View Full Version : A few days from MAJOR SHTF?

01-02-2021, 10:05 PM
In just a few days Georgia has its senatorial run-off, the results of which determine which party controls the senate. I wonder just what kind of fraud will be perpetrated in that election?

On the 6th, there is a possibility, I have no idea of the odds, that based upon objections from a few Republican Senators that we go into an area of the constitution that the nation has never visited. In that scenario, every state in the union, has ONE vote for President. A predominant number of states are "red" states. Should that vote elect Donald John Trump as President, the left will go into apoplexy.

Be ready ants! It could get all too real in the next week!

01-03-2021, 12:53 AM
Wife read a report to me this afternoon that the DC mayor is putting stuff into play to stop motel rentals, rental car, bus, and taxi service shut downs to prevent the conservative march/gathering from taking place. I heard yesterday that she has prevented port a johns from being installed.
This is not gonna go down good and won't go away for a long time, no matter how it turns out.

BE READY for most anything. Stay away from the cities.

01-03-2021, 04:45 AM
And Iran is talking crap again. Fun times

01-03-2021, 02:59 PM
And I leave for Guyana in a few hours for 28 days. Great.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-03-2021, 03:56 PM
Either way Helo, you know We are here. If you need something......and as far as the up coming event. Somebody's going to be pissed. The country will know the truth where the government stands. And then the shit show begins. In the mean time I've done all I can do at the moment. I will continue doing as I've done before, "carry on" remember the lesson's I've learned so far in life an apply them as I can see them fit. Above all..........contingencies.

One more thing......there's no such thing yet as a fully functional Crystal ball.

01-03-2021, 04:08 PM
Either way Helo, you know We are here. If you need something......and as far as the up coming event. Somebody's going to be pissed. The country will know the truth where the government stands. And then the shit show begins. In the mean time I've done all I can do at the moment. I will continue doing as I've done before, "carry on" remember the lesson's I've learned so far in life an apply them as I can see them fit. Above all..........contingencies.

One more thing......there's no such thing yet as a fully functional Crystal ball.

Not much I can do about it. I am making more money than I ever have before. Almost doubled my pay. Just can't loose this job for a possibility that something might happen. Thanks I know yall are there. Really appreciate it.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-03-2021, 04:18 PM
Understand completely. Not much to add. We'll hold down the fort.

01-04-2021, 04:05 PM
We hear hardly a word about any of this up here.

y'all stay safe!!

01-06-2021, 08:40 PM
Either way Helo, you know We are here. If you need something......and as far as the up coming event. Somebody's going to be pissed. The country will know the truth where the government stands. And then the shit show begins. In the mean time I've done all I can do at the moment. I will continue doing as I've done before, "carry on" remember the lesson's I've learned so far in life an apply them as I can see them fit. Above all..........contingencies.

One more thing......there's no such thing yet as a fully functional Crystal ball.

Did I never mention, I have those fully functional crystal balls!

Just send $499.00 in cash or money order to:

Gott Ya
069I812 Idiot St.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-07-2021, 12:58 PM
OK, We're all fucked now. Stand by to stand by as we used to say.

01-07-2021, 02:35 PM
Ain't nothing but a thing .
Trump has completed the crossing of the Rubicon . E.C. vote has shown where-in loyalties lie and this is where the crossing ended .

If I'm not mistaken this is where the round up is set to begin. Would not be surprised to see total media blackout and E.B.S. engaged . Plus damming proof broadcast . The weaklings who work for him are already jumping ship .

My schedule remains the same as before . Relax ; save energy just in case my old ass has to go military life again . No need for me to fret about things I can't control .

The darkness has set in Jan . 6th. Set night watch , rest ; plan till dawn .
Await orders ;signs of breaching ; orders to go or stand down .

Rubicon crossing done ; now to see if he does as Caesar did.

Run Low Drive On

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-07-2021, 04:59 PM
I'm still workin on the house and bein a good squid. Stand by to stand by. Hurry up an wait, patience is a virtue, etc. Blah, blah, blah. Carry on............

01-07-2021, 06:28 PM
I'm still workin on the house and bein a good squid. Stand by to stand by. Hurry up an wait, patience is a virtue, etc. Blah, blah, blah. Carry on............

I concur on all counts Chief.

Run Low Drive On

01-07-2021, 11:58 PM
I guess this is where havin learned patience comes in to play

01-08-2021, 12:09 AM
Yea boy I knew you were raised right proper .

01-08-2021, 10:06 PM
Well I might have had it beat into me. LOL
For some reason learning never comes easy.

01-08-2021, 10:40 PM
Already talk of making D.C. a state, which would mean 2 more democratic senators.
For the life of me, I can’t understand what those idiots were thinking when they stormed the House. At first I expected ANTIFA,
Rent-a-thug, BLM, etc. But no, just mostly good republicans like you and me. Just got caught up in the moment they say. Well now this is what Trumps legacy will be based on. The democrats will not rest until everyone of them caught on video camera is hanging by their thumbs awaiting a trial by the squad.

I’m glad my father is not alive to see this day.

01-10-2021, 03:03 AM
My father wouldn't have believed it either, Dome.

On the net side, conservative sites are going to Parler and such. E-bugout bags, one might say.

The Left are trying to impeach T ... again... they are not content to beat the man but to destroy him. Hope he finds some tropic island and sips mai tais for the rest of his days, watching Melania parade around in not very much.

As for us... yeah, gun computers are still down at work. Damn little to sell, either barrels or rounds to put thru em.

One of the nastiest things I have heard Slow Joe wants to do to the gun owner is a $200/barrel PER YEAR tax on guns. And supposedly he wants all mags, speedloaders, and moonclips SERIALIZED, both for a paper trail and for them being taxed too at a later date.

Since the Feds can subpoena background check records from the agencies, the requirement of privacy by those of us on the pointy selling end is moot. We tried.

My Cherokee is, hereafter, at least 3/4 tank full, and getting Nato can on a locking tray for at least 2 x 5 gal cans. All my vital stuff will UFN be on a 10 minute load up and get out of dodge posture. I don't have family, friends or acquaintences out here; if things go sideways, I'll be okay for a while.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-11-2021, 04:17 PM
Parler got spanked this weekend.
Oh, I meant our 1st amendment..........but yeah they are lining up the bills for signing as we type.

01-12-2021, 12:21 AM
Parler taken off the 'net. I heard one of their officers on radio about an hour ago 1620 hours PST, talking about how difficult it has been for them to find a server. Was wondering where the host server for this site is located. I can see the time coming when all the various prepping sites get booted too.

I never, in my 71 years, would ever believe that the USA would come to this.

01-13-2021, 12:05 AM
Parler taken off the 'net. I heard one of their officers on radio about an hour ago 1620 hours PST, talking about how difficult it has been for them to find a server. Was wondering where the host server for this site is located. I can see the time coming when all the various prepping sites get booted too.

I never, in my 71 years, would ever believe that the USA would come to this.

That thought has been on my mind the last few days. I'm wondering how long we have on sites like these?

01-13-2021, 01:25 AM
This is an easy one son .

Until they decide to shut us down . :p

01-13-2021, 02:14 AM
Then we go back to dial up BBSs.

01-15-2021, 10:58 AM
DC area now has ~20,00 national guard troops being be emplaced for the denoument err inauguration. The alphabet agencies are warning state capitals about possible armed protest coincident with the inauguration.

After years of false alarms...

01-15-2021, 11:16 PM
FF is most likely in play. Too many things going down right now and everything is pointing to exactly that.

01-18-2021, 08:38 AM
Great... these guys could cause untold casualties and damage and blame it on us. I can't think of a surer way to harden attitude, even if it's no more than "might as well be hung for a sheep as a lamb".

01-19-2021, 09:30 AM
So... barring a miracle of Byzantine proportion, 43 hours from now (now being 4am CST, 1/19/2021) the United States is burdened with a Democrat President.

I've made no secret of my opinion, that the next post-Obama Democrat president would be the last president of the United States and the first ruler of a socialist regime. There is nothing in all the announced plans that would lead to a change in that opinion.

So, SHTF is noon Wednesday, when an old man defiles a Bible, and perjures himself by reciting an oath he has no business making, as he will not honor the slightest particle of it.

All of my stuff is "plus 10" ready to go... ten minutes to throw all into the Cherokee and be elsewhere. Moore/Coffee/Franklin County will have more lead time, being 'flyover" country.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-19-2021, 02:18 PM
And then there's this little executive order that has people thinkin.........


01-21-2021, 04:17 AM
And then there's this little executive order that has people thinkin.........


404 Page not found

01-21-2021, 03:41 PM
No surprise.

Flat footed statement: 1148 EST 20 Jan 2021 was our yellow alert.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
01-23-2021, 01:49 AM
Yup FUBAR.......so I'm currently rebuilding the the rearend in the K5 for LadyHK. Seems the spider gears are not happy. Startin to disappear. So I'm fittin that, flushin the brakes, transmission fluid change and catch what ever else I see while I got it on my friends lift. Keepin it all runnin. At's all I can do. For now....something else will come up I'm sure. I'm already pissed off. So I'd rather be makin shit run! Makes me feel better.

02-02-2021, 10:38 PM
I am just on hold. Keeping things from falling apart on the homestead, but keeping ready to jump into some kind of action what ever it might be. Although at a slower pace than I might have been several years ago.

Just curious, what is the average age of each of us on here. As someone who just turned 60, I fully remember the generation who fought in WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and the entire middle eastern skirmish. I fear too many young people who voted this new administration into power have no idea of the sacrifices so many made for this country. And now the are being brainwashed into believing everything will be “FREE” for them, not knowing that nothing in life is truely free. Someone will have to eventually pay up, and that will be the taxpayer...circling back to the ones thinking it was free.

02-02-2021, 11:10 PM
Turned 60 last October myself. Gettin old ain't no fun. LOL

Between being slammed at work the past 3 years, and this one is starting out even worse, and trying to get stuff done around here to try and produce more of our own food we haven't done much of anything else. Wife had Covid in Dec and still ain't fully over that. Just tryin to keep on keepin one

02-03-2021, 04:27 AM
60 come July.

My father the tank driver, my two great uncles at Normandy...

And as long as 46* and/or kammy the kommunist keep polluting the White House, I am staying on "plus 10".

02-03-2021, 12:40 PM
70 years old here .
Come Aug. 17th. this year will be 50 years that I left Vietnam coming home .
Doesn't seem that long ago .

02-03-2021, 11:18 PM
I suppose I need to be happy that the events I was slightly expecting did not take place. My daughter's boy friend was giving us this line on shit was expected to happen on the weekend on Jan. 15. I did not post it and will not post it as I never want to be the one spreading rumors. I gave it about a 10-15% chance of happening. Just that I believed it COULD happen is reason to be concerned with things.

Essentially the rumor was that national martial law would have been declared, many high ranking politicians arrested, as well as governors and charged with treason, etc. I will say that while I did not give it MUCH credence, my wife and I did do a little check on our preps, added some things and tightened up a bit. Made sure propane tanks were full. That would probably have resulted in full scale civil war, something very few want.

02-04-2021, 01:32 AM
Gonna hit 54 here next month.
Finally out of the city, been in the country 2 1/2yrs. Unfortunately, the homesteading thing isn't coming along as hoped, but we're working on it.

02-04-2021, 11:18 PM
Ain't none of it comes quick. We've been here 25 years and still so far behind I can't see my way clear. Wouldn't trade it for anything though.

02-05-2021, 02:05 AM
I suppose I need to be happy that the events I was slightly expecting did not take place. My daughter's boy friend was giving us this line on shit was expected to happen on the weekend on Jan. 15. I did not post it and will not post it as I never want to be the one spreading rumors. I gave it about a 10-15% chance of happening. Just that I believed it COULD happen is reason to be concerned with things.

Essentially the rumor was that national martial law would have been declared, many high ranking politicians arrested, as well as governors and charged with treason, etc. I will say that while I did not give it MUCH credence, my wife and I did do a little check on our preps, added some things and tightened up a bit. Made sure propane tanks were full. That would probably have resulted in full scale civil war, something very few want.

Don’t worry about spreading rumors, the same rumors were bouncing around here in TN, GA, and Al. And like you, I think most people thought there was a chance of it happening, and we all stepped up in the prepping agenda, even non preppers

- - - Updated - - -

Gonna hit 54 here next month.
Finally out of the city, been in the country 2 1/2yrs. Unfortunately, the homesteading thing isn't coming along as hoped, but we're working on it.

Is homesteading the same thing as becoming self sufficient?

02-05-2021, 03:38 PM
47 years old here.

02-05-2021, 10:10 PM
Hell ur just a young pup

02-07-2021, 09:08 PM
Post #37 should read .
50 years ago I left to go to Vietnam .

Can't find a way to edit post .

02-08-2021, 06:25 PM
"is homesteading the same thing as being self-sufficient?"

Pretty much. Homesteaders may be less into the other aspects of prepping, or just another name for prepping.
Generally you try to live off your land as much as possible.
So, gardening, animals, often chickens, maybe others. Maybe beekeeping. Often will try to have some or all of their own power generation.
Homesteaders prob don't store up as much stuff, outside food and general supplies, and prob less of those than preppers would.
We're more preppers, of course, but when you tell someone you're homesteading, they don't look at you the way they do when you tell them you're prepping, lol.

02-11-2021, 06:56 PM
"is homesteading the same thing as being self-sufficient?"

Pretty much. Homesteaders may be less into the other aspects of prepping, or just another name for prepping.
Generally you try to live off your land as much as possible.
So, gardening, animals, often chickens, maybe others. Maybe beekeeping. Often will try to have some or all of their own power generation.
Homesteaders prob don't store up as much stuff, outside food and general supplies, and prob less of those than preppers would.
We're more preppers, of course, but when you tell someone you're homesteading, they don't look at you the way they do when you tell them you're prepping, lol.

There's always been a stigma with preparedness though. Odd, considering how history has gone. I believe most people don't want to accept that we generally lead very easy going lives and don't experience hardship like other nations do. It stinks more people don't look at it as just being self reliant. A good ,majority of our fellow country men and women wouldn't be able to weather the loss of a job or another significant economic recession/depression. Most of the people here can weather those events for up to a year or more.

02-17-2021, 11:09 PM
Yeah, it's wierd how that is. We've prepped as best we can for a long time now. A little over 2yrs ago, we got moved to the country. Everybody out here are preppers to a degree.

02-22-2021, 02:56 PM
I think most of the nation was surprised by the weather that hit Texas last week. We have family, friends, and I have former students who live in Texas, oddly most around San Antonio. A former work colleague and friend moved to Oklahoma after they both retired. Not too odd, as they were originally from Oklahoma. No matter where we live in this country we will get hit with some sort of weather that is not normal and will disrupt our lives for a a few days. Most of us will not experience weather like that part of the country has gone through recently.

We see news reports of impassable streets due to snow because they do not have snow plows and most people have no chains or traction for their cars. Ok, that is sort of normal. We have seen the news of store shelves bare, of utilities that fail to work. We have heard of people not having any drinking water, out of food or unable to open cans of food!

This shows you just how many folks are not prepared for even a minor SHTF event. NO CAN OPENER? Talk about reliance on modern convenience! To some degree we all do, but that is crazy. I had to reminded one friend that they can light a gas stove with a match or some sort of hand held fire starter.

All that has taken place in that area of the country shows every single one of us the importance of being prepared! At one point our government was telling us we needed a 3 day supply of food and water to be prepared for natural disaster. I believe FEMA has recently changed the recommended time frame to two weeks. I am not sure what the time frame is now, when I saw it, my reaction was that it isn't enough.

I am not telling any of you that are on here anything you did not know, just venting a bit.

Look on the bright side of things, 2021 has at least one less day than 2020!

02-22-2021, 05:18 PM
Based on how 2021 is going so far, one day less isn't going to be anywhere near enough to make any difference

02-23-2021, 01:09 AM
I was watching a tv show some time last year where on one segment of it, the host was making a sandwich from the things he grew up on just after the war in the UK. His assistant, a 20+ something woman was telling him how disgusting it looked, and when tasting it, she almost got sick. But the point is, he asked her what she would put on it differently, she stated she wouldn’t know because “SHE HAD NEVER MADE NOR EATEN A SANDWICH BEFORE IN HER LIFE”. She only knew take out and fast food. These will be the first people to die even in a minor SHTF situation.

Illini Warrior
02-23-2021, 09:54 PM
my fav "They'll be the 1st to die" >>> NYC Manhattan post Storm Sandy - they caught a young yuppie type coming out of a corner bodega store - prouder than a peacock carrying a couple cans of soup and a cook pot - "Now I need to learn how to use my stove and see if it works - I've never cooked anything in my apartment" ....

that's plain scary

02-24-2021, 11:41 AM
Yeah, cities will be fairly littered with the remains of these idiots.........

Or, warlord factions will use them as bullet sponges in exchange for meals.......

02-24-2021, 10:11 PM
Yeah, cities will be fairly littered with the remains of these idiots.........

Or, warlord factions will use them as bullet sponges in exchange for meals.......

Either way they will lose. And for the life of me, I just can’t understand why everyone can’t see it. I guess they look through the world with rose colored glasses, blinders, and then a welding helmet to top it off. Once the trucks stop delivering to Walmart, it will be over in three days...or just starting.

02-25-2021, 02:16 PM
Can't be over in 3 days, starving takes weeks, how many depends on health, activity level, etc.
Panic won't start until after the 3 days, when they finally realize more is not coming.
Then, from panic to brute survival mode....
Not to mention, various amounts of food sitting in houses, Apts, to be raided, and likely eating each other.
Could be a number of months.....

02-25-2021, 04:04 PM
Can't be over in 3 days, starving takes weeks, how many depends on health, activity level, etc.
Panic won't start until after the 3 days, when they finally realize more is not coming.
Then, from panic to brute survival mode....
Not to mention, various amounts of food sitting in houses, Apts, to be raided, and likely eating each other.
Could be a number of months.....

Prior to 1940, I would agree. In these instant gratification times, however... no.

I used to live in Las Vegas. 72 hours of holdup of supplies and there would have been riots at minimum and every store of food plundered all the way up to the smaller casinos. (Larger ones would have had the cops on premises.) if such a interruption took place in the hot side of the year, fires would be more prevalent from people taking wrenches to fire hydrants and reducing pressure.

Tinsel cities like Vegas and Beverly Hills will go first in a SHTF... THEN the bigs.

02-25-2021, 04:12 PM
Based on how 2021 is going so far, one day less isn't going to be anywhere near enough to make any difference

Uncle Sam looked up the spirits of the years 2020 and 2021. He lit into 2020, called him everything but late for dinner

Finally, at the end of his tirade, he said, "The ONLY thing you were any good for, you miserable so-and-so, was being rock bottom. At least there isn't any way things could get worse."

2021 looked over at 2020 and said, "Hold my beer...."

02-25-2021, 10:29 PM
Hold my beer............

Yeah, no kidding...

02-26-2021, 05:34 PM
Well I for one am glad we have taught the boys to be self sufficient and they married great women who are as well. Although it took this pandemic to smack Son1 upside his head and prove his goofy mom was right about getting ready. He actually said to us "This thing has made me realize we have to get better prepared" Of course IF he HAD listened to me earlier, they would have been a little better off then they were.They did okay but now he realizes why mom has so much "stuff" set aside. DIL2 has been putting things up all along so I'm glad for that.

02-27-2021, 10:30 PM
Can't be over in 3 days, starving takes weeks, how many depends on health, activity level, etc.
Panic won't start until after the 3 days, when they finally realize more is not coming.
Then, from panic to brute survival mode....
Not to mention, various amounts of food sitting in houses, Apts, to be raided, and likely eating each other.
Could be a number of months.....

What I meant was after 3 days of no food, a hunger person gets real desperate, and will potentially do anything to feed themselves or their family.

Illini Warrior
03-01-2021, 03:23 PM
a lot depends on the type of SHTF and its severity - if there's a defining time & date >> 911, Pearl Harbor, ect ect ...

ask 20 people when the Covid SHTF started and you'd get 20 different answers - Pelosi & DeBlasio/Cuomo were still partying away after Prez Trump closed off China - they were still battling the seriousness of the SHTF when Europe got closed off ...

point I'm making is that 3 days or 3 weeks or even 3 years makes no difference when a SHTF is a low profile & slow crawl to maturity - people will be recognizing it for what it is differently ...