View Full Version : Kill Zone

02-04-2022, 10:37 PM
Kill Zone
We have arrived at a time in our country's constitutional republic that the forces who started plotting it's overthrow from the day it was formed have finally come out in open warfare. Slowly at first subverting our institutions to dumbing down the education system . To basically providing free benefits to non workers from the sweat of workers.
Now the open border fight to secure voters for their party and mindless slaves who know no critical thinking as to their future. It is now since our last presidential election that the silent majority have also set forth a battle plan to counter the blind and emboldened adversary.
Thus the formation of a covert kill zone. The enemy believes our silence is weakness just as we want them to believe. There are those who believe we must move faster and directly towards them in full force but this is totally opposite of our plan.
Patience in the construction of the kill zone is essential to complete victory. One must put forth the optical illusion of weakness and some disarray for then they'll drive forth in complete confidence of no resistance from us. Thus they come forth while planning their victory party on the way. Never seeing the hidden traps along the zone that prevents their retreat when the time comes.
Will it be ugly ; deadly ; messy ? Quite possibly ; for a trapped beast will use any measure of destruction to save itself. Yet if the kill zone is set properly then loss of life should be greatly reduced. The tree of true liberty is hanging by a very thin thread and needs refreshed in order to survive the coming onslaught of tyranny . By the grace of the almighty if planned and executed right we shall finally know what true freedom for man is.
Many wonder from where will come the warriors. Every man ; woman and child is a warrior . The warrior comes forth and manifest itself in the people who
rather die standing tall and free verses those who shackle unto themselves the chains of slavery willingly. It is these very very few who shall stand forth against the raging storm when the time comes and stand on the razor's edge and bring forth a fury of battle unseen in over 200 years.
As I've said before Americans are born with the D.N.A. of freedom in their mind ; body and soul. And when that warrior beast is unleashed there'll be no escape from the kill zone.
I still hope and pray that we have a soft coup against the dark side but we must mentally prepare our minds and body to withstand the forces arrayed against us while we go on with our daily lives.
Finally I truly believe that we as the bastion of freedom ever fall then the world falls also. There's a reason why we are who we are and why we do what we do for many. And many through out the earth feel the same way and by this is how we survive my brothers and sisters.
Just my 2 cents
Run Low Drive On