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09-22-2011, 06:23 PM
I've been in the process of organizing all my gear and preps for about a week now. I've realized that should the need arise, I need to know where it is, and how much I forsee myself and my family using/needing, whether we bug out, stay put, or go on the move. I plan on putting together a checklist for the house that no matter where I am, be it home or work, either myself or my wife can look at the list, look at the preps, grab what we need (and nothing we don't), mark it off the list, and be confident we have what we need.

Anyone else have something like this going?

Would anyone be intersted in helping me get together a grab and go list for the site?

Obviously, there are huge lists out there, but I'm trying to keep it realistic. I'm talking the stuff that you can fit in the car/truck/SUV. Forget the trailer for now. I'm talking rapid onset, not "I have time to load the trailer".

09-23-2011, 12:21 AM
I have made as "kiss" as I possibly could so that my future kids could grab up all we need.

I prioritized it in the following manner- obviously to be packed in the bov

1. water
2. Rubbermaid containers (has the beans and batteries/accessories for a month, I'm only full prepped for a family of 3 now with a boy on the way)
3. Gun safe (emptied)
4. cabinet (emptied, also contains bobs for myself and wife)

Those are the necessities

Heres the extras if theres more than a 30 minute window to evac

5. Cloths/suitcases
6. Toolbox
7. Bolt cutters
8. Crowbar
9. Shovels
10. Generator
11. extension cords
12. Gas cans
13. More water containers.
14. Turn off utilities

If I have more time to consider

15. 2 bags of dog food (4 dogs and yes its a given they're coming with lol)
16. the rest is still a work in progress when I'm on my night shifts.

But everything in the house is all in the same area so anyone in my family with this list could get it all together in minimal run around time. Most of everything else is in the garage besides the clothes.

So far this is as basic as i can lay it out. Open to critism and ideas.

09-23-2011, 12:25 AM
Good thoughts Izzy. This something I need to do my self. I have went thru a lot of the organization already in the past 3 months, with a lot of stuff in totes for easy storage/ easy to grab and go. There is still a bunch of stuff to work on for a list however. Tools and clothing being two of them.

09-23-2011, 01:11 AM
obviosly none of us are going to have the EXACT same gear to grab, but I would imagine that for the most part, all of us are grabbing the same stuff. It's the few extras that are specific to us that is going to be the only difference. Water, food, ammo, gas, that kind of stuff (calculated for the amount of people you have) is the type i want to put on the list with blanks at the end to fill in your extras.

09-23-2011, 01:17 AM
obviosly none of us are going to have the EXACT same gear to grab, but I would imagine that for the most part, all of us are grabbing the same stuff. It's the few extras that are specific to us that is going to be the only difference. Water, food, ammo, gas, that kind of stuff (calculated for the amount of people you have) is the type i want to put on the list with blanks at the end to fill in your extras.

09-23-2011, 02:11 AM
Izzy I have been spending the past two weeks conducting an inventory and cleaning all the stuff I have in my garage. My wife is amazed that she can walk through it now. I am in the process of doing the same thing as you are at the same time. On the old site they had a story call Girl that took place during and EMP. The girl went to get the bug out equipment and there was a list of possible scenarios that she might encounter and what to do. I like the idea of this being one of the lists that I will be putting together so if I am not home my family knows what to expect.

Okay that said I will have all my equipment in containers similar to Ruff Totes. These are all labeled i.e. kitchen, bathroom, first aid, food etc. Each one of these will have a separate inventory. The problem is I have a truck and my wife has a smaller SUV. So for a load out it will be geared to her car to ensure that essentials get loaded. Then if I am home we will just take the rest that would be left behind.

I had a slap your forehead situation when I read Fatty's post on his dog. I have food for my dog set aside for home but on the road? I now have something else to work out.

I still have a bunch to do. I'm glad my kids are grown up and not toddlers. I will get you the lists early next week.

09-23-2011, 02:17 AM
Izzy, my plan is to place each family members pack on a shelf stocked with the gear they need individually. Me and the wife will have the major items...2 man tent each, cooking utensils, any extras. As you know me somewhat you know all the packs will be geared to live on the move if needed. It's a simple setup if you have any questions give me a call. Anyone else have questions just pm me.