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Illini Warrior
04-13-2021, 07:17 PM
latest pics on the action >>>>







04-17-2021, 04:01 PM
A sample of that which is to come, I fear.

The summer of 2021 will be 1968 all over again, but much more violent. No Vietnam war, so more available military units to quell the stupidity...provided they are ready for the asymmetrical crap that is gonna get pulled.

Biden/harris will finally get to realize their socialist wet dream via the riots....Martial law.

Although, given the readiness... and turning troops on their home country's populace...

Illini Warrior
04-18-2021, 01:08 PM
don't know how far spread it'll be - how severe it gets - what Biden does or doesn't do along with the liberal governors & mayors >>>>

RACIAL WAR - don't think it gets totally avoided in 2021 >>> the BLM & ANTIFA have tried bringing their "protesting" into white communities - just a matter of inches where they bring guns along and try using them ....

the "tit-for-tat" repercussions could be legendary ....

04-19-2021, 04:05 AM
Legendary only in over-reporting of body-counts.

And I'd bet good cash money (if I had any) that a fair number of the talking heads and reporters get their jollies rattling off deaths.

A particularly slimy version of necrophilia, and just about (in its present form) the Fourth Estate's speed.

04-27-2021, 07:14 PM
A sample of that which is to come, I fear.

The summer of 2021 will be 1968 all over again, but much more violent. No Vietnam war, so more available military units to quell the stupidity...provided they are ready for the asymmetrical crap that is gonna get pulled.

Biden/harris will finally get to realize their socialist wet dream via the riots....Martial law.

Although, given the readiness... and turning troops on their home country's populace...

What they had better worry about is the vets no longer in the service who just want to be left alone . May not have to worry about active duty vets.

That also goes for hillbilly's ; rednecks ; country boys ; cowboys and even some city slickers .
Just my 2 cents worth .

Run Low Drive On

05-05-2021, 11:08 PM
It is going to be one hot summer....

Illini Warrior
05-09-2021, 02:40 PM
now Biden's DOJ is worried the first trial was tooooo much of a farce - re-trial will release the cop >>> FED charges against ALLLLLL the MPLS cops that were anywhere near that area - same dumbazz tactic taken in Baltimore - get the legal paintbrush out and start a mass paint party

06-29-2021, 02:52 PM
Turning the big farce into a GREAT BIG farce... never mind such piddling things like double jeopardy.

The regime wants their show trial, and whatever jurist oversees it goes down in history with Robert Ito, Roland Friesler, and every other judge that profanes his robes with similar conduct.

Don't doubt, people. This is not an administration. Fair Play has been thrown out. Justice's scales have been hocked to buy sharpening stones and new binding straps for the Rods and the Axe.

I ask pardon for thread derailment.