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View Full Version : Spiders - the insidious attack insect

Illini Warrior
08-22-2021, 12:56 PM

In a pinch, you can do some initial things to manage pain and swelling and slow the spread of poison before it causes too much damage.

Locate the wound and clean it well with antiseptic solution. You want to kill any bacteria in the bite that could cause an infection.
Use rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide, and flush the wound.
Apply a topical antibiotic ointment and wound dressing if needed.
If you’re experiencing swelling and pain take Ibuprofen or Tylenol for relief, but make sure you let your doctor know.
Benzocaine or lidocaine spray can help temporarily numb the area and relieve pain if it’s too intense.
Apply a cool compress to reduce swelling, but keep the wound sterile.
If the bite is on a limb, elevate the extremity to control blood pressure.