View Full Version : The Lady and I are still alive.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-09-2023, 03:31 PM
Been a rough time but things have now smoothed out a bit. Won't get into details but we are back to making progress around the property. Izzy got married and now lives about 40minutes away. Who'da thunk it, right? They are doing well learning what it's like to be a home owner! Life is fun sometimes.

OK, it's been awhile and I have a question to all.

Can we post pictures again?

12-10-2023, 02:44 AM
Glad yall are doin good. Good to hear about Izzy too.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-10-2023, 03:12 PM
Thank you Sir. Hope all is well with you and yours.

12-10-2023, 05:13 PM
We're still kickin

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-11-2023, 03:32 PM
You ever get that wire up? HF?

12-11-2023, 11:54 PM
Nope. No time for crap in months. Just tryin to keep up at work

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-12-2023, 04:24 PM
Months? It's been years my Brother. I ran my G5RV lite between two 50ft. towers. One tower is at the shop, the other is at the house. Stole the painters high reach to put the tops on the towers. Hey, leave out a two and I will use it. Maybe that didn't sound right.........

12-12-2023, 07:03 PM
It is what it is. What can I say

12-21-2023, 12:34 PM
Yeah...same here ...just trying to keep up at work.

I have recently been transferred from the back shift to day shift and it has been quite an adaptation.

I realize now that I have been sort of protected from much of the mayhem that goes on daily on the day shifts...in particular the madness of traffic...just driving to and from work is a much much bigger challenge than on the less populated and trafficked back shifts.

Talk about having to learn new survival skills....just upping my driving skills has been a challenge.

The other thing of aggravation to me and for which I did not have to contend on the back shifts is standing in line everywhere I go now with the rest of the maddening crowds.

I have had to relearn patience here as I am not the social butterfly type...being more of a loner...than social.

When I was on the back shifts I could often do my store shopping when most were at work....during the week..and so preferred to do....when I could....and not spend long periods in line somewhere.

I am now more aware of how much of their valuable time ...day shift people spend standing in line somewhere.

When I was on the back shifts if the lines were too long or the service bad in the stores I would often just leave my shopping cart and walk out to come back another day.

Now being a Daywalker ....I may not have that choice as I took for granted when I was on the back shifts...2nd shift or graveyard shift. I preferred graveyard shift...to 2nd shift...but either worked out better than day shift when standing in line...

I reckon I just hate standing in lines.

I have learned now to do my banking on Thursdays or Wednesdays...rather than late on Fridays to avoid the lines...and or crowds.

Even Grocery shopping has been moved up to weekdays to avoid the weekend and Friday rush.....to avoid military paydays too.

Yes....survival wise...the back shifts verily spoiled me....I am now having to re learn new survival skills...and thinking so to speak.

Oh....about HF Antennas..

My HF antenna is a 500 foot roll of 12 gage stranded copper wire from Lowes....threaded up into the tops of the trees in my yard into a triangular loop configuration ....and fed with coaxial cable....and works very very well. Using a tuner of course.

Oh...and to my surprise...this Wire has doubled in price since back when I bought and put away four extra rolls of this wire...just in case....
I was astonished to look up that link and find out how much the price has almost doubled.
Again...showing how protected I was on the back shifts way back when I bought those four rolls and put them away...for SHTF.


While I am off until January ...you folks are reminding me and Thanks... ..I need to go through my truck and also my base station Antenna systems and check everything out for good connections...as I am sure some of it has come loose while I have been occupied with trying to keep up at work. One needs to know the status or ones station....should SHTF.

Not an Ishmaelite.

Brownwater Riverrat 13
12-21-2023, 11:39 PM
Won't even get into the price of materials these days........

12-22-2023, 12:47 PM
About this Brownriver Rat 13.....

Won't even get into the price of materials these days........

I have been picking up on something not particularly out in the open but mostly seen through telltale traces....if one is awake..

I will run it by the members here....and you members decide for yourselves and for your own reasons...not for group think.

And that thing is that I believe we here in America are quietly preparing for a war...

I am not speaking of the Average American here...but of the Deep State powers who secretly run this country for their own private profit and lucre...power/control...on a world wide basis.

I began to take note of this when reloading supplies became almost non existent....that told me that the raw materials were being re routed off the public marketplace and into somewhere and something else.

When food became expensive it also told me that mayhap someone or some group was quitely rerouting food...into long term storage. Remember when eggs became so expensive....?? I suspect that huge quantities were being removed from circulation and dried for military use. Other food stuffs too..

And paid for by inflated dollars.

The thing that tied much of this together....for me was that pet antibiotics....suddenly were removed from customer purchase last summer without a prescription...
Anti biotics and their raw materials are essential for a wartime military.

Just too many limits on us economically ....and thus socially ...telling me something else is going on behind the scenes....quietly ....subtilty

Most of us are deliberately distracted with ESPN and or the Kardashians ...et al.....anything but with information to do our own thinking...and for our own reasons.


I may just be a conspiracy nut..but that is what i am detecting...

There are some other reasons ...for which I will not presently go into ....but wondering if the other members have noticed this pattern.

Reloading supplies are slowly coming back...but not in any quantity.....but the price is not coming down.

Same with reloaded ammo.....expensive...even shotgun shells have gone way up.

What are you members detecting in your parts of the country/globe????

Ishmaelites are running wild over this country.

Oh...and in addition to this ...war preps....I also suspect that this is one of the reasons ...someone or some group is working very very hard to keep Donald J. Trump out of the office of President....

For he would greatly upset their plans for the next war. He seems to be not interested in another foreign war....and of course the profits which go with it.

And this includes all kinds of raw materials...not just what I listed above....and I mean anything and everything...one can think of to support a military endeavor.

Be Warned these Ishmaelites who run roughshod over this country and our leaders...for private gain.

Not an Ishmaelite.

12-23-2023, 02:11 AM
OT you may well be on to something here. So many things are available in limited quantity or not at all. So many things are now off limits or by "perscription" only. Prices are still rising on just about everything.
The one thing I am surprised about is that China hasn't hit Taiwan yet. On the other hand I didn't see Hams ass kicking over the Isreali bees nest. I do know Bidum is sending many of our armaments to Ukraine to the point many are so depleted it'll take years to build them back.
I will start zeroing in on certain things you mention

12-24-2023, 07:00 AM
Here BackpacKer...is another piece of the puzzle....about whether America is getting ready for another war.


Not an Ishmaelite

01-25-2024, 11:04 PM
BWRR, nice to hear from you again. Glad to hear that you and LH are doing well.

And Izzy too, I missed that cat as well.

Stay safe brother.