they give you AS INSTRUCTED. Part of the reason I had to have a second surgery, didn't wear them as instructed so when I was in the wrong place at the wrong time I got hurt. Was lucky, it didn't ruin my knee but it could have been worse. Doc was not happy he had to go back in and repair it.

07-14-2019, 06:47 AM
I can promise you I will do exactly what the doc and PT people tell me to do. And I pinky swear I will not over do it. I may need a note from you for the next man club meeting though.

07-14-2019, 11:31 AM
No Problem, bring 'em on!! Sorry Dome I tend to get "bossy" caring about my friends and family, it's that oldest child syndrome kicking in.

07-15-2019, 05:43 PM
Dude, seriously?

Your man-card got burnt in Wisconsin a couple years ago... what you have now is nothing but a temporary loaner...

now pull up your panties and git-er-done!

07-15-2019, 10:29 PM
All kidding aside for just a second, pay close attention to your PT's. Follow them closely. They will get you back fully.

My prayers are with you.

07-16-2019, 02:20 AM
My prayers are with you too bud. you got this!

07-17-2019, 03:56 PM
Been following your trials and tribulations Domey .

Being as soft heated as I am I'm willing to do the following for you brother.
1st. I'll get River Rat and Sniper T along with myself. Rat and I will do your surgery and Sniper shall put you to sleep and watch your vitals. We can do this in Rat's workshop in order to save you time and money . Shouldn't take too long as I'm sure River Rat has an ample supply of various tools.

We'll set you up with a rehab plan and if Sniper and I can't stay the whole time I'm sure River Rat has some exercises from the military to get you back in shape in record time .
So just say the word brother and we'll execute the plan for you.

Run Low Drive On

We don't do this for just anyone but then you are special.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-17-2019, 06:11 PM
What he said! To follow up on our previous phone con, did you get that second opinion? LadyHk bought me a cool angle drill attachment for my multi tool this could be the test project I've been looking for. Also I have plenty of quick-clot on hand and tourniquets for all your appendages for our practice runs. Kinda new at this having to do the full patch up thing. I'm used to "tag and bag, send it". Besides Eagle has the skilled hands of a dozer operator, me, I just found the explosive and either neutralized it or safed it and brought it back. I liked neutralizin better.

07-18-2019, 07:56 AM
Yep, he showed the MRI to Beals, and he agreed. So, I’m on for this Monday...that was until I heard of Eagles idea...I think this could work. Just drive the pickup into the shop, keep the engine running until I pass out, River Rats angle grinder should make quick work of the bone and muscle, and RR has been cutting a lot of wood, so there should be plenty of sawdust to soak up all the blood. LadyHK could play nurse, and for my PT, she could shoot at my heels as I’m running around the compound perimeter. Don’t know if he still has some of that aluminum pipe I gave him, but we should be able to work out some kind of knee with the alum. pipe and a door henge. I just hope they don’t put it in backwards, it sure would make me walk kinda funny.

07-18-2019, 04:03 PM
Interesting thought... What would a chair look like, if our knees bent the opposite direction?

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-18-2019, 04:31 PM
LadyHK is standing by with her Epi pen in case you pass out. Gotta keep you awake! Thought I'd pass that along, her being the combat medic and all she has all the skills! She's also telling me about all the fancy scar and stich patterns she can use.

As for the reverse installation. I think you'd look like that goat boy on that greek god movie "Percy and the whatevers"
Anybody got a Pan Flute?

07-19-2019, 12:49 AM
Just so you know the ritual Domey .

You in workshop
Lady HK preps you

I open Evan Williams
We toast Lady HK
Toast River Rat next
Then toast Sniper T
Then one for me if they so choose.

Don't worry though Domey it's only 2 fat fingers high .
4 toast and we'll just about ready but 1st. we must finish off bottle in honor of you brother.

AIRBORNE!! We be ready to cut long ; wide ; deep and every way but loose. 6 million dollar man my Airborne ass.
When this elite surgical team is done you'll swim like a Squid ; plow like a dozer ; have a taste for Sniper's cooking and a hop in your step thanks to Lady HK's marksmanship.

And there'll be no need to thank us cause we do this out of brother & sisterly love . :cool:

Run Low Drive On

07-19-2019, 12:51 AM
Holy Shit Domey. Woith Friends like this who needs .....well other friends.


07-19-2019, 04:33 AM
What can I say, I’m honored!

07-20-2019, 05:19 PM
On a serious note Domey .
Hope all goes well with surgery and rehab.

Run Low Drive On

Brownwater Riverrat 13
07-20-2019, 08:02 PM
Yup, LadyHK and I are here for ya. Just over the next ridge. Just remember to put your man card away when you really need help! Yeah, it's like that. Sometimes even us tuff guys need a little help every now and then.

Now hold this for me while I lite the fuse..............

07-23-2019, 12:21 AM

07-28-2019, 04:12 AM
The surgery was Monday morning, everything went well, but around 10pm that night, the Parkinson’s seizures started in. All of the muscles in my leg tried to tear my leg in half. No matter how much pain meds or muscle relaxers they gave me, nothing helped. I’m not ashamed to tell you I was screaming in pain into a towel, and crying like a baby. I have never experienced pain like that in my entire life. It went on until 6 am. then slowly went away. I even had my nurse crying because she felt so bad she couldn’t help me. They started again on Wednesday, and I asked the nurse to ask a doc if they could just give me 4mg of Requip instead of the pain meds that weren’t working. It took her 4 try’s, but 8 hours later I got the Requip, and the seizures were gone in 10 minutes. So far they haven’t come back. I got home Thursday, and I will get therapy started on Monday. My knee is very swollen, my doc said no ice packs. Ice leads to water, water leads to infection. Plus, insurance would only give me pain meds for 5 days. So, someone please come and put me out of my misery, because of the stiff knee, I’ll never be able to pull the trigger of the shotgun with my toe.

07-29-2019, 12:44 AM
DG, hang in there. If you need anything get ahold of me. You have my info on here and Facebook.

I know it sticks but it will get better, I promise. If it starts to be too much, talk to people. Anyone, me, significant other, neighbor, friend, don't wait till until tomorrow seems impossible to wait for. Pain sucks.

Sent from my S41 using Tapatalk

07-29-2019, 01:57 AM
Pain is slowly getting better. But what gets me, it’s my understanding most people are put on some kind of machine that gets their knee moving almost immediately after surgery. I just got to walk down the hall twice a day. PT comes tomorrow, a full week after the surgery. And I thought I might get some supplies, ie. a walker, toilet lift, something....I was sent home with a roll of tape and 3 gauze packs. That was it. I’ve been trying to do exercises I looked up on internet, but most I can’t due because quad muscle is toast, and I still can’t bend the knee. Doc doesnt believe in ice for swelling, says “ice creates water, water creates infection.”
So for a week it’s been swollen, and I can barely bend it. I guess I’m pissed more st the system. Luckily I had my dads old walker, or I really would have been screwed.

07-31-2019, 12:00 AM
PT has been here twice now, and by golly...I can bend my knee a lot better. Pain and swelling are almost gone. I am seeing a light at the end of the tunnel. And guess what else? Anybody? Anyone? No?

Well I’ll tell you...I pooped. It was glorious.

07-31-2019, 01:34 AM
Just when I thought you might be full of shit you go and do the deed . :rolleyes:
We could of given you an Airborne enema if we had known.

07-31-2019, 03:04 AM
Just when I thought you might be full of shit you go and do the deed . :rolleyes:
We could of given you an Airborne enema if we had known.

Good to know now...but I sure could have used your help 6 days ago,

07-31-2019, 06:19 AM
Hang in there Domeguy, it will get better. Sorry you didn't get the "bendy" machine to help with recovery. Prayers sent for speedy recovery.

07-31-2019, 01:47 PM
Glad to hear things are improving.

08-01-2019, 12:32 AM
Glad to hear the P.T. people made it . Just do as they say and you'll be good to go in no time my friend.
You'll be walking ; dancing and running in very short order . And remember Lady HK is on call to improve you're running ability . Just saying . :eek:

Run Low Drive On

08-09-2019, 12:31 PM
Great to hear Domey, And here I was about to send you a BBQ care package...

08-09-2019, 09:58 PM
Awww, Snipper, and I thought you didn’t care...but deep, deep down, somewhere under all that rough exterior, is a man with a heart of gold just waiting to get out...but thanks anyway, we just turned Vegan.

08-10-2019, 12:40 AM
Vegan? You do know what the old indians called vegetarians don't you??? Bad hunters!!!

08-10-2019, 12:55 AM
I kill head of beef ; 1 hog ; chickens galore and various other critters just so Domey can have the vegan food they're stealing from him. My family suffers through it so Domey may prosper.

Run Low Drive On

08-10-2019, 01:22 AM
Hey guys, I’ll tell you a little secret, but you gotta keep it close, and don’t tell Katrina or River Rat, or my ass will be in a sling. I promised them both I would take it easy. But the missus went out and bought herself a ZTR mower a few weeks ago. I’ve never been on one before, and we have a long driveway, and there are ditches on each side and, well, we will pull the mower out of the ditch tomorrow with the truck, and I got to walk about 300’ up the driveway with my cane. So, remember, keep this hush hush, on a need to know basis kind of thing.

08-10-2019, 04:17 AM
You okay? Man, ya just hadda try it out didn't ya? hope you didn't pull or break anything. Take a couple of pain pills and Stay off the leg for a couple of days, if you can (bathroom privileges only lol).

08-10-2019, 01:42 PM
Ok, who told on me.

08-10-2019, 10:00 PM
Word has it that one of your cats is leaking classified information .
We better have Sniper interrogate them .

08-11-2019, 09:26 PM
Too late Miss Chloe got the scoop the other day and reported in to me. LOL

08-11-2019, 10:28 PM
Ive put mylife into Brothers paws many times. A more trusted ally you could never find. Harry is usually to stoned on catnip to know what’s going on around him...but I knew Lucy couldn’t be trusted...scratch her behind her ear and she will tell you everything.

08-17-2019, 02:59 PM
I just received the bill today for my hospital stay. This only covers the hospital, no doctors bills. For 3 days is their establishment, along with their gourmet food, and rental of their OR and recovery room for 3 hours, the bill came to $153,874.26. Thank goodness for Obamacare.

08-17-2019, 06:16 PM
Did that count for all them purty nurses you were chasin around the hosiptal as well

10-03-2019, 10:39 PM
Did that count for all them purty nurses you were chasin around the hosiptal as well

Yes, and I will be seeing them real soon. I brought home my first AR-15 today, and no, I didn’t shoot myself. But stay tuned as that’s a real possibility. I will see them again in 3 weeks when I get a total rt. hip replacement. And for those of you playing along at home, give yourself 10 points if you buzzed in with (I thought he just had a total left knee replacement less than 3 months ago.)
I’ve been having bad hip pain for years thinking it was Bursitis, but instead it’s now bone on bone...oh well!

10-03-2019, 11:26 PM
Dang Domey. What are we gonna do with you? You goin for bionic man title or something??

My prayers are with you brother.

10-04-2019, 05:11 PM
I just received the bill today for my hospital stay. This only covers the hospital, no doctors bills. For 3 days is their establishment, along with their gourmet food, and rental of their OR and recovery room for 3 hours, the bill came to $153,874.26. Thank goodness for Obamacare.

A friend just had her knee replaced a few days ago... no bill, nothing owing.


10-04-2019, 06:09 PM
That’s cause up North, you commie basturds got there new kind of guburmebt, payin 437 % taxes, and then get free health care. So when all your money is gone, there is no money for groceries. So ya gotta then chain up all them there fancie poodle dogs to the bobsleighs and go out hunting that there most dangerous and intelligent of creatures, the dreaded pussy cat...where as I prefer the more civilized approach of government, where there always fight one another, nothing gets accomplished, and my hospital bill is about a quarter of a million dollars. Haha..got ya there.

10-12-2019, 04:55 PM
Hey Dom, How ya been doing? Haven't had a chance to get on til now. How's the knee doing?

10-14-2019, 05:40 AM
Hey Dom, How ya been doing? Haven't had a chance to get on til now. How's the knee doing?

Thanks for asking Katrina, I went for my last knee checkup, and asked the doc if while they were X-Raying my knee, they could also do my rt hip, as I would be making an appointment to see him about it next. I’ve had problems with all my joints, and gotten many cortisone shots due to Bursitis problems. On the way back to the exam room, I passed his office where he was looking at the X-ray on his computer. He yelled out to me “gonna need a whole hip replacement “. I asked him if he was looking at a new Porsche again. He told me to come in and look for myself...yep...bone on bone. So to make a short story long, knee is getting better, but I get a new hip in 2 weeks. Yeah!!!

10-14-2019, 06:08 AM
Oh Yippee Skippy, looks like you're well on the way to being more Borg than Human (as Son 2 keeps telling ME, LOL). Praying you do well with the surgery and are back up and running after Mrs Dome quickly. Just take care and don't push it too hard

10-17-2019, 03:59 AM
Looking forward to it, besides...”we are the Borg, you will be assimilated, resistance is futile”

10-18-2019, 02:20 AM
Ha ha ha ha

10-25-2019, 05:50 PM
Getting close...

Good luck Domey!

Don't hit on too many nurses!

10-25-2019, 09:20 PM
Surgery was yesterday, came out feeling pretty good no pain. Then during the night, the leg seizures from the Parkinson’s kicked in. The kept giving me morphine and muscle relaxers which did nothing. Finally got them to give me 2 mg more of Requip, and they finally stoped. Pt get me up twice today, and I’m hoping to go home tomorrow.
Due to your kind words and thoughts, I will turn a blind eye to your gastronomical dishes featuring soft furry fluffy kittens for a few days.

10-25-2019, 11:56 PM
Glad you doin OK Domey. Hope you get back home soon

10-26-2019, 01:29 AM
Glad it all turned out well for you Domey. Aka Commander Borg. Get home to momma she'll nurse you right up . ;)

11-21-2019, 09:11 PM
WOO-HOO...today I get to throw that damn walker away and go to a cane. I’m also guessing I can drive again, as I’m being released from the doc. Celebrating by going to my Grandsons Thanksgiving dinner at his school tomorrow.
Doc also told me I had a dinosaur bone for a thigh bone, said it was huge...and you know what a huge thigh bone equates to...nope, it means I wear long pants.
But seriously, it’s been 6 months since I was active, with another month or two until I can get some real exercise in. I haven’t gained weight, but anything I do exhausts me after a few minutes. I’m soooo out of shape now. This year has really sucked.

11-21-2019, 11:50 PM
Glad to hear your making good progress Domey. Just follow Dr instructions and do all the PT. You'll be at peak performance before you know it.

11-22-2019, 04:33 PM
Glad to hear you're coming along. Just don't push it and if ya do tip over, try to fall on the "good" knee. It sucks to have to go back and get it redone. Landed on my "bad" knee two years ago, Doc had to re attach the tendons. Glad to hear ya haven't gained the poundage. Me?, I'm still trying to get the last of the lbs off. That's what happens when ya spends almost a year on your keister and the hubs is feeding ya. LOL.

11-25-2019, 05:03 PM
Great to hear Domey! Maybe we'll see you out fishing again.

Animal hide is supposed to be good for the circulation and strengthening... get yourself a thigh high pair of these:


I hear that cat works well...

11-25-2019, 07:54 PM
I already have a yak hide loin cloth with matching nipple tassels....will that work?

11-25-2019, 10:34 PM
DG, You need a whole body fur. Rename yourself Alley Oop

12-05-2019, 11:58 AM
Well, the total bill for the hip replacement came in yesterday. It came to (insert drum roll here for dramatic effect)....$149,983.16.
So combining the 2 surgeries, it cost over 1/4 of a MILLION. So if I pay them $10 a month, if my calculations are correct, they will be paid off in the year of our lord 4103, on a Tuesday I think.

12-05-2019, 02:53 PM
Wow! Just wow!

12-05-2019, 09:25 PM
It better be in the afternoon on that Tuesday. You have the cable guy coming sometime that morning.

Sent from my S41 using Tapatalk

12-05-2019, 10:45 PM
So your workin on topping the 6 million dollar man???

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-06-2019, 07:40 PM
Hey brother, what's your schedule lookin like? PM me.